Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 962: A touch of eternity (1)


Along the grassland and hills, Lin Xin walked towards the windmill step by step.

The sky was gloomy, as if painted with ink, and the black soil on the ground was covered with countless grasses.

But these grasses gave Lin Xin the feeling that they were fixed and transplanted from somewhere.

It seems to be inserted into the soil one by one.

He walked very hard, looking at his attribute bar from time to time, the attributes had not changed at all.

"Since all my strength attributes are there, the problem lies in this space."

Lin Xin suddenly stopped and looked around carefully.

"If it's really pure gravity here that can suppress me to this level, then anything here, things, maybe..."

He squatted down slowly, stretched out his hands in the soil under his feet, and dug hard.


He grabbed the black soil with five fingers.

The soil here is soft and loose.

Lin Xin carefully looked at the black soil in his hand, and squinted his eyes.


With a flash of black light, the black mud disappeared instantly.

The moment he swallowed the black mud, Lin Xin suddenly felt his whole body fall hard, as if his whole body was hung on a heavy iron lump.

He quickly looked at his attribute bar.

All the attribute items actually started to flicker violently. Apparently it was climbing like crazy.

"This kind of flickering frequency... Sure enough, I guessed it right. Every piece of matter here has an extremely terrifying density."

A gleam of joy flashed in Lin Xin's heart.

The current him, even if he devours madly in the big universe, it is estimated that it will take hundreds of years to devour the energy obtained before he can increase the power of an attribute.

This kind of efficiency is still based on the premise that he can devour it all the time.

How many light-years does a galaxy span? If he just wants to swallow a galaxy completely, he will have to fly for a long time to cross most of the gaps in the middle and swallow stars.

In this way, Lin Xin spends most of his time on the road, and only a very small part of his time can be concentrated.

"And here, the density of matter is so high that it is far more convenient and easier than devouring it in the universe.

It really deserves to be the bottom abyss. "

Thinking of this, Lin Xin stood up and slowly raised his body.

There was a hiss from behind him, and more than ten pairs of huge white wings slowly stretched out and flapped slowly.

A pair of arms slowly protruded from his back, and a huge black hole slowly expanded on his chest.

"Even if you can't get the original secret, just devouring it is enough to pay back when you come to this place."

Lin Xin stretched out his hand and grabbed it forward.

boom! ! !

The black hole in the chest suddenly exerted force, and began to slowly and difficultly pull up the black mud on the surrounding ground.

The black mud floated up slowly, very slowly.

With Lin Xin's current speed and strength, to be able to float them with a force field is already exhausting all his strength.

Countless pieces of black soil, black gray grass began to fly into the black hole in Lin Xin's chest.

Slowly, he simply closed his eyes and carefully checked the attribute changes in his field of vision.

All the improved attributes were automatically assigned to four attributes by him.

Lin Xin just stood there, motionless.

Time passed slowly.

One day, two days.

January, February.

One year, two years... ..

ten hundred years.....

Lin Xin's devouring speed is getting faster and faster, more and more terrifying.

The suspension speed of the black soil around him was originally slow, but with the passage of time, the speed of his devouring increased wildly.

Faster and faster, more urgent.

Like a vacuum cleaner, the surrounding black soil and grass were pulled up abruptly and instantly submerged into the black hole in his chest.

What surprised him even more was that the surrounding black soil and green grass seemed to be inexhaustible.

He had just devoured some of the surrounding things, and soon the black soil and green grass in the periphery automatically rushed to the missing position.

"It's been too long. Even if this is a place where time and space are completely out of touch with the big universe, the time I can stay here is limited."

Lin Xin looked down at the color-changing silk thread on his wrist.

At this time, only a small half of the silk thread remained on the wrist, and the rest disappeared.

"Let's go and have a look first."

Lin Xin glanced at his current attributes.

'Yang Shen—kill, defense, dodge, physique, freedom attributes.'

"It has increased so much..."

Lin Xin's devouring speed at this time has saved a lot of effort compared to before.

Although it was still very slow, the power of the eight powers was enough to support him to move freely here.

He finally raised his feet and walked slowly towards the windmill in the distance.

"It's different from the last time I came here, last time I should have been here briefly for some reason.

When the time and space here reacted, I was kicked immediately.

But now, I took the initiative to get the key to enter here and come in, so what I enjoy is the treatment of normal entrants here. "

Along the hills and hills, Lin Xin quickly approached the huge windmill.

The windmill turned up and down, making a creaking sound.

Lin Xin looked up at the blades of the windmill, looked left and right, and then put away the black hole that was constantly devouring the body.

Restore yourself to disguise yourself as an ordinary body in this life.

