Immortal Search

Chapter 73: Worry


Yunhemen, Yunmeng Mountain, listening to the wind platform.

Standing on the listening wind platform at the back of Yunmeng Mountain, the real person of Zhongji watched the pine and Berlin surrounded by clouds and mist, and the pine branches stood proudly by the cliffs and streams. When the mountain breeze blew, there were waves of pine waves. The clouds and mists that originally hovered the pine and Berlin were lifted by the mountain breeze and floated gently.

But this mountain breeze not only blows up the clouds and mists of Songbailin, but also disturbs the original calm heart of the heavy machine.

Today is the day when the secret realm of the Lingxu is closed, I don't know how many disciples who went in the Yunhe Gate can return. When he made this decision, his original intention was to let the disciple who went to die this time. Such a decision was made by him as a last resort.

The real heavy machine naturally knows the cruel blood in the secret realm. After all, he is also a person here, so he is very clear. But whether such a decision was right or wrong, he couldn't answer.

Such a decision certainly saved a group of elite disciples. However, it has lost the development of Yunhemen in the next hundred years. Although within the Zongmen, currently, there is not enough shortage of Jidan. But what about people's hearts? Will people lose their hearts

During this trip to the secret realm of the Lingxu, the decision made by the heavy machine real person not only lost the spiritual foundation grass for refining Jidan, but also lost more due to the confrontation between the two sects of Yunhemen, Shuiyunmen and Dixingzong. .

"Hey." He shook his head lightly and sighed slightly. As the head of a sect, his purpose is the development of the sect. But then again, even if the elite disciples are sent, then who can keep the Yunhemen disciples from annihilation in the secret realm.

Because he knew very well that the gap between Yunhemen, Shuiyunmen, and the new generation of disciples of the Di Xingzong was there. He couldn't afford to lose. If the elite disciples of Yunhemen were destroyed in that secret realm, more would be lost at that time.

For a moment, his thoughts were full of thoughts, and the tranquil scene in front of him could not smooth the fluctuations in his heart.

"Master, Daohang and Daoling came to see you." A boy in a green shirt walked to the side of the heavy machine, and Ji Shou lightly said.

"Oh? It's just right, please invite them here soon." The real Jungji's thoughts were pulled back by Qingshan Boy's words, and he hurriedly ordered.

"Yes, the head." Qingshan Boy agreed and turned to leave.

Not long after, there were two more figures on the stone path on the Tingfeng Platform on the mountain. The stone path was deep and tortuous. The light of the morning penetrated through the dense gaps in the pine and Berlin, and the pine shadows swayed lightly. The figure is slightly heavy.

"I have seen the real head of the head." Daoling and Daohang made their heads to the heavy machine.

"Well, you are here. Since you are here, we will be waiting here for a while, and Ma Wuqiao should be back soon too." Madam Juki glanced back and said.

Daoling and Daohang came to the side of Zhenji Zhongji, standing on both sides, without much words, it seems that the three people's minds are the same, and their hearts are very heavy.

Now they are all waiting for someone. Waiting for someone who might disappoint them. However, Daohang Zhenren has more concerns than them, and his most beloved disciple is so disobedient, how does this make him unworried.

As a result, there are two more silent waiting people on the listening platform.

In the sky, a long rainbow dashed across the sky, rushing towards Yunmeng Mountain. Ma Wuqiao hurried back to the Yunhe Gate in a hurry. There was a hint of joy in his heart. He knew that at this moment, the head of the sect was waiting for his return.

When he saw the old Shuiyunmen leader's teleportation formation was completely closed, he found that it was not the Shuiyunmen person, that ugly face. There was a dark refreshment in my heart.

At that time, Ma Wuqiao put his thoughts on a man and a woman who had fainted, and did not find that Yunsong of the Shuiyun Gate appeared before the teleportation array was closed.

Listening to the wind on the stage.

"The two elders, it seems that the time is almost the same, and Ma Wuqiao is about to return. Let's wait in the hall." The heavy machine turned his head and looked at the two elders Daoling and Daohang beside him, and said.

"Well, okay, let's go over here." Daoling and Daohang chief inspectors said.

At this moment, they saw the boy in Qingshan rushing towards this side from the deep stone path in the mountain. A look of urgency. Everyone looked at each other and stood there waiting for the boy's arrival.

"What's the matter, why are you so flustered!?" When the boy in Qingshan came to the front, Majestic Jungji cast down his face and asked in a loud voice.

"Report to the head, Master Ma has returned to the High Heaven Hall, waiting for the head to summon." The boy panted and said with a flushed face.

"Oh, you said Ma Wuqiao has returned to the Yunhe Gate?" The real heavy machine was startled slightly, and he thought a little bit in his heart. No, it should be a few hours before he will return. Why didn't he wait until the secret realm was closed. just came back. Isn't it possible that the secret realm has changed unexpectedly over there

"Two elders, hurry up with me to the High Heaven Hall." Majestic Jungji turned around, and after speaking to the two elders, he was about to move forward. Suddenly, remembering something, he turned around and looked at the boy and asked: "Did you Master Ma come back alone?"

"Report to the head, Master Ma took two people back to the sect together, but..." The boy paused and continued: "But they are all unconscious."

When the three heard the boy saying that Ma Wuqiao had returned with two disciples, they were all happy, but when they heard that these two disciples were still in a coma, they couldn't help but secretly worry. But this is also good news, at least it won't be annihilated. No matter what, at least there are disciples who can survive in the secret realm. This shows that the spirit foundation grass may not be cut off. I just don't know how many spirit foundation grass the two can bring back to the sect.

"Among those two disciples, is there a female disciple?" Dao Hang hurriedly asked the boy when he heard that the two disciples had returned.

"Report to the head teacher, there is indeed a female senior sister." The boy replied to Daohang Zhenren.

After listening to the boy, a smile appeared on the corner of Daohang’s face, but feeling that the atmosphere is not right now, he hurriedly said to the heavy machine, "Master head, let’s go over now. Let’s see what the situation is like. ."

He found that his disciple had never looked for himself after that time. Therefore, doubts arose in her heart. After understanding, she discovered that Yu Yun'er had sneaked out of the mountain gate and headed to the secret realm of Lingxu. She also knew that she mixed in as a male disciple in the door. Apart from her, there were no other women among the disciples who went to the secret realm of Lingxu.

Now I heard the boy say that Ma Wuqiao brought back a female disciple, and that was Yu Yunjun'er who wanted to come. So Daohang Zhenren relaxed slightly.

"Okay, let's go over." Madam Juki nodded and said. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)