Immortal Path to Heaven

Chapter 33: snoop


The journey back was still smooth, although at this time he lacked a lot of strength and agility, which made him extremely uncomfortable. However, compared to the super strength increase when it came, it is still much better.

He returned to the military camp without any danger. Because he had the badge of an official arms blacksmith, he returned to his small yard easily.

I had just fetched a bucket of water and washed my whole body when I heard the old craftsman's voice outside the door.

"Boy, open the door!"

Ouyang Ming ran over and opened the door.

The old craftsman looked him up and down carefully, and finally breathed a sigh of relief, and his tense face softened slightly, but he still said with a trace of resentment: "You brat, where have you gone? You actually know how to go home?”

Although the old craftsman's words were full of harshness, Ouyang Ming's heart was filled with warmth and joy.

He was an orphan to begin with, how could he be cared about so much

go home.

These two ordinary words gave him the urge to burst into tears.

As if he felt something strange about him, the angry look on the old craftsman's face quickly disappeared, and he said worriedly: "Boy, what's wrong?"

Ouyang Ming quickly calmed down and said, "Old man, why are you here so quickly?"

The old craftsman snorted softly and said: "You disappeared without saying a word. If someone hadn't seen you walking out of the military camp by yourself, I would have thought..." He paused and said, "Master Kang asked, I He said you were out on business. If you don’t come back, I’ll ask General Chen for help.”

Ouyang Ming laughed dumbly. When he was a helper, Master Kang wouldn't even look at him, so he couldn't care. But now that he has the status of an official arms forger, plus five pieces of attribute equipment, Kang Weibo's attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees.

After a few days of no reply, he came over to inquire in person.

Of course, if Ouyang Ming had a choice, he would rather Kang Weibo ignore him and ignore him.

The old craftsman whispered: "Where have you gone?"

Ouyang Ming's eyes rolled, thinking about what to say. Naturally, it was impossible for him to tell all the truth, but the thought of deceiving the old man in front of him made him feel awkward.

However, the old carpenter suddenly waved his hand and said: "Forget it, you don't want to say it. But the old man tells you one thing." His face was serious and he said: "No matter what you go to do, you must pay attention to safety. Remember. "Remember, you only have one life, and there is no room for you to regret it."

Ouyang Ming nodded heavily and said, "Yes, I remember, old man." He was secretly grateful in his heart. The old craftsman naturally saw his dilemma, so he didn't press any further.

"You've been crazy outside for three days, have you gained anything?" the old craftsman asked.

Ouyang Ming thought for a while and said, "Old man, the scenery outside is very different from that in the military camp. It inspires me a lot!"

"Oh? If you have any inspiration, please tell me." The old craftsman asked with interest.

Ouyang Ming laughed and said, "This is a kind of realization, I can't express it."

The old craftsman patted his head angrily and scolded him with a smile: "You little guy, you have some fart inspiration!"

Ouyang Ming said quickly: "Yes, yes, I think... Well, I have a clue about how to add special attributes to high-grade equipment."

With the special properties of purple munitions, it is actually effortless to do this.

However, Ouyang Ming has not revealed this in front of anyone. Even the old craftsman does not know that he has the ability to add special attributes to high-grade equipment.

However, after hearing these words, the old craftsman's face tightened and he said: "Boy, don't be too ambitious. The most important thing for our arms division is to be down-to-earth. Humph, top-grade equipment and good-grade equipment are completely different. If you want The difficulty of relying on attachments is several times greater. Just because you can forge high-grade equipment does not mean that you can rely on attachments." He thought for a moment and said, "With your talent, if you can do it in three months to half a year. At this point, it’s already amazing!”

Ouyang Ming's heart moved slightly. If the old craftsman could accept three months, he could certainly afford to wait.

"Old man, I will try my best. But..." Ouyang Ming said hesitantly: "I found that going out for a walk really helps me a lot."

The old craftsman smiled and said: "You kid is wandering around, you just want to go out. Okay, the old man agrees to you, as long as you complete five pieces of good-quality attribute equipment every month, plus twenty pieces With top-grade whiteboard equipment, you can leave as you please.”

Ouyang Ming was immediately overjoyed, but his eyes flashed and he said: "Old man, do you want me to finish your share?"

Old Craftsman's previous monthly quota was three pieces of high-quality attribute equipment, plus his own two pieces, wouldn't it be that he forged them all by himself.

The old carpenter's eyes widened and he said, "Do you want to do it or not?!"

"Do it, of course!" Ouyang Ming said quickly: "Leave this little thing to me."

