Immortal Path to Heaven

Chapter 49: Everyone is happy


Ouyang Ming returned to the place quietly. He took off his scarf and put on his coat. He suddenly turned into a blacksmith master, and he looked no longer related to the masked man who had just fought the young master in the battle group.

Today is his first time participating in a night fight. Although he is a bystander, he has already prepared for it. Wearing smart clothes is to make it easier to escape if you encounter any uncontrollable situation. But he didn't expect that he would encounter such an unexpected incident as Young Master.

However, he did not reject this change. Because this young man's actions opened a new door for him, allowing him to understand the meaning of skills.

If realm represents power, it is the most obvious manifestation of power. Then the skills can be perfectly reflected in another way.

Of course, the biggest help this technique has for Ouyang Ming now is that it allows him to mobilize his mental strength.

This is the result of a coincidence. Even if Ouyang Ming is allowed to watch the battle again, he may not be able to achieve this result.

After a while, Yan Chengcai and others came back with grins on their faces, and a hint of resentment on their faces. Although Huang Jingtian and others were severely beaten tonight, they were wiped out by an unknown young man in the blink of an eye.

No matter how thick-skinned you are, you won't be happy, let alone what would satisfy Master Ou.

Seeing everyone crestfallen, Ouyang Ming also laughed dumbly and said, "Everyone, you have already won, why are you so unhappy?"

Daniel snorted, reached out and took off his arm guards and leg guards, and said: "Master Ou, we failed to satisfy you, so I will give you back the things."

Although the rest of the people were reluctant to give up, they also made the same move. However, the expressions in their eyes and faces were like flesh being cut off, which showed how sad they were.

Ouyang Ming frowned slightly and said, "Forget it, I'm very satisfied with your performance. I'll give it to you."

"What?" Everyone was stunned. Except for Yan Chengcai, who had already guessed, the others looked at each other, almost thinking that their ears had heard wrong.

Their performance

If it weren't for the trouble caused by the young master behind them, their performance would indeed be perfect. However, after the disharmonious scene that followed, even they themselves felt a little ashamed to see others.

Ouyang Ming glanced at everyone indifferently and said calmly: "What, no? Then I will really take it back." He extended his hand in a gesture.

Daniel and others looked at Yan Chengcai in unison, and saw the boss wave his hand and said: "This is a reward from Master Ou. Who doesn't want it? There are a lot of brothers lined up behind!"

Only then did everyone suddenly realize, and they immediately swarmed forward and picked up the equipment they had just unloaded as if they had found a treasure.

Yan Chengcai said in a deep voice: "Brothers, we have received such a heavy gift from Master Ou. If Master Ou is of any use to us in the future, we must do our best to help him. If anyone dares to neglect, don't blame me for not showing brotherhood!"

Dan Niu patted his chest and said: "Brother, don't worry, as long as it is ordered by Master Ou, if the mountain of swords and sea of fire frowns, I will die!"

The rest of the people, whether they wanted to or not, swore a heavy oath one after another. Ouyang Ming didn't care at first, but his heart moved slightly and he didn't stop him.

He didn't have much power in the army. Apart from the care of the old craftsman, there was no other person he could completely trust. Since Yan Chengcai took the initiative to come closer, he should have accepted it easily.

Although he also knew that Yan Chengcai was interested in his forging ability. However, if there are not enough benefits, why should people take the initiative to rely on it

After everyone calmed down, Yan Chengcai said in a deep voice: "Master Ou, it's getting late, we have to go back as soon as possible."

Ouyang Ming glanced in the direction of the battle group. He didn't know what the torch was, but it was still burning. However, there was no one in the field.

With a slight nod, everyone unfolded their body skills and sneaked towards the military camp.

When they entered the military camp, the direction they chose was exactly where the Western Camp was. The moment he entered, a deep voice asked: "What was the result?"

Yan Chengcai said quickly: "We won Dongying."

"Good boy, you have not insulted the reputation of the general." The owner of the voice seemed very happy: "Go back and have a good rest. There is no need to get up to practice tomorrow."

"Yes, sir, but something happened after we won."

"Oh? You go back first and talk about it tomorrow."

Yan Chengcai led everyone into the military camp. With a wave of his hand, these people returned to their barracks. And he himself sent Ouyang Ming to the gate of the equipment camp.

Ouyang Ming pondered for a moment and said, "Brother Yan, I hope that my going out today will not be publicized."

Yan Chengcai nodded immediately and said: "Master, please rest assured, I will definitely keep my mouth shut and won't let them talk nonsense."

Both of them had something to say, and even the people who were traveling with them tonight could only understand half of what they were saying. However, the two parties involved knew it well.

