Immortal Path to Heaven

Chapter 45: High morale


When Ouyang Ming saw Yan Chengcai, although he had worked hard all day, he was still happy in his heart.

Can he be unhappy

The conclusion reached through practice is that when he uses the ability to recuperate, he can extend the time by nearly 30% with the same amount of arms usage. This time cannot be underestimated. For other arms blacksmiths, this is a heavyweight gap.

Of course, if the intensity of arms use per unit time is reduced, this time can be extended further. Similarly, if the intensity of arms is increased, it will be shortened a lot.

If possible, Ouyang Ming would also like to obtain more regeneration attributes. But the problem is that for him currently, it may not be easy to do this.

Looking at Yan Chengcai, who was submissive and expectant, Ouyang Ming smiled and said, "Brother Yan, you don't have to be so reserved."

Yan Chengcai smiled bitterly, but secretly thought in his heart, even your uncle and Uncle Sui are very respectful to you, how can I dare to be so arrogant

Ouyang Ming brought him into the forging room, pointed to a pile of equipment that had been prepared in the corner, and said, "The things are there, you can't get them by yourself, right?"

Yan Chengcai was startled, and his eyes immediately widened.

In that corner, there were indeed piles of equipment. However, these were not just the ten pairs of arm guards they had guessed, but ten pairs of arm guards and ten pairs of leg guards.

Before he came here, he had been mentally prepared.

Ouyang Ming will definitely not let him come in vain, and will prepare at most ten pairs of arm guards that he needs. And even if there aren't that many, there will definitely be a few prepared. Even so, he was already quite grateful.

After all, having equipment or not having equipment is sometimes the difference between victory and defeat.

However, no matter how imaginative Yan Chengcai was, he never imagined that just one day later, Ouyang Ming not only prepared ten pairs of arm guards, but even leg guards.

For these sergeants who only have physical strength, they are basically low-level people in the army.

Except for sabers and leather armor, other equipment is not distributed in the army. Arm guards and leg guards are quite rare luxuries for them.

Ouyang Ming had prepared so much at once, which naturally dazzled him and made him unable to believe it.

"This, these..." Yan Chengcai said cautiously: "Master Ou, are these all for us?"

Ouyang Ming said angrily: "It's not for you, is it for me to keep for fun?"

Yan Chengcai smiled and rubbed his hands together, saying: "This, these are too precious..."

Ouyang Ming curled his lips and said, "Brother Yan, there are ten pairs of arm guards and ten pairs of leg guards here. Eight pairs of arm guards and leg guards are of the fifth level of good quality."

"Ah, the fifth level of peak quality!" Yan Chengcai gasped.

In his mind, as long as it can meet the quality standard, it is already great. However, each pair is at the peak fifth level... He seems to have seen the ending of Night Dou tonight.

Ouyang Ming continued: "There is also a pair of arm guards and leg guards, which are of the first grade."

Not only did Yan Chengcai's eyes widen, but his mouth also grew.

Top grade, it turned out to be top grade equipment. How come this happiness comes so quickly

"As for the last pair of arm guards and leg guards, they are good attribute equipment, with a little strength and a little agility added respectively."

In fact, the attribute on that arm guard is not strength, but precision. This was the first time Ou Yangming encountered this precise attribute, so he dropped the package and replaced it with strength.

As for a pair of equipment that only adds a little strength, this was specially created by Ouyang Ming. To put it bluntly, one arm guard has special attributes, but the other does not.

However, after hearing these words, Yan Chengcai's body suddenly trembled, and his face was quickly invaded by a flush of red. He was speechless and couldn't say a word.

Ouyang Ming snorted softly and said: "Tonight Night Fight, I will follow you and watch from a distance. If you behave well, I will make the decision and give these equipment to you."

In fact, as a blacksmith in the military, he did not have this right. However, he believed that as long as he kept turning in the amount of attribute equipment every month, even if Kang Weibo knew about it, he would definitely turn a blind eye and would never fall out with him on this matter.

As for attribute equipment... to him, as long as he has enough materials, is it still a thing

The attributes that others dream of are, in his eyes, easily accessible.

Yan Chengcai suddenly spoke, with a hint of red light in his eyes, and said: "Master Ou, are you telling the truth?"

Ouyang Ming said proudly: "Of course it's true, but if you don't perform well..." A cold light flashed in Ouyang Ming's eyes, and Yan Chengcai knew what was coming next.

"Master Ou, please don't worry!" Yan Chengcai puffed up his chest and interrupted him for the first time, saying, "If we lose and lose your face, I will kill you myself!"

Ouyang Ming's heart trembled, and he quickly said: "Brother Yan, you are serious." He secretly cursed, what does it mean to embarrass me? Isn't this nonsense.

Yan Chengcai shook his head and said, "Master Ou, you don't have to say anything." He paused and said, "You should go and watch such a valuable thing." He stepped forward, packed all the arm guards and leg guards, and said : "Master Ou, please follow me back to camp."

