Immortal Soaring Blade

Chapter 141: Huanghualing


Not long after, Zhao Jiuge drove the Qingmei Sword and staggered down to the mountain peak that he didn't know the name of. The Deacon Hall was located on this mountain peak. The short flight consumed more than half of Zhao Jiuge's spiritual power. In the end, it was still If your cultivation level is not enough, when you reach the realm of spiritual elixirs, as the elixirs are condensed in your dantian, flying with the sword will be basically useless.

Looking at the appearance of Bai Qingqing next to him, he is clearly much more relaxed than Zhao Jiuge. Although his spiritual power has been consumed a lot, his sword-wielding posture is much more proficient and stable than Zhao Jiuge.

Taking a deep look at Bai Qingqing's Fenghua, which exuded a faint blue sword light, Zhao Jiuge sighed softly in his heart, "Let's go, there is less than a year left before the selection, try to win during this period." Liduo's missions will improve your cultivation and practical experience."

Bai Qingqing curled her lips, slowly put away her flying sword, and then said, "I think you want to earn more tribute."

After being told that his thoughts were revealed, Zhao Jiuge didn't take it seriously and grinned, "Anyway, I don't have to use free labor in vain. You promised me that you would also give me your tribute. Anyway, you are not short of these things."

Surprisingly, Bai Qingqing did not quarrel with Zhao Jiuge this time. Bai Qingqing knew Zhao Jiuge's thoughts, but it was not easy to directly help, so he chose a more tactful approach.

"Walk faster, you were the one who said you were in a hurry, but you didn't move for a long time." After saying this, Bai Qingqing took the lead and walked away. Zhao Jiuge smiled apologetically and followed suit.

There is a vast open space on the top of the mountain, and the Deacon Hall is to the east. The two walked along the middle road, leaving the place where they landed and walking towards the Deacon Hall.

Arriving at the door of the Deacon Hall, Zhao Jiuge slightly raised his head and looked at the whole building. Whenever Zhao Jiuge saw the Deacon Hall, he would feel an inexplicable sense of excitement in his heart.

Just as Zhao Jiuge was looking at him at the door, several figures came out of the deacon hall. When they saw Zhao Jiuge, they all had smiles on their faces and were a little excited.

"Jiu Ge." There was an exclamation, and then one of the figures immediately stepped forward and punched Zhao Jiu Ge in the chest with a fist.

Zhao Jiuge was also stunned. After he saw who it was clearly, a happy smile appeared on his face, and then he punched back in a decent manner and said, "You kid, when you went back today, you said where were you?" , it turned out that I was also taking tasks, it seems I haven’t been lazy recently.”

Luo Xie smiled sheepishly, "No way, if I'm lazy, I'm afraid I won't even have the chance to participate in the selection in a year."

Zhao Jiuge looked at Luo Xie from beginning to end again, with happiness from the bottom of his heart, "Okay, you kid has already transformed into the spirit realm."

Hearing Zhao Jiuge's praise, Luo Xie just chuckled twice, and then saw Bai Qingqing beside him. His laughter subsided a little, and then he said with some concern, "I haven't seen you since the last time I drank. Man, I was planning to call you to do the mission together earlier, but I didn’t expect you have a companion now.” There was teasing and ambiguity in his voice.

Bai Qingqing on the side had a calm expression and did not come forward to say hello. She acted as if there was no one around. She had no interaction with these people and did not want to have any friendship. Naturally, she would not take the initiative to say anything.

Zhao Jiuge laughed it off without explaining anything. At this time, Leng Rufeng took a step forward from behind. The two of them looked at each other and smiled, saying nothing.

Only then did Zhao Jiuge see clearly that the four or five people who came out were all old acquaintances, so he asked, "You all take missions as a group now."

Leng Rufeng nodded, "Yes, when we go out together, we have a companion who can take care of each other. After all, it is too dangerous to go out. If anything happens, please feel more at ease. I originally planned to ask you to come with me, but I didn't find you. For a while, Luo Xie and I often took on missions. While accumulating experience and cultivation, we could also earn some tribute. By the way, the brothers in the circle all took missions in groups, and few of them were alone. go out."