Indeed, adding attributes is also an extremely difficult thing for the old craftsman. But in Ouyang Ming's eyes, it is as simple as eating and drinking.

After finally dealing with the old craftsman, Ouyang Ming finally felt a little tired.

Although there is a sufficient supply of flesh and blood when practicing in the dense forest, coupled with the squatting horse stance, it can eliminate fatigue. But this does not mean that Ouyang Ming has really reached the point where he does not need sleep.

Ouyang Ming used weapons to extract the attributes from the leggings and arm guards, and then placed all the equipment in the corner.

Details determine success or failure. The old craftsman had nagged him countless times in his ears, making him remember this sentence firmly in his heart.

After going to bed, only a moment later, Ouyang Ming fell asleep and fell asleep.

The next morning, he got up and stretched, and the fatigue of many days was gone.

Taking a big step, he left the yard, went to his forging room, and began a day of work.

However, he didn't know that shortly after he left the yard, a figure sneakily climbed over the wall and entered.

This man covered his face with his sleeves. It was Han Changling who had criticized Ouyang Ming in the past, but was beaten up by Sui Hezhi instead. After that day, he not only received a severe beating in vain, but also indirectly offended the old craftsman. If Zhang Yinfan, who owns the Qianliang Camp, had not spoken up for him, even Kang Weibo would have fallen into trouble.

After all, if you have to choose between Lao Jiangtou and Han Changling, as long as you are not an idiot, you will know how to choose.

Han Changling walked carefully without touching anything. He searched carefully in Ouyang Ming's room and yard, seeming to be looking for something.

After a long time, he rubbed his neck and murmured: "Did you make a mistake, sir? How could a cylindrical fire command be in the hands of that kid? But what exactly is this fire command? ..." He searched for a long time, but still found nothing unusual. Suddenly, his eyes fell on a pile of armor in the corner.

Approaching cautiously, Han Changling picked up a pair of leggings. He inspected it carefully for a moment, his expression suddenly changed, and he whispered: "Top-grade equipment!"

In fact, the quality of this leggings is extremely high and has reached the peak of top grade. However, such delicate divisions cannot be distinguished by Han Changling's eyesight alone.

He looked at the leggings and made some gestures with it on his body twice, and finally confirmed that the leggings were made according to Ouyang Ming's figure.

Gently putting down the leggings, he picked up the armguards, armor, helmet and saber.

Although the special attributes of these equipment were taken away by Ouyang Ming, the high-grade ones alone are enough to shock people.

By the end, Han Changling's body was even trembling.

Ouyang Ming, that boy, has been exposed to arms for only a short time, and it won't be more than three months, even if it's calculated.

However, it only took him three months to forge high-quality attribute equipment. Although everyone is spreading rumors, the forger of these attribute equipment is not Ou Yangming, but the old craftsman behind him.

Han Changling had always been doubtful about this, but after seeing these high-grade equipment with special specifications, he became deeply suspicious.

Could it be that those attribute equipment were not the handiwork of the old craftsman, but were really made by Ou Yangming.

If that's the case, this kid's future is limitless. It's really not a wise thing to go against him...

He hesitated for a moment and placed everything in its original position without moving it at all.

After getting up, Han Changling left carefully without disturbing anyone. Afterwards, he went directly to Qianliang Camp and met Zhang Yinfan.

"Sir, I have searched carefully. No matter whether it is in his home or the forging room, I have never seen the Fire Order." Han Changling said respectfully: "Moreover, I carefully found... several items in his room. Top quality equipment.”

Zhang Yinfan frowned slightly and said, "What's so strange about these high-grade pieces of equipment? The old craftsman has made quite a few fine ones."

Han Changling smiled bitterly and said, "Sir, I doubt that those equipment were made by an old craftsman."

"What?" Zhang Yinfan was startled. He was so smart. His face changed slightly and he said, "Did Ou Yangming hit him himself?"

Han Changling hesitated for a moment and said, "It's very... possible."

Zhang Yinfan's face darkened, and he naturally understood the meaning of this sentence. Not very likely, but certainly so.

Han Changling glanced at him for a moment and said cautiously: "Sir, this boy is so extraordinary, I am afraid he will achieve great things in the future. From the perspective of a villain, no matter what happened in the past..." At this point, he suddenly saw Zhang Yinfan's eyes. The sharp look flashing in his eyes made him feel horrified, he quickly stopped and left in a hurry.

Zhang Yinfan was the only one left in the room.

He frowned and murmured: "Could it be that Hanyu's disappearance really had nothing to do with him? But the Fire Order cannot allow any mistakes no matter what!"