Immortal Soaring Blade

Chapter 154: Leave no one behind


The black dagger in Zhang Long's hand rotated a few times in the palm of his hand, and then he made a strong move in his fierce light. With his own spiritual power, he slashed towards the oncoming sword light. The light came into contact with the aura, splashing with rays of light. Then Zhang Long felt his head suddenly shake, his whole right arm was numb, his chest felt sweet, and he couldn't help but take a few steps back. At this time, he Fei Long and Cheng Qianqian behind him finally caught up with him as he resisted the blow, one on the left and one on the right, like his left and right arms.

Feilong's legs were slightly bent, and he was ready to use his strength at any time. When he saw the other two sword lights following closely, his eyes narrowed, and then he raised his hand and aimed the golden sword at one of the sword lights. The knife slashed away, and with this forceful fall, the fat dragon's fleshy cheeks trembled.

As soon as the two came into contact with Fei Long, his whole body couldn't help but retreat, clenching his teeth tightly, with a ferocious expression. Fei Long ignored the pain of tearing meridians in his body, screamed, and then kicked his right leg back violently, trying hard to Stop the retreating impact! Compared to Zhang Long in the late stage of the Spirit Transformation Realm, only Fei Long in the middle stage of the Spirit Transformation Realm felt more intense pain.

There was still a sword light left, so Cheng Qianqian rushed forward without hesitation. Cheng Qianqian was holding a magic weapon dagger in his hand. The tip of the dagger was facing the back of his hand. He drew his right hand diagonally, and a half-moon-shaped spiritual light emitted. , this time, the sword light and the spiritual light came into intense contact in front of Cheng Qianqian. When the two came into contact, the fluctuating aura emitted directly caused Cheng Qianqian to fly backwards.

As soon as they first came into contact, the three of them were injured to varying degrees. The difference between the Foundation Building Realm and the Spiritual Transformation Realm was actually so far.

Zhang Long's eyes widened with anger, then his face was ferocious, and he shouted hysterically, "Just follow the usual practice method and use the Eight Desolations Sword Formation." So far, he had no choice but to use the Eight Desolations Sword Diagram in his arms. There are only eight sword diagrams with different shapes on the Eight Desolations Sword Diagram. Ever since Han Songcheng rewarded the Eight Desolations Sword Diagram, Zhang Long has been studying it and feels that it should be a formation composed of eight people. According to the sword diagram, When practicing fighting, I unexpectedly discovered that spiritual power has a superimposing effect. When eight people use the moves on the sword diagram and the movement trajectory of spiritual power, the power of the spiritual power they usually use increases geometrically.

With Zhang Long's roar, he didn't need to say anything more. The four people who had rushed forward had already rushed to the left and right sides of the front. Zhang Long's numb body had already recovered after the blow just now, and he stepped forward with his legs. At that moment, he was like a sharp sword unsheathed, charging forward with all his strength. The man in the early stage of the Spirit Transformation Realm who had not made a move before followed closely behind Zhang Long.

In addition to Cheng Qianqian who flew out, even Feilong had already moved forward with a yellow sword, making up for the remaining space. For a moment, seven people faintly appeared in a large semicircle, surrounding Zhao Jiuge and Bai Qingqing. This made Zhao Jiuge pause, who was about to continue, and was a little curious about what these people wanted to do.

"Isn't it another formation?" Zhao Jiuge asked Bai Qingqing next to him in surprise. At the same time, the aura of the Green Plum Sword in his hand had not weakened, and he was always on high alert, just in case.

Bai Qingqing frowned and carefully measured the positions, steps and moves of the group of people on the opposite side, with a trace of doubt in his eyes. Because this is not like a formation, it is similar but irrational. I shook my head without any trace and decided not to care about so many things. Since I can't figure it out, I won't think about it.

Then he shouted, "Do it." The wind flower in his hand began to shine brightly again. Regardless of whether it was a formation or not, one force could reduce ten benefits. At this moment, Cheng Qianqian, who was slightly injured just now, also stood up. , added to the encirclement, the victory or defeat will be announced in an instant.

When Bai Qingqing shouted and started to attack, Zhao Jiuge had already moved, but Zhang Long moved faster than him because his forward legs never stopped. When Zhao Jiuge raised his sword and prepared to attack, Zhang Long was already only a few meters away from Zhao Jiuge. Three steps away, then he jumped up on one leg, ready to slash with the dagger in his hand.

Zhang Long's movement made Zhao Jiuge, who was about to attack, have to give up and turn to defense. He raised his sword and pointed it diagonally. With a bang, this time Zhao Jiuge didn't feel as sharp as the attack before. As if it was an illusion, the sword touched On the indestructible object, Zhang Long succeeded with one blow, and used the remaining force of the contact and collision to move back. Just when Zhao Jiuge was about to relax his breath and transform the next spiritual power in his body to attack, Fei Long was like The sword that cut through Huashan didn't give Zhao Jiuge any time to react, and it fell down with such a gorgeous blow. The helpless Zhao Jiuge had no choice but to raise the sword again, without any chance to accumulate power.

It's like a person who is as strong as an ox and can punch through a wall with one punch, but the length on both sides can only just accommodate your body. You can't lift your arms at all and can't punch out. At this time, Zhao Jiuge felt this powerless, and the same was true for Bai Qingqing on the side. He had strength but could not display it.

While resisting the opponent's attack, Bai Qingqing was thinking in her mind, secretly wondering what kind of formation this was, it was so similar to the formation but something was wrong.

The spiritual power fluctuations in the encirclement surrounded the two of them, and the attacks of the other eight people came one after another, like ocean waves, with the power getting higher and higher. He and Zhao Jiuge were suppressed so that they could not attack vigorously. If this drags on, until Han Songcheng and the vulture recover their spiritual power, their situation will not be good. You must know that if they don't rely on the spiritual weapon in their hands and fight with them empty-handed and relying on their spiritual power, then they will be in a bad situation. Their spiritual powers are comparable!