Many of them are low-level in cultivation and have little family background, so for the sake of safety, they go out to do tasks in groups. After all, Mengong may be nothing to those children of aristocratic families, but it is very important to them. It's important. Besides, some things in the Treasure Pavilion can't be bought with spirit stones. The children of those aristocratic families saw that some things were equally hot, and they went out again when they desperately received the tasks.

In the few words exchanged with Leng Rufeng, Zhao Jiuge understood some of the current situation. At the same time, he also looked at several people. Their strength had been significantly improved. They had all reached the spirit transformation realm. Only Leng Rufeng was in the late stage of the spirit transformation realm. While Zhao Jiuge restrained his aura, the group did not see Zhao Jiuge's cultivation.

Leng Rufeng glanced at Bai Qingqing on the side and then said to Leng Rufeng, "In order to seize the time, we will go out to do the task first, so I won't delay you. There are people waiting there, who are going out to do the task." You should be careful, there is still almost a year until the selection, let's work hard together," after saying that, Leng Rufeng looked at Zhao Jiuge with firm eyes, patted Zhao Jiuge on the chest, and then left with a few others. Leng Rufeng naturally knew something about Bai Qingqing. He knew that this woman was not an ordinary person, and he also had some fears in his heart.

Luo Xie moved his mouth and originally wanted to say something to Zhao Jiuge, but he swallowed it when he saw Bai Qingqing beside him.

Bai Qingqing's calm look didn't bother to talk to them, and they didn't bother to talk to Bai Qingqing. For a group of poor disciples like them, their self-esteem was more sensitive, but their feelings were more simple. When they were looked down upon by the children of those aristocratic families, they silently struggled together in a group, waiting for the day when they would shine.

Seeing a few people leaving, Zhao Jiuge's heart became even more intense. At the same time, he felt pressure in his heart. Even Luo Xie was working hard, so it was time for me to work hard. He felt more and more that time was pressing, and the selection was still a year away. , clenching his fists tightly, shouting in his heart, I must enter the inner door.

She shouted to Bai Qingqing, who had been waiting nearby, "Let's go." Bai Qingqing nodded with a somewhat indifferent expression and took the lead towards the stairs of the Deacon Hall.

Seeing the expression on Bai Qingqing's face, Zhao Jiuge clearly felt something strange, but for a moment he felt a little uncomfortable about touching her. He guessed that it was because of what happened just now. He pursed his lips and thought about waiting to receive it. The mission is to have a good talk with Bai Qingqing on the way. After all, the conflicts between this generation of disciples have always existed.

Entering the hall of the Deacon Hall, people were coming and going, and the first floor became lively for a while. Perhaps many new disciples who had completed their tasks had come back. Some were collecting tributes for completing their tasks, and some were like Zhao Jiuge. He continues to lead the mission like this.

Bai Qingqing walked forward with a cold face and said nothing, and started talking to an old man in the deacon hall. Then Zhao Jiuge saw the old man handing the jade tube that issued the mission to Bai Qingqing from the door. Although Zhao Jiuge felt Bai Qingqing's mood changed, but she still stepped forward.

Bai Qingqing's beautiful eyes carefully looked at the information and explanations of the tasks in the jade tube. She felt that Zhao Jiuge was standing aside and ignored him. After looking at it for a moment, Bai Qingqing said expressionlessly, "After taking a look, it's as of now. There are only two tasks suitable for us. Should we take one first and come back to continue taking it after it is completed? Or should we take both together and complete them both before returning to the sect?"

Zhao Jiuge pondered for a while and then said, "Get one first, and then come back to get the others when you are done. The selection will start in almost a year. I'm afraid that there will be some information that I won't have time to understand by then. After all, when performing tasks, what will happen?" There is no guarantee of an accident, and there is no guarantee that it will be delayed for some time.”

According to the regulations of the Deacon Hall, each person can only receive one task at a time. After the task is completed, they can continue to receive other tasks. Although Zhao Jiuge and Bai Qingqing traveled together, according to the regulations, each of them can receive one.

