Immortal Path to Heaven

Chapter 3: Learn and improve


Ouyang Ming frowned, and his face distorted the house.

Sprinkled his legs and ran back to the equipment camp at the fastest speed. The old craftsman had been waiting in the house for a long time. When he saw him running back in a hurry, he laughed and scolded, "How do you feel?"

Ouyang Ming felt relieved when he saw the old craftsman. In this military camp, the only one worthy of his complete trust was the man in front of him.

He grinned and said, "Old man, I ... trouble you." Then, he fell directly and fell into the arms of the old craftsman's head.

The old craftsman caught him with a look of wondering.

Isn't this boy who accepts the arms order, how can he cause him

Looking at Ouyang Ming, who was sleepy, he snorted, picked him up, sent it to the bed, faded his coats, shoes and socks, and carefully covered the bedding. But he kept scolding him in a low voice, saying that when this kid wakes up, he must make him look good. However, the sound of the sound is a bit bigger than the worm. If Ouyang Ming in the coma can hear it, it is called a ghost.

After a full day and night, Ouyang Ming woke up in the eyes of his old craftsmanship.

He rolled his body and was about to lazy, but he suddenly found that once he woke up, his head was suddenly sober and no longer sleepy.

After blinking a few times, he didn't understand what happened, but immediately recalled all kinds of before going to bed.

He sat up and sat up and saw the familiar environment around him. He was relieved.

Hearing the movement in the house, the old craftsman walked in, threw a bag of clothes over, and said: "Good boy, when did you become a lazy pig? Hurry up and get dressed and work."

Ouyang Ming responded heavily, with his hands and feet dressed, and he ate the fruit belly food, and he came to the equipment camp as the old craftsman's head.

The status of the old craftsman's head in the equipment camp is over. He is not only the chief forgedman of the equipment camp, but also has decades of old capital.

The old craftsman had his own independent forging room. He took Ouyang Ming to enter and asked, "The boy, tell me honestly, have you ever taken the arms?"

Ouyang Ming took a deep breath, and he recalled the magical feeling when he entered the arms order.

Faintly, he felt that there was something more in his body.

With his palm, Ouyang Ming's gaze stared at his heart. There, there seemed to be something that was about to break out.

Finally, in Ouyang Ming's mind, it seemed like a rupture sounded. Subsequently, the palm of the palm raised a little white fire.


The eyes of the old craftsman's head swept the turbidity of the past, showing unparalleled clearness and joy.

He looked at Ouyang Ming's eyes with a strong appreciation. If he was looking at Ouyang Ming before today, he just regarded him as a parent -child view. wish.

Ouyang Ming blinked a few times, and his heart was extremely happy.

According to the old craftsman's previous statement, even if he successfully obtained the arms in the arms order, it is not easy to use it. Most people take at least ten and a half months to successfully stimulate them. Of course, it is even more difficult to use it freely. Without a few months of hard work, it is something that I don't need to think about.

However, with the long -term use of days, it can always reach the point where mature can be clever.

"Good boy, give you!" The old craftsman reached out and copied a knife and threw it to Ouyang Ming.

Ouyang Ming gave his head gently, and the old craftsman's teachings came into his heart.

At that time, he did not have a arms, but the old craftsman still taught his experience tirelessly. Perhaps at that time, the old craftsman had already planned everything.

Ouyang Ming converged his mind and indulged in the arms wholeheartedly.

When the arms approached the military knife that was placed on the platform, Ouyang Ming's face showed a incredible look on Huo Ran.

Because a set of strange numbers suddenly appeared in his mind.

Item: Broken Saber

Level: First level of common artifacts

Attributes: Sharpness +1, Durability 0

At this time, Ouyang Ming's mind was drawn a big question mark. What is this ... what is it

After a while, Ouyang Ming finally converged the disordered mood that almost flying for nine days, and concentrated his attention to the broken knife again.

Fix, um, what you have to do now should be repairs.

Fix, fix, fix…

Ouyang Ming concentrated his energy and tried his best to make up for the break.

However, after all, this is the first time he has used arms, even if he does have the talent talent, he can control the arms faster than the average person. However, if you expect him to do whatever he wants, it is also delusional.

Under the burning of the spiritual fire, the fracture was slowly fused, but the price was that Ouyang Ming's forehead had been sweaty.

The use of arms requires physical strength.

After half an hour, fully half an hour, the fractures were finally completely merged under the constant burning of the weapons.

Ouyang Ming's eyes were shining and he was overjoyed.

However, at this moment, there seemed to be a hint of purple light in his mind, and a stray question mark showed it.

If you find an extractable ingredient, do you want to extract it

The muscles on Ouyang Ming's face suddenly twitched, and they almost exclaimed.

It was almost subconscious, Ouyang Ming ghost responded to the signs, yes.

