Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 961: start(2)


Alpine Headquarters Shiyinshan.

Stone Seal Mountain is not a mountain, but a medium-sized meteorite located between the home planet of the Aojia Empire and the border of the IS Empire.

And the real headquarters of the Alpine organization is inside the core of this meteorite.

Inside the silver-gray metal headquarters passage.

Lin Xin walked step by step on the hard and cold alloy floor, and along the passage, he quickly entered a large dark hall shaped like a five-pointed star.

In the hall, there was already a familiar figure waiting for a long time.

He is the second general of Gaoshan, an old man known as the Prophet.

He was leaning on crutches, with a bark-like dry face, and when he saw Lin Xin walk in, he immediately showed a kind and heartfelt smile.

"Dear third general, my friend, this is your first visit to Gaoshan's headquarters, you're welcome, just treat this place as your own home."

"A prophet? Where is the first general?" Lin Xin was still a little interested in a prophet. He was the one who dared to give himself the position of the third general when he was not sure of his upper limit of strength. You can see its decisiveness.

There is also a mysterious first general. Haven't shown up yet.

Even when he asked Gao Shan's high-ranking illusion kings, no one had seen the first general.

"Your Excellency the First General, I am already waiting for you." The Prophet replied with a chrysanthemum-like smile.

"Then what about the others?" Lin Xin looked around, but couldn't find any living beings except himself.

"I'm here."

A vaguely distorted human figure appeared on the large wall directly in front of Lin Xin.

"Oh?" Lin Xin guessed Gao Shan's identity as the number one general in an instant. There was a hint of interest on his face.

"Is it pure electronic life?"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, a great existence so powerful that the three great empires crawl under your feet. Your Excellency Yang Shen."

The first general will be very polite. As an electronic life, his intelligence sources and reaction speed far exceed that of ordinary intelligence personnel.

Almost as soon as Lin Xin destroyed the imperial capital of the Aojia Empire, he got news from countless electronic devices.

And for the series of major actions that followed, he had obtained first-hand information.

Therefore, the more this is the case, the more he is in awe of Lin Xin's strength.

This is a completely bottomless man.

A god who is so powerful that all human beings tremble.

"First general, call me over in a hurry, what's the matter?"

Lin Xin was a little displeased. The first general was arrogant enough to ask him to come here to meet him in person.

"That's right." The First General Manager keenly sensed Lin Xin's impatience, and replied quickly. "About the information about the Millennium Key you are looking for, I have something here that may be what you need.

In addition, because I can only condense my complete body and meet you here, I can only wrong you to come here. Also please forgive me. "

"Tell me about the Millennium Fragment." Lin Xin's eyes lit up. Looking at the prophet who was smiling and not saying a word, it was obvious that this guy knew about it in advance.

"What did you find?"

The first general immediately knew that he had successfully aroused Lin Xin's interest.

"It's about pleat space."


Lin Xin nodded.

"There are fragments of different millennium keys hidden in the pleat space, and these fragments can quickly condense the real three millennium keys."

The first general paused.

"According to the information I have collected for many years, these three thousand-year keys are related to a strange, ancient secret."

"What secret?" Lin Xin asked casually.

"It should be when the three keys come together, the real secret hidden within will emerge." The first general will quickly answer.

"Three keys come together... .."

Lin Xin directly took out the three keys, and prepared to inlay the final pieces in front of the two of them.

"Please wait a moment. Can you allow me and the first general to retreat first?" The prophet, who had been silent all this time, spoke at this time.

"Retreat?" The first general was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted, "I understand. Your Excellency the third general, please allow me and the prophet to leave temporarily."

Lin Xin narrowed his eyes and looked at the two of them.

This is also a good thing. After all, the origin of these three keys is definitely not simple. If the phantom transmission of the terrifying existence of the original is triggered, even if it is just a phantom, it is far from what the two people in front of them can bear.

Just seeing the existence of this rank, the total amount of information involved in the instant eye contact, is very likely to wash the two into contaminated puppets.

"Let's go first."

He waved his hand. Facing these three mysterious keys, he was not sure what kind of changes would be brought about.

"Thank you."

The Prophet and the First General nodded slightly, and left the pentagram dark hall respectively.

Wait until their breath is completely away from this space.

Only then did Lin Xin look at the three keys floating in front of him.

The first one has been fully integrated.

Now it's the second.

He reached out and tapped lightly.

The fragments of the second key slowly merged.


The pieces fit perfectly onto the second key.

