Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 956: Original (1)


"Then go." Lin Xin was very interested in what would happen after the key was completed.

After his intuition has reached the current four powers, it can be said to be terrifyingly accurate. The general strength does not involve those who are of the same height as him, so it is almost an accurate guess.

This kind of ability, in the eyes of ordinary people, is the so-called favorite of heaven and earth, the darling of fate.

Lin Xin closed his eyes and sensed it, and his immense spiritual power went down.


Because the mental power was too concentrated and the density was too strong, some fracture edges of the palace wreckage also made crisp sounds, as if they were severely distorted by an invisible force.

The violent wind was pulled up, making it difficult for the Winter Night Squad and others in the palace to breathe, so they hurriedly stabilized their bodies so as not to fall.


A big hole exploded directly under Lin Xin's feet. The hole was oval in shape with extremely smooth edges. Looking down from the side, one can see a huge straight passage that goes all the way to the depths of the underground of the imperial capital.

The edge of the passage is wrapped by an invisible transparent distortion force field, like a huge pipe thousands of meters long.

At the end of the pipeline is the bottomless underground of the imperial capital.

"Here it is. Go down."

Lin Xin was the first to jump off.

Dongye followed closely, and the rest of the team quickly followed suit.

Looking from a distance, the nine people fell hard like sesame seeds into the huge hole that suddenly appeared in the center of the imperial capital.


Lin Xin landed hard, and through spiritual contact, let his subordinate Yuannengshi directly take over the follow-up and aftermath. After everything was arranged, he looked at the surrounding environment.

This is a dark, square huge underground palace.

The place where they landed happened to be the second half of the underground palace.

The black stone bricks on the surrounding ground are full of twisted metal and stone debris that have been smashed open.

Several black robot-like guards, five meters tall, fell to the side with spears in their hands, and electric sparks were flying from their bodies, obviously accidentally injured by Lin Xin's mental power just now.

The pure mental power is concentrated and compressed to a certain intensity, and the resulting power is no less than that of doing it yourself.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xin also knew something in his heart. He had never gathered such spiritual power before.

"Search here, gather the living, those who disobey, kill."

He ordered directly.


Dong Ye took the order, led the other seven people to scatter, and rushed out in all directions.

From their point of view, the tunnels of the underground palace are just harder cardboard, no matter how thick the alloy walls are, they can be punched through with one punch.

In the blink of an eye, the surrounding underground palaces were directly smashed to pieces.

Lin Xin found a direction and walked directly towards the only black area in his mental power.

It was the only place he could not explore spiritually.

In this kind of place, there is actually an area that he can't explore with his mental power, which makes him a little bit interested.

The current Aojia Empire is just a slightly boring game for him, and it is too easy to pass the level.

So a little unknown is needed to add fun.

As he walked forward step by step, all the debris around him was automatically pushed away by the invisible force.

Regardless of the walls, the ground, the machine guards, or the terrain passages of the original underground palace.

They are all twisted and extruded into a standard long tube-shaped channel.

Lin Xin followed this passage, took a dozen steps forward, and reached the end.

There is a round arch gate with a height of more than ten meters.

Carved on the door are two heads of strange black figures with only the upper body sticking out.

These two strange men with only the upper body were completely black, with goat horns on their heads, and a little white in their eyes.

Seeing that Lin Xin had arrived, these two weirdos were actually alive, and they immediately let out a strange smile.

"Open the forbidden door."

"This is the choice of fate."

The two weirdos opened their mouths and spoke a language that Lin Xin had never heard, but he could fully understand what it meant.

Just listening to these two languages can make people feel a little bit of restlessness.

"The riddle of fate must be solved."

"Only to open the taboo."

The two weirdos said each other one sentence at a time.

"It's interesting. Tell me, what is your riddle?"

After Lin Xin stood still, he asked with great interest.

The weirdo on the left screamed.

"The dagger buried under the dusk!"

The weirdo on the right let out a long sigh.

"Focus on the divine court in the sky!"

Lin Xin frowned slightly and began to think carefully.

"What are these two sentences guessing? Words, words? Things? Animals and plants? Or what?"

"have no idea."

"Guess for yourself."

"Then let me ask this question differently. What kind of riddle is this riddle?" Lin Xin changed the soup but not the medicine.

"I don't know."

"You don't even know this? You idiot!"

Lin Xin's eyes twitched. Suddenly some fire.

"Then let me ask another question..."

"It's time to answer."

"If you can't answer it, get out, stupid human being! With your IQ, you dare to break into the taboo door, and no one will want you to go home and eat milk!"

The two weirdos laughed.

boom! !

The sound stopped abruptly.

The door was distorted and exploded by Lin Xin's slap, and it was directly torn from the middle.

