Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 951: error (4)


Inside the Yang Family Manor.

Yang Songyu looked at the huge explosions outside and the rattling sound of laser cannons, and his heart was in a mess.

How could she have never imagined that the gentle and calm elder brother who only opened a bookstore in the city all this time turned around and turned into a terrifying figure who dared to come to the opposite even after the entire Star Empire used such a large force.

Feiying envoys... will use eleven more!

Lieutenant General Ansar even belonged to the legendary level of terror. Some of the strongest even in that class.

As the third-ranked powerhouse of the Star Empire, his power once made all the people living on dozens of planets living in the Star Empire shudder.

He was brutal and fierce, and once personally ordered the massacre of hundreds of thousands of Aga stars. His vicious record is famous, and his cruelty and numbness are also recorded in the history books of the Aojia Empire.

But it was such a peerless murderer who dared to come face to face with his elder brother with so many people.

Judging by his tone, he even put himself in the position of a junior weakling.

"What exactly is going on!?"

Yang Chen also had a face full of shock and doubts that he couldn't understand.

The elder brother who always thought he could accomplish nothing and had no ambitions turned into the most ferocious interstellar terrorist in an instant.

It was also besieged by a large-scale army of the Star Empire!

This change made him completely unacceptable.

"Is this world crazy or are we mentally ill? Is it all just an illusion?!"

Yang Chen covered his head and blazed.

"Xiaoyu, tell me what's going on!?"

"I..." Yang Songyu was also restless, and none of the messages transmitted by her growth ability was about this at all.

Yongxing City is in full swing, but in the news circulating outside, there is actually not a single one about this big event.

"I don't know either..." Yang Songyu lowered his head and said dejectedly.

It took only a few years for her to obtain this intelligence outfit. If her father, Yang Qing, hadn't handed over all the millennium fragments of information he possessed to the empire, she would not have obtained such a good outfit.

The time is too short, and although the fit is good, the mastery is limited after all.

Yang Songyu just thought about it for a while, and realized that he should be completely blocked.

She tried sending out a quick message, trying to inform the outside world, but to no avail.

There is no information at all on the public channels of the outside world. Apparently her outgoing message failed to get through.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Lin Xin's hand suddenly patted Yang Songyu's shoulder from behind.

She was so frightened that she trembled all over, and turned around.

"What's going on here!?" Yang Songyu's mind was in a mess, he was eager to know what happened to his elder brother.

Yang Qing and Lu Xiuqun looked at their eldest son with complicated eyes. Up to now, they still can't understand this change at all.

However, the two of them have experienced many storms and waves, and they quickly stabilized their minds.

"The most urgent thing now is to find a safe place first. There are still children here, and there are gunfire everywhere!"

Yang Qing said quickly and calmly.

He looked at Lin Xin, there was no doubt in his eyes, only trust.

"I believe that Xiao Shen will not let us down."

"Of course!" Lin Xin put away his smile and answered seriously.

In any case, these two are also his real parents in this life. No one can deny that blood is thicker than water.

"But father, don't worry, it's safe here now. My people are cleaning up the garbage of the Star Empire."

he explained softly.

"your people!?"

Yang Qing was startled.

Listening carefully to the sound of firefighting outside, indeed, another powerful force is fighting against the force brought by Ansar.

"So... what about Lieutenant General Ansar!?"

Yang Songyu hurriedly asked from the side.

That's Ansar! The third most terrifying general in the Star Empire, in the history of many small and medium empires, he was the first terrifying figure who could stop children from crying!

If the other party brings someone here again, it will be terrible!

"Ansar? Oh, you mean the blond man from before

It's just a small pawn, just a questioning stone sent to test me, so naturally he can't be allowed to go back alive. "

Lin Xin replied with a smile.

Yang Songyu was suddenly speechless.

Yang Chen originally wanted to ask something, but at this moment he didn't know what happened, so he couldn't say anything.

From just a few words, it can be seen that the level of their big brother has completely exceeded their comprehension.

Yang Chen's wife, Lu Ya, hugged the child and managed to gather herself together. At this moment, she stood up and said in a deep voice.

"I don't understand what the original can do, and I don't know how strong Ansar is. I just want to say, no matter what the elder brother becomes or what level he reaches, he is different. It is our elder brother? It is the father and mother. son?"

As soon as these words came out, the inexplicable sense of strangeness and alienation that Yang Qing and the others felt before suddenly disappeared.

Everyone's expressions gradually softened.

After a while of silence.

"Then Xiao Shen, what shall we do now?"

Yang Qing coughed and asked.

"We don't need to do anything, just wait."

