Immortal Prodigy

Chapter 38: The wronged Mo Chuan


Xie Jiuniang grinned, revealing a mouthful of small white teeth. She raised the wooden hairpin and said, "Come on, come on, according to the rules of the market, if there are many people competing for something, the one with the highest bid will win! The starting price is one spirit stone, and the bid cannot be less than one hundred."

The onlookers called it shameless.

"I'll offer fifty spirit stones." The little boy made the first bid.

Cheng Huaixin said, "Then I'll give you 150."

"I'll give you two hundred and fifty... No, I'll give you five hundred." The little boy raised five fingers and looked at Cheng Huaixin proudly.

Cheng Huaixin made another bid.

The two people went back and forth and the price reached 15,000.

The onlookers were stunned.

Are these two fools? They are spending a huge amount of money to buy just an ordinary wooden hairpin.

When Cheng Huaixin shouted out eighteen thousand, the little boy looked conflicted.

"I'm out..." the little boy opened his mouth again.

As a result, he could just open his mouth but couldn't say anything, and he was so anxious that sweat broke out on his forehead.

Anyone with insight can see that the little boy has been silenced.

Then, a fragrant breeze blew by.

A beautiful woman in white came flying on a sword, her skin was as white as ice and her body was as beautiful as a fairy. She picked up the little boy and threw him onto the flying sword, then turned around and flew away with a calm look.

The beauty came and left in a hurry.

There was silence for a while before everyone came back to their senses.

Then everyone looked at Xie Jiuniang again.

There is no competition anymore.

It is also unbelievable that an ordinary wooden hairpin was sold for 18,000 spirit stones.

Several spiritual senses scanned the wooden hairpin back and forth, and no one found anything unusual, except that it looked a bit old.

Xie Jiuniang's face was very calm.

Not pleased, not to have compassion.

This made some people who were secretly paying attention to her nodded, including Elder Chao Yan.

Xie Si Niang was no longer calm!

At that time, she bought the wooden hairpin while watching Xie Jiuniang, and she only spent ten spirit beads. Now the wooden hairpin is going to be sold for 18,000 yuan, how many times has it increased

Xie Jiuniang is really calm.

This is just the beginning. She has traded a spiritual stone for a person worth 100,000.

Then, Xie Jiuniang glanced at Gan Long with her eyes.

Gan Long was anxious and looked at her second brother frequently. When she came over just now, she had asked her second brother to use the sound transmission note to notify Mo Chuan.

Just at this moment, Gan Meng received a reply from Mo Chuan. It was a crane carrying a storage bag full of spirit stones, asking the brother and sister to bid.

Mo Chuan is an alchemist and has no shortage of spirit stones.

Cheng Huaixin smiled and said: "Then this hairpin is mine..."

"Wait, I'll give you fifty thousand."

Gan Meng suddenly came over and made an offer, and the price jumped to fifty thousand in one go.

Cheng Huaixin and Gan Meng looked at each other and sparks flew.

After making eye contact, do you all have the same goal

Cheng Huaixin clenched his fists, and suddenly he received a familiar voice in his mind: Bid five hundred thousand.

"Five hundred thousand."

As soon as Cheng Huaixin said this, there was an uproar around him.

Everyone present was a rookie in the Qi training stage and had rarely seen such an exciting scene. The main reason was that they paid a high price just to buy a wooden hairpin. Did they have too many spirit stones and didn't know where to spend them

Xie Jiuniang was excited in her heart, but she managed to remain calm on the surface.

Here he comes, the rich dog owner is here!

"Xiaojiu, Xiaojiu..." Xie Si Niang's face flushed with excitement. She unconsciously grabbed Xie Jiu Niang's arm and said, "I'm rich, I'm rich..."

Xie Jiuniang raised the corners of her mouth.

Gan Meng added: "I'll pay 550,000."

Fighting for a worthless wooden hairpin made him feel like a sucker, which made him feel very stressed.

