Immortal Path to Heaven

Chapter 4: Sharp saber


Looking at the shining saber in his hand, Ouyang Ming's eyes were blank, but then they were filled with an unparalleled ecstasy.

He is an orphan and does not have much knowledge. However, this does not mean that he does not know even the most basic numbers and names.

At this moment, he was sincerely grateful to the old craftsman. Ever since he entered the military camp by chance two years ago and was selected as a helper by the old craftsman, the old craftsman has been teaching him literacy and arithmetic tirelessly. Although the old craftsman's own knowledge is only half-baked, it is more than enough for an enlightenment education.

In the past two years, I don't know how many blows he had on his hands, but he also emptied the old craftsman's belly of what little knowledge he had.

At this time, according to the literal meaning, Ouyang Ming already understood what happened.

The arms he got were definitely not arms in the ordinary sense. There was great knowledge and great secrets in this arms.

Under the burning of the weapon, he could easily distinguish the properties of the saber, and what was even more incredible was that the weapon seemed to be able to absorb and enhance the properties of the saber. This is really shocking.

He took a deep breath, and the hesitation flashed across his face.

At this moment, he had decided that he could not mention this matter to anyone under any circumstances, not even the old craftsman.

With a slight movement in his heart, he rushed into the piles of broken swords and picked out the suitable saber among them.

Here is an armory where discarded items are placed. The sabers that have no repair value are piled here, waiting for the fate of being recycled.

Therefore, Ouyang Ming easily found many sabers that were not too damaged on the surface.

As the arms started to rise again, Ouyang Ming quickly discovered that the properties of these damaged sabers were indeed relatively useless. Generally speaking, if it is a qualified saber, the sharpness should be +1 or +2. The same is true for the hardness, which hovers between 1 and 2.

However, the broken saber here only has one attribute at most, either sharpness +1 or hardness +1. Let alone two attributes appearing together, even one attribute +2 is unique.

As for durability, not to mention it. Since it is already broken, what durability is there to speak of

Ouyang Ming calmed down and started his own attempt.

The weapon was burning on a broken saber, but this time, he did not repair the saber, but just muttered it in his heart.


If you find an extractable ingredient, do you want to extract it

A set of familiar handwriting floated smoothly in his mind. Ouyang Ming's eyelids jumped a few times. The surprise in his heart was really indescribable.

Sure enough, even without repairing the saber, you can still absorb its properties.

There was no need to consider this issue at all, he immediately chose to absorb it. Then, a small purple dot appeared in his mind again.

After taking back the weapons, perhaps because of his excitement, Ouyang Ming didn't feel tired at all. He looked carefully at the broken saber in his hand. After absorbing its remaining attributes, the thing seemed to become even more dilapidated.

Ouyang Ming turned around and took the originally repaired saber in his hand.

As the arms flashed, another set of handwriting came to mind.

If you find an ingredient that can be improved, should you improve it


As Ouyang Ming confirmed, the saber lit up with a light, and then returned to normal.

Breathing lightly, Ouyang Ming discovered that the physical strength required to increase was at least twice as much as to absorb.

As the saying goes, it is easy to destroy but difficult to build. The acquisition and improvement of arms are the same.

Item: Saber

Level: Ordinary weapon, level 3

Attributes: Sharpness +3, Hardness +3, Durability 3

Seeing that the saber became a little harder again, Ouyang Ming couldn't help but grinned, he was so happy that he couldn't close it anymore.

Stimulated by the saber in front of him, Ouyang Ming's body was filled with energy. He continued his efforts, absorbing the attributes of four broken sabers one after another, and then wanted to superimpose them on this saber.

However, what disappointed and regretted him was that when he started to choose to improve, he only improved two attributes and was unable to survive.

A strong feeling of exhaustion surged into his heart, and Ouyang Ming's body swayed slightly, as if he would faint at any moment.

He stopped immediately. This situation was just like what he encountered in the arms order. His mental and physical strength was nearly exhausted and he could no longer maintain it.

Sensing the two small purple light groups that still existed in his mind, he looked at the brand new saber in his hand.

Item: Sharp saber

Level: The fourth level of common artifacts

Attributes: Sharpness +4, Hardness +4, Durability 4

Ouyang Ming's face showed a satisfied smile. Although the attributes of this saber were only a little more, it was definitely a rare and excellent quality among all sabers.

It is a pity that his physical strength has been exhausted, otherwise, once the other two attributes in his mind are superimposed, he will definitely be able to make this saber even better.

If a child does something big, he will definitely want to show off.

Ouyang Ming shook his head, and the dizzy feeling seemed to have disappeared under the excitement. Then, he held the saber, took big steps, and ran towards the old craftsman in a hurry.

