Immortal Soaring Blade

Chapter 114: Treasure Pavilion


Not only did Zhao Jiuge not feel aggrieved at all about Coach Zhou's angry abuse, on the contrary, when Zhao Jiuge heard that he could go to the Deacon Hall to receive the task, he smiled and his eyes turned into slits with joy.

"Coach Zhou, I'll go right away, but I've never been to the Deacon Hall, so I have to ask you to see me off." Zhao Jiuge smiled honestly and scratched the hair on his temples.

Coach Zhou just glanced at Zhao Jiuge indifferently, turned around and left, and at the same time said one word lightly, "Let's go."

But Coach Zhou knew that everyone knew that if this seemingly gentle and honest child went crazy, he would be more terrifying than anyone else.

Zhao Jiuge followed Coach Zhou's footsteps out of the courtyard coyly. Coach Zhou turned around and was about to wave his sleeves and robe to roll up Zhao Jiuge and walk away with his sword. When he saw Zhao Jiuge looking around absentmindedly, he seemed to know what he was thinking.

"Don't look at it, Bai Qingqing has entered the Xuantian Sword Sect's spiritual veins to cultivate. Not only has his cultivation level broken through to the realm of foundation building, but he has also completely understood the first level of Tongxuan in swordsmanship. I think What should I do with you kid? You are not even as good as a woman. It has been a year since you have just touched Tongxuan." Coach Zhou said angrily at first, but the more he said it, the stronger the smile in his eyes became.

Although he was full of criticism and dissatisfaction with this boy from a humble background, he gave a high degree of affirmation in his heart. It was already very good for this brat to achieve this step. It was his first time contacting this road, and no one Guidance, I believe that if you go out to pick up tasks and sharpen yourself a few times, you should be able to improve.

In this regard, he did better than those disciples from aristocratic families with good background.

Zhao Jiuge was a little surprised when he heard that Bai Qingqing had entered the Spiritual Vein Tempering Body, but then he felt calm in his heart, thinking that no wonder she hadn't been seen since she had been back for a few days.

Other disciples from poor families may not know about spiritual vein tempering, but he clearly understood what was going on in the jade tube left to him by Master Ye Wuyou. From the psychic realm to the blood-moving realm, from the blood-moving realm to The realm of transforming spirits has been explained and explained in detail from the breakthrough of the realm of transforming spirits to the condensation matrix of the foundation building realm and the formation of pills and infant transformations. As for the realms and things behind the Nascent Soul realm, they were not mentioned because they were afraid of Zhao Jiuge, who had just entered the immortal path at that time. I am so ambitious that I delay my practice.

Looking at the Xuantian Temple that was shrouded in clouds and mist, standing on the top of the mountain, Zhao Jiuge let out a fierce breath, wondering when I would be able to enter that position again.

Thinking of his master Ye Wuyou who was no longer in the world, Zhao Jiuge remembered that he would go to the so-called Xiaoyao Valley in the future.

Looking at the perseverance on Zhao Jiuge's face, Coach Zhou noticed it but didn't say much. Sometimes some people just want to say a few words, but talking too much is useless.

With their sleeves rolled up, the two of them stepped onto Coach Zhou's flying sword, and then the flying sword flew straight into the sky.

Deacon Hall is located at Xiaodang Peak.

As Feijian got closer and closer to Xiaodang Peak in the air, Zhao Jiuge saw more and more people pouring into Xiaodang Peak or coming out of Xiaodang Peak.

Most of those people were disciples of the Xuantian Sword Sect. Looking at the colors of their clothes, they not only had the three main colors of blue, green and orange, but also various clothes of different colors. Looking at it, even many inner sect disciples I often come to this deacon hall to receive tasks.

Coach Zhou's flying sword circled a few times and then slowly landed on Xiaodang Peak. For a while, people came and went on the peak.

"Go in by yourself. The hall in front is the Deacon Hall. Remember, I will give you a wooden sign when you enter. Although disciples like you who have just received the mission will not let you go too far, and you will not be allowed to lead those dangerous things. mission, but be careful. It is not as safe outside as inside the sect. Even if the location is closer to the sect, it will be safer, but there will inevitably be too many accidents." This time, Coach Zhou warned with a serious face. After all, even if The Xuantian Sword Sect is extraordinary, and it is impossible to guarantee that all the disciples who have gone on missions will come back safely. Besides, the young eagle will always have its own day to soar alone, and it is impossible to always hide under the protection of the eagle. Only those who have experienced soaring in the sky Only the young eagle can grow.

After giving a few serious instructions, Coach Zhou glanced at Zhao Jiuge with some worry, then turned around and left without any extra movement.

You must know that in the past, new disciples would go together when receiving tasks after a year. However, Zhao Jiuge was different from others after all, and Coach Zhou had great hopes for him.

Because among the more than thirty people he led, Zhao Jiuge was the only one with such a good talent.

When Coach Zhou left, Zhao Jiuge was not in a hurry to enter the hall right away. Instead, he looked up at the unfamiliar mountain peaks with envy on his face as he watched the group of people flying in the air with swords or riding various horses. Various spiritual beast mounts.

After watching it for a long time, Zhao Jiuge was eye-opening, but he also felt a little boring. After all, it was not his own. If he had time to watch others, he might as well seize the time to complete tasks and earn tribute. At the moment, Zhao Jiuge didn't think much about it. , striding straight towards the deacon hall.