Because of the difficulty, many disciples invite friends to help each other every time they do a task. In this way, while earning money, the safety is also greatly improved. After all, for monks like them, a disagreement can be ignored. There are a lot of killings, and there are many spiritual beasts outside, and there are many dangerous geographical locations. One more person means more security, so there are many people like Leng Rufeng and Luoxie who perform tasks together.

Perhaps because he thought what Zhao Jiuge said made sense, Bai Qingqing nodded in approval, and then opened her red lips slightly, "Okay, the two tasks above are to kill a monk in the late stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm, and the other is to kill a monk in the Foundation Establishment Realm. For the later spiritual beasts, which mission should we accept first?”

Zhao Jiuge raised his eyebrows slightly and asked with some confusion, "Why are there only these two choices? There were quite a few when I came to receive the mission last time."

Bai Qingqing frowned impatiently and said angrily, "The first floor originally only provided the lowest tasks, but when you reach the spiritual elixir realm, you can go to the second floor to receive the missions, but we are in the late stage of this foundation building realm. strength, so the tasks at this level are relatively few."

After Zhao Jiuge suddenly realized, he began to think about which of the two tasks to choose first. In terms of strength, the tasks were almost the same difficulty. They were both in the late stage of the foundation building state. Although the spirit beast was slightly stronger due to its physical advantage, However, the cultivators rely on their own tricks and magic weapons, which will also lead to some errors in the authenticity of their strength. However, since the last time he killed the three-tailed cat, he used the body of the three-tailed cat as a material in exchange for a lot of tribute. After Zhao Jiuge tasted the sweetness, I just want to choose to kill the spiritual beast.

However, my cultivation level has increased a lot recently, and after entering the Spiritual Vein Tempering Body, my spiritual power has undergone some changes. I am a little bit eager to challenge those monks who are full of evil, and gain some practical experience by the way. I struggled for a while. Finally, Zhao Jiuge said in a deep voice, "Then choose to kill that monk."

When Zhao Jiuge finished speaking,

Bai Qingqing immediately returned the jade tube to the old man in the deacon hall, and made a choice to receive the task. He acted vigorously and resolutely. After making the choice, he still didn't pay much attention to Zhao Jiuge. His face was as calm as a pool of deep water, and he walked out of the deacon hall. go.

Zhao Jiuge immediately followed him shamelessly, thinking that he would talk to her about what happened just now when he left the sect.

After walking out of the door, seeing Zhao Jiuge following him shamelessly but silently, Bai Qingqing raised her head and asked, "Stand and set out, or should I wait for you to recover your spiritual power? Can you still wield a sword like this? I can't." I don’t want to step out of the sect.”

The entire sect is within the Xuantian Mountains. Last time Zhao Jiuge walked for several days before leaving. But now that the two of them have arrived at the Foundation Establishment Realm and can fly with swords for a short time, they can travel much faster.

Bai Qingqing looked calm and indifferent now. Zhao Jiuge didn't want to waste her time, so he said hesitantly, "No, just leave. When the spiritual power is used up, we will stop to recover. Tell me about this mission." That's all." In fact, he had consumed two-thirds of his spiritual energy when he came here, so Zhao Jiuge was just trying to show off his strength.

After hearing Zhao Jiuge's answer, Bai Qingqing went straight to the topic without saying much and told Zhao Jiuge the specific information of this mission.

It turns out that more than 700 miles away from the Xuantian Sword Gate, in a place called Huangfengling, there is a monk named Han Songcheng. He has done all kinds of bad things and is extremely cruel. He has committed many crimes and died unjustly. He has taken over the entire Huanghualing and is the sole tyrant. He was discovered by the people of the Law Enforcement Hall. , and then the sect issued a mission to kill Han Songcheng and train the new disciples. The above only said that this person was in the late stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm and was extremely murderous. He once massacred a village. There was no other information.

Zhao Jiuge listened patiently to the information about this mission. He didn't have any ideas for the time being. He decided to make plans after arriving at Huanghualing. So, he and Bai Qingqing continued along the bluestone path on the mountain peak, going back and forth to the edge of the mountain, and then set off with Yujian. .