He wanted Old Jiangtou, the person closest to him, to see the results of his efforts.

"Old man, old man..."

Ouyang Ming rushed into the independent forging room of the old craftsman.

Indoors, the old craftsman was using munitions to repair a high-quality steel shield. When Ou Yangming called him this, he suddenly became frustrated and almost failed.

He glared at the boy fiercely and said, "You are so frizzy, why can't you be more steady?"

Ouyang Ming smiled coquettishly, but immediately threw the embarrassment away. He shouted: "Old man, this is the saber I just repaired. Come and appreciate it!"

The old craftsman said dumbfounded: "You kid, where did you find this thing?"

Ouyang Ming said excitedly: "I randomly picked one among the abandoned camps."

The old craftsman frowned and said, "You kid, don't you want to live anymore? You just mastered the use of weapons and you continue to use them. Don't you know that haste makes waste?"

Ouyang Ming scratched his scalp and said: "Old man, I just thought that I should be able to persevere, so I gave it a try." He thought to himself, I have not only used it twice, but several times.

The old craftsman was startled and looked at him suspiciously. After a moment, he said: "Strange, could it be that... you have spiritual talent?"

Ouyang Ming said in surprise: "Old man, what is that?"

The old craftsman explained: "You ordinary people must use up your physical strength to use weapons. Even if you are strong and strong, you will not be able to hold on for too long. Unless you are successful in martial arts, you can extend this time. However, some people are born with it. With strong mental power, they can use mental power instead of physical strength to make weapons burn. Well, you must be such a person to be able to master weapons so quickly and use them continuously. "

Ouyang Ming nodded in understanding, but urged: "Old man, hurry up and take a look!"

The old craftsman said angrily: "Why are you so impatient? I don't know if I will be successful in the future. Hey, this saber..." His tone suddenly stopped, and his face became surprised.

After a while, the old craftsman put down his saber, looked at Ouyang Ming, and said seriously: "Boy, that's amazing. Even a saber of this quality can be repaired. It's the old man who underestimated you."

Ouyang Ming chuckled. He had nothing to hide in front of the old craftsman.

However, just when he was in high spirits, a pair of gloomy eyes suddenly appeared in his mind, and his face suddenly fell.

The old craftsman looked at the words and asked inexplicably: "What's wrong?"

Ouyang Ming sighed and said, "Hey, I'm in trouble."

He recounted how he went to the Qianliang Camp and went to the mansion with Zhang Yinfan's uncle and nephew, and said with a sad face: "I got the arms, and their uncle and nephew must hate me to the bone. Hey, I'm afraid I won't be able to do that in the future. Good times have passed…”

A look of anger filled the old craftsman's face, and he said bitterly: "What a stingy man, he even wants to take my merits!" He pursed his lips, and although he was furious in his heart, he didn't say anything to one of the managers of the Qianliang Camp. What a good way to deal with it.

After pondering for a long time, the old craftsman stamped his foot bitterly and said: "Boy, from today on, I will teach you the real arms forging technique! If you can become an official arms forging master, then the stingy man will not be able to do it no matter how courageous he is. I dare to deal with you blatantly."

"Arms blacksmith?" Ouyang Ming swallowed hard and his eyes lit up.

After possessing arms, it is natural to be able to repair equipment without any disadvantages, which is much easier and more effective than ordinary blacksmiths. However, no matter how many instruments he repairs, he is only a qualified repairer.

Compared to those blacksmiths who can forge magical weapons with their own hands, the little guys who have just mastered weapons are a bit underwhelming.

The old craftsman said slowly: "Once you become an arms forger, you will have many privileges in the camp, enough to save your life. However, if you want to become an arms forger that cannot be criticized, you must do it in a short time. You can forge suitable equipment on your own." He paused and said, "Do you remember everything I taught you before?"

"Yes." Ouyang Ming nodded heavily, pointed at his head, and said, "Old man, they are all here."

"Okay, I'll tell it again today, keep it in your mind. However, you just used weapons today and don't know the art of restraint. Go eat a full meal first, have a good sleep, and come back to study in the afternoon."

Ouyang Ming puffed up his chest. He originally wanted to say that he had just woken up and was very energetic.

However, when the words came to my mouth, I felt that I was really hungry, and I was also quite tired, feeling a little drowsy.

After blinking twice, he immediately nodded and said, "Okay, old man, everything is up to you."

He returned to the house and fell asleep again.

He slept for two full hours. When Ouyang Ming woke up, he suddenly felt refreshed, as if all difficulties turned into trivial matters in front of him.

ps: During the new book period, we urgently need support, so I’m asking for all your votes from book friends! I will be on the list the day after tomorrow, and Bai He will add an update chapter in the early morning. Can your recommendation votes be retained