Lin Xin still showed the same gentle smile as before.

It's just that such a smile feels completely different in the eyes of Yang Songyu and others.


A black shadow suddenly appeared behind Lin Xin. Get down on one knee.

"Your Excellency General, all enemy groups have been wiped out. Please issue the next order."

The one who reported the situation was one of the Feiying envoys that Lin Xin had subdued back then.

General? ? !

Yang Songyu's pupils shrank suddenly.

Only the highest-level generals of a certain force are eligible for this title.

The eldest brother has always been in Yongxing City. When did he break out of this foundation outside

Being able to treat the power of the Star Empire as nothing... Such confidence... is simply terrifying!

Yang Qing and Yang Chen looked at each other and exchanged glances, both of them could see the deep shock in each other's eyes.

For Yang Shen, the son and elder brother, both of them have too much incomprehension in their hearts.

"He won't let us down."

A voice suddenly sounded from the side.

It is Ruan Rujun who has been ignored by everyone.

This girl, who had always been ordinary and lovely, could see it more clearly than everyone else.

"Brother Shen, I love you very much. I can see it."

She said seriously.

Yang Qinglu's embroidered skirt was also silent.

As Luya said before, no matter what, he is their relative, there is no doubt about it.

Therefore, no matter what height he has reached, they are a family.

On the other side, Lin Xin had also finished reporting the situation here, and after giving a few casual instructions, he swung Feiying Envoy back.


At the gap in the wall, a female general who was only covered with dark golden colony armor on key parts stepped out quickly and knelt on one knee to salute.

"You are responsible for explaining the situation to my family. I still have important matters to deal with and come back later."

"Yes, sir."

The female officer named Angel took the order seriously.

After arranging the affairs, Lin Xin smiled at Ruan Rujun, tapped his toes lightly, and his figure suddenly disappeared.

boom! !

The golden flame exploded, and large groups of magma-like liquid metal flew to the ground.

The sky and the earth are reflected in a golden red.

Lin Xin was suspended in mid-air, surrounded by a dark halo, all attacks, shells, lasers, rays, energy cannons, all attacks, fell on him, as if smashed into the boundless void, not even a wave .

This is the headquarters of the advance team of the Star Empire.

A wilderness ridge located in the middle of the Aojia Empire.

No one knows that there is an army of stars that can destroy 30% of the defense power of the entire Aojia Empire lurking here without a sound.

But at this time, the army that had been lurking here was completely alarmed by a single person.

Hundreds of giant battleships soared into the sky, the main guns were charged rapidly, and energy guns fired fiercely at each other.

The dozens of miles around Lin Xin were completely covered by the white main guns of these warships.

In addition, there are a large number of destructive death rays, energy rays, and annihilation cannons, which gather from below and the surrounding sky like raindrops. All fell in the sky of the area where Lin Xin was located. It is colorful and dazzling.


Lin Xin looked at the dozens of giant battleships in front of him. These battleships were covered in platinum and engraved with stars, and they looked like long strips of banana poop from a distance.


There was a red light in his eyes.

Boom boom boom boom! ! !

In an instant, more than a dozen battleships exploded at the same time, as if some giant hand pinched them from the void, and then pressed them down suddenly.

The energy furnace exploded, the power system collapsed and leaked, and the energy circuit was short-circuited, causing an internal fire in an instant, and then the ammunition depot was detonated.

More than a dozen giant warships slammed into the ground with smoke in just a few seconds, and the sound of violent explosions continued to spread around them.


Huge clusters of fireworks exploded on the ground, extremely gorgeous.

"If you only have this ability, then stay here."

Lin Xin was a little impatient.

The senior officials of the Aojia Empire's intelligence department definitely knew about his details, but they still remained unchanged and did not come to alarm him.

On the contrary, it was the group of idiots from the Star Empire who dared to ruin his peaceful life that he felt good before.

Lin Xin knew in his heart that his peaceful days were numbered.

With the recovery of strength attributes, whether he wants to or not, his cultivation base will gradually return to normal amidst the terrifying physical resilience.

In other words, his cultivation will eventually return continuously.

Sooner or later, he will return to the destructive form affected by his cultivation and Kamikaze Sword Arts.

That is his true full body.

Once he reached that level, destroying the universe became his only obsession.

So he also cherishes the life with this family.

"Your Excellency Tu Ling, as the Millennium King, isn't it too disrespectful for you to bully these ordinary battleship soldiers like this?"

With the sound of a male voice as calm as a lake, countless blue and white electric lights gathered from all directions, forming a human male figure nearly two meters in front of Lin Xin. (.)