Immortal Path to Heaven

Chapter 116: Stay with me and stay alive! (First update, please subscribe


"Brother Ou, think about why you came..."

A graceful figure emerged in my mind. At first, there was only a small black dot, as if it was far away as far as the eye could see. However, this figure approached at an extremely fast speed until it was in front of him, allowing him to see it clearly.

It was a charming face, looking at herself coquettishly, and the red lips that kept opening and closing seemed to be saying something.

"Brother Ou, think about why you came here?"

What's the meaning

"Brother Ou, think about why you are here!"

Why do I come? Why do I come

Ouyang Ming, whose consciousness seemed to be about to sink, suddenly woke up. In his mind, the figure became bigger and louder, until it resounded through the world of consciousness, as deafening as thunder.

Why am I here

In Ouyang Ming's mind, a pair of old hands appeared.

He is an orphan, an orphan who has had no one to take care of him since he was a child. He is most lucky to be able to grow up in a village where he can eat hundreds of meals. When he grew up, he left the village and wandered around.

That year, he was thirteen years old. At this age, it was already difficult to get scraps from adults. He wanted to help, but he looked malnourished and skinny, and he couldn't find a place willing to take him.

His favorite season is summer, because in summer, he can find more food, and when he is tired, he can just walk around the corner of the street. The warm rays of the sun shine down, so that he does not feel the cold and does not need to worry. Will he freeze to death tonight

What he hates most is winter. In the cold winter months, his possibility of finding food is greatly reduced. And more importantly, when night comes, every bone-chilling night is a test of survival. He has seen too many homeless people, stray cats and dogs just unable to sleep on winter nights. And they and their corpses become the source of energy for all creatures struggling on the line of life and death to survive.

Ouyang Ming didn't want to be such a member, not at all, so he tried every means to survive as much as possible.

However, he is sick.

That winter night, he fell ill, and was very ill. He lay on the cold ground, feeling the heat from his body dissipate. Not even the thick Baijia clothes could stop this process.

Dimly, he seemed to see a pair of malicious eyes staring at him. Subconsciously, he maintained his final vigilance, and all this was because he didn't want to die.

Then, in his almost semi-blurred vision, he saw a pair of old hands covered with age spots.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a warm feeling, a kind of warmth that only stayed in the deepest part of his memory, with a name called family affection.

After the high fever subsided, he saw the owner of those hands.

The old craftsman carried him back to the military camp and took the initiative to take care of him, saving his little life from the clutches of the disease.

So, from that day on, he lived in the military camp and lived a life without worries about food and clothing.


My ears suddenly hurt and they were pulled hard.

"Ouch, old man, please be gentle, it hurts, it hurts..."

Ouyang Ming's screams rang out outside the playground, causing a burst of laughter.

In the military camp, what Ouyang Ming envied most were the sons of good families who could become sergeants. They are well-nourished, have strong bodies, and can learn martial arts. They have become the most envious people in Ouyang Ming's heart, and they also make him go and spy on them many times.

However, the old craftsman hated his behavior deeply. Once he found out that he was peeping, he ran behind him, grabbed his ears and carried him back.

"You kid is peeping again. I'm not afraid of being suspected of being a spy, so I'll chop you with a knife!"

"Hey, old man, it depends on what you said. As long as you are here, they will not touch me!"

"Humph, one day I won't be here anymore. It depends on what you do!"

"Old man, if you live to be a hundred years old, you will definitely be able to protect me."

"Stop flattering me and take out the book. How much of what I taught you yesterday do you remember?"

"Ah, old man, what's the use of reading and writing? It's not as interesting as learning their martial arts."

"Bah! Even with your thin body, you still want to practice martial arts. You need to take good care of your body first, and then you can learn all the words!"

"Hey, reading... is difficult..."

"You kid, can you read?"

"Hey, old man, let me go, I'll read, of course I'll read! Don't you know, I like reading the most!"

Under the threat of the old craftsman's fist and stick, he finally recognized the basic words and was able to read the contents of the book independently.


"You brat, why did you eat so little today? Don't you want to practice martial arts? If you don't eat more, how will you practice martial arts in the future?"

"Old man, I heard from the kitchen that this is medicinal food, which is very valuable. Please don't use it in the future."