Seeing such excited Yan Chengcai, Ouyang Ming actually became a little uneasy.

He vaguely felt that he had gone a little too far.


In the West Camp, nine people were waiting anxiously in a certain barracks. Sometimes they looked at the sky, sometimes they whispered to each other.

A particularly burly man suddenly said: "Why hasn't eldest brother come back yet?"

Another person laughed and said, "Don't worry, Daniel. He is not a crude forger like us, but a fine forger. It is normal to be slower."

Daniel rubbed his hands and said: "Hey, I know, I'm just anxious about waiting. I don't know what big brother can bring back this time."

"They must be arm guards, but I don't know how many pairs there are, whether they are high-quality or ordinary." Another slender man said: "But even if they are ordinary, they are better than bare arms!"

Daniel snorted and said, "Even if my arms are bare, I'm not afraid of them!"

The thin man said lazily: "You are not afraid, but can you beat me?"

Big Newton remained silent. As a soldier, he naturally knew the difference between having equipment and not having equipment. Moreover, this kind of equipment has a greater advantage in team battles. Thinking of the situation when Huang Jingtian and others bumped into each other's arm guards before they left, no matter how tough his mouth was and no matter how unwilling to admit defeat in his heart, he did not dare to say the word win.

Huo Ran, someone shouted: "The boss is back... Hey, Master Ou is here too!"

After a while, Ouyang Ming and Yan Chengcai entered the barracks together.

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on Yan Chengcai's face. They saw that his face was red and smiling, and his eyes were full of fighting spirit and murderous intent.

As a result, everyone was relieved and turned their attention to the package on his back.

Yan Chengcai looked around and placed the package behind him on the ground. Although the sound of the steel colliding was unpleasant, to everyone's ears at this moment, it was undoubtedly like a fairy tale.

Yan Chengcai pulled the package open, and all the equipment was immediately exposed to everyone.

"Wow… "

Although everyone knew there must be good news when they saw Yan Chengcai's face. However, when they saw so much equipment, they still couldn't help but cheer.

Ten pairs of arm guards was enough. They were somewhat mentally prepared. But what do those ten pairs of leggings mean? It is too luxurious for people like me to wear them like this.

Yan Chengcai clapped his hands and immediately attracted everyone's attention. He said loudly: "Brothers, take a look. This is the equipment that Master Ou has provided for us."

Everyone's eyes were shining brightly, full of eager passion.

They have been in the military camp for so long, and they have never seen so much equipment. Perhaps, only the personal guards under the generals can be equipped with a full set of equipment.

As for other ordinary soldiers, it is extremely difficult to expect them to find all the equipment.

Yan Chengcai's eyes wandered, and he lowered his voice slightly and said: "Listen carefully, these are not ordinary outfits. Eight of them are top quality!"

Everyone was startled at first, and then all of them smiled.

What Huang Jingtian and others have is just ordinary high-quality products. But what they wear is the pinnacle of quality. If we only talk about personal bravery, they are slightly better, otherwise they would not have won the last confrontation.

But at this moment, no matter how different the equipment is, the results will naturally be the same.

However, Yan Chengcai continued: "The ninth set of equipment is the first level of top grade!"

"Top grade!"

"Oh my god! Top-grade equipment!"

Everyone's eyes became more and more intense. From the looks of them, they seemed to be eager to rush forward and grab the equipment.

Yan Chengcai sneered. He seemed to have forgotten his expression just now, and said proudly: "As for the last set, it is attribute equipment, which is the pinnacle of good quality with added strength and agility."

The next moment, the entire barracks suddenly became silent.

Ouyang Ming was slightly startled. Just as he was wondering, he heard several breathing sounds like a cow panting.

The eyes of these people were filled with red light, which made people feel heart-stopping.

Yan Chengcai finally said: "Master Ou said that as long as the brothers can perform well tonight and satisfy the master, the master will give these equipment to us."

"Ah! Long live Master Ou!"

I don't know who suddenly shouted, and everyone instantly became lively.

"Don't worry, Master Ou, I will beat them to a pulp so that they will never dare to appear in front of you again!"

"Master Ou, I will definitely kick their balls out! We will stop when you are satisfied!"

"Master Ou..."

Ouyang Ming's forehead instantly broke down with cold sweat. How could these soldiers suddenly become so cruel

Yan Chengcai roared angrily and said: "Quiet!"

Everyone immediately fell silent and stopped talking.

Ouyang Ming breathed a sigh of relief, finally someone was awake.

Yan Chengcai turned around and patted his chest, his originally shy face turned ferocious: "Master Ou, I will blow their heads off tonight and I won't let you down!"

"Blow their heads off!"

"Kick them in the balls!"

"Break their legs!"

The sound of ferocious roars kept coming and going.

Ouyang Ming wiped cold sweat and thought to himself, what can I expect? You are really overthinking...