Immortal Prodigy

Chapter 474: Demonstrate value


After Xie Jiuniang woke up, she sat there for a long time.

The moment when her consciousness went backwards in the long river of time kept echoing in her mind. In that moment, it seemed as if there was some mystery waiting for her to comprehend.

After a long while, she slowly closed her eyes.

Sit cross-legged on the stone bed, concentrating on meditation.

The sword spirit wanted to say something.

When I saw her like this, I suspected that she had some sudden enlightenment, so I just kept quiet and didn't disturb her.

After sneaking out of the cave and taking a look, he saw that there was a spiritual consciousness paying attention to this side from time to time, so the sword spirit simply put up a wooden sign outside the cave.

It says: Retreat, do not disturb.

The handwriting is crooked, as if it was written by a child.

If there hadn't been a powerful spiritual consciousness paying attention to this side and seeing it written on a broken sword with one's own eyes, one would have inevitably doubted the Xie family's education.

"Is that broken sword the natal magic weapon of Master Yuan Xidan? It must have a spirit." Someone discussed quietly.

Someone on the other side said, "It's not her natal magic weapon. I heard that her natal magic weapon is a tortoise shell."

"Turtle shell? What's the explanation?"

"The shell of the ancient black turtle, Qiansha refined it into a small space."

"Ha, this is to choose a defensive magic weapon, you must be very afraid of death."

"Maybe he's scared of being hunted. This kid is really unlucky. He's been hunted by people and has no place to seek justice." These are the things those people inferred in a nice way.

But there is a cause for every effect in this world.

Being hunted for no apparent reason and implicated in the death of her master, it is no wonder that she chose to risk her life to kill the ancestor of the Mohist school.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is not the end yet.

It's certainly not over yet.

Seven days later, a red glow suddenly appeared in the sky above Xie Jiuniang's cave, and it was a natural phenomenon that the ninth-grade elixir had appeared.

Everyone knew that the elixir was ready.

At this time everyone thought it was a small matter. Xie Jiuniang had been preparing for so long and finally succeeded in making the elixir. It was still very good, though it took a little longer than the time taken by the ancestor of the Mohist School.

Wen Zhong and others watched coldly.

Now too many people are paying attention to Xie Jiuniang's cave, and they even vaguely feel that someone is staring at them, as if they are afraid that they will do something and hurt Xie Jiuniang, their precious child.

The leader also secretly warned them not to cause trouble on the border.

The female god of the Nangong family sneered, "At her speed of refining pills, she can only refine three or four pills a year at most. Some people are so stupid that they rush to send spiritual plants to her for refining. Instead of trying to please her, it's better to find a way to make merit and get a free quota from the leader."

"Everyone is waiting for her to grow up." Wen Zhong Daojun is very clear about this. "She is growing too fast. Before she broke through the ninth rank, who knew she was still an eighth rank alchemist?"

"No one knows, she hid it too deeply."

They had arranged people to monitor her for a long time, but they didn't know this and mistakenly thought that she was only a sixth-grade alchemist.

Suddenly, the opponent was already at the ninth rank.

The growth rate is extremely terrifying and cannot be achieved by ordinary people.

They have tried their best to stop it, but still failed. The records in the classics are all true, the Son of Destiny cannot be killed and must not be killed.

They are proud and arrogant.

I didn't know why at the time, it was as if something had blinded my mind, and I made the decision to surround and kill the child of destiny by mistake.

It has to be said that Wen Zhong and others were very regretful.

They should not have acted rashly at the beginning, they should have planned more carefully, and they should not have done it themselves. Otherwise, they would not be like this now, as if they had fallen into a big quagmire, sinking deeper and deeper, and have been unable to extricate themselves.

At the beginning, no one thought that even though they paid enough attention, they would still fail again and again.

Wen Zhong looked at the strange scene in the sky ahead and said, "We don't have much time and opportunity left..."

Everyone else had thought of that.

You can't take action at the border, but what if she leaves the border

It's rare that these people think alike.

However, the development of some things was beyond their imagination. A few days later, the sky above Xie Jiuniang's cave was once again filled with red clouds, auspicious clouds, and flying butterflies.

This time the border was shaken!

"Am I dazzled? Why is there another strange vision? How long ago was the last strange vision?" Taoist Zang Yan asked in surprise in the Sword Sect's territory.

Taoist Xiao Yuan next to him was much calmer, "Not long ago, six days ago."

Hearing this, Zang Yan stood up suddenly, "Only six days apart?"

Then, his spiritual sense searched around the strange vision.

Not only him, but also several other spiritual consciousnesses were the same.

Xiao Yuan raised his eyebrows and asked, "You don't doubt that this phenomenon is man-made, do you?"

"Then do you think there is really someone who can refine a ninth-grade pill in a few days?"

"Many incredible things have happened to her, not just this one." Xiao Yuan had already calmed down.

Zang Yan Daojun: “…”

Is there anything he doesn't know

A group of bigwigs on the border have discovered this problem.

Not only the Sword Sect, but everyone else who received the news also found it unbelievable.

The auspicious sign of this ninth-grade elixir is not an end, but a beginning.

After that, a strange phenomenon would appear in the sky every six or seven days, and it did not stop until it happened eight times in a row.

As a result, people at the border have not discussed the affairs of the demon clan recently, and all the discussion is about the miracles created by Xie Jiuniang.

Some people were surprised and doubtful: "Is it so easy to refine the ninth-grade pill?!"

"This pill refining speed is faster than that of the ancestor of the Mo family. I remember that it took the ancestor of the Mo family at least half a month to make a pill." In comparison, it is incredible that a newly promoted ninth-grade master can refine a ninth-grade pill in just six or seven days.

No one would believe it unless they saw it with their own eyes!

When the news spread to the world of immortal cultivation, those who heard it would probably think it was just exaggeration.

The ones who felt all this most deeply were the powerful men of Tianxu Sect.

Their cave is closest to Xie Jiuniang's.

When Xie Jiuniang became a ninth-rank alchemist, some of the Tianxu Sect's incarnations moved to new caves and naturally settled around Xie Jiuniang's cave, protecting her in the center as protectors.

At this moment, several gods gathered in the cave of Thousand Killings Taoist Lord.

"The speed of the pill formation is a bit too fast." Taoist Guangluo sighed.

Daojun Guangcheng then said, "It was very fast, unprecedented."

"That's a bit too powerful." Daoist Master Su Jin had been shocked, but now he was very calm, "Fortunately, he is from our Tianxu Sect."

Everyone was talking at once, all amazed at Xie Jiuniang's speed in refining the elixir.

On the contrary, Daojun Qiansha did not say anything.

She had talked to Xie Jiuniang privately before, and originally wanted her to keep a low profile and not be bullied. However, this incident completely confused her.

Taoist Qiansha knew that his little disciple had great ideas.

She never needs anyone to worry about her.

The last time I killed the ancestor of the Mo family, I didn’t discuss it with her.

This time, he spared no effort to show his own value. I am afraid he has some calculations...