Immortal Path to Heaven

Chapter 114: Walking on plain ground (Thanks to the invincible handsome guy for the reward


Although the stairs leading to the fourth floor were as heavy as before, Ouyang Ming could no longer be stopped by this distance.

He moved upward step by step, feeling the strong pressure from inside and outside his body, and felt calm in his heart.

Because he knew that he would definitely be able to climb to the fourth floor of the tower before his energy was exhausted. Sure enough, just when he still had a trace of his true energy, he finally stepped on the fourth floor.

But just when he stepped in with his second foot, his whole body suddenly relaxed.

Well, there is still gravity pressure here, but even compared to the second floor, it seems to be inferior.

In other words, even if a powerful warrior comes here, as long as he has a strong enough willpower, he can pass through this level.

Ouyang Ming's brows furrowed slightly. He was not afraid of the severe test. But even with your toes you know that this path to enlightenment must be increasingly difficult. Why is it that the fourth level has become easier

After hesitating for a moment, Ouyang Ming took a tentative step forward.

His steps are extremely careful, and his mental consciousness has been raised to the extreme. No matter what happens, he can make a judgment in an instant.

One step, two steps...

However, until he carefully walked across the fourth floor and arrived at the stairs, he still didn't feel any extra pressure.

Ouyang Ming looked back in disbelief, his heart filled with confusion.

Could it be that the strong men of the Ni family gave in halfway? But this is too obvious, right

However, no matter what the reason was, he had already reached a higher level and was only two floors away from the target end.

At this time, Ouyang Ming still didn't know that when he successfully walked through the fourth floor, he actually had the qualifications to enter the forbidden area.

The first three levels of the road to enlightenment test one's physical quality and physical strength. As long as you reach the fifth level of the Yin-grade peak and have a will quality that exceeds that of ordinary people, you can grit your teeth and climb to the fourth level even if you are exhausted.

However, starting from the fourth level, it is completely different.

Because what is tested above this level is no longer physical strength, but spiritual strength.

Especially for the fourth level, if you don't have a certain amount of mental strength or potential, the possibility of passing the level is very slim.

Geniuses have emerged from generation to generation in the Ni family, but not all geniuses have spiritual power or potential. Therefore, most geniuses collapse helplessly on this level after passing the third level.

However, Ouyang Ming's spiritual potential is not to mention. After absorbing the flesh and blood of the half-elf beast, his life has more than doubled, and his spiritual power to break through in the dense forest and control the blood escape technique is enough to deem this place forbidden. As if there is nothing left.

It can be said that if your own mental strength or mental potential does not reach 10 points, then you will not be able to pass this level no matter what.

But, 25 points of mental strength...

This overwhelming advantage in points was enough for him to pass the level easily and effortlessly.

Ouyang Ming climbed up to the fifth floor with ease and ease, as if taking a leisurely stroll.

However, he didn't know that because of his almost monster-like performance, the entire Ni family was in a state of excitement.

At the top of the tower, Ni Jingtong and the five most powerful Yang-level masters of the Ni family looked at each other, feeling as if they had seen a ghost.

"Did he really pass the fourth floor?" Ni Jingtong murmured.

Ni Xue Shu and others smiled bitterly at each other. They wanted to know the answer more than Ni Jingtong. Although they all knew that this change in light would never deceive them. However, passing through the fourth floor so easily and quickly...

Their eyes looked towards the ancestor together, with only one thought in their minds. Can the ancestor himself do it

As if he saw the meaning in their eyes, Ni Jingtong snorted coldly and said: "If it were me, I could easily walk through the fourth floor." He paused and added in his heart, maybe better than that kid. Slow down a little bit? As for how long this would last, it was not a question he was willing to ponder.

Perhaps, among the entire Ni family, only the third child can compete with this kid in this regard.

"Ancestor, why Ouyang Ming was able to pass the fourth level so quickly, could it be due to his spiritual power..." Ni Xue Shu said thoughtfully, while the eyes of the other four people were also shining, and they all thought of a possibility.

Ni Jingtong smiled bitterly and said: "We have seen many people with strong spiritual power talents. For example, the little girl Yinghong was born with spiritual power talents, and after practicing for so many years, she can use them freely. But, that kid She is one year younger than the girl. Even if she trained hard from her mother's womb, she would not have this level of mental strength... "

Everyone nodded, and it was understandable that they thought so, because it was recorded in the family history that such a powerful spiritual power would never be born at this age.

