Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 958: collect (1)


"When a mortal sees him, he will be infected and become his slave, or even a clone. Simply put, any original existence, including my master, has the following characteristics."

Lin Xin walked out of the previously broken gate, flew up, passed through the underground space, and landed on the bustling streets of the imperial capital.

Dongye and the others were already waiting quietly outside. They also called a large number of transport trucks and spaceships, container by container to continuously carry treasures out of the ground.

Apparently they found a real treasure trove.

"Go ahead." Lin Xin directed the Dongye team distractedly. While listening to the sculpture speak.

"The first characteristic. They can freely manipulate time.

Manipulating time is an easy ability that does not need to be consumed by them. "

Lin Xin fell silent for a while.

He couldn't imagine the first point.

"Second, the primordials have an immortal body and soul will.

This kind of indestructibility is absolute, and it is indestructible in the true sense. If there is no way to destroy the essence of its existence, no matter how many times you kill it, it will be useless. "

"What does it mean?"

Lin Xin squinted his eyes, somewhat unable to understand.

The sculpture paused.

"Simply put, my master's way of existence is that his body exists in infinite universes, whether it is a black universe or a big universe, where there is life, there is an extension of my master's body.

So when his so-called main body was killed, it was actually a hair in a billionth or even smaller than his real body.

When the master died at the beginning, he was directly erased from the root of existence by another primordial person. In an instant, the master's body, which existed in countless universes, completely lost its soul and will at the same time. "

Lin Xin felt a little creepy in his heart.

He thought he was strong enough, but he didn't expect that this master was so much stronger than him, and he was actually obliterated.

This basin of cold water immediately drenched his whole body.

He can detect whether what the sculpture says is true or not.

Because of this, he was so shocked, because his intuition told him that everything this sculpture said was true.

"You have actually come into contact with such an existence before, but you didn't notice it. Of course, to the other party, you are just a speck of dust on the scroll, and you didn't even notice your existence. So don't worry about safety."

The sculpture continued to say something that I don't know if it is consolation or not.

"Because they are completely different from your existence, if you don't upgrade to that level, you don't even have the qualifications to anger them."

Lin Xin fell silent.

He instructed the Winter Night team to deal with other things, and he went straight into the sky and flew towards space.

"So, are there any other characteristics?"

"No more. Even if there are others, with my personality, I can't see them at all." The sculpture said calmly.

"Don't be discouraged, your starting point is already much higher than that loser just now. There may be a chance to step into that realm in the future."

Lin Xin didn't speak, and went straight into the sky, broke through the clouds, passed through the planet's magnetic field, and went straight into space.

The fleet of the Aojia Empire outside has surrounded the entire parent star cluster, but because they have not received a formal order from the palace, they can only honestly stop in the surrounding space and remain motionless.

Lin Xin suddenly thought of a question. There are many thousand-year-old fragments. It is definitely not only the Aojia Empire that exists. The Star Empire also has so many thousand-year-old fragments. So what secrets are contained in the thousand-year-old key formed by the aggregation of those fragments

He doesn't know.

"The universe is so vast that it would be impossible to fully explore and understand it in just a few decades."

Lin Xin felt emotional.

He glanced at the large number of Aojia Empire fleets hovering around him.

The officers and soldiers of these fleets are still hesitating whether to attack him.

Those who can cross space with their physical bodies are at least at the level of the Destroyer. No one wants to start a war rashly before they have figured out whether they are the enemy or us.

Just as he was hesitating, with a swish, Lin Xin's figure disappeared immediately.

This also made the fleet breathe a sigh of relief.

It is the most difficult to deal with the existence of the destruction level. If one accidentally gets close to it, it will be a catastrophe.

Lin Xin flew in space at high speed.

With full speed, with a light step on his foot, he quickly arrived at the nearest wormhole to the Stars Empire near the Aojia Empire, and then plunged into it.

Entering the wormhole with a physical body, perhaps he will be the first who has never been seen before.

puff! !

The black wormhole, with a small black hole at the entrance, is only big enough for starships to shuttle through, but it is big enough for Lin Xin.

As soon as he entered the entrance of the cave, the terrifying tearing force inside and the terrifyingly dense radiation rays directly heated Lin Xin's body to a terrifyingly high temperature of millions of degrees.

But it means nothing to him.

Si Daoli's physical fitness made it impossible for these high temperatures to even bend his hairs.

Lin Xin gently stood upright and flew in the wormhole.

The surrounding area is blue and black, as if it has entered a huge twisted blue pipe, and the walls of the pipe are full of flowing viscous liquid.

Some scientists speculate that those liquids are the life fluids of other parallel universes. Just like humans have blood vessels, the universe also has special pulses and blood vessels.

