Immortal Path to Heaven

Chapter 105: A glimmer of hope (second update, guaranteed)


Perhaps it was because night fell and the bright moonlight washed away the noise of the day. In this courtyard, it was so quiet that there was almost no sound.

When Ouyang Ming followed Ni Yinghong to the door, he felt that his legs and feet were weak and he could no longer move. When his ears twitched slightly, he had already heard the faint, almost inaudible breathing in the room.

Peering through the crack in the window, he saw a familiar yet unfamiliar face.

The old craftsman was indeed old. He was lying on the bed. Although he had not been seen for only ten days, his cheeks had become surprisingly thinner. He closed his eyes and his nose slowly rose and fell, like an aging machine that had been working for many years and was struggling to survive.

Ouyang Ming slowly squatted down and covered his heart with one hand.

There was a lot of pain there, a strong feeling that was suppressed and seemed to explode at any time.

He wanted to push everything away, rush in, throw himself on the bedside of the old craftsman and cry loudly. Perhaps, only by doing this can the pain in my heart be relieved a little.

However, he didn't have any impulse, even though his teeth had bitten his lip hard and left two deep bloody marks.

He stood up slowly, stood on tiptoes, and retreated quietly. Just as he made no sound when he came, he also made no sound when he left.

Soon, he walked out of the yard and saw Ni Yinghong in the night.

In the hazy moonlight in the sky, Ni Yinghong seemed to have turned into a mysterious elf, exuding a kind of deserted nobility that no one dared to blaspheme. That ray of moonlight draped over her body like a veil, adding to the splendor.

However, Ouyang Ming seemed to be oblivious to this. He walked up to Ni Yinghong and whispered: "Why did the old man become like this?"

Ni Yinghong sighed softly and said: "I have inquired about the old craftsman's deeds, and let me ask you, do you know why the old craftsman has adopted you for two years, and why he wants to exchange all the merits this year to give you a chance to acquire arms? Woolen cloth?"

Ouyang Ming's heart trembled. He had already guessed the answer, but his lips moved slightly and he couldn't say it.

Ni Yinghong gave him an understanding look and said for him: "You are right, because the old craftsman knows that he is old and his end is approaching, so he wants to help you while he is still able. Find a way to survive and advance your body." She paused and said, "But even he didn't expect that you are actually a koi carp that can turn into a dragon when encountering a storm."

Ouyang Ming's heart was agitated, but he murmured in his mouth: "If the old man can be intact, this dragon will not be transformed!"

Ni Yinghong's expression moved slightly. Although she was not very old, she had seen countless ups and downs in the world.

How many wicked people are willing to sacrifice the interests of all their relatives and friends in order to get ahead. However, what they pursue and the pinnacle of life they have reached are completely different from Ouyang Ming today.

But Ouyang Ming's words came from the bottom of his heart. Ni Yinghong believed that if Ouyang Ming really wanted to exchange all his achievements so far for the old craftsman's life, he would never frown.

Although the old craftsman did not have any great achievements in his life, he just served as the chief arms blacksmith in this small military camp. However, he has a good son, or a good grandson.

Maybe even the spirit in heaven would be happy for him, right

However, looking at Ouyang Ming's gloomy expression at this moment, Ni Yinghong naturally would not say anything nonsense to offend him.

Ouyang Ming took a deep breath and said, "Why didn't you let me in just now?"

When Ni Yinghong brought Ouyang Ming over earlier, he didn't give too many instructions and just said a few words.

If he didn't want the old craftsman to die immediately, he could only take a look outside the window but not enter. If Ni Yinghong used other reasons to dissuade him, Ouyang Ming would definitely ignore it. However, as soon as this reason came out, Ouyang Ming was like a monkey under a curse, and he no longer dared to take a step beyond the limit.

Ni Yinghong sighed softly and said: "Old Carpenter's situation is very complicated. He is actually old and weak, and his life has come to an end. It was just that he was strong before and could barely hold on. But this time, when I heard that you were attacked outside the camp, And when the person who took action was a strong Yang-level man, he was filled with shock and anger, and his heart and blood were exhausted, so he couldn't even lie down."

Ouyang Ming clenched his fists, and the bones in his body crackled.

Although the Zhang Yinli brothers were dead, they killed the old craftsman in disguise, making Ouyang Ming hate them.

"It's them, it really is them!" Ouyang Ming said bitterly: "If anything happens to the old man, I will never let them go!"

Ni Yinghong said slowly: "Brother Zhang Yinli is dead."

Ouyang Ming's eyes were gloomy, as if they were resentful ghosts from hell: "They are dead, but the people who gave birth to them, the people who supported them, the people who promoted them, and the people who taught them martial arts are still alive. Bar?"

Ni Yinghong's body shivered inexplicably. In this world, involvement is not a rare thing. However, generally speaking, those who engage in involvement are the actions of the strong against the weak.