Ouyang Ming nodded slowly and pushed the door open. With Yan Chengcai's promise, he felt relieved.

As for Yan Chengcai, he waved his hands fiercely and couldn't help showing joy on his face. Being able to connect with Master Ou and obtain such huge benefits was something that was absolutely unimaginable before today. At this point, his dislike for the young master had weakened a lot. If that person hadn't suddenly intervened, I'm afraid the ending might not have been so happy.

Early the next morning, Yan Chengcai woke everyone up and once again told them not to publicize what happened yesterday, especially Master Ou, who had never traveled with them before.

Everyone has received huge benefits from Ouyang Ming, and they are all grateful. And he also guessed what Ouyang Ming was thinking, which was that he did not want to get involved in the grudge between the two generals. Therefore, no one was suspicious, but everyone agreed.

As for Shangguan's inquiry, Yan Chengcai answered truthfully, explaining everything except what happened with Ouyang Ming's trip.

No matter how bright the Shangguan was, he couldn't associate the masked man who defeated the young master with an arms forger.


However, although there was peace in the west camp, there was no peace in the east camp.

A bearded man glared at Huang Jingtian and others. He said with hatred: "You idiot, I have already shamelessly borrowed high-quality arm guards for you, how come you still lose? Moreover, I lost more than I did. It’s even worse once!”

Huang Jingtian lowered his head, not daring to distinguish. He knew this Shangguan's temper very well. If he chose to defend himself at this moment, it would undoubtedly add fuel to the fire.

Sure enough, after a while, the big man finally got tired of scolding and said angrily: "Tell me what happened!"

Huang Jingtian then raised his head and said, "Sir, we won't lose unfairly this time..."

"What?" The bearded man's eyes widened.

Huang Jingtian endured the severe pain in his body and said: "Sir, although we have arm guards, they also have them. Moreover, each of them also wears leg guards. We were caught off guard, and that's why we lost."

The big man was stunned for a moment, frowned, and said, "No, I've never heard of anyone in Xiying going to the warehouse to transfer goods. Huh, it's only been one day. If they didn't get the goods from the warehouse, how could they get it together?"

Huang Jingtian looked helpless. Even the adults couldn't figure it out, and he was even more confused.

The big man hesitated for a moment and said, "Even if they have an extra pair of leggings, your armguards are still of good quality. Even if they were smashed hard, they shouldn't have lost so miserably."

Huang Jingtian bit his silver teeth and said, "Sir, please take a look." He rolled up his sleeves and exposed his arms. On his arms, he wears a pair of arm guards. However, there are now a lot of holes on the arm guard, some of which are particularly obvious and even deflated a little.

"What, what's going on?" The big man's face changed slightly and he exclaimed.

Huang Jingtian smiled bitterly and said: "Sir, we faced them head-on, and the result was a lot of damage."

The big man's face suddenly became serious. He was also an old man in the army. Although he didn't know how to forge equipment, he still knew the performance of the equipment quite well.

There is only one explanation for causing such damage to these arm guards. The equipment worn by the opponent was actually better than what they had on them!

Huang Jingtian hesitated for a moment and then said: "Sir, Brother Han has worked hard to practice the Iron Leg Kung Fu. If it is an ordinary high-quality leg guard, it may not be able to cause him to suffer a broken leg..."

The big man said solemnly, "You mean they actually have top-grade equipment on them?"

Huang Jingtian lowered his head and remained silent. However, his attitude has been made clear.

Brother Han is the guy who competes with Daniel, and he is extremely unlucky. The only high-grade equipment Ouyang Ming sent happened to be worn on Daniel's body. If the Iron Leg Kung Fu collides with the high-quality leggings, it may not necessarily result in a broken leg. But he wanted to find a big cow, and the result was tragic.

The big man's eyes flickered, and he said slowly: "High-grade equipment, this Xiying cheater is too good!"

He made no mention of his side's preparations, but blamed all faults on Xiying.

Huang Jingtian then told the story of the young master's provocation and eventual escape.

The big man's face changed slightly, and he said softly: "Such a person, could it be him?"

Huang Jingtian's eyes flashed and he said, "Sir, do you know that guy?"

The big man glared at him and said: "Huh, you don't need to find out who this person is. If it's really him, you and I are definitely not someone we can mess with!"

Huang Jingtian felt a little cold in his heart and said quickly: "Yes, sir."

The big man waved his hand and told Huang Jingtian to step back and go find a military doctor to treat his companion's injuries.

But this burly man, who was even better than Daniel, had a lot on his mind. It’s really worrying that Xiying was able to obtain so much equipment without anyone noticing, and was willing to give it to ordinary soldiers to use...