Cheng Huaixin smiled and said, "Congratulations, I give up."

Xie Jiuniang looked at Cheng Huaixin strangely. He had never appeared in her previous life, and she didn't know who his master was behind the scenes.

Gan Meng paid 550,000 spirit stones and successfully bought the wooden hairpin, then took Gan Long away. The wooden hairpin was put into the storage bag and was taken away by the crane.

Many people saw this scene.

It is truly a strange story in the world that someone would spend hundreds of thousands of spirit stones to buy an ordinary wooden hairpin. No one would believe it unless they saw it with their own eyes.

Dongxu Temple on the top of the mountain.

Elder Chao Yan asked with a smile: "The person who bought the wooden hairpin seems to be from Danfeng. What do you think?"

"That hairpin... I don't see through it." The True Man pursed her lips and smiled silently, "Master Gu Zheng has just used his spiritual sense to check it no less than ten times. Why don't you tell me what the mystery is?"

Gu Zheng Zhenren's face turned red, "I didn't find anything either."

Using spiritual sense to look at other people's things without permission is not what a gentleman does.

Elder Chao Yan was really curious just now and couldn't help but use his spiritual sense to check the wooden hairpin. Based on his hundreds of years of experience, it was indeed just an ordinary wooden hairpin.

It's just strange why there are two groups of people fighting for it.

Not only Elder Chao Yan and the others were puzzled, everyone was puzzled, except the person involved, Xie Jiuniang.

Xie Jiuniang, who had just made a fortune, was hospitably inviting a group of people who wanted to know the origin of the wooden hairpin to eat some dried meat.

As a result, everyone dispersed.

Only Xie Xu took the dried meat and asked, "Aren't you worried, Xiaojiu, that the hairpin is a treasure?"

"What treasure? Fourth sister knows where it came from." Xie Jiuniang never thought that the wooden hairpin was a treasure. It was just an ordinary hairpin.

She was going to use it to catch water fish.

Xie Si Niang picked up a red fruit and took a bite. "I bought it at the market in Xi'an City. I spent ten spirit beads on it..."

Cough cough cough.

There was a burst of coughing all around.

Apparently, many people heard what Xie Si Niang said. Just ten spirit beads were sold for 550,000 spirit stones!

Is this a big bargain

Why is it that others are always lucky? The small profiteer made a lot of money during the assessment, plus the hundreds of thousands today.

Damn, I got rich overnight!

Xie Jiuniang didn't care when she saw that the dried meat was disliked. She smiled and took back the storage bag, along with the other things, and returned to the small isolation array.

Without the watchful eyes of outsiders, I feel much more at ease.

And the other side.

When Lin Wangchen learned that Mo Chuan had fallen into the trap, he laughed out loud with joy.

"Hahaha… "

"Mo Chuan! You have come to this day..."

All the depression that had been accumulating in my heart for recent days was swept away.

I spent 550,000 spirit stones to buy a useless wooden hairpin. I wonder how interesting Mo Chuan's expression will be when he gets the hairpin.

Unfortunately, I didn’t get to see it in person.

Mo Chuan didn't know that Lin Wangchen learned that Xie Jiuniang had bought another hairpin. With the precedent of the "broken sword" in mind, he secretly asked someone to investigate the origin of the hairpin first.

It was successfully discovered that the hairpin was made by an experienced craftsman and had nothing to do with chance.

Lin Wangchen knew that Mo Chuan's people were staring at him, so he deliberately arranged for someone to approach Xie Jiuniang, and accidentally revealed that what they were looking for was the wooden hairpin, including the hairpin map.

Mo Chuan was fooled!

Even if Mo Chuan didn't show up to buy the hairpin, and very few people knew it was him, Lin Wangchen would still let the news spread.

The usually arrogant genius alchemist was actually a complete sucker and became a laughing stock in the sect overnight.

I wonder what that person would think

(End of this chapter)