Immortal Path to Heaven

Chapter 54: Realm improvement


The powerful and heavy leopard claws slapped Ouyang Ming hard on the back. Although he had a top-level fifth-level armor defense, he could still feel the powerful impact that almost made him collapse.

At this moment, Ouyang Ming understood something.

Although he had achieved sufficient strength with the help of the attributes of the equipment, his body did not yet have the physique to match this strength.

Just like the forest leopard behind him at this moment, its power was beyond the limit that he could bear.

The armor can protect against Lin Bao's sharp claws, but it cannot protect against that huge power. If Ouyang Ming tried to resist, the result would definitely be broken tendons and fractures.

Therefore, Ouyang Ming's body immediately fell down. Only by going down with the trend can the damage be minimized.

However, at this moment, the dual-purpose purple light flickered violently. It was as if this purple light also sensed Ouyang Ming's dangerous situation at this moment.

The next moment, the purple light quickly reached the center of the eyebrows and merged with the spiritual power.

This is not the first time Ouyang Ming has done this. After learning super skills, he can actively mobilize his spiritual power and integrate it into the weapons when forging weapons.

However, when fighting against others, except for being forced out of his spiritual power under the pressure of Yan Haobo, he never actively used this power again.

But at this moment, when he was once again in a critical situation of life and death, the potential in his body seemed to be forced to explode again.


Although there was no sound from the outside world, Ouyang Ming seemed to have the illusion that his consciousness was constantly rising and flying in mid-air.

At this time, in the eyes of the bystanders whose consciousness was divided into two, earth-shaking changes had already taken place.

That was the angle from which he was watching the battle at this moment. It was no longer parallel to Ouyang Ming's body, but in mid-air, gazing downward in an overlooking manner.

Looking at it from this angle, it actually makes people feel like a god, with everything under control.

Almost at the same time, countless light spots appeared on Lin Bao's body. No one explained, but Ouyang Ming somehow understood the purpose of these light spots.

These light spots are the stress points and flaws when Lin Bao jumps. Looking down from the sky, you can see them at a glance.


These two words suddenly flashed through Ouyang Ming's mind, and he had a brand-new, unexplainable feeling.

The mental power suddenly left the center of his eyebrows and turned into an invisible rope that appeared next to Ouyang Ming. The mental power suddenly pulled, and Ouyang Ming's body that fell down suddenly took a strange turn.

This kind of pulling is not a confrontation with Lin Bao's huge power, but an extremely small adjustment based on its power. But just such a small amount of power is like leveraging the foundation stone of the natural moat.

In the eyes of everyone, Ouyang Ming's body was crooked, his steps were shaky, and he would fall to the ground at any time.

However, this young man, who seemed to be drunk, avoided Lin Bao's subsequent attacks by his minions and stumbled all the way to Lin Bao's back.

At this moment, under the observation of Sky Consciousness, Lin Bao's biggest flaw has appeared.

So, Ouyang Ming stabbed it out without thinking...

Lin Bao screamed and fell to the ground. It turned over and tried to escape. But as soon as his body moved, he fell down again. Its whole body twitched, a large amount of blood and some strange objects flowed out from behind, and slowly, its eyes dimmed.

Ouyang Ming took a step back and looked at the saber with a sharpness of 15 in his hand. He was secretly glad that he was traveling with others and did not add the devouring attribute to it. Otherwise, once Lin Bao's body mutates, it will definitely cause endless trouble.

Putting away his sword and standing up, Ouyang Ming suddenly felt that the atmosphere around him seemed a little strange.

He turned around and saw everyone's eyes staring at him, and he saw too much surprise and disbelief in these people's eyes. Well, in addition to these expressions, there seems to be some respect and fear mixed in.

No matter how Ouyang Ming killed Lin Bao, it was through sheer strength or pure luck. He has delivered a perfect answer and won everyone's approval.

"Dispose of the body." Yan Haobo shouted softly. He was the one who reacted the fastest among the people and immediately issued the order.

Everyone swarmed forward, dug out Lin Bao's internal organs, buried them, and quickly sprinkled medicinal powder on them. Although they moved very quickly, there was still a smell of blood filling the place.

Yan Haobo glanced at the last injured sergeant and the bone-deep wound on his hand. He couldn't help but sigh and said, "Throw away half of the prey and let's leave as soon as possible."

Ouyang Ming was startled and said quickly: "Yan Huochang, we have obtained a new prey, why should we abandon it instead?"

