Immortal of Book and Sword

Chapter 87


On the contrary, Chen Guhong calmed down after being shocked. Because whether it's his feelings or Gao Zhuang's words in his mind, this old lady is not a monster or a ghost, but just weird.

Chen Guhong took a deep breath, straightened his clothes a little, took the lead in saluting and said: "Chen Guhong in Chengyang has seen Auntie."

"Wang Song met Auntie." Wang Song's heart was still trembling, but he still reacted to Chen Guhong's movements, and saluted slightly.

Mrs. Zheng watched from the side, and felt that it was quite normal to see the surprised looks of the two. Because when she met her mother-in-law for the first time, she was more surprised than them.

And these years, my mother-in-law really hasn't aged at all. As a woman, Mrs. Zheng has a more or less love for beauty, and she is also envious in her heart.

"As expected of a scholar, she is really polite." Mrs. Zheng smiled. This smile is like the warmth of spring, and with the swaying red lips, the beauty has increased by twelve points.

Chen Guhong and the two lowered their heads, they didn't look any further, they were respectful and polite.

"Old Madam Miao praised." Chen Guhong said.

"It's not Miao Zan, but I can see it with my old eyes. There is a saying, seeing is believing but hearing is deceiving. The two of you came to Lao Shen's house to take care of the orphans and widows. It is very appropriate, inside and out. The rules and respect of a scholar can be called a gentleman. To be friends with you, my son is considered wise." Mrs. Zheng said, paused, and smiled again: "I haven't seen outsiders for many years, otherwise how could I meet? what about you?"

Mrs. Zheng's voice sounded very old at first, but now that she listens carefully, it clearly has a special magnetism, which makes people's ears itch.

Chen Guhong and the two lowered their heads even lower.

Mrs. Zheng saw that the two were becoming more and more like children, and she showed satisfaction on her face. Said: "I heard Ma Shi say, do you have doubts about the cause of death of my son?"

Mrs. Zheng nodded beside her.

Chen Guhong saluted again, and said: "Brother Zheng, he was terrified in the way he died, and we were a little puzzled when he grabbed his hands tightly. I heard that my sister-in-law said that she died of fright in the middle of the night, and said that before that, she often shut herself in the room and talked to herself. Talking to myself. That’s why I’m confused.”

Mrs. Zheng nodded, let out a sigh, and said sadly: "This is fate." This sorrow can break a man's heart, and I feel pity for it.

Chen Guhong still lowered his head slightly, without changing expression. But Wang Song lowered his head to his toes, obediently like a baby.

Mrs. Zheng sighed and asked, "Do you believe that there are demons and ghosts in this world?"

Then he said to himself: "I am a believer, and I also believe that my son was killed by ghosts and monsters. There is a mountain in the north of Ju Town, called Gushan. There is a Taoist temple on the mountain, called Seven Stars Temple. There is a Taoist priest in the temple, called Kaiyang Taoist priest. This Taoist elder has known him for many years, maybe he hasn’t seen him for many years. He is a man of gods and can find out the reason. It’s just that I have stayed at home for many years, and I don’t want to I’m going out again. The daughter-in-law is a girl, and I’m worried about sending her there. You two can bother you, and ask the Taoist priest to find out the reason.”

Immediately, Mrs. Zheng reached out her hand to touch her left sleeve, fumbled for a letter, handed it to Chen Guhong and said: "This is a letter written by the old man, nephew Chen, please take it to the Taoist priest."

On the yellow envelope, it was written that Daoist Kaiyang personally signed it. The font is ladylike, but there is a vague fragrance.

This thing is getting more and more bizarre.

Chen Guhong was very surprised in his heart, but he still nodded, took the letter with his hand, and said: "Elder, don't dare to neglect, I will set off tomorrow to meet this Taoist priest Kaiyang."

"Thank you, Nephew Chen." Mrs. Zheng nodded and smiled.

Immediately, Mrs. Zheng chatted with Chen Guhong for a while, and she looked tired after a while. Chen Guhong's seven orifices are exquisite, so he knows that this means "you can go back". Then he saluted Wang Song again, turned around and walked out.

When leaving, Chen Guhong looked back. The big mouse next to Mrs. Zheng's showy feet yelled "squeak" and "squeak" at the two of them, jumping up and down.

Under the dazzling red, Mrs. Zheng seemed to be smiling, very strangely.

Although this old lady is not a monster, Chen Guhong still has some thoughts. But Wang Song didn't say a few words the whole time, his silence was like gold, and his whole body was tense.

When Mrs. Zheng sent them back to the guest room, there were only two people left. Wang Songcai's whole body went limp, as if he had collapsed, and even broke out in a cold sweat, he said to Chen Guhong, "It's not that I'm gossiping, she said that there are demons at work, I think she looks like a demon."

After a pause, he said again: "You have seen my mother too, she is a lady from a gentry family. She married my father at the age of thirteen and gave birth to me at the age of fourteen. Today she is a little over thirty-four years old. This Zheng Chong is older than me His mother is several years old, so it is impossible for his mother to be younger than my mother. But seeing that my mother is a generation younger, her voice is still old. And after her son died, Mrs. Zheng wears filial piety every day as a daughter-in-law, but as a mother, she wears red clothes and still There's that big rat."

Wang Song spoke out all the words in a flash, like falling beans. At the end, he said to Chen Guhong: "It's not that I'm unfeeling as a friend, I think it's better not to stay in this place for a long time."

Wang Song believes in gods and is most afraid of ghosts, Mrs. Zheng is really weird. Chen Guhong understood Wang Song's attitude, but he didn't want to leave in his heart. Firstly, the cause of Zheng Chong's death was strange, and secondly, this Kaiyang Daoist also aroused Chen Guhong's interest.

Chen Guhong grabbed the letter in his hand, expecting it in his heart. "If this Taoist leader has the means to find out the reason as the old lady said, then he is a first-class figure of immortals. I have tried everything possible to find the way of immortality, how could I miss it?"

So Chen Guhong smiled and said: "Okay, when we come back from seeing Taoist Priest Kaiyang, the decoration and furniture of the Zheng family should be ready for moving. It's also time for us to go back."

"Okay." Wang Song said happily.

But the next day Chen Guhong left by himself, not leaving Wang Song to seek the way of immortality. It was because Mrs. Zheng was very weird, so she took some care, fearing that this trip would be dangerous.

While walking alone, Chen Guhong also picked up the Kunwu sword.

Chen Guhong set off before dawn, today there is fog, heavy fog, and the visibility is only within ten feet. Chen Guhong spewed out his arrogance in this white mist, and his actions were like the wind.

This walk was thirty-six miles until he came to the foot of a mountain.

At the foot of the mountain stood a stone tablet with two ancient characters written on it. "Lonely Mountain". The ancient characters are very special, with a breath of time and vicissitudes.

Looking up at the mountain peak again, the rising sun illuminated the earth at this moment, and also dispersed the thick fog. Chen Guhong's clothes, which were soaked by the heavy fog, gradually dried up.

But the mountain peak is still shrouded in white mist, like a fairy land. It can be vaguely seen that there is a Taoist temple on the mountain, with a profound artistic conception, like a landscape ink painting.

There is a saying that the mountain is not high, but there are immortals!

Chen Guhong's heart longed for Yan.