Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 969: Storm (2)


The fourth concubine's fifth daughter, Van Rongyue, gently closed the geography essay in her hand, and glanced at Lin Xin at the door.

"This is Xuhong, the second son of Princess Dilia, right?"

she whispered to the boy next to her.

"Do you remember clearly?" The boy didn't care much.

There are too many princes and princesses, thousands of people, who can remember whom

"I couldn't remember it before, but my concubine mentioned it to me last time, so I remembered it a little bit." Vanity Moon was born with a superb memory, with a photographic memory, and it is normal to remember Lin Xin.

What makes the boy strange is that there is something about this Xuhong that is worth remembering by an old lady with extraordinary qualifications.

The boy is also the son of the fourth imperial concubine, her sixth prince.

The two siblings don't take the usual path, they both like the direction of martial arts, so they chose to practice martial arts since they were young. Now, one is thirteen years old and the other is fourteen years old, and they are already elite fighters at the samurai level.

Among the royal family of the same age, it is also considered excellent.

"Why remember him?" Xu Fang wondered.

"Because of intuition." Vanity Moon said lightly, "I always feel a little weird about this Xuhong. Maybe he will be your biggest opponent when you and Xiaojun march into Xingxing Pavilion."

"Is it possible? How old is he?" Xu Fang sneered, expressing that he didn't care.

"Xiaojun is possible, but Xiaojun's aptitude is very good, the standard six-star level, can this guy surpass him?" Xu Fang shook his head in disbelief.

Xiaojun is five years old this year, the youngest child of the Fourth Imperial Concubine. He is also very talented in martial arts.

The reason why the fourth imperial concubine prepared black hands in the aptitude test was not for Lin Xin alone, but for all the children of low-level imperial concubines.

It is to pave the way for this son and reduce competitors.

Vanity Army, this is a powerful genius who ranks among the top five in martial arts aptitude in the entire royal family.

At this time, he was standing in front of a data bookshelf, looking at Lin Xin who came in from a distance, and when he heard what his brother and sister said, a trace of conceit appeared on his small face.

"It's that kind of little guy, I can hit ten with one punch. My goal is Brother Xu Fang, so don't set up any rubbish opponents for me."

"It's good to have confidence, but not to be arrogant." Vanity Moon said casually.

"Miss Yue, you don't understand, people with less than five symbols of aptitude are in my eyes!" The Vanity Army waved his hand.

This little guy is young, and it's time to show his sharpness, so it's not easy for the two of them to say anything.

After Lin Xin entered, he glanced at the bookshelves on the first floor.

The bookshelves here are all in the form of simulated books, all of which are placed on them one by one. In fact, none of them are real, and they are all semi-solids virtualized by energy.

There is a neural access device on the side of each bookshelf. After wearing it, as long as you touch any book, you can instantly inject the content in it.

Lin Xin glanced at the text marked on the side of the bookshelf.

'Basic Palm Technique', 'Basic Leg Technique', 'Basic Knife Technique', 'Basic Spear Technique', 'Basic Endurance', 'Basic Burst'... ..

The division is very fine, from all angles of the human body, it has been divided down to the cell level, and there is even a bookshelf that says 'basic gene development'.

Lin Xin casually walked to a basic swordsmanship bookshelf and looked it up.

Kinetic Energy Sword, Round Star Sword, Sifang Qingming Sword, Nine Dragon Sword, Explosive Sword, Magnetic Control Sword... ..

The combination of technology and tradition produced many sword techniques that he had never seen before.

Lin Xin flipped through it casually, and at his level, these sword techniques are the foundation, and he can understand the principle at a glance.

If he is willing, this body can pass through these basic skills in a blink of an eye,

But this is meaningless, these exercises are very restrictive, and it is easy to fix the body foundation.

He needs some comprehensive exercises with potential for development.

Along the bookshelves, Lin Xin looked at them one by one, palm technique, boxing technique, saber technique, endurance, hard work, footwork and so on.

There are many options to choose from, and he listed them separately.

Many are repetitive, and he wants to find some unique systems in this world.

It is meaningless to him to rebuild his own well-understood exercises. But it is novelty to walk the road that I have not traveled from another angle.

Soon, a book called Electromagnetic Art appeared before his eyes.

Electromagnetic skills are the basic skills of the Magnetic Pole Golden Body, followed by advanced skills such as Thunderstorm Sky Base and Ninety-Nine Thunder Gods.

According to the records above, one can even reach the top level among martial arts masters.