These blood vessels will be displayed in the penetrating tubes-wormholes that connect two points of space in the universe.

"I heard that if you break the wall of this tube, you can enter other parallel universes."

Lin Xin slowed down slightly, approached the inner wall of the wormhole, and looked out.

There were faint humming sounds from the pipe wall, as if some huge machine was constantly vibrating.

He didn't reach out to touch it.

He has read and studied the content of science and technology in this world, and he knows that the inner wall of this wormhole has an extremely powerful rotational force.

It seems calm and still, but in fact, just a touch can instantly suck anything into the time and space behind it.

So far, scientists have invested a large number of object detectors in an attempt to detect what is the universe outside the inner wall of the wormhole.

But without exception all failed.

The outside of the tube wall is like a deadly place where there is no entry and exit, completely smashing and devouring everything.

The wormhole entry time is very short, only about fifty heartbeats.

At the end is a round hole whirling with white light.

Lin Xin rushed out of the round hole.

Outside is a large silver galaxy space.

He raised his hand and looked at his watch. The time was still 2:21:56 in the afternoon, the same as when he entered.

"No matter how much time passes in the wormhole, time will stop. It seems that I am right."

"Next, it's the Star Empire's turn. How dare they actually send people to besiege me, hehe..."

Lin Xin took a step forward and disappeared into the starry sky in an instant.

He got the star map of the Star Empire from the computer of a passing merchant ship long before he left for Kyoto.

The next thing he has to do is to collect fragments and destroy them.

Star Empire, one of the three main stars, Oslan Star.

The azure Auslan star is surrounded by a light yellow star ring belt, which is a starry sky defense belt made by the entire star empire.

It can unite the three surrounding planets to form a giant geomagnetic Gardon force field.

The entire force field covers more than ten light years, and it can be called the strongest and largest defense system ever created by human beings.

Any harmful biological matter, including stray asteroid meteors, will be instantly crushed under this huge force field.

This is the greatest absolute defense of the Star Empire. It was completed more than 300 years ago, and was named the Blue Heart Line of Defense by the then Emperor Stars.

At this time, on the star ring of Auslan, a large meteorite slowly rotating was inlaid with transparent luxury cabins of different sizes, like crystal diamonds.

Inside one of the compartments.

Tik held a cigarette butt in one hand, looking deeply through the high-strength space glass, looking at the light yellow star ring that was constantly passing outside.

"Did you know? The Auslan star ring can absorb and release huge dust, cosmic dust, equivalent to the mass of fifty-two Pibia 7 satellites per second."

Tik turned around and said to a man in white tights sitting on the handrail of the metal passage behind him.

"You can always come up with these weird data comparisons, does it make sense? Tik." The man in the white tights has beautiful and delicate long white hair. White as snow.

"It's just an interest, it's just boring." Tik smiled, "What about you? Isn't it even more meaningless to indulge in those unnecessary poems and hymns in ancient mythology every day?"

"Life is always swaying between thinking and absurdity. You are either a wise man or a fool. I just don't want to make myself a fool."

The white-haired man smiled, showing a delicate and perfect smile.

He straightened up, tossing a dark gold imperial gold coin in his hand.

"The plan against the Aojia Empire has been half implemented, and in most places, our army and the so-called rebel army have achieved phased victories.

I heard you teamed up with the dark guy? "

"As the speaker, I only need the result, the process is not important. What's more, they took the initiative to find me."

Tik smiled.

He shook the speaker's robe on his body. There was a defensive force field ring on the robe. Under the dim light, it looked like a god's halo, with circles of blue-purple shimmering.

"So now, you suddenly came to my place, do you have any new arrangements?" The white-haired man asked about the topic.

"An Jie, I plan to..." Speaker Tik was about to tell the purpose of his visit, when suddenly he paused, then fell silent, his ears were trembling, apparently listening to some kind of communication.

With the transmission of the message, Tik's expression gradually changed.

From the lightheartedness at the beginning, to the squinting, surprise, and heavy complexion behind.

This is the first time that An Jie, the white-haired man, has seen so many rich expressions on the face of this old friend who has known each other for thousands of years.

"What's wrong? What happened to the Aojia Empire? The plan failed?" He asked with interest.

Tik slowly closed his eyes and rested for a while. When he opened his eyes again, there was a slight sense of heaviness and oppression in his eyes.

"The plan didn't fail, it's just that someone took the lead." He replied calmly.

Although he tried his best to suppress his raging anger, An Jie could still feel the twisted pressure in his tone.

"You're angry."

"I didn't." Tick denied.

"No, you are indeed angry." Anjie held the dark gold coin in his hand. "Tell me, what happened to the Aojia Empire that made you lose your composure."

Tik was silent. (