Immortal Soaring Blade

Chapter 151: Phantom array


I saw two people standing on a gray flying sword in the distance, one was Han Songcheng with a cunning smile on his face, and the other was the vulture who still had a sinister aura but was languid. When he saw Zhao Jiuge and Bai Qingqing really chasing after them, Han Songcheng felt a flash of excitement in his heart. Then he suppressed the excitement and cruelly planned how to deal with these two little guys later.

Bai Qingqing was even more confused at this time. The two of them had been holding her and Bai Qingqing leisurely before, but now they stopped and waited for the two of them with a confident look, luring the enemy to go deeper, Bai Qingqing There was a sneer in Qingqing's heart. Her childhood environment prevented her from being timid when facing Han Songcheng. Since he was waiting to set a trap for her, she might as well kill him openly.

Even Zhao Jiuge understood Han Songcheng's thoughts at this time. Even a fool had figured out the cause and effect. But looking at the two people not far away from him, Zhao Jiuge's body was trembling with excitement. At this moment, he didn't have many other thoughts in his mind. He only thought about a battle, and the fighting spirit filled his bones.

Han Songcheng grinned with a cruel smile, and glanced meaningfully in the direction of Zhao Jiuge and Bai Qingqing. Then the aura of the gray flying sword under his feet shook violently. It made a sound and rolled up the aura in a crescent-shaped circle towards the fallen leaves. The mountains flew away. Now that Zhao Jiuge and Bai Qingqing have chased them here, he believes that even if he doesn't use words to provoke them, they will continue to follow him to Luoye Mountain, where his lair is.

Luoye Mountain is the highest mountain within dozens of miles of Huanghualing. The top of the mountain is hidden deep in the clouds and mist. It is shrouded by some misty clouds all year round. The gray flying sword controlled by Han Songcheng shoots directly towards the top of Luoye Mountain. Shoot away, preparing to land in the mountain peak.

"Ling Master, do you think those two little guys will follow?" The vulture behind Feijian asked with some doubts.

Han Songcheng sneered before saying, "Yes, even if I can't, it doesn't matter. When we recover, we can take Zhang Long and his group to find them. They can't escape." After saying this, there was fierceness in his eyes. of light.

The vulture nodded with deep understanding, but there was a little worry in his gloomy eyes, "I just don't know if that place can trap them and buy us some time to recover. The appearance of those two guys is definitely extraordinary, Xiaoxiao His age and cultivation level are almost the same as ours."

Pouring his lips, a trace of greed rose in Han Songcheng's bloodthirsty light, "I wish that the origins were as extraordinary as possible, so that their family wealth would be richer. I would like to see what they can gain by then." As he said this, Han Songcheng said Licking his lips with his tongue.

The vulture behind him had nothing to say and just nodded obediently, but there was a faint uneasiness in his heart.

Not far behind them, golden aura and blue aura roared in, the sound of breaking wind kept coming, and the clothes of the two figures rustled, both with solemn expressions on their faces.

Seeing Han Songcheng turning around from time to time, Zhao Jiuge became worried at this time. He turned to look at Bai Qingqing and said, "Qingqing, will there be any accidents later? Looking at the malicious eyes of that bastard, he must not have any good intentions. After all, This is their territory.”

"It's okay. Just don't act rashly later. It shouldn't be a big deal if you listen to me. You can just wait and earn the tribute." Bai Qingqing said with a cold face and only pondered for a moment. Her words were confident because of her upbringing. Let her have this confidence.

Hearing Bai Qingqing mention Mengong, Zhao Jiuge felt a surge of emotion in his heart. He put aside his worries and had a happy smile on his face. Bai Qingqing on the side looked at his virtue and couldn't hold back his stern face. Angry and funny.

Han Songcheng in front began to slow down and his altitude continued to drop. When he was about to pass through the clouds and mist and prepare to land on the mountain peak, Han Songcheng turned around and stared at the two of them, and then without hesitation, he plunged his sword into the floating clouds and mist. Descend to the ground.

But Bai Qingqing and Zhao Jiuge had already arrived here, and they had no choice but to fire the arrow on the string. They were cruel and without hesitation, they immediately controlled the flying sword at their feet and plunged into the clouds and mist. After passing through the clouds and mist, their vision was suddenly reduced. Since the field of vision was unclear, the two slowed down their flight speed and chased only by Han Songcheng's aura in front. They were also afraid of any accidents, so they walked side by side for fear of being separated.

Although the speed slowed down, Han Songcheng's aura was still faintly ahead. Finally, not long after, their eyes lit up and the surrounding scenery appeared in front of them again.

I saw a green forest not far below. The entire ground showed a 30-degree slope. After passing through this forest, I must have reached the flat land at the top of the mountain.

Feeling Han Songcheng's breath moving slowly below, Bai Qingqing made a sound, and then the flying sword flew down towards the operator and slowly landed on the ground. As soon as their feet landed on the ground, the first thing they did was turn their heads and look around, looking at the scene in front of them.

The ground exudes an earthy smell, and layers of dead branches and leaves are scattered on the ground. The entire slope is covered with green bamboos. These bamboos grow densely, with one growing every one meter apart. Apart from that, there is nothing else on this slope. You can't even hear the chirping of insects and birds. The silence is a bit abnormal. When you look up, you only see the blue sky above your head and the occasional clouds and mist floating over. With.

Bai Qingqing and Zhao Jiuge looked at each other, and they could see the surprise in each other's eyes. However, Han Songcheng's aura did not disappear. In that direction at the top of the hillside, the two of them held the magic weapon Flying Sword tightly in their hands. , regardless of the consumption of spiritual power, he was cautiously on guard, and walked towards the top of the hillside.