Now, although Ouyang Ming has good cultivation and a promising future, compared with the Zhang family in Kyoto, he is undoubtedly an inconspicuous little one.

With his strength, if he wants to overthrow the Zhang family, it would be like a cricket shaking a tree, or a mantis blocking the car, which is absolutely impossible. However, for some reason, Ni Yinghong had a feeling that the Zhang family in Kyoto was in big trouble.

With a slight cough, Ni Yinghong said: "Brother Ou, the Zhang family in Kyoto is not an easy person. Even the Fang family has disappeared."

Ouyang Ming smiled hoarsely and said, "Don't worry, I won't act recklessly. It's just that I will spend the rest of my life with the Zhang family."

Ni Yinghong suddenly felt that his head was as big as a bucket. If any family had a figure like Ouyang Ming lurking in the dark and watching closely, it would probably not be easy for them.

Ouyang Ming paused and said, "You haven't told me yet, why don't you let me in?"

Ni Yinghong immediately calmed down and said: "After the old... master fell ill, I immediately notified the family and asked the medical elders to come and bring the elixir to feed him. He will die with the efficacy of the elixir."

At this time, she calmly changed the first three characters of "Laojiang" to "Old Master". If it was normal, Ouyang Ming would definitely frown. Because looking at the entire military camp, these three words are his patent. Apart from him, even if Deng Zhicai, the commander of the central camp, shouted, he would be deliberately corrected by the old craftsman.

Of course, if the old craftsman was not the chief arms forger in the military camp, he would not have enjoyed such special treatment, and would have been dragged out and cut in two.

However, now that Ni Yinghong changed his mind, Ouyang Ming did not dare to refute even a word.

Seeing that Ouyang Ming chose to acquiesce, Ni Yinghong was secretly happy, but on the surface, he still had a sad face and said: "The old man's end is approaching, and even a panacea can only save his life. Moreover, this is still It requires his psychological cooperation.”

Ouyang Ming raised his eyebrows and said, "What kind of cooperation?"

Ni Yinghong said slowly: "We must let the old man have the desire to live. As long as he is willing, the elixir can exert its greatest effect. At least it can hold back his life fire for a short period of time."

Ouyang Ming looked at her deeply and said, "Isn't this elixir very precious?"

Ni Yinghong nodded and said: "It can make people with exhausted vitality hold their breath for a long time. Naturally, it is not comparable to ordinary things."

Ouyang Ming took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Thank you." Apart from these two words, he had nothing else to say. Because he knew that this kindness could no longer be repaid by a simple thank you.

Ni Yinghong shook his head and said: "What the old man is most concerned about now is your affairs. He can't let go of you in his heart, and he is always holding on to his breath to save this life. But, suddenly seeing you, do you think What are the consequences?”

Ouyang Ming's body trembled slightly, and he felt deep fear from the bottom of his heart.

He closed his eyes and pondered for a long time, then suddenly opened his eyes, stared at Ni Yinghong without blinking, and said: "Brother Ni, I want to ask you something."

"you say."

"In this world, since there are elixirs that can hang on to life, is there any elixir that can extend lifespan?"

Ni Yinghong secretly praised that Ouyang Ming was indeed no ordinary person. Once he calmed down, he immediately found the key to the problem.

She nodded slowly and said: "Yes, but..." She hesitated and said: "It is no longer extremely difficult to obtain the life-extending medicine, but extremely dangerous."

Ouyang Ming's eyes flashed, and he immediately became full of energy.

Ever since he learned that the old craftsman was about to die soon, his eyes had become terrifyingly gloomy. But at this moment, he seemed to be a different person, his whole person became radiant.

"Brother Ni, what should I do to obtain the elixir?"

Ni Yinghong looked at Ouyang Ming, who was completely different from just now, and didn't know what to feel in his heart. But she sighed softly and said: "Brother Ou, I told you, it is extremely difficult and dangerous."

Ouyang Ming laughed dumbly, with deep disdain in his smile.

"Difficulty and danger? It just so happens that what I like most is a challenge. The more difficult and dangerous it is, the happier I am." He said proudly: "Don't worry, I will definitely be able to do it."

Seeing Ouyang Ming in such high spirits, Ni Yinghong's heart moved slightly, as if someone had gently plucked her heartstrings. However, she calmed herself down and still shook her head and said: "I'm sorry, Brother Ou, you are so young and you shouldn't take risks. I can't..."


Ni Yinghong's eyes widened and he looked at Ouyang Ming kneeling at his feet in disbelief, with a look of horror on his face.

"How, how could you do this?"

Ouyang Ming smiled bitterly in his heart. If someone else was so secretive, he would immediately launch a sneak attack, even if it means using the most vicious torture in the world, to force him to find out.

However, Ni Yinghong helped him all the way, and he was not a coward after all.

Since using force is not an option, then just beg for help at the expense of face.

As for being shameless and shameless, as long as the old craftsman can recover and live a few more years, what is there that he can't let go of