As a result, a strange energy that could not be seen was released from the saber and entered Ouyang Ming's body instantly. At the same time, two small, extremely weak, purple lights similar to soybeans appeared in Ouyang Ming's mind.

Ouyang Ming didn't know what it was, and he didn't know why he would suddenly appear in his mind. He opened his tongue and wanted to call for help loud, but he couldn't make a slightest sound.

"Boy, kid, what's your thing? Don't scare me this old man!"

The rapid sound in his ear finally awakened Ouyang Ming. He hit a chill and immediately saw the anxious eyes of the old craftsman's head. It was warm in his heart, as if a clear spring was poured from the beginning, making every capillary on his body comfortable to moan.

This feeling of being concerned and remembered is really good.

"Hey, old man, how did I do?" Ouyang Ming immediately changed his face to a proud smile.

The old craftsman looked up at Ouyang Ming up and down, and finally relieved, and laughed and scolded, "Do you have fixed a military knife, so he was so stupid?"

Ouyang Ming touched his head and laughed, seemed to be default.

The old craftsman nodded, and said, "Your kid is good, and you can repair the military knife when you have a fire just now. Well, although it looks ugly ... but it is too late."

Ouyang Ming looked at the past, and immediately had a flushing on his face.

The military knife was indeed bonded by the power of the arms, but the problem was that the surroundings were not flat, but it was uneven, as if something was wrapped around.

The ugly look is just making people unbearable to look at it again.

The old craftsman laughed, and said, "Boy, don't be discouraged. For the first time using the arms, you can do this. It is already very good. Hey, I think you are tired, go back and rest quickly."

Ouyang Ming blinked his eyes, looking at the old craftsman's head with an incredible look, shouting and screamed: "Old, you boast me? This, today's sun will not come out of the west, or will it You finally found the old phase. Don't be angry, I will go, I will go ... "The voice didn't fall, he was already smoky and didn't know where to go.

The smile on the old craftsman's face immediately gone, and it was replaced by a black. He scolded: "Stink little boy, are you skin itching again!" Still a trace of relief and joy.

In the past, he took the arms, but it took half a month to successfully inspire. One month later, he barely repaired a knife.

Before Ouyang Ming's achievements, his speed could only be described at speed.

Therefore, no matter how ugly the broken knife was, he could only be happy and not regret at all.

Holding the fixed military knife with a smile, the old craftsman couldn't help thinking whether to collect this knife. After all, this was the first time that the boy had used the arms of the arms, which had great memorial value. Moreover, after a few years, if he took this ugly saber to laugh at the boy and appreciate his helpless complexion, it is undoubtedly a very happy thing.

However, after a while, the smile on the old craftsman's face suddenly disappeared.

He took the saber and walked silently before a tester, and slammed it fiercely.


As sparks flew everywhere, the saber actually had some gaps the size of rice grains, but not even a single white mark was left on the test stone.

The old craftsman fell on the ground with hatred, scolding: "Damn money and grain camps, when will these corrupt things, when can even military weapons be used? …”

Ouyang Ming naturally didn't know the emotion of the old craftsman. He let go of his step and ran directly into a large warehouse of the equipment camp.

This is a warehouse full of abandoned soldiers, and no one comes here on weekdays.

Eye was swept on the scrap iron like a hill, and he immediately found a broken knife.

Although this is also a military knife, it has not broken. However, there are rust on the saber, and there are several huge gaps on the blade, which has completely lost the value of repair.

After hesitation, Ouyang Ming concentrated on his energy and called out the arms.

The second time he used weapons, he was obviously much more proficient than the first time. However, Ouyang Ming didn't know that because he had the talent of mental power, when he used the arms, he could not only consume not only physical strength, but also the options of mental strength.

In this way, he is much more difficult to use arms than the average person, much easier, and can stick to it longer.

The arms touched the knife soldiers, and a ray of information emerged quickly.

Items: Broken Army Knife

Level: First level of common artifacts

Attributes: Sharpness +1, Durability 0

Ouyang Ming remained unmoved and continued to use weapons. As the arms continued to burn, the rust spots on the military knife quickly faded away, like Xue Rong and fire, and the knife quickly became clear.

Slowly, when the appearance of the saber almost recovered, Ouyang Ming's mind really appeared again.

If you find an extractable ingredient, do you want to extract it

Discover the improvement of ingredients, is it improved

Ouyang Ming stunned, why did you change the two options this time

He moved in his heart, since he tried it just now, then try to improve this time.

In an instant, he discovered that the two small purple light balls in his mind suddenly disappeared. Oh, it cannot be said that it disappears. It should be said that it was strangely entering the saber burned by the arms.

Subsequently, the properties of the saber observed through the munitions underwent completely different changes.

Item: Saber

Level: Ordinary weapon, level 3

Attributes: Sharpness +3, Hardness +2, Durability 2

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