He reached out and gently pushed the door open.

squeak... .

The wooden door of the windmill was slowly opened.

There were bursts of rapid swishing sounds from inside, which seemed to be the soft sound of brushes rubbing against the paper.

There are still framed murals and drawing papers everywhere in the windmill.

Large stacks of scattered drawing papers were randomly thrown on the ground, and some of them still had footprints on them.

A man with disheveled hair, wearing gray clothes, and a pale complexion was sitting on a large easel, scribbling crazily.

What he painted was a portrait, a portrait that was so blurry that even the facial features could not be seen clearly.

All black and white line drawings.

Lin Xin stood at the door and looked carefully at the painter.

The other party ignored him at all, and just kept drawing his own. You can't see the front either, only the back.

Lin Xin simply began to admire the many other picture frames hanging on the surrounding walls.

Each of the paintings in these frames is extremely real and extremely grand.

As if the picture frame is a window, you can walk into the world in the picture with a light push.

He walked to a landscape painting.

Among the green mountains and green waters inside, there are many tiny people walking around with bamboo baskets on their backs.

Lin Xin stretched out his hand and touched it lightly. The canvas turned out to be as smooth and cold as glass.

Lin Xin turned his head to look at the painter, and suddenly thought that the last time he came, he saw the painter turn his head back for a moment, and then it was broken.

This time, you should be able to see what the artist looks like from the front.

Curiosity arose in his heart, and he slowly walked towards the painter, preparing to go around from the side to see the real face of this person.

"I advise you not to do that."

A weak but indifferent female voice sounded from behind him.

Lin Xin turned around and saw the woman in the translucent white dress who had appeared before, standing at the door and staring at him.

The woman's eye sockets were sunken, and the eyeballs protruded outwards, swollen greatly, like two dead fish eyes.

The body is as thin as a bamboo pole. A gust of wind could knock her down.

"Who are you?" Lin Xin directly conveyed his meaning with mental power, just like the other party did before.

"I'm one of the losers, but I'm not reconciled. So here I am waiting for my chance."

The woman answered bluntly.

"what chance?"

"Waiting for an opportunity to start over."

Lin Xin glanced at her, and then at the painter.

"Do you know who he is?"

he asked the woman.

"He is a painter, an existence that does not know what exists."

The woman said lightly.

"You didn't say that." Lin Xin smiled.

"I'm saving you. If you really want to see the painter's face, then you will be teleported out of here in an instant. You will never get the chance to come in again.

Here is the opportunity to step into the original state. No matter what method you use to get in, if you can break through successfully in the end, you have truly entered that state. ’ the woman explained.

"The original chance?"

Lin Xin repeated it.

"You don't know, you don't know anything, and you dare to come in here?" The woman was slightly startled.

Then she came back to herself.

"Then let's make a deal. As long as you can help me with one thing, I will tell you how to understand the original."

"What's up?"

Lin Xin also knew that he didn't understand anything, so he came in. But since the other party has this transaction plan, he also pushes the boat along.

"As long as you can find a colorful painting with a human head and a snake body here, take it out and give it to me. I will tell you how to find the opportunity here.

Now you don’t even know what form the opportunity is, and you don’t even try to find it... .”

Suddenly the woman's voice stopped.

Before Lin Xin finished listening, she looked at her suspiciously.

"how... ."

The woman's complexion changed, and she quickly stretched out her finger to her lips to prevent Lin Xin from speaking.

The two fell silent for a while. Only the rustle of painters frantically scribbling.

Waited for a while.

The woman breathed a sigh of relief.

"Did you hear...? That plaintive, horrible cry...."


Lin Xin shook his head.

"That's right... you can't see anything at all... you can't hear anything..." the woman murmured with her head lowered, her eyes became a little dull again.

"What did you just say?"

Lin Xin hurriedly asked.

"Speaking of... um... .help me find the painting... .my painting... .where is my painting?"

The woman's expression gradually became dazed, she took a few steps forward in a daze, and stepped into the windmill.

Then, it disappeared.

It disappeared right under Lin Xin's nose.

Everything was completely quiet again, except for the sound of the painter's continuous painting.

"How does it feel, it's somewhat similar to Youfu...."

A flash of familiarity suddenly flashed in Lin Xin's heart.

For him, Youfu has always been a mystery.

Whether it was the fight that I entered when I was weak, or the wreckage I saw when I dived into the bottom of the Styx River.

The real details of Youfu changed again and again in his mind.

He glanced at the painter. After thinking about it, he began to look for the painting.

"Human head and snake body...."

There are many paintings in the windmill.

The most troublesome and weird thing for Lin Xin was that every time his eyes left a painting, when he looked at it again later, the content on it was completely different.