Immortal of Book and Sword

Chapter 93: The truth (two)


Under the thick night, it is extremely deep, and there are no chickens crowing, dogs barking, or wild beasts roaring around. Only the gentle breeze blows, and the quiet people panic.

There was wind leaking everywhere in the dilapidated temple, and a white candle was burning on the incense table. Next to the candle, a little white fox is writing, and it is fate with Chen Guhong. The white fox is elegant, like that boudoir lady.

Chen Guhong didn't believe it, and his murderous intent became more and more fierce, showing his sharp edge.

Seeing that Chen Guhong obviously didn't believe it, the white fox was not discouraged, because it had absolute evidence to prove it.

So the white fox wrote another sentence on the white paper. "That's right, I have a predestined relationship with Mr. Xiang, but specifically, Mr. Xiang has a predestined relationship with Mr. Zheng, and I have a predestined relationship with Mr. Zheng."

Chen Guhong said with a cold face when he heard the words: "What do you want to say, you want to claim to be Zheng Chong's old friend, and you have a predestined relationship with me?"

Thinking about what Taoist Kai Yang said, it turned into a beautiful woman to meet Zheng Chong, so is it necessary to use this identity to have a relationship with him at this moment? Thinking of this, Chen Guhong wanted to laugh even more.

"That's right." Baihu readily admitted, flicked his brush, and wrote two more words on the paper.

"So refreshing?" Chen Guhong was taken aback for a moment, then he began to think, could there be some reason for this? As the saying goes, it is better to listen to two people than to listen to one person. Listening to two people is worse than listening to a group of people.

The ancients had a saying, that is, if you listen to it, you will be dark, and if you listen to it, you will be bright.

Chen Guhong is definitely not a person who listens and believes, even though Taoist Kaiyang is perfect, with first-class temperament, he is like a fairy.

But this is just a fox demon in front of him, and he is still a suspect.

Based on the feeling in his heart, Chen Guhong wanted to hear it.

"I'll give you a chance, you have to Chen Yuanyuan." Chen Guhong dispelled the murderous intention in his heart, gently put down the view, put it on the waist, and no longer showed his sharpness.

A look of admiration and admiration flashed across the white fox's eyes, praising Chen Guhong's demeanor for being able to listen to monsters. Then write down a line of words: "Xianggong is really a wise man."

Then the white fox wrote another line.

"Wait a moment, sir."

After writing, Baihu gently put the pen away, cherishing it very much. Then he jumped up and jumped off the incense table. Step by step to the east, the corner of the ruined temple.

Near the base of the wall, he stopped again and looked back at Chen Guhong. Chen Guhong felt that it was a little nervous, and when he looked at the little green snake, his whole body was also tense, and he watched Chen Guhong become more and more fierce.

Chen Guhong felt touched when he saw it, and thought to himself.

"Do these two demons really have sufficient evidence to prove that they are destined to be related to me and Zheng Chong? Then what is said by Taoist Kaiyang?"

The bottom of the wall is a bit dilapidated, like a ruined temple. The white fox glanced back at Chen Guhong, then gently took out a brick with his feet, and took out a scroll from the wall.

With the scroll in his mouth, Baihu jumped onto the incense table and stretched his head towards Chen Guhong. The agile fox eyes were like water, motioning Chen Guhong to take a look.

"Scroll?" Chen Guhong was taken aback, but he still stretched out his hand. The scroll is very light and the frame is new, it looks like it was made recently.

There is a red string in the center to tie the scroll. Chen Guhong gently pulled the rope and unfolded the scroll. This look is eternity, this look is the cause and effect, and it is clear to the chest.

Seeing Chen Guhong watching, Baihu felt a little nervous and awkward. But the green snake became more and more restless, raised its head and spit out apricots, making a "hissing" sound.

A look of emotion gradually appeared on Chen Guhong's face.

"Hoo hoo!" He exhaled two breaths, one breathed out the stale air, and the other breathed out the vibration in his heart. Then Chen Guhong stretched out his hand and patted the white fox's head lightly, stroking the soft hair, feeling more deeply. Said: "So it is."

The white fox also rubbed Chen Guhong's palm affectionately, and even stretched out his small tongue to lick it, making Chen Guhong tickle, but also warm.

Chen Guhong gently embraced the white fox, and then sat down beside the green snake. Greeted: "Come."

The green snake froze for a moment, a little unhappy. But the white fox looked at it with its eyes, and it came to Chen Guhong's side helplessly. Chen Guhong opened his hand and grabbed the green snake in his hand. The green snake was wrapped around his arm, which was pretty cute. .

Then, Chen Guhong placed the unfolded scroll on the ground. This is a painting, a landscape painting in ink, with green pines and high mountains, rocks and streams, vivid and ecstatic.

In the lower left corner, there is a line of words, the font is very ordinary. But the implication is profound.

"My friend sings with drums, dreaming of becoming a fairy. I will present it as a fox fairy and green demon. I wish him a long life and a happy life."

Who wrote it? It was Zheng Chong.

This white fox and a green snake turned out to be that Zheng Chong's painting. And one painting gives birth to two demons. At this moment, the white fox and the blue demon turned into a cloud of black mist and entered the painting.

There is an additional white fox on the mountain peak. The white fox looks up at the sky agilely, with an elegant posture and a leisurely expression. The green snake coils around the green pine, holds its head up and spits out apricots, with a fierce posture.

This is nature.

Chen Guhong stretched out his hand and flicked the screen, thanking a line of small words, blessings, and feeling more and more grateful for the friendship and warmth in the world. At the same time, the truth about this part of the Zheng family was also revealed.

Why did the white fox come and go to Zheng's house to play, why the white fox and the green snake were killed by sword energy but they could still be pieced back together, why the white fox said that it was destined for him.

Why Zheng Chong was in a trance, talking to himself.

Why did Zheng Chong have a deep tone in the letter, with the air of dying.

But it turns out that the white fox was born in Zheng's family, so he can enter and leave Zheng's house confidently. Since it is a painting, this painting is the real body. The painting cannot be destroyed, so naturally it cannot be killed. And the painting book was given to him, so it was naturally predestined. And Zheng Chong said to himself that he was talking to the white fox and the green snake.

But the tone is deep, and there is an air of dying. I am afraid that because of making this painting, I feel exhausted and haggard.

"Alas!" Chen Guhong said with grief from his heart, looking up to the sky.


Can't help but feel it from the heart. Chen Guhong put his arms around his knees, leaned against the incense table, and roared to the sky. Xiaosheng couldn't express the sorrow and regret.

Mourning the untimely death of a friend, feeling the profound loyalty of a friend, and mourning from the heart.

Grateful for Chen Guhong's grief, the white fox and green snake manifested again. The white fox nestled beside Chen Guhong, comforting Chen Guhong with gestures.

And the green snake looked at Chen Guhong with a gentler gaze, and also touched Chen Guhong's foot.

As Chen Guhong hugged his knees and roared, tigers roared and wolves howled in the distance, as if they were responding, but this howling broke the silence of the night, making this cold night world lively again.

It also slightly dissipated the sadness in Chen Guhong's heart. Soon, Baihu narrated the truth of the matter, which was similar to what Chen Guhong thought.

However, the truth was unraveled, but more doubts also emerged.