Immortal Prodigy

Chapter 447: Border battlefield


The sect elder told the seven people to follow Xie Jiuniang to the front line, and finally gave a few more instructions: "When you leave the garrison, be careful not to go astray on the way, so as not to provoke those you shouldn't provoke..."

"Thank you for the reminder, Elder." Ren Bingyan spoke first.

Others followed suit and expressed their gratitude.

It's not that the elders of the sect are nagging, but in fact these people have backgrounds in the sect, and it will be troublesome if something happens.

Then, the seven people stepped forward one after another and saluted Xie Jiuniang.

Xie Jiuniang accepted it calmly and said simply, "Let's go, you guys follow."


Seven people followed behind in silence.

After walking out of the detention center.

Xie Ying took out a flying boat and sat with Tan Zirang. Xing Luan took out a lotus-shaped flying device, and it was much easier for Ren Bingyan and the other two, so they flew directly on their swords.

Xie Jiuniang seemed to be flying in front, but she was secretly paying attention to the seven people behind her.

Xing Luan is an alchemist and knows medical skills, so there was nothing unexpected about him arriving on the battlefield. But what happened to Xie Ying

You've reached the early stage of Jindan

Two guards are needed around me

Xie Jiuniang knew about Tan Zirang and Xiang Xiaojun. The last time they went to Luyuan Secret Realm, they were specifically there to protect Xie Ying. They suffered serious injuries, and one of them seemed to have lost an arm

Now not only has it recovered, but it has also made a breakthrough.

"Taoist Master Zi Yang seems to be a very generous person." The sword spirit concluded seriously.

Xie Jiuniang felt a little amused.

He was not making fun of Taoist Zi Yang, but was laughing at the seriousness of the Sword Spirit.

On the way, we passed a mountain range in the distance.

Everyone looked at it a few more times.

The sword spirit reminded, "Dog master, there are many incarnations in that mountain range, and their auras are very strong."


Even without anyone reminding her, Xie Jiuniang knew it.

That mountain range is a restricted area on the border, and is where the Alliance is located. It is full of caves of powerful spirits, and ordinary Nascent Souls and Golden Cores cannot pass through unless they are led by a spirit. When they left the garrison, the elders of the sect specifically reminded them to be careful.

Ren Bingyan and others didn't say anything.

There was no communication along the way.

Qiao Shiyun wanted to make friends with Xie Jiuniang, but unfortunately Xie Jiuniang pretended not to hear them and ignored them.

Xie Jiuniang was very emotional.

These people practice really hard, which is quite different from their previous lives.

In the previous life, the cultivation level of Ren Bingyan and others didn't seem to have broken through so quickly at this time

Even if Xie Jiuniang was beaten to death, she would never know that the reason why these people broke through so quickly was closely related to her.

It was because Xie Jiuniang was promoted too quickly, which put a lot of pressure on them. Also, the elders would often mention Xie Jiuniang, and it was difficult for them not to compare themselves with others.

Therefore, he naturally tried his best in cultivation.

What's more, they are all talented people, and with great effort, it is only natural for them to break through ahead of schedule.

Close to the Tianxu Sect’s defense line.

A faint smell of blood could be smelled from a distance.

"We can smell blood from such a distance. There must be a battle ahead?" Ren Bingyan spoke first to break the silence.

Qiao Shiyun said, "It's most likely. My master said that this place is very dangerous. Once the real war starts, no one will care about us. He asked me to think carefully before coming here."

"My master is the same." Zhan Chengxiu said seriously.

In fact, they came here with the mentality of gaining some knowledge.

Xing Luan came here because his master, Master Mu Hong, was on the battlefield, and Mu Hong was an eighth-rank alchemist. As an indispensable member of the Tianxu Sect's logistics staff, the sect would specially arrange for a spirit to accompany him for protection. Therefore, Xing Luan's safety would be guaranteed when he went to find Mu Hong.

As for Xie Ying, she is similar to Xing Luan.

Ren Bingyan, Zhan Chengxiu and Qiao Shiyun came here for real gaining experience.

Xie Jiuniang did not miss their conversation.

There is a reason why Uncle Chao Ruo asked them to think carefully.

The real life-and-death battle begins, and even if the strong are willing to take care of you, they may be unable to do so. The demons don't care whether you are here to gain experience or to fight on the battlefield, they will kill you as soon as they see you.

If we meet, it will be a life-and-death fight. Life or death is your own responsibility.

Xie Jiuniang quickened her pace, and the people behind her followed suit.

When passing by, the smell of blood was stronger. Xie Jiuniang went in the direction where the smell of blood was strongest and heard some fighting, but not much.

The sword spirit said, "There was a fight ahead, but it will soon subside."

Xie Jiuniang rushed over alone.

Just then, I saw a Jindan disciple of the sect hugging a demon and wanting to die together.

Xie Jiuniang didn't have time to think, at the critical moment, she used her magical power to stop time.

He teleported again and separated the golden elixir and the demon.

Kill the demons before the magic ends.

In the eyes of the Jindan disciple, he was suddenly unable to move, and then someone dropped from the sky and rescued him from the gates of hell. At that moment, he found that Xie Jiuniang was extremely tall.

He was so moved that tears came to his eyes.

That’s great, I don’t have to die.

Who wants to die when you can live

Xie Jiuniang then killed the remaining two demons and saved another Jindan disciple.

There were already several corpses lying on the ground, including those of demons, monsters, and fellow disciples. There were also two seriously injured and unconscious people lying on the ground.

This made Xie Jiuniang feel a little heavy-hearted, as this was just a line of defense.

The defense line that Tianxu Sect is responsible for is quite long. This is the first line of the battlefield. It is said that Tianxu Sect alone is responsible for thousands of miles.

The incarnation spirit in charge further subdivided the defense line and assigned it to each Nascent Soul. The golden elixirs under the name of the Nascent Soul would be divided again, for example, who would be responsible for a few miles of defense.

This team of disciples had bad luck and encountered a group of demons lurking around.

But why didn't anyone come to rescue

Xie Jiuniang spread out her spiritual sense and found that there were battles not only here, but also in other places. It was obvious that there was more than one wave of demons coming to harass.

She looked up somewhere high in the sky.

Sure enough, there was a fight up there.

That is a battlefield for the strong, and ordinary people cannot participate.

At this time, the two surviving Jindan were busy rescuing their unconscious fellow disciple.

At this moment, Xing Luan and others hurried over, "Master, this is..."

"Xing Luan knows some medical skills, let's save people first." Xie Jiuniang pointed at the two dying Jindan.

The other two people only tried to stop the bleeding or feed him a healing pill, so he still had to rely on luck to survive. It was different for those who knew medical skills, so they had a better chance of survival.

When Xing Luan heard this, he immediately went forward to provide treatment.

Qiao Shiyun came over to help.

Xie Jiuniang did not stay here. "I checked and there are no traces of demons nearby. It is safe here for the time being. There is a fight in the east. I want to go over and take a look."

"Go quickly, Master."

Zhan Chengxiu spoke hurriedly.

Xie Jiuniang nodded and disappeared on the spot.

Judging from the surrounding situation, this attack by the demons seemed to be premeditated. The Tianxu Sect didn't even have a Nascent Soul elder free to take action, which showed how serious the situation was.