Nothing unusual happened, and the image of Huang Yuerong did not appear like before.

The third key was also slowly integrated under Lin Xin's command.



But this key projected a blurry figure at once.

It was still Huang Yuerong.

"When the three keys come together, it is the key to obtaining the original scar.

Destined people, this original scar, if your level of strength is insufficient, will instead become a terrifying trace that destroys your soul.

If you haven't reached the stigmata level, opening the mystery of the three keys will do you more harm than good. "

Huang Yuerong exhorted.

"This original scar is a trace that I have carved out everything I saw when I tried my best to attack the level."

"It was originally reserved for my distraction, of course, if you can find it, this is also your chance.

Feel it, absorb the information it contains, and then... find a way to enter the cyan star ring. There, there is an opportunity to achieve the original. "

"Achieving the original..." Lin Xin repeated this sentence.

Huang Yuerong's image suddenly disappeared.

The three keys directly fused together, melted instantly, and condensed into a light blue ring.

The ring is only the size of a human head.

But a dynamic line like a dragon and a snake is slowly turning in the center.

The line is only as long as a finger, and it is still rapidly twisting and changing colors.

From red to blue, to blue, to purple, and then repeat the cycle.

"This breath is..." The moment Lin Xin saw this line, he was slightly stunned.

The breath on this line is not too familiar to him.

It is simply the breath of the abyss!

"However, compared to the black universe, the abyssal breath above here is much, much stronger...."

Lin Xin faintly recalled the situation when he was in the black universe.

"Thirty-three days and sixty-six abysses are absolutely complete in the big universe. The black universe is just the projection of the real thirty-three days and sixty-six abysses in the big universe.

That is to say, if you break through the space from the big universe, you can have a chance to enter the real sixty-six bottom abyss. "

How terrifying the bottom abyss is, Lin Xin has been deeply touched before.

When he was at his strongest back then, he had only reached the fortieth floor, and there were no entrances or entry methods for many of the subsequent floors.

But even the fortieth floor is enough to forcibly suppress most of the power of the Daozu class.

He stretched out his hand and gently grabbed the line.

boom! ! !

The surroundings suddenly twisted and flickered.

Lin Xin was shocked, and when he came back to his senses, he was already standing on a slope of emerald green grass.

In the distance is the rolling grassland, an old windmill that is slowly turning, constantly working under the breeze.

"This is... the windmill from that time?"

Lin Xin suddenly remembered that he came here by accident when he followed the two Dao ancestors who were fighting closely.

The gray sky was covered with overcast clouds, and the ground was rolling black hills that stretched far into the distance.

There is a hint of moist soil in the air.

Lin Xin slowly looked towards the windmill, and was about to lift his feet to move.

"You're here again."

A soft female voice came from behind him.

Lin Xin turned around with difficulty, and saw a woman in a white dress with a translucent body staring at him calmly.

"Yeah, I'm here again, can you tell me where this place is?" He asked calmly.

"Since you're here again, don't you know where this place is?" The woman's face was pale and dull, like a corpse that had passed away for a long time.

"Maybe I know, maybe I don't know, maybe I'm just not sure."

Lin Xindao.

"Here is the abyss."

The woman answered.


Lin Xin frowned.

"Or, the abyss of the past...."

After the woman finished speaking, she ignored him and drifted slowly, disappearing from Lin Xin's vision in a blink of an eye.

Lin Xin stretched out his hand, trying to mobilize his strength to prevent her from leaving. He still had a lot of things to ask.

But it didn't work.

His whole body of strength, I don't know when it completely disappeared without a trace.

At this time, he was like an ordinary mortal, weak and powerless to protect himself.

"This is..." Lin Xin looked down at himself.

The clothes on his body have not changed at all, except that there is a silk thread that changes colors constantly on his wrist.

It was the original scar he got before.

"If this is an abyss, then I don't know how many floors it is.

When I was in the black universe, I reached the fortieth level of the abyss at the highest level. The fortieth level of the abyss is basically a dark and empty space. "

Lin Xin slowly raised his footsteps, the extreme gravity made it difficult for him to move forward.

After only taking a few steps, he felt drenched in sweat and couldn't go far.

The physical exertion was too great, so he simply sat down on the grass to rest.

This time he came in, he felt that because of the original scar, he should not be thrown out like last time.

It's just that I don't know why the suppression I received after coming in this time is far greater than the last time.

"Is it because of this?"

Lin Xin couldn't help recalling what Huang Yuerong's body had told him, how to break through the original primary method. u