Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 948: Error(1)


"Master, Bai Longsu, he is about to die, he saved Xiao Ling...but I killed him by mistake...."

He was a little speechless.

"You want to save him?"

Lin Xin rubbed his chin and asked.


Chen Feiyang nodded vigorously.

"You have to understand that saving a person who is about to die requires paying a huge price. You should be aware of this, right?"

Lin Xin asked again.

"Of course!" Chen Feiyang's eyes became firm.

"I killed my benefactor by mistake. I can't accept this no matter what! As long as I can save him, I can do whatever you want!!"

"Well, go and take off his clothes. Yours too."

Lin Xin pointed at Bai Longsu and said calmly.


Chen Feiyang was dumbfounded.

But in order to save people, he still gritted his teeth and did it quickly.

Soon, two naked men are standing in the woods, naked.

"Hold him and don't let go."

Lin Xin added another knowing blow.

Chen Feiyang's face instantly turned pale.

But he didn't have any doubts about his master's trust. Hurry up and hug Bai Longsu.

"Rub hard, don't stop!"

Lin Xinyi spoke loudly.

"If you stop, his life will be in danger!! Hurry up!"

Chen Feiyang's face turned green.

He suppressed his nausea, hugged Bai Longsu, a strong man covered in black hair, and began to rub hard.

Lin Xin looked serious on the outside, but inside he was almost aching from laughing.

As one of his few pleasures, Chen Feiyang added a lot of color to his boring life.

"You have to know that friction generates heat, heat can ventilate, and at the same time, the life magnetic fields of the two of you will produce some magical essential resonance during the friction.

This is the key to saving him! "

Lin Xin said with an inscrutable expression.

"Master... Can't you change it to another method?"

Chen Feiyang was about to cry.

His sexual orientation is normal, so it's nothing to hug a big man with hairy legs and rub hard.

After rubbing for a while, Lin Xin waved him to stop when he felt that he had had enough fun.

Then, taking advantage of Chen Feiyang's inattention, he pointed at Bai Longsu.

Immediately, the injury on this guy's body healed rapidly.

This is purely to stimulate Bailongsu's life force field with force, allowing it to speed up its metabolism in a very short period of time, so as to achieve the purpose of quickly healing the injury.

Lin Xin can't use his cultivation base right now, so he can only use this indirect method to solve it.

In a very short period of time, the metabolism was accelerated hundreds of times, and Bai Longsu's fatal injury became no big deal.

Originally, his injury was due to excessive blood loss, and the wound could not stop the blood.

Now Lin Xin uses a force field to block the wounds, and then stimulates the metabolism, watching the wounds heal quickly one by one. It will disappear soon.

Chen Feiyang didn't notice yet, and hurriedly put on his clothes.

"Okay, I can't die."

After Lin Xin finished his treatment, he threw a piece of clothing on Bai Longsu's body to cover it.

"Thank you master!"

Chen Feiyang quickly ran over to check it, and was surprised to find that although Bai Longsu's wound looked hideous, most of it was no longer bleeding inside, it just looked serious on the surface.

"Come here." Lin Xin looked at Chen Feiyang again after saving people. "What happened to you just now?"

He was referring to Chen Feiyang's previous silver-white silver eyes.

"I don't know either. I just felt a shock all over my body, and I didn't consciously enter that state."

Chen Feiyang answered honestly.

"How long has it been?"

"It's been more than three months..."

"You are sick and need to be cured." Lin Xin touched his chin and said.

"Ah?" Chen Feiyang opened his mouth wide.

"It's terminally ill. I won't survive half a year without treatment."

Lin Xin talked nonsense.

"Isn't it???" Chen Feiyang was frightened. "Then master, what should I do?!"

"It's something in your body that caused you to be terminally ill and die soon."

Lin Xin sighed.

"As long as the master helps you take it out, it should be able to return to normal."

He took out a black-gray slate from behind with his backhand.

"This is a strange stone slab that I accidentally obtained as a teacher. It can temporarily change the life force field that suppresses you, allowing you to gain a stronger physique. You can try it with blood drops first."

This slate is not a strange slate, but a new slate made by Lin Xinxian.

After going through the experiments that could have been used before, he improved the content of the soul contract to make it more perfect and safe.

This was taken out for apprentices to use.

Convinced, Chen Feiyang bit his index finger and dripped a drop of blood on the stone slab.

The blood seemed to encounter a hot boiler, and it evaporated into stench in an instant.

There was also a little dark red imprint left on the slate.

Chen Feiyang faintly felt that something important to him was leaving him.

But soon he put the thought behind him. Although the master often has bad tastes, he has never disappointed him once.

So many times he never doubted the master's intentions for him.

"Okay, it's signed." Lin Xin felt it carefully, and didn't feel any abnormal rejection from Chen Feiyang.

He reached out and patted Chen Feiyang's shoulder lightly.

A ray of white light flashed away.

In an instant, ten physical attributes poured in.