However, they never imagined that Ouyang Ming himself did have the potential for spiritual power, the development of mysterious weapons, the understanding of the unity of heaven and man, the opportunity to absorb the flesh and blood of half-elf beasts, and the ability to control blood escape. s hard work.

All of this combined, a huge opportunity, and hard work in life and death, have led to such an achievement.

Ni Xue Shu's eyes suddenly lit up and he said: "Ancestor, when he was on the third level, Ouyang Ming should have borrowed some kind of external force. So, is it the same for him on the fourth level?"

Ni Jingtong shook his head and said: "When this child passed the third level, there was obviously a trace of blood in the light. This should be because he used a method to stimulate blood or similar methods. However, the light emitted just now after passing the level Pure and flawless, not only did he not use any external force, but he also passed the test in the easiest way."

Ni Xue Shu and others were completely speechless, but they could not figure out the reason.

"Haha..." Ni Jingtong laughed and said, "Well, the stronger the ability of this kid, the greater the possibility of finding the place passed down by his ancestors. I also want to see what he can do on the fifth level. What an outstanding performance.”

Everyone felt a little relieved. On the fifth floor, in the Ni family's thousands of years, only three people could actually walk through the fifth floor and reach the highest floor. There is only one of the three ancestors still alive in the world today.

No matter how amazing Ouyang Ming's performance was before, he could never complete the fifth floor.

However, in the deepest part of their hearts, there is always a thought that lingers.

Is this kid really unable to walk past the fifth floor


Outside the tower, cheers suddenly sounded.

Just when Ouyang Ming stepped onto the fifth floor and the light at the door changed again, both Ni Yunhong and his sister, as well as the other elders responsible for guarding, couldn't help but smile.

Because they all know that since Ouyang Ming has passed the fourth level and set foot on the fifth level, it means that no matter what his final performance is on the road to enlightenment. At the very least, he already has the qualifications to enter the forbidden area.

This is a big event for the entire Ni family, and it is also the number one major event.

Because searching for the inheritance of their ancestors has been going on for thousands of years, the Ni family's biggest obsession has even turned into a demonic obstacle. In order to fulfill this wish, the Ni family is willing to pay any price.

This is very similar to Ouyang Ming's wish to save the old craftsman.

"That's not right!" Ni Xueming woke up from his ecstasy, his face suddenly changed, and he said: "It's too fast..."

"Grandpa, what did you say?" Ni Yunhong asked with some displeasure.

Ni Xueming was not optimistic about this matter from the beginning, which would inevitably make Ni Yunhong somewhat resistant.

Shaking his head slightly, Ni Xueming turned his head and said: "Wang Yang, these two have never been exposed to the road to enlightenment. We cannot explain it to them due to clan rules. However, you have not only walked the road to enlightenment. , and I’ve seen it here several times, what do you think?”

Ni Wangyang pondered for a long time, sighed, and said: "Yes, it's too fast..."

"Uncle Twelve, what are you talking about?" Ni Yinghong asked coquettishly, his eyes rolling.

Ni Wangyang smiled bitterly and said: "I have said everything I can tell you. If I can't tell you, there is no point in asking." He paused and said: "If you really want to know the exact situation, it will be very difficult. Cultivation. Reach the peak level of yang level or yin level as soon as possible, and then go on the road to enlightenment. ”

Ni Yunhong and his sister did not continue to press, because they all knew that since even Ni Wangyang was so tight-lipped, it could only mean one thing. That is to say, knowing this matter is harmful but useless to both of them, so they conceal it like this.

"Huh, don't tell me if you don't tell me. Isn't that rare!" Ni Yinghong curled his lips disdainfully and said, "His scientific name is grandpa, twelfth uncle. My brother said that he will definitely be able to climb to the fifth floor, right?"

Ni Xueming and Ni Wangyang looked at each other and smiled bitterly. The facts were before their eyes. What else could they say

Ni Yinghong suddenly murmured: "What kind of difficulty is this on the fifth floor?" Although she didn't know the specifics of the road to enlightenment, it was clear at a glance that the six floors of the tower represented six passes. No need to explain at all.

Ni Xueming smiled bitterly and said: "Little girl, you don't need to lie to us, because... we don't know either."

Ni Wangyang smiled heartily and said: "Yes, those of us who stayed below to guard have not climbed to the fifth floor, so we really don't know what is up there. But..." He looked at Ni Yinghong, Full of expectation, he said: "If you, a little girl, take the path of enlightenment in the future, you should be able to climb to the fifth floor and see the scenery there."

Ni Xueming and several elders nearby nodded slowly, with deep envy in their eyes.