"What kind of formation is this!" Zhao Jiuge, who was full of anger, yelled angrily. At this time, he thought that Zhang Long and others were using the same formation as the last time they were chased by the Xiao family generals in Dongyang City. formation.

Taking advantage of the time to catch his breath, Zhang Long, who had just landed a blow and retreated to the back, snorted coldly and said disdainfully, "Will I tell you what my trump card is? Dreaming." After speaking, he raised his free left hand. He also touched his chest subconsciously, but this action was caught by Zhao Jiuge, who was paying attention to Zhang Long's every move.

At this time, Zhang Long felt a burst of joy in his chest, and the previous depression and resentment slowly dissipated as the situation on the field changed. It seemed that the situation on the field was slowly under their control. The mysterious Eight Desolations Sword Diagram is indeed amazing! Zhang Long thought so in his heart.

"Jiuge, hurry up, let's attack the one with the weakest cultivation level together." Bai Qingqing, who had been silent until now, suddenly shouted loudly, startling Zhao Jiuge,

Previously, Bai Qingqing was resisting the attack with her hands, but her heart was not idle. The strange behavior of the group of people in front of her seemed to be a formation, but it didn't look like it. It seemed like a familiar feeling, which gave Bai Qingqing a headache. She had accepted it since she was a child. Her education and knowledge broadened her horizons.

But she mastered too many things, and she couldn't remember what it was and how to crack it. Later, Zhao Jiuge's angry voice just now shocked her. Regardless of whether it was a formation or not, there were similarities even if it wasn't. Then I will use the method of breaking the formation to break your strange encirclement.

Just like when you need to find the formation's eye when breaking the formation, Bai Qingqing simply chooses the person with the weakest cultivation level to start with. It's like breaking the formation plate of the formation's eye, then the remaining few people are as inadequate as the formation flag. For concern.

Hearing Bai Qingqing's loud shout, Zhao Jiuge woke up with a start, and then he also woke up and understood Bai Qingqing's intention. Zhao Jiuge was not the only one who was also awakened. Hearing Bai Qingqing's shouts, Zhang Long yelled in his heart that it was bad. The sword diagram he controlled could best understand its characteristics and weaknesses.

When he first got the Eight Desolations Sword Map, Zhang Long was confused and couldn't figure it out. Later, he slowly understood a little bit on his own. Although he didn't know whether the specific things were what he thought now, but he Their understanding is limited, and neither Han Songcheng nor they have seen this kind of sword diagram. In addition, the eight people cooperated with this sword diagram and found that the spiritual power used could be superimposed. Zhang Long felt a little self-satisfied and pleased with himself.

But the biggest drawback now is that once this rhythm is disrupted, the superimposed spiritual power effect will no longer exist. If one of them is missing, then the other seven will not be able to exert the power of the Eight Desolations Sword Diagram. . So when he heard Bai Qingqing's shout, Zhang Long suddenly became nervous.

Zhao Jiuge glanced at the burly man in green on the right. The man's cultivation in the middle stage of moving blood was the weakest among the eight. When Bai Qingqing collided with him, he took advantage of the man in green to attack him. When he finally fell down, Zhao Jiuge's eyes turned cold, a few green plums shook in his hands, sword flowers flowed out, and several sword lights flashed out from Shaanxi and instantly enveloped the burly man in green clothes.


A scream came from the mouth of the burly man in green. The next moment, blood spurted out from his body, and the blood donation immediately stained his clothes red. Before his eyes could close, he collapsed to the ground.

Seeing the man fall to the ground, Zhao Jiuge was stunned for a moment and killed again. This was his second murder. Compared with the first time, this time there was no psychological burden and no nervousness. On the contrary, There is a sense of pleasure. Only when we get rid of these evil scum can more people find peace.

"Liu Dazui...!" A mournful cry came out of Zhang Long's mouth, and he looked at the figure lying on the ground with a somewhat shocked expression. His brother who had been with him for many years died like this. But this grief cannot be expressed at this moment, because they are missing one person at this moment, and the previously good situation will no longer exist. At this time, a greater crisis is coming.


Fei Long was unable to dodge and was injured by Bai Qingqing's sword light. Both sides attacked in close combat, using pure spiritual power. At this moment, the disadvantages of Zhang Long and his group began to become apparent.

Fat Dragon had a huge wound from his left chest to his belly button, still bleeding out. The flesh on both sides of the wound was rolling to both sides.

Zhang Long didn't know what to do for a while and felt a little at a loss. After all, in the face of absolute strength, all skills were useless.


Another man in the blood-moving realm accidentally failed to resist the crisscrossing sword light, and his entire arm was cut off. The tearing pain made him scream hysterically.

At this time, Zhao Jiuge and Bai Qingqing were back to back, dealing with the crowd surrounding them.

Zhao Jiuge didn't even turn his head and asked softly, "What should we do next?"

"Kill, leave no one alive." Bai Qingqing, who had long hidden her anger, had a cold face, and her tone was full of murderous intent. As a girl, she can better understand how painful it is for a girl to be beaten to pieces by these dogs. Bai Qingqing felt that letting these bastards die like this would be an advantage for them.

Hearing Bai Qingqing's murderous words, Zhao Jiuge felt his scalp numb, but he still obeyed her words.

Then the two of them moved in tandem, regardless of the rapid consumption of spiritual power, and danced the flying swords in their hands in a rough way at such a close distance.

For a time, the entire venue was filled with spiritual lights and sword lights flashing. Accompanying this dazzling scene was the sound of pain, his own somewhat frightened cry.