Chen Feiyang hasn't fully felt anything yet, but his physique attribute points are already slowly changing his physique.

After all, he is just an ordinary person, and before the Destroyer, he was just a stronger ordinary person.

Only after reaching the Destruction Envoy can it devour and absorb the reproductive equipment, fuse and strengthen the physical body. Ten points of physique is already a lot for him.

"Come here and let me have a good physical examination." Lin Xin waved to Chen Feiyang.


Chen Feiyang walked up to Lin Xin honestly,

Lin Xin stretched out his hand and lightly pressed the position of his Tianling Gai, and with his powerful and terrifying perception ability, he instantly detected all the inside and outside of Chen Feiyang's body.

Even the changes and flows of trace elements in each cell can be clearly detected.

Lin Xin was looking for the key factor that caused Chen Feiyang to transform into a silver-eyed state.

"Where is it? Come out quickly..."

He intuitively felt that although this little thing in this apprentice's body was not strong, its quality was terrifying.

Soon he found a trace on Chen Feiyang's heart.

A little residual faint silvery energy.

"Has dissipated?"

Lin Xin frowned slightly.

"what happened?"

He didn't believe that when he sensed that silver energy before, that kind of thick and majestic quality could never disappear silently and instantly.

"What's the problem? I can't find where this thing is hiding?"

Lin Xin's spiritual exploration is so powerful. If he unfolds the full body state, he can thoroughly investigate the entire Aojia star, including the material structure at the molecular and atomic level, in an instant.

But now, after searching such a small body area of Chen Feiyang, he couldn't find what he was looking for.

"interesting... ."

Letting go of his apprentice, Lin Xin looked him up and down carefully.

"I don't have a good way to help you cure it for the time being, but when that happens to you, please notify me as soon as possible."

"Good master."

"Now let's go save your little girlfriend."

Lin Xin signaled Chen Feiyang to pick up Bai Longsu, and the three quickly walked through the metal forest.

Someone outside had already secretly prepared an off-road vehicle, and Lin Xin did not hide anyone's whereabouts, so the group of original envoys who signed the contract with him had to do their best to take care of him under duress.

A few Feiying were able to use it, and a sensible guy snatched an off-road vehicle from the surrounding drug lords immediately.


Lin Xin's perception is extremely powerful, and he can naturally feel everything the people around him do at any time.

Chen Feiyang hugged Bai Longsu and quickly climbed to the back row without asking how the car got here, just like he didn't ask how the master found him.

Lin Xin put on the car headset, and a respectful young woman's voice came from inside.

It was the flying shadow envoy who pulled out the car who was speaking.

"My lord, is there anything else I would like to order?"

"Book me a return ticket, four tickets. Depart from the town we are going to."


This flying shadow envoy is the one who knows the current affairs the fastest, and is also the one with the fastest response.

Faced with the oppression of an irresistible force, she was the first to make a complete surrender.

"Also, tell me your name." Lin Xin will naturally write down the other person's name when others have done something to show their attitude.

As for rewards, we will wait until we see its performance.

"My Xia Feijing is now the leader of the Duoying team in the dark tone."

"When you get the news and location of the millennium fragments, you will collect them and arrange them for me. Do you know my contact information?"


Lin Xin nodded in satisfaction.

This person seems to be very easy to use. If you are still sensible in the future, you can give her a little sweetness.

For example, to improve a certain attribute of it.

Battle of Plated Crystal Peak.

It shook the dark forces of the entire Aojia Empire.

The intelligence departments of the other star empires and the IS empire also received urgent information. All the information about the Millennium Fragment of Plating Crystal Peak has been encrypted to the level of 3S confidentiality.

The Aojia Empire, which was already extremely corrupt, gradually had a lot of undercurrents.

The danger index of the Gaoshan organization, especially the third general, has directly climbed to the highest.

Fortunately, Lin Xin didn't let the original energy envoy who signed the contract reveal his roots.

Although it will be exposed sooner or later, how long it can be delayed is how long. Taking advantage of this time, he can still enjoy a peaceful life.

He had a hunch that the secret of the millennium fragments might be able to solve the sequelae of madness caused by his practice of kamikaze sword arts.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, more than three months have passed since Lin Xin brought Chen Feiyang back to Yongxing City.

Everything seems to have returned to the original peaceful life, but the undercurrent surging underneath is so intense that no one can imagine.

A huge flame is slowly brewing in the territory of the empire.

The Third Command of the Star Empire.

Luke stared seriously at the several colleagues participating in the meeting in front of him.

Everyone here is a senior military officer of at least the rank of lieutenant colonel. And everyone gathered here with only one purpose, and that was to complete the capture task assigned to them.

The fall of Yongxing City is in line with the larger overall plan of the Star Empire.


The projection stereometer hanging above the tabletop casts bright white light, forming a clear three-dimensional image on the red tabletop made of solid wood.

A woman in a black robe with her hands in her trouser pockets and a casual expression appeared in front of everyone. (.)