Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 949: error (two)


"It has been preliminarily determined that this person is the important person we need to eliminate this time, Yang Songyu.

On the surface, she is the deputy director of the Energy and Energy Bureau of Yongxing City. In fact, she also serves as the deputy leader of one of the four major groups in the largest intelligence organization of the Aojia Empire.

The speed of his promotion is rare even in the entire history of the Aojia Empire.

Do you have anything to say? "

Luke was the first to speak.

"What is Yang Songyu's cultivation level?"

A colonel frowned and asked repeatedly.

"According to the previous information, she is a Level 3 Primordial Envoy, and she showed Level 4 strength in a previous mission.

The most important thing is that one of her reproductive abilities is the transmission of special spatial information. This is also the key for us to take her down as soon as possible

She alone holds at least 10% of all aspects of the Aojia Empire's information. Because many things require her to use her ability to collect and transfer in time. "Luke explained seriously.

"Who's above her?" asked a lieutenant colonel.

"Major General Andy of Aojia is one of the few Flying Shadow Envoys in the army to protect the country."

Luke replied.

"For a special energy user like her, we at least need to dispatch special assault troops to carry out a slashing raid, and at the same time be prepared for a strong attack after the slashing fails."

The other colonel said in a low voice.

"Once we fail to kill her before she reacts, the news will definitely spread quickly. As Yongxing City is one of the hinterlands of the empire, our situation will be very passive."

"Although her original energy user is powerful and weird, as long as she doesn't have the help of the growth equipment, no matter how strong the original energy user is, she is just a stronger ordinary person. The transmission range will not be too far." Another lieutenant colonel calmly said , "To deal with an ordinary person, no matter what means, as long as his reproductive equipment is temporarily useless."

"You mean, use the heavy bright stone?" Luke frowned even more.

"By using the special suppressing band and cooperating with Chong Mingshi, it should be able to solve it in one fell swoop."

"Have you investigated what kind of reproductive clothing she is using?"

"I don't know, but even if it is a fused breeding outfit, it will be greatly disturbed in the face of Zhongmingshi. Even if you have the strength, it is not bad to reach 10%."

The lieutenant colonel said carefully.

"Do you need to inform your superiors about this operation?"

"No need." Luke shook his head, "I am in full charge of the headquarters. Personal strength, no matter how strong it is, can it fight against the army? Even if the Flying Shadow Envoy comes, so what, with an annihilation cannon down, everything will be gone .”

"Exactly." The other commanders nodded.

"If you are sure, then get ready to start."

Luke calmed down.

"All for the stars."

"All for the stars."

Everyone stood up and chanted in unison.


Yang Chen and Du Lan's little princess, Luya Fengzi, got married, and even the wedding was handled in a hurry.

The family took the pregnant Luya to the imperial capital and gave birth to a boy smoothly.

In late September, Yang Chen moved the entire Yang family, bought a piece of land on the outskirts of Yongxing City, built a large manor, and moved Yang Qing, his wife, Yang Songyu and Yang Shen's family into it.

The child is also full moon smoothly.

And the civil strife in the empire finally broke out completely.

Yongxing City is still relatively calm, but in other places, uprisings are everywhere, and the Aojia Empire seems to have completely detonated huge social conflicts in just one month.

Strict taxation, coupled with prevalent officials, serious security and environmental problems, and random fluctuations in prices.

This series of contradictions broke out, and finally under the guidance of some dark forces, they ignited like a prairie fire.


Lin Xin lay lazily on the rattan chair.

The air in the suburban manor of Yongxing City is very good, whether it is the aroma of soil or grass, it can make people feel refreshed and adjust their emotions.

The bell of a temple in the distance came from time to time.

Today is the time for everyone to gather in the manor. It is the traditional Jialin Festival, which is similar to the Mid-Autumn Festival that Lin Xin used to celebrate.

Yang Chen rushed back from the imperial capital with his wife and children. Yang Songyu took a special trip for a few days off and returned home from the bureau, intending to enjoy the festive atmosphere.

Since Lin Xin signed a contract with 100 original energy envoys last time, he no longer cares about it.

Those primordial energizers could not betray him, so they jointly lied about the huge energy explosion on the Plated Crystal Peak, and only the primordial energizers of level three and above were spared.

This incident was classified as the Cuijingfeng massacre by the higher authorities, and it was considered a final conclusion. Of course, this is not the case, but it is enough to deal with it on the surface.

There has been no news since then.

Secretly, news about the millennium fragments continued to spread from the outside world to Lin Xin who was in Yongxing City.

He didn't move immediately, but waited for a little more accumulation before starting together.

"Brother, I knew you were lying here again."

Yang Songyu, dressed in military uniform, came out from the small door of the manor at the back, holding a pastry plate in his hand.

Walking to Lin Xin, she put the plate on the stone table beside her.

"What about the rest?"