The bodies of the two weirdos were ripped apart and exploded, and they died on the spot.

"Do you know how people die? You did it yourself."

Lin Xin glanced at the half of the monster's head wriggling on the ground not far away.

Stride through the door.

Inside the gate, there is a large hazy white mist.

There is a large white mist in the darkness, which feels weird.

The white mist brought a faint light, making the entire dark space not completely dark.

The ground is very flat, with patterns of different shades of blue.

Vague grimaces of different sizes are engraved on the walls on both sides, none of which seem to be human faces.

Go deep along this space.

Lin Xin quickly came to a box the size of a suitcase.

"You... You actually came in!!?" There was an old man lying half-lying beside the box, wearing a platinum imperial suit and a platinum crown. He could be identified as the emperor of the Aojia Empire at a glance.

As for the name, Lin Xin had long forgotten.

For irrelevant ants, he will not waste his brain capacity to memorize the information of the other party.

On the contrary, I will clean up and integrate my memory every once in a while, so as to avoid too long time and too many memories, which will lead to confusion.

The emperor opened his old eyes wide in horror, staring at Lin Xin in disbelief.

"That door... can't be opened! Impossible!!"

"This is the biggest reliance in your treasure house, or the hole card?"

Lin Xin could clearly see what the emperor was thinking at such a short distance.

He actually planned to rely on this box to try to kill himself.

The idea is simply ridiculous.

"Just a box." Lin Xin's eyes moved.

The emperor's head shook, red and white brains flowed out of his nostrils, and he fell to the ground, out of breath.

Lin Xin just stood in front of the box, stretched out his hand to press the surface of the box, and lifted the lid up by absorbing it.


The box appears to be locked.

Lin Xin increased his strength, using tens of tons of pulling force.


The black box shook wildly, but there was still no movement.


Lin Xin immediately became interested.

Reach out your hands and hold the box.


Thousands of tons of power are useless.

Directly on hundreds of thousands of tons of giant force.

On the contrary, the black box became more and more motionless.

A mere box can withstand this terrifying pulling force.

Lin Xin already knew that this thing is definitely not simple.

He didn't dare to use any more force, because many treasure chests have standard self-destruct settings. Once the violence is too strong, he is afraid that the self-destruct will be activated and the contents inside will be completely destroyed.

He looked to the side in a blink of an eye, grabbed the emperor's right hand, forced out a drop of blood, and wiped it on the box.

Black light flashed.

The black box clicked and finally made a small sound.

Open slowly.

Inside was a monstrous statue carved from black stone.

The sculpture is a black monster with two pairs of tentacles-like wings.

His eyes were covered with a black cloth, and there was a weird smile on the lower half of his face.

There is a base under the statue with a line of writing engraved on it.

'The source of evil, the root of disaster, when the seal is opened, it is the time of cosmic catastrophe. '

The handwriting was engraved in some small ancient language, and it is obvious that this statue is very old.

Lin Xin picked up the statue and felt that the skin on it was like human skin, warm and silky.


Suddenly, cracks began to appear on the surface of the sculpture.

The cracks are getting more and more dense.

With a crisp sound, the monster on the sculpture suddenly came to life, broke free from Lin Xin's palm, and flew into the air.

A huge space warping sphere began to roll around him.

"Sacrifice the devoured sacrifice, and satisfy all your wishes."

The strange man vibrated his wings and hovered in the air in front of Lin Xin. His lips did not move, but he made a dull sound.

"Such a big tone, satisfying all my wishes?" Lin Xin felt as if he had discovered such a fun thing as She Ni.

"I want to rule the universe, can you do it?"

"Not enough sacrifices." The weirdo sculpture replied dully.

boom! ! !

Lin Xin slapped the sculpted monster with a loud bang, and smashed it onto the space force field on the other side. It was his other condensed blocking force field. Otherwise, this slap would be enough to blow this thing out of the planet. .

The sculpture freak screamed, and dense cracks appeared all over his body. Soon flew back again.

"It's been a long time since I bought things and no one dared to ask me for money. Paying for the sacrifice? Many years ago, no one dared to ask me for things." Lin Xin laughed. "Give me a grilled steak."


A freshly grilled steak appeared directly in front of him, still steaming.

There was no more sound from under the frozen face of the grotesque sculpture.

A black light flashed, and the steak was instantly swallowed by Lin Xin.

"It's really good, it tastes good."

He wiped the corner of his mouth.

Seeing the weird man's sculpture shaking all over, he was obviously frightened by his eating.

"Tell me, where are the thousand-year-old key fragments in the underground treasure house?"

"Are you looking for the traces left by the original?" The sculpture's voice asked without any ups and downs.

"The original time?" Lin Xin heard a new term.