The pace of the two of them started from being slow and vigilant at first, but later they were walking as fast as flying. However, the surrounding scenery remained roughly the same as before. Except for the bamboo forest, there was a bamboo forest. There were densely packed bamboos in front of them. It was like an illusion in their minds. Look at it. Their scalps felt numb.

Bai Qingqing only felt that Han Songcheng's breath was getting farther and farther away from the two of them, but the scenery around him had not changed. Apart from bamboos, dead leaves, and soil, there was no other scenery. Even the sky at this time was the same. It turned blue, but the clouds and mist that were still floating around before were no longer there.

Finally, after the two of them walked for less than half an hour, Bai Qingqing suddenly stopped with a solemn look on her face. Zhao Jiuge watched Bai Qingqing stop and stopped immediately.

"That's not right. It's such a slap-sized place. I haven't walked out after walking for half an hour. It's weird." Bai Qingqing suddenly said in shock, frowning tightly. While talking, he looked around.

Zhao Jiuge had already felt strange. After walking for a long time, he still felt like he was still standing still. The surrounding scenery seemed to have not changed, and Han Songcheng's breath had long been immobile in front of him.

Hearing Bai Qingqing's screams, Zhao Jiuge also had an ugly expression on his face. Although he was a little panicked when encountering such a strange thing, fortunately Bai Qingqing was by his side. If he had been alone, he would have become scared.

"What's weird?" Zhao Jiuge felt that his heartbeat was accelerating at this time. He stared at the surroundings but muttered quietly, as if he was afraid that louder sounds would cause some sudden change.

"Illusion formation." Suddenly Bai Qingqing's red lips opened and she spoke two words.

Phantom array? Zhao Jiuge was stunned for a while, and then his eyes widened. Although he had heard of the phantom formation after entering the sect, he had no specific understanding of it. Zhao Jiuge felt a little surprised when he thought that he would actually fall into the phantom formation now!

Then there was a complicated expression in his eyes, including curiosity about the phantom formation and fear of the unknown.

I quickly recalled the explanation about the magic array in my mind. As the name suggests, the magic array is a formation full of fantasy scenery. The low-level magic array not only needs the actual scenery, but also array disks and formation flags to assist in the implementation of the illusion array. The higher-level ones only need to refine the top-level formation disks and formation flags to deploy the fantasy array. As for the top-notch use of these props, the surrounding scene can change in an instant, making you linger in it. You don't know it is an illusion when you are in it, thinking it is a real scene.

In the jade tube issued by the sect when he entered, Zhao Jiuge only remembered these few sentences about the introduction to the magic array, and the magic array was also a type of formation. For example, when he escaped from Dongyang City, the servants sent by the Xiao family chased him. The formation he used was a killing formation.

After hearing Bai Qingqing say the word "phantom formation", Zhao Jiuge was still a little excited and felt that a whole new world appeared in his mind. In the past two years, he has finally seen this wonderful world after going out for training and doing tasks.

Now this fantasy world of cultivation has begun to unfold, and this is undoubtedly just the beginning, and what is revealed is just the tip of the iceberg.

"Then what should we do? Will it take time to continue like this?" Zhao Jiuge asked, even now, with Bai Qingqing by his side, Zhao Jiuge seemed calm on the surface. Because Bai Qingqing can give Zhao Jiuge a sense of dependence, every time he goes out, he seems to be led by Bai Qingqing more often.

Sure enough, although Bai Qingqing's face was ugly and her brows were tightened, her expression was not panicked. "We can only wait to break the formation, otherwise we will have to run in circles and be trapped alive."

After finishing speaking, the hand that was squeezing Fenghua temporarily relaxed. He raised his left hand and stroked his black hair before continuing, "Fortunately, this phantom array is not very clever. It can make us feel like we are inside the phantom array." It should be used purely to trap the enemy and has no lethality." He said with a sneer on his face.

Zhao Jiuge didn't have Bai Qingqing's insight and vision, so he could only ask stupidly from the side, "Then do you have a way to crack it?" Seeing Bai Qingqing's disdain for this illusory array, Zhao Jiuge instantly felt that this illusory array It's not very difficult either.

This time, Bai Qingqing didn't reply immediately. There was still a flash of light in her eyes, and her head kept fluttering, as if she was thinking. When Zhao Jiuge saw her like this, he didn't bother her, but asked Bai Qingqing to be quiet. Thinking.

After waiting for a while, Bai Qingqing finally opened his mouth and said, "This kind of messy phantom formation is nothing more than the surrounding bamboo forest, plus some phantom formation disks and some formation flags. To crack it, you only need to find the formation in the center of the formation." Just find the formation disk and destroy it, and the surrounding illusions will naturally dissipate." Although Bai Qingqing showed disdain on his face, the conversation immediately changed, "I can't tell, a foundation building Han Songcheng, who is still in the realm, actually has a magic array arranged in his lair. Although it is not a complicated and advanced magic array, this property is still very rich. However, I have been exposed to these at home since I was a child. I should be able to solve it if I give it some time. .”

Seeing Bai Qingqing's confident look, I was glad that I was traveling with Bai Qingqing this time. While I envied Bai Qingqing's vision, I lamented that I was still just like a novice.

Zhao Jiuge was thinking about something at this time. As for the last sentence of Bai Qingqing's words, he didn't think much about it. He never asked specifically about Bai Qingqing's family background.

Not far from the bamboo forest magic array, there were seven or eight people pointing at it, talking and laughing.