"Playing cards in the room." Lin Xin said casually, "Parents should be back soon. Someone sent a box of crystal grapes imported from Iss, and they went to pick them up."


Following his example, Yang Songyu also pulled a wicker chair from the side and sat down.

"Brother, your life is really leisurely. On the contrary, I am getting busier and busier."

"You can also be free, try to push things to other people, wouldn't it be better to wait for retirement with peace of mind."

"Isn't it too unambitious to wait for retirement just after starting work?"

"It's not called lack of ambition, it's called enjoying life."

Lin Xin smiled.

"Just like my bookstore, I hired someone to look after it for me, as long as I don't mess around, I can always have enough income for a month.

I don't have to do anything else, I'm only responsible for rest. "

"It's different...." Yang Songyu couldn't say a lot of words.

Looking at the smiling face of her elder brother Yang Shen, she felt a little envious from the bottom of her heart, but what she shouldered now was not just simple personal honor and disgrace, but also tens of thousands of important information about the empire, which were constantly being sent from her every moment. Here flows through.

With so many secrets in her hands, even if she retires, she will never be able to return to the leisurely life of ordinary people.

"Brother, you haven't changed at all."

She smiled.

Still as naive as before... She didn't say that.

"Are you in trouble?" Lin Xin smiled at her gently, "If you don't mind, please talk to Big Brother."

"It's nothing, just a little tired." Yang Songyu shook her head, every time she was with her eldest brother, she could feel the inexplicable peace and peace in her heart, as if she had a sense of security surrounded by solidity.

"well... ."

She wanted to talk, but couldn't say anything.

Lin Xin stretched out his hand, gently embraced her head in his arms, and patted the beat softly.

"Don't push yourself too hard alone. You are still young, and there is still a long time to come."

"I know."

Yang Songyu leaned quietly in Lin Xin's arms, feeling peaceful in his heart.

"You two, pay attention to the influence!"

Yang Chen's voice came from the direction of the back door.

"The baby is watching."

This guy was dressed in white casual clothes, and he was carrying a large bag of bright yellow plastic bags in his hand.

"Your thoughts are too nasty!" Yang Songyu stood up angrily. "Looking for a fight?"

"This trick again, you only know this trick, right?" Yang Chen shrank his head speechlessly.

For Yang Songyu, a third-level proto-envoy, he was simply the size gap between an elephant and an ant.

If he was beaten, no one would be able to find him back.

"I will use whatever trick works."

Yang Songyu rushed forward and was ready to roll up his sleeves to fight.

After chasing Yang Chen, he put down his things and ran around.

Lin Xin watched the two chasing after each other quietly, with a faint smile on his face.

"Brother Shen, come and eat grapes."

Ruan Rujun brought a plate of crystal purple grapes to Lin Xin's side.

Her face was blushing, and she appeared to be Yang Songyu's best friend to join the Yang family for the festival, but in fact, except for Lin Xin, everyone else treated her as Lin Xin's sister-in-law.

"Mom and dad are back?"

"Well, I also brought a lot of various fruits."

Ruan Rujun answered in a low voice.

"Let's sit down and eat together."

Lin Xin knew what she was thinking, but unfortunately...

On the outskirts of Yongxing City, at the bottom of Bayun Lake.

A huge spaceship as dark as a spider, silently at the bottom of the lake, its surface covered with layers of various aquatic plants and silt.

In the command hall inside the spaceship.

Luke stared carefully at the picture on the big screen in front of him.

What was shown there was the internal picture of the Yang family's manor of the Earth Star Group.

In the center of the picture is Yang Songyu. She was talking and laughing with her second brother Yang Chen with a glass of fruit juice.

Luke carefully turned on the other encrypted channels on the console in front of him.

"The target has been determined. Have the defense forces detected it?"

"The detection has been completed, and it is initially determined to be netbsp;?? a small hissing voice came from a channel.

Luke squinted his eyes, and his slender cheeks were a little green from the various halos of the screen and lights.

"The mobilization and deployment can begin."

After a long time, he directly issued an order.

Da da da da da... .

The tiny ticking of a clock keeps ringing,

Time passed by every minute and every second...

Luke quietly watched Yang Songyu on the screen, chatting with his family, fighting, going in and out of the room, and playing cards.

He was patient, like a snake lying in wait for its prey.


Finally, there was a slight sound in the communication channel.

"The Ninth Battalion of the Third Army has arrived at the manor!" A line of text appeared at the bottom of the screen.

"The Special Infantry Regiment of the Second Army has arrived at the manor."

"It's almost there. Even if Yang Songyu is the original commander, this arrangement will ensure nothing goes wrong." Luke looked at the information in the military report and was about to turn off the screen.

"The Second Brigade of the Third Army has arrived at the manor!" Suddenly another line appeared.

"Huh?" Luke was slightly taken aback. Didn't he mobilize this troop? what happened

Before he could react, a new message was displayed.

"The Third Army, the Third Brigade, is on the way."