The Deacon Hall established by Xuantian Sword Sect is, to put it bluntly, to promote the cultivation of disciples, and then better sharpen their actual combat cultivation and work experience. Using these treasures to stimulate these disciples is more direct than using anything else, and Xuantian Tianjian Sect is not like other holy places. When you enter the sect, your elders will reward you with magic weapons, elixirs, etc. You can completely earn it by yourself. It is not that Xuantian Sword Sect does not go to other holy places because of its rich heritage. On the contrary, Xuantian Sword Sect has been there for thousands of years. The existence of the former old man Xuantian has a deeper foundation.

Entering the main hall, it was still so lively. There were not only coaches in black robes, but also some young disciples from the outer sect, helping to issue tasks.

Zhao Jiuge looked at a loss. He was at a loss for the first time he came here, and then he could only keep looking around to see how others received the tasks.

After watching it for a long time, Zhao Jiuge finally understood what was going on.

Those black-robed coaches and young men in black robes were all members of the Deacon Hall. When disciples came in, they went directly to talk to them. With some hesitation, Zhao Jiuge stepped forward and found a young man with a gentle face who was easier to talk to.

Zhao Jiuge lowered his forehead slightly and said with a hint of respect, "Excuse me, senior brother, I am here to receive the mission, but this is my first time here. I would like to ask how to receive the mission?"

The gentle young man smiled faintly when he heard Zhao Jiuge's inquiry, and blurted out, "I gave you a wooden sign when you entered, right? Take it out. In addition, you should be a disciple who has just entered the outer sect for a year, and you have received the task." There is no choice. Basically, we will make direct arrangements for you. This is because your strength is still relatively weak. For your safety, you can see if it works."

Zhao Jiuge nodded quickly, like a chicken pecking at rice, and immediately took out the wooden sign that was handed out, thinking that this wooden sign had this purpose, because it also recorded two hundred points of tribute.

After the gentle-faced young man took the wooden sign, he picked up a white jade tube, and then glanced at the wooden sign. All the information such as Zhao Jiuge's name and entry-level strength and cultivation were clearly recorded in it, and then he saw There were actually two hundred points of tribute inside. The gentle young man raised his head and glanced at Zhao Jiuge in surprise.

The gentle young man is also a veteran, so he naturally knows that there is a mission to obtain the tribute. It seems that the boy in front of him is undoubtedly the best among the disciples of this generation.

After browsing, the gentle young man glanced into the jade tube again, then rolled his right hand, and a white spiritual light shot from the jade tube into the wooden sign.

After the strange thing disappeared, the gentle young man smiled faintly, stretched out his right hand and handed the wooden sign to Zhao Jiuge, and said, "Okay, the mission is to go to a place called Yuhua Town near Xuantian Sword Gate. In the largest family, the task of exploring the situation is not difficult. This task was added some time ago. It is said that it is haunted. As for the other things, you have to solve it yourself. The specific situation and geographical location are all available to you. It’s inside the wooden sign.”

Zhao Jiuge took the wooden sign, gave the gentle young man a similar smile, said thank you to senior brother, and turned around to leave.

Looking at this junior fellow who looked like the big boy next door, the gentle young man thought to himself that he was just a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers. He was like this when he first received the mission, and he suffered a lot later.

Looking at the back, as if he saw himself back then, the gentle young man suddenly shouted, "Wait a minute."

Zhao Jiuge, who heard the shouting, turned and looked at the gentle young man with confusion on his face.

"You just left like this. I just saw that you still have two hundred points of tribute in your wooden sign. How about you pick some ordinary magic weapons for yourself? Don't think that two hundred points of tribute is not much, but picking ordinary magic weapons is enough. Of course those good things are not enough, it is better than you being empty-handed." The gentle young man said patiently to the young man he found pleasing.

Hearing this, Zhao Jiuge thought it made sense, and doubts appeared on his delicate face, "But I don't know where the treasure pavilion is."

The gentle young man was not impatient at all and continued to patiently explain to Zhao Jiuge, "Just go out and go to the hall above."

After Zhao Jiuge understood this, he quickly said three thanks to this senior brother, and then left.

But the gentle young man looked at Zhao Jiuge's leaving back and chuckled, muttering in his mouth, "What an interesting little guy."

After exiting the gate on the first floor, Zhao Jiuge let out a breath. The depressed feeling in his bones disappeared as soon as he walked out of the gate. Looking back at the tall deacon hall, Zhao Jiuge thought that there might be some fierce people inside.

You must know that those who can become coaches and elders do not have a certain level of strength. Don't even think about it. It is said that there are some old monsters in the sect who have no regard for worldly affairs and will never come back.

He raised his neck and looked at this tall pavilion. There was a black plaque hanging on it, with three large golden characters, Deacon Hall, printed on it.

The entire pavilion is completely black, supported by eight huge thick black pillars, and is divided into five floors.

This is the foundation of a sect. How much manpower and material resources are needed to be able to release tasks as big as it does? Most of these tasks are brought back by the Law Enforcement Hall, and the difficult ones are usually done by the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall.

The specific details and procedures are far beyond what Zhao Jiuge, now an outer disciple, can know.

Looking at the building, Zhao Jiuge was a bit confused. He had just entered the main hall on the first floor and there were only so many people. It was hard to imagine what the situation and scenery was up there. However, he believed that as his strength improved, one day he would be able to surpass The farther you go, the higher you climb.

Zhao Jiuge immediately stopped and headed towards the Treasure Pavilion. After exchanging useful things, he set off. Only then did he remember that Leng Rufeng's items were obtained from the Treasure Pavilion.

Today we have seen the majesty of the Deacon Hall, and now we can go and see what the Treasure Pavilion looks like.

I believe that in the near future, the bloody Law Enforcement Hall, the sword-making hall with soaring swords, the awe-inspiring sword pavilion, and the lofty Xuantian Temple will all leave their footprints.