"Bah, you kid knows nothing. Your body is not good since you were young, and it has the root cause of the disease. If you don't take care of yourself with medicine and food, how many years do you think you can live? Huh, I came to you because I expected you to give me some help. My old man is here to see you off, not you!"

"But… "

"Are you going to eat it? Hey, where is my stick? Where are you hiding it?"

"Hey, old man, I've almost finished eating. Look, are there not even any bones left?" Maybe he ate too fast, and there was a violent cough.

"Bones? You are a dog, be careful of choking. Eat slowly, and no one will compete with you. Hey, when will this irritable temper ever change..."


"Have you remembered the method the old man taught you to identify raw materials?"

"Of course I remember, you don't even know who I am."

"Really? Then bring over the selected iron ingots."

"Old man, here we come!"

"Idiot, I want you to take selected iron ingots. What are you doing with ordinary iron ingots? I already knew that you didn't learn well. Where is my stick?"

"Ouch, it hurts, it hurts, please be merciful..."


"Look carefully, you must keep in mind the method of forging raw materials and extracting purity. This is the basic skill of a blacksmith and must be mastered."

"Old man, I am not an arms forger. Why do you want me to learn this?"

"Hmph, can't you learn it if you're not an arms blacksmith? Even an ordinary blacksmith can still forge weapons and armor. As long as you learn this craft, at least you won't starve to death."

"Oh, that's it... Okay, I'll learn!"

"Cough cough, cough cough..."

"Ah, old man, you started to cough again. Did you catch a cold last night?"

"Hey, I'm old, and I can't accept it anymore... Hey, why are you distracted again, where is my stick?"

In a daze, a wisp of clear liquid remained in Ouyang Ming's closed eyes. Then he remembered that the old craftsman's life failure had actually been foreshadowed for a long time, but he had never cared about it.

Always, never cared!


"By the way, take this knife to Zhang Yinfan, he will come to you if he has something to do."

"That miser, he's definitely up to no good with me."

"Why don't you go quickly?"

… … …

"Good boy, here you go!" The old craftsman reached out and picked up a broken knife and threw it to Ouyang Ming.

A broken sword was slowly repaired in Ouyang Ming's hands, turning it into a usable saber again.

"Listen carefully, a real arms blacksmith is not an ordinary blacksmith. You must be careful when forging every weapon."

"Come, watch what I do, and feel it with your heart."


"Repeat that."

"Idiot, you can't even memorize formulas. If I don't hit you, who will I hit?"

"Okay, then I'll say it again, listen carefully... just memorize it!"

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm used to being beaten. Keep going... Why are you staring? You're not convinced, right?"

"Stop flattering and keep backing!"

"Okay, what the old man wants to teach you is the superposition technique. This is the last thing the old man wants to do. After teaching it to you, there will be nothing more to teach you."

"You damn brat, today is supposed to be a happy day, but you have to make my old man look bad. I've spent all my love on you in vain!"

All the sounds gradually faded away, and seemed to condense into one picture in the end.

Through the open window, Ouyang Ming saw the old man lying on the hospital bed. That familiar old face was horribly thin, as if he had changed into a different person.

This was the last scene in his memory, and after that, there was nothing.

Intense, unbearable grief burst out from the deepest part of his body, just like the water of the river pouring down that day, and nothing could stop it.

Unconsciously, his eyes were filled with tears, and his blurred vision could not see anything even in the spiritual world.

"Brother Ou, think about why you are here!"

It was like the sound of a bell in the morning, waking him up completely.

Why did I come... Yes, why did I come

I am here for the old craftsman, and I am here to extend his life. I can't fall before I get the life-extending golden elixir and extend the life of the old craftsman! Absolutely not!

Ouyang Ming's body was shaking violently, his emotions were agitated and his spirit was high. His eyelids, which seemed to be as heavy as a thousand pieces, opened bit by bit.

A large number of tears dripped down his cheeks, staining the clothes on his chest. However, his eyes became firmer than ever.

The body that originally fell to the ground was full of strength, and the strong mental pressure could no longer cause him any trouble or restraint.

Master, you have done enough.

In the days to come, I should honor you and let you enjoy your happiness.

Ouyang Ming raised his feet and walked forward unswervingly, one step at a time. Every step he took was so solid, so steady.

His body was like the mainstay in the turbulent waves and boundless waves, stepping step by step onto the steps leading to the sixth floor.

Old man, I don’t want anything, I just want you to live...

Stay with me and stay alive!