Immortal Search

Chapter 15: Crypt tarantula


When the first ray of sunlight was shining on the ground, Mo Bai and Lin Ming received the quest issued by the sect in the sect, and went to Yangming Mountain to find a single main medicine for refining cold-flavored pills.

Yangming Mountain is to the west of Yunmeng Peak, passing through the secular world on the way. Last night, Lin Ming made it clear that he wanted to escape from Yunmeng Peak and did not want to cultivate immortals. In fact, he has not given up studying secular scriptures this year. This time I went out of the sect, I am not coming back, I want to go back to the secular world to seek fame. Therefore, the route the two chose for the task traveled through this secular world.

After talking with him, Mo Bai learned that it took him half a year to hit the second floor this time, but during the period, he was blocked by invisible obstacles in front of the house. No entry.

The two took the task and went all the way down the mountain without being blocked on the way. A few days later, when they reached the boundary, Lin Ming separated from Mo Bai in a small city in the secular world. Mo Bai rushed to Yangmingshan alone.

One day, Mo Bai stood in the Yangmingshan Mountains. Yangming Mountain is composed of nine volcanic mountains. The Yufeng peak in the middle is more than 1,600 meters high. The scenery on the mountain is pleasant, and a meandering Danshui River runs around the mountain. The craters on the tops of the nine volcanoes are as large as 560 meters in diameter and 280 meters in diameter. In the rainy season, the accumulation of water forms a lake, and when viewed from the sky, it looks like nine stars in a row, each reflecting each other.

Although this Yangming Mountain is not as majestic and misty as Yunmeng Mountain, it is another fascinating sight. The climate is pleasant. The natural beauty of strange peaks, strange rocks, forests, ancient trees, cave gorges, secluded streams, waterfalls, and streams complement each other. Brilliant, it's wonderful, quiet, majestic and beautiful.

The place where Mo Bai stands is at the bottom of a valley. The place is quiet and fascinating, refreshing, with singing, dancing, and gurgling water. The small stream winds along the valley, and several springs gather into a pool, boulders stand in rows, the shadows of the trees are reflected, the water is pure and the rocks are pure, and it is natural and interesting. Looking up, the endless overlapping mountains present a spectacular scene of golden forest belts and silver mountains, and thousands of silver snakes dancing and dancing.

All this looks so peaceful and pleasant.

The main medicine of Hanyan Pill, Hanyan Grass, only grows on cliffs where lava flows. The picking environment is very harsh, and only one low-grade spirit stone is obtained for every 100 cold-flavored grasses picked. Therefore, few monks in the general sect will take this task.

Compared with the pleasant scenery on the mountain, the mountain underground is another scene.

At this time, Mo Bai cautiously walked in a cave, constantly looking at the environment in the cave. The rock cave walls here are naturally formed, and the air exudes a humid, pungent smell. The cave was dark and dull, and Mo Bai was holding the artifact he had obtained from Huang and Cui. The artifact was emitting a hazy white light, and he could barely see the road inside the cave.

He suddenly stagnated at his feet and bumped into something. He looked down and saw that there was a bone that looked like a monster beast lying on the ground. Mo Bai squatted down, flipping the corpse with the flying sword in his hand, but failed to recognize it. What a monster.

He frowned slightly, judging from the decay of the corpse, someone should have stepped into the cave a few days earlier. He couldn't help being careful.

Mo Bai walked forward unhurriedly, stopping at a three-way intersection. All three paths can be walked. He pondered for a moment and chose one path at will. As for where to go, he just walked forward carefully.

Going down the tunnel, the line is more than a hundred meters long, but it gets narrower and narrower. Mo Bai just wondered if he had chosen the wrong tunnel. I saw light coming from ahead. Vaguely, he seemed to hear the sound of running water. He walked quickly towards the light.

Suddenly, he felt a slimy sticky thing dripping from the top of the cave. The black eyes flashed with cold light, the energy was in the foot, and with a single kick, he pulled back more than ten feet, raised his head, and swept his consciousness forward. I couldn't help being shocked.

The place where he just stood, to the place where the light is emitting, is about fifty feet, all covered by a white thick substance, and at the forefront, a large slimy spider web is shrouded.

Before waking up from the horror, a weird creaking sound came from the top of his head. Hearing it, it makes people horrible. Mo Bai quickly raised the magic weapon in his hand and stared at it. What appeared in Mo Bai's eyes was a hairy spider the size of a Tibetan mastiff, with a black carapace. Shining tiles are bright. The front of the long legs is slender. Climbing quickly from the rock wall, his eyes gleamed with green light, extremely terrifying.

It was the first time that Mo Bai saw a living monster. In the Zongmen’s Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, he had read the book "Xiyi Mountain and Sea Records" which introduced the monsters of the Xiyi Continent. He knew that monsters were divided into ten levels. The higher the rank, the stronger the strength, the seventh-order monster can also be transformed into a human form, and the strength is equivalent to the human Tibetan god early monk.

"This, this is a Tier 1 monster, Crypt Tarantula." A thought flashed through Mo Bai's mind.

