Immortal Path to Heaven

Chapter 83: Exchange rough stones


After seven days of hard work, Ouyang Ming, Ni Yinghong and Zheng Ziwen finally completed the appraisal of all the equipment.

The journey was generally smooth, and most of the equipment was unanimously approved by the three of them.

Of course, if you want to get things done, you will inevitably encounter troubles and disagreements. Therefore, a few minor disputes are inevitable.

Sometimes, after friendly consultations and discussions, a consensus can be reached to determine the specific grade of equipment. But sometimes, there will be situations where the two parties can't settle the dispute. If both parties hold their own opinions and refuse to give in to each other, then the identification technique is the only option.

In the past few days, Ni Yinghong and Zheng Ziwen used the identification technique many times. Every time they used it, it was a good opportunity for Ouyang Ming to peek and learn in secret.

And Ouyang Ming discovered that during the past few days, Ni Yinghong would always lend a helping hand or insist on his own opinions at critical moments, which led to a great increase in the number of times they used appraisal techniques.

It can be said that if Ni Yinghong had not interfered, the number of times they had used the identification technique in the past few days would not have exceeded five times. However, with him as the troublemaker, even if Zheng Ziwen was not happy, he was forced to use the appraisal technique more than ten times. Together, the two appraisers used the appraisal technique more than twenty times intensively, allowing Ouyang Ming to gain unimaginably huge gains.

When the last piece of equipment was approved by three people at the same time, Zheng Ziwen almost collapsed to the ground.

Mental power is different from true energy. Once a large amount of consumption occurs, it is extremely difficult to make up for it. Although Zheng Ziwen has the talent of spiritual power, just like Ouyang Ming, he has power but cannot use it. The identification technique can only be released through mysterious methods, so every time it is used, it is a huge consumption. He released more than ten times in a few days, and he had reached his limit.

Looking at Zheng Ziwen's pale face without a trace of blood, Ouyang Ming even maliciously speculated that if he still had the energy, Ni Yinghong would not end it so soon.

Of course, Ni Yinghong didn't feel good either. She only used the identification technique once less than Zheng Ziwen, and her face was pale and haggard, which was also obvious. But if it weren't for this, Zheng Ziwen wouldn't be so desperate.

After everyone was sure, the news was spread. Not long after, Lin Yichen hurried over. He smiled and thanked everyone, but when he saw Zheng Ziwen's face, he couldn't help but gasped and said: "Master Zheng, are you feeling unwell? "

Zheng Ziwen smiled bitterly and said: "It's nothing, it's just that I have used the appraisal technique too many times in the past few days. I only need to rest for a few days to recover."

Lin Yichen asked dumbfounded: "Is it difficult to identify the equipment this time?"

Equipment identification is a very serious matter, but sometimes it is also related to luck. If you encounter more equipment that is particularly difficult to judge, you will suffer a lot.

Zheng Ziwen smacked his lips. He was really dumb and couldn't tell how hard it was to eat Coptis chinensis.

Although there is a lot of equipment in this batch, it is also somewhat difficult. However, if the three of them can work together to coordinate, it will not be too difficult to identify them.

However, they happened to meet a little devil.

He had a splitting headache when he thought of the various fallacies displayed when cooperating with Ni Yinghong, as well as Ouyang Ming who chose to remain silent at critical moments or fueled the situation.

However, he knew very well Ni Yinghong's background and Ouyang Ming's potential, so he couldn't say any words of criticism.

However, deep down in his heart, he had already decided that he would never cooperate with these two men again.

Looking at his expression and eyes, Lin Yichen vaguely understood. With a wry smile, he said: "Master Zheng, thank you for your hard work. When you go back, I will give you a big gift."

After that, he glanced at the three of them and said, "Everyone has worked hard these days. You can choose one piece of equipment to take away, please!"

Ouyang Ming naturally took the belt over, and Ni Yinghong did not choose the small buckler, but a piece of jewelry. As for Zheng Ziwen, he pocketed the small buckler without ceremony.

Lin Yichen glanced at the choices of the three of them, and finally his eyes fell on Ou Yangming, and said in surprise: "Master Ou, why don't you change it?"

The three pieces of equipment they selected actually had markings on them, recording the characteristics and levels of the equipment.

It was nothing more than a small buckler, it was already a top-notch piece of equipment, and the piece of jewelry Ni Yinghong chose was also a temporary choice, and in terms of value alone, it would not be much inferior.

But the belt Ouyang Ming chose only indicated that it was a high-quality piece of equipment.

Of course, the three inlays on the belt are more conspicuous, but based on this feature, it cannot be compared with the choices of Ni Yinghong and others.

Ouyang Ming smiled slightly and said: "Thank you, Mr. Lin, but I like this belt very much, and it is my first time to come into contact with this type of equipment, so I will choose it."