Yan Haobo smiled bitterly and said: "We don't have enough manpower. This time, we must send two scouts to explore the road, so we must give up part of the harvest."

After experiencing the thrilling scene just now, Yan Haobo no longer dared to take it lightly. Even if the harvest is halved, the safety of the team must be ensured.

Ouyang Ming hesitated for a moment, but after all he couldn't part with what he had got, and said: "Chang Yan, I won't get much credit by following you, so just let me be a porter." After that, he stepped forward and picked up the bird. Lin Bao, who was completely dead, picked up another wild boar on his back and said, "We can go."

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, but secretly thought in their hearts, how strong is this kid

Yan Haobo hesitated for a moment and sighed: "That's it, let's go."

Now that Ouyang Ming has carried two ferocious beasts, he no longer mentions abandoning them. However, everyone was becoming more and more cautious when moving forward this time.

Ahead, the archer and a companion took the lead. They carefully observed their surroundings. Only after they were sure that there was no danger, did they send out a signal for everyone to follow.

Perhaps the bad luck just now had been used up, so within an hour, they no longer encountered the slightest danger.

However, the two people were also communicating secretly.

"Hey, look at that... Master Ou's strength?" The archer hesitated for a moment, and finally said the most respectful title.

"Very strong!"

"It is indeed very strong, but don't you think he is a bit too strong?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Master Ou's strength should be related to the equipment he wears, right?"

The soldier who was exploring the road with the archer suddenly stopped and stared at him with his eyes.

The archer reluctantly sneered and said, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

The soldier said slowly: "Brother, Master Ou is the guest of the fire chief, and he saved our brother just now. Do you remember?"

The archer's face changed slightly, and he quickly said: "You misunderstood, I just said it, there is no other meaning!"

"No, that's the best." The military man nodded, put away his eyes, and looked around intently.

The archer sighed helplessly, put away the rest of his thoughts, and continued to explore the way forward.

However, Ouyang Ming, who was being talked about by them at this moment, was complaining in his heart. He felt deep regret for his performance just now.

After wearing powerful attribute equipment, Ouyang Ming indeed has enough power. However, in contrast, his physique and strength were far behind.

In the past few days, when I was walking around in the forest with a set of equipment on my back, I couldn't feel anything.

After all, those 11 points of strength were not added in vain.

However, when he suddenly gained nearly a thousand kilograms of weight, he felt something was wrong.

With 11 points of strength, he can easily carry this weight. However, his physical strength obviously could not keep up with the consumption. Slowly, his steps became heavier, and even his breathing became heavier.

With a slight movement in his heart, Ouyang Ming reached into his arms and took out a dagger.

The weapon in the palm of his hand flashed slightly, and the devouring attribute was already injected into it. This dagger is one of the self-destruction daggers that Ouyang Ming specially refined. However, this dagger is at the peak of the top grade and extremely sharp. Moreover, when not thrown, it can also be used as a weapon.

Taking advantage of the fact that the two preys were blocking his view, Ouyang Ming moved his wrist and immediately sent the dagger into the wild boar.

The swallowing attribute suddenly had a huge effect, and the huge energy of blood and blood was transmitted into his body through the dagger.

This was an extremely enjoyable process, but this time Ouyang Ming was fully prepared. He immediately pulled out the dagger within a breath of the surge of energy and blood.

The huge flow of Qi and blood suddenly stopped, and everything seemed to be back to normal.

However, the fatigue in Ouyang Ming's body was swept away, and his body seemed to be full of strength again.

Although the energy and blood absorbed this time is not much, if it is just to make up for the lost physical strength, it is more than enough.

Of course, at the expense of this, the wild boar on Ouyang Ming's back seemed to be smaller.

However, this is a prey that has been dead for more than a day. Even if it is smaller, who will notice it

The weapons flashed, and the swallowing attribute once again turned into a purple light ball and fell silent in the mind.

Yan Haobo glanced at Ouyang Ming in surprise. He allowed Ouyang Ming to carry two beasts alone and refused to help. This was naturally because he had to be on full alert, but more importantly, he hoped that Ouyang Ming would not be able to hold on and give up.

Just now, he had heard Ouyang Ming's heavy breathing, and he was silently counting the time until he gave up.

But unexpectedly, after a while, Ouyang Ming not only returned to normal breathing, but even his steps became light and agile again.

Yan Haobo secretly marveled, and admired Ouyang Ming's inscrutability even more.

Suddenly, a low shout sounded from the front, completely interrupting his thoughts.