Immortal of Book and Sword

Chapter 95: Truth (4)


The night is still the night, thick ink like painting. The stars are gone, and the moon is hidden. This mountain is still a mountain, and the howling of wolves and howling of tigers not long ago has also disappeared.

Except for the sound of the wind, it was still the sound of the wind, very quiet.

But Chen Guhong's purpose is different, when he came, he was looking for trouble with this white fox and green snake. This time, he went back to find the monkey grandson to settle the score.

However, Chen Guhong is still Chen Guhong, with Kai Yang's lesson, he no longer prefers to listen to others.

He is full of pride and gallops like a horse. Soon after, he returned to the lonely mountain. When he came near the Taoist temple, Chen Guhong's voice became softer and his breathing was almost inaudible.

Standing on a stone, Chen Guhong asked Baihu with his eyes.

"Where is the cellar where the human bones are hidden?"

The white fox pointed to the back of the Taoist temple, Chen Guhong took a deep breath, jumped up, and rushed over after a few ups and downs. After walking a certain distance, I came to an old tree.

The branches of this old tree are thick, the whole body is emerald green, and the roots are firmly packed. On the left side of the old tree, there are some traces of earth burial. Under the guidance of Baihu, Chen Guhong removed some soil, revealing a door. After opening the door, there was a stench rising into the sky. Chen Guhong was caught off guard, so he took a deep breath, quickly turned his head and exhaled a breath of fresh air, then held his breath, and walked down.

After going down, what you see is purgatory on earth.

The night was dark, but it couldn't stop Chen Guhong's bright eyes, but at this moment, Chen Guhong wished that he didn't have such bright eyes.

Because it was so miserable in front of me, I saw that the small cellar was full of bones, some were still fresh and looked as white as jade, and some were withered and yellow.

There are maggots crawling on the ground, spiders weaving webs above the head, and mice squeaking, passing through the dense bones. Chen Guhong saw a mouse poking its head out of the eye socket of a human bone, and felt sympathy for the dead man.

Counting the bones again, there are hundreds of them. Looking at the degree of decay, it may span a hundred years. Thinking about the Taoist priest Kaiyang claiming to have lived for more than a hundred years, I am afraid that this sentence is true.

Chen Guhong shook his head, then saluted the corpse full of bones with his sword, and said: "I have never met you before, but I also feel sorry for you, so I will go to pay this grievance for you."

After finishing speaking, Chen Guhong turned and walked out of the cellar. Once again set foot on the mountain peak, facing the fresh air outside, Chen Guhong took three deep breaths, then jumped up and went to the Seven Stars Temple.

After arriving at the Taoist temple, Chen Guhong ordered the white fox first, and the green snake turned into black smoke and entered the painting. Then he came to the bedroom of Daoist Kaiyang and knocked lightly on the door.

The room was also dim, and I could hardly see my fingers. But it can still be seen that the room is extremely elegantly furnished, with a writing room, full of books, and the air of writing and ink is suffocating.

There is a large bed on the right side, which is very large and exquisite. Looking at it, you can tell that it is very expensive, and it is a bed that only rich people can afford.

The pillow is carved from jade, green and shimmering all over. The outside of the quilt is green cotton from the northwest, which is rich and gorgeous.

But in this elegant arrangement, there is a monkey sleeping on the gorgeous big bed. The monkey is five feet tall, with yellow hair and very thin. Lying hunched over, monkeys are stubborn, but instinctive.

Even when the monkey was lying on the bed and fell asleep, it was still very active and could not stay still. That is to scratch the monkey's cheek with the left, and touch the buttocks with the right, as if sleeping but not sleeping.

"Boom boom boom!"

Hearing the sound of knocking on the door, the monkey woke up immediately. Its eyes were filled with ferocious flames. It opened its mouth to reveal a full mouth of teeth.

This is his true face, he was an ordinary monkey on this lonely mountain, but he became a demon after encountering good luck. After cultivating for a hundred years, he acquired the art of transformation, and then transformed into a human form, looking at people with the face of Taoist Kaiyang. Read and study literature, imitate temperament, and confuse the world.

Because of this appearance, it also attracted many people to trust him. The human bones behind the Taoist temple are those who regard him as a friend or someone who is a master of Taoism.

All of them became the meat in his belly.

He also often travels around the world, and indeed he met Shui Ping's father, Shui Qing, but the two sides were not very friendly and had a big fight. Because of the Shui family's powerful arrogance and peerless swordsmanship, he was defeated and returned.

Since then, I have cultivated my moral character more, can't hide, and stay away from swordsmen.

Then he planted the vermilion fruit on the mountain. He planned to increase his demon power after eating it, and then go to the Shui family to make trouble, not wanting to be stolen.

Later, just as Baihu said, he was narrow-minded by nature and held grudges, so he wanted to kill the white fox and the green snake, but he failed, instead he was held grudges and caused a whole lot of trouble.

After seeing Chen Guhong, he was naturally overjoyed, thinking that he had a right-hand assistant. So he confused Chen Guhong and went to kill the white fox together with him, but he didn't expect that even Chen Guhong's help could not kill the white fox.

As soon as he came back last night, he wondered what to do. After thinking about it for a while, he decided to stay away from the Seven Star Temple, away from the unkillable white fox and green snake, and then find a good place to hide.

But before leaving, he planned to eat Chen Guhong.

For this purpose even drugs are prepared.

"People who have cultivated arrogance will have a wonderful fragrance. After eating it, it will be a great tonic. The stronger the arrogance, the more tonic, and the more delicious it is. And this Chen Guhong is more arrogant than Shui Qing. After eating it, it will definitely make me happy. After I get the demon power, I will wash the Shui family with blood and avenge my revenge."

Thinking of this, the monkey was full of murderous intent.

But now there is no reason to invite Chen Guhong to eat something in the middle of the night, he just plans to prescribe the medicine when he eats the porridge tomorrow. And Chen Guhong came to him so late, which made him a little puzzled.

"What does this guy want from me?"

While being puzzled, the monkey transformed into the appearance of Taoist Master Kaiyang. Then he took the Taoist robe, put on the shoes, and took the dust whisk.

"Yeah!" He scratched his head for a while, twitched for a while, and then he hummed a few times, restrained his expression, and suddenly his temperament changed, and he became a master of Taoism, gentle and mysterious.

"This is the beauty of appearance!" The monkey looked in the mirror, very satisfied. Then he walked towards the door, opened the door, and saw Chen Guhong standing outside the door.

The monkey was a little confused, but still very patient. He bowed to Chen Guhong in a very gentle manner, and asked: "It's already ten minutes in the middle of the night, what's the matter with Xianggong looking for the poor?"

The monkey that Chen Guhong saw was a standard Taoist leader of Kaiyang, a master of Taoism. It's so lifelike, you can't tell that it's a monkey change, and you can't help but sigh in your heart.

He also sneered, and said straight to the point: "Don't pretend to be a monkey, I'm here to collect you today."

The monkey's expression changed drastically.