A white light spit out from the spider's mouth, and instantly opened to form a huge spider web, which came straight to Mo Bai. Mo Bai fell to the ground and rolled aside without hesitation, and escaped the huge spider web. The spider web hit the air and fell onto the ground, and the rocks on the ground made a hissing sound, as if it were melting. Looking at the spider web on the ground, Mo Bai gasped in a cold breath.

Seeing the spider web fell into the sky, the tarantula quickly moved its slender long legs and rushed towards Mo Bai, and he was in front of Mo Bai in the blink of an eye. The two front legs lifted up instantly and directly pierced down towards Mo Bai.

Hurrying to avoid the terrifying blow from the tarantula, Mo Bai floated far behind. The tarantula's forelegs pierced deeply into the rock, and two clearly visible holes appeared in his eyes. His mind turned sharply, and his mind kept reminiscing about the crypt tarantula recorded in "Xiyishan Hailu". specialty.

The crypt tarantula, the overlord of the tunnels of the cave, has a solid carapace. Incredibly fast. Bajo possesses extremely strong penetrating power. After the spider web is spit out, it instantly forms a spider web in the air. As long as it enters his territory, even the second-order monster beast will have to flee from the wind.

However, the weakness of the Crypt Tarantula is recorded in "Xiyi Mountain and Sea Records", that is, his abdomen. There is a white area in the abdomen of the crypt tarantula, which is in sharp contrast with his black body, but how can the crypt tarantula get out of the abdomen for Mo Bai to assassinate it

As soon as his consciousness moved, a fire talisman appeared in Mo Bai's right hand, and he raised it towards the tarantula, a flame of fire rushed away, and the flying sword in his hand followed the fire, piercing the head of the crypt tarantula. .

After all, the Crypt Tarantula is an underground monster. Seeing the fire, it has the instinct to avoid it, and saw its eight long legs squat down and ejected. The fire light and the magic weapon in the hand were shot down. Mo Bai hurriedly looked up and saw that the Crypt Tarantula had eight long legs, pierced into the rock wall at the top of the cave, the whole body was hanging upside down, and his two shining green eyes were staring unblinkingly and standing on the ground. The ink white.

Mo Bai's scalp numb for a while, holding a magic weapon in his right hand, and quickly flipping his left hand, a water-attribute talisman appeared on the palm of his hand, a pair of black eyes stared at the hanging tarantula, his legs slowly moved back. The two sides confronted each other like this.

At this time, the Crypt Tarantula moved, and when the eight long legs squatted, they would eject towards Mo Bai. Mo Bai raised his left hand, and a light blue shield appeared around his body. Quicken the step of retreating under your feet. His eyes were still staring at the Crypt Tarantula.

The Crypt Tarantula ejected towards Mo Bai, his body was in the air, and his two front legs were raised again, stab Mo Bai, with two bangs, and the front legs pierced the water attribute shield. The spiritual power shield blocked the attack of the Crypt Tarantula, Mo Bai breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and saw that the tarantula had not given up, still increasing the strength of the forward stabbing, trying to pierce the shield.

The breath of freshness was lifted again, and the ink white black eyes swept towards the tarantula, and three white lines appeared in front of his eyes. At this moment, Mo Bai knew that he had no chance to evade. He couldn't help but suddenly removed the protective cover that was protecting his body. After all, the tarantula was not a high-level monster with sufficient intelligence, and its resilience was insufficient. It was caught off guard. Two The front legs are not strong enough, even if the body is supported by six legs, it will inevitably stagger.

Seeing the tarantula reveal its flaws, Mo Bai mobilized all his spiritual power, used the flying sword in his hand as a hidden weapon in the secular world, and threw it out fiercely. A white cold light shot quickly towards the three white lines on the tarantula. After throwing the flying sword out, Mo Bai stepped his foot on the ground without hesitation, and floated his figure backwards until he stabilized his figure and looked at the crypt tarantula.

Only a "pouch" was heard, followed by a "his-" scream full of ear-piercing sharpness. The screaming cry kept echoing in the empty cave.

The flying sword had penetrated deeply into its body, leaving only half of the hilt exposed. The entire body of the Crypt Tarantula suddenly rolled on the ground. When hitting the surrounding rock walls, the sand and rocks on the rock walls kept shaking off.

Watching coldly as the tarantula rolling on the ground became smaller and smaller, Mo Bai knew that he was safe, and could no longer support it. He sat down on the ground, panting heavily.

Although I didn't use much spiritual power this time, after all, it was the first time that the monster was against the enemy. Fortunately, I read the relevant books and knew where his weakness was. If not, it might be him Mobai who died here.

Mo Bai touched his beating heart, thinking in his heart.

After a while, looking at the motionless tarantula that had been covered by the sand on the rock wall, Mo Bai stepped forward and pulled out the flying sword that had been pierced into it, wiped it clean with a cloth strip, and put it back into the storage bag. middle. After looking at the passage blocked by the white spider web in front, he pondered for a while, flipped his right hand, and a fire-attribute talisman appeared on the palm of his hand and threw it forward.

The flame has been burning for half an hour before it slowly goes out. Mo Bai shielded his breath, so as not to inhale the poisonous odor emitted by burning spider webs, and walked forward. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)