Lin Yichen's eyes flickered and he glanced at Zheng Ziwen, only to see him shaking his head slightly, indicating that there was nothing special about the belt.

Although he was puzzled, Lin Yichen still laughed and said: "Well, since Master Ou is so polite, I will compensate you with another hundred taels of gold."

Ouyang Ming smiled broadly and said, "Thank you very much, Shopkeeper Lin."

This was an unexpected surprise. Ouyang Ming would never be too short on this yellow and white thing.

His eyes turned and fell on the corner of the basement. There, hundreds of large and small pieces of ore were piled up, which was quite an eyesore.

Lin Yichen noticed his gaze and smiled: "Master Ou, these are the rough stones we collected in the forest. If you are interested, why not pick a few pieces to play with?"

"Original stone?" Ouyang Ming said in surprise: "So this is the original stone!"

The gems that Ouyang Ming used to store the regeneration properties were taken out of the original stones. However, Ouyang Ming had never seen the appearance of the original stone before, so he knew nothing about it.

Lin Yichen smiled and said: "Yes, these are rough stones of good quality, so we have kept them." He paused and said: "Among these rough stones, there is a chance that attribute gems can be found."

Ni Yinghong smiled suddenly and said: "Master Ou, you might as well buy a few to play with. If you can really get attribute gems, how about I teach you how to embed them into a jade belt?"

Ouyang Ming looked at the three slots on the belt and couldn't help but feel moved.

"Shopkeeper Lin, how do you sell this rough stone?"

Lin Yichen smiled like a fox that had caught a rooster. He stretched out a finger and said with a smile: "It's not expensive, a rough stone is twenty taels of gold."

"Twenty taels of gold?" Ouyang Ming's eyes suddenly widened, filled with disbelief.

Well, please forgive me, although he has gained quite a lot since he mastered the blacksmithing technique, and the wealth he has accumulated here and there amounts to hundreds of taels of gold.

However, the bulk of the gold was actually the appraisal fee and Lin Yichen's reward, and the rest came from Zhang Yinfan's apology gift. However, if all are added together, the gold cannot exceed 500 taels.

And any piece of ore here sells for twenty taels. Doesn't that mean that with all his wealth combined, he can only buy more than twenty taels

At this point, Ouyang Ming finally understood what it means to be truly rich.

Ouyang Ming coughed lightly and said, "Shop Manager Lin, can't you make it cheaper?"

The smile on Lin Yichen's face did not change and he said: "Master Ou, to be honest, the price of ore of this quality is generally more than thirty taels of gold, and these twenty taels are already the lowest price for you. If you don't believe it, Ask these two, what is the price of gambling stones in Fucheng?"

Ouyang Ming turned around and saw Zheng Ziwen and Ni Yinghong both nodding slowly.

Seeing Ou Yangming's hesitation, Lin Yichen chuckled and said, "Well, Master Ou has helped me a lot, and I can't be stingy. How about you just pick three pieces and play with them?"

Ouyang Ming's heart moved slightly and he said, "I'll go take a look."

He walked to the pile of ore and picked up a piece. However, at this moment, a light flashed in the palm of his hand.

Because it is covered by ore, no one can see it. However, there was no trace of joy on Ouyang Ming's face.

To him, this weapon is almost synonymous with omnipotence. However, the appearance of the arms this time did not bring him any surprises. The ore was just an ordinary stone. Ouyang Ming did not see any useful information from the arms.

Sighing secretly in his heart, he shook his head. It seemed that this weapon was not as omnipotent as he imagined. At the very least, there is nothing that can be done about these ores.

He threw away the piece of ore and touched another piece again. He flashed the weapons five or six times in succession, but still found nothing.

Just when Ouyang Ming was about to give up, his arm subconsciously reached for another piece of ore.

It was a stone only the size of a fist, irregularly polygonal, and inconspicuous.

However, just when the weapon suddenly appeared in Ouyang Ming's hand, his body trembled slightly unnoticed by outsiders. The faces with their backs to Lin Yichen and others showed an expression of surprise.

Because in his mind, a strange scene suddenly flashed across his mind.

It was a red light. Although it was not strong, it seemed to come from the ore in his hand.

Ouyang Ming's eyes were shining, and his fists clenched involuntarily. But just a moment later, he immediately returned to his normal expression, gently put the ore down, and reached out to touch another piece of ore.

After touching more than ten pieces of ore, Ouyang Ming discovered that there was a bit of strange light in the second piece of ore.

This ratio is really not high. If calculated as one out of ten, it would take two hundred taels of gold to produce one gem.

However, it is unclear whether it is cost-effective compared to the general value of gemstones.

Ouyang Ming clapped his hands, stood up, and said with a smile: "Shop Manager Lin, I am somewhat interested in these ores. I will not take the gold you gave me this time, and I will pay it all with the ores!"