Lin Xin flipped through the electromagnetic skill cheats, then went directly to higher floors, and memorized all the subsequent magnetic pole golden body, thunderstorm sky base, and ninety-nine thunder gods.

If it weren't for him not fully increasing the attributes on this body, the memory would be several times stronger than that of ordinary people of the same age.

It is estimated that he can memorize all the exercises in the entire Martial Arts Pavilion in the shortest time.

'But it doesn't matter, if you want to see it later, you can do it anytime. '

With this idea in mind, Lin Xin turned around and went to the registration desk at the door, and registered the exercise of his choice, electromagnetic exercise.

The Vanity Army looked at the big screen from a distance.

"Electromagnetic skills? He didn't choose the strongest nuclear fusion knife, or the supernova extermination path, what did he choose the next level of energy

It seems that they are from the country planet, and they have no knowledge. "

A trace of contempt suddenly appeared in his heart, and he ignored it.

There are also levels in laying the foundation of basic exercises.

Among them, there are only five or six skills such as nuclear fusion knife, which are the strongest and the best.

The follow-up advanced exercises are also very strong.

Electromagnetic skills only belong to the second batch, relatively easy to cultivate, and they look dazzling, but their power is not very good.

Moreover, the follow-up techniques of electromagnetic skills are easily affected by current technological means.

Not many people choose.

Generally, only hopeless martial artists who like good-looking performances will choose this kind of good-looking and distinctive skills.

"Did I read it wrong?"

Vanity Moon was also a little confused.

"Don't worry about it so much." Xu Fang said indifferently. "Xingxing Pavilion's small army is set to advance, wouldn't it be good if there is one less competitor?"

"Also...." Vanity Moon nodded slowly.

Delin Palace.

Lin Xin stood in the practice field.

The practice field is in the form of indoors, fully automatic optical brain monitoring and deployment.

It was built under the sponsorship of mother concubine Delia's motherland.

The Delin Palace is the palace where Lin Xin, his cheap sister, and his mother and concubine Delia live.

I lived here before, and I must live here in the future, and I can't run around.

Waiting for the call of the Lord at any time.

Especially Delia, although the lord has long forgotten her completely, as long as she does not die, she cannot leave the Delin Palace, the farthest she cannot leave the imperial capital.

Such is the sorrow of entering the royal family.

"Since you're here, let's take a look at the system here."

Lin Xin stood in the center of the practice field, closed his eyes, and began to recall the basic techniques of electromagnetic skills.

Although Electromagnetic Kungfu is a low-level technique, it is divided into nine levels in total, and each level is not powerful enough to advance. It is also easier to practice than other skills and requires very few resources.

The difficulty lies in the latter stage. For the second stage of the technique, it is necessary to cultivate this electromagnetic technique to a very high level to advance.

The only advantage of this technique is that the front layers are easy to repair, and the manipulation of electric arcs looks good, making it suitable for performances.

Because it is easy to learn but difficult to master, and there are many layers and a long cycle, there is no genius who chooses this practice.

Not to mention the royal family, which is simply wasting their advantages of laying the foundation and rich resources in the early stage.

But for Lin Xin, there is no problem.

"The first layer, the load. Through the fusion of the bioelectricity in the muscles through mental power, it reaches the level of initially generating microcurrents.

It can be assisted by external access to electrotherapy. Unless the qualification is below three symbols, the normal completion period is one week. "

Lin Xin weighed it a little bit.

Closing his eyes, his mental power instantly controlled the bioelectricity of the whole body's muscles, and then carried out preliminary fusion.

Because there are no attributes added, his mental power is only five or six times that of his peers.

But the realm of martial arts is far from what these brats can compare.

Soon, in a minute.

Lin Xin's white exercise uniform bulged up slowly without wind, and blue lightning flashed across his body.

The electric light is extremely weak, and it may not even be possible to electrocute a fly.

After blinking a few times, Lin Xin opened his eyes. Feeling the bioelectric energy storage slowly filling up in the body, I made a judgment in my heart.

"The first floor is done. Then the second floor."

He felt the changes in his body.

Most of the body cells are more active, and all muscle cells have the function of storing electrical energy.

The output of bioelectricity is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

This is the effect of the first layer of complete mastery.

The second layer is called the blue arc.

Lin Xin figured out the principle a long time ago, and it took him two minutes to fully achieve success.

The third floor, the fourth floor, the fifth floor...

This way all the way through the customs.

The general effect of these layers is to develop the electrical energy capacity of human cells from various aspects. From the total amount of reserves, to the burst output, to the ability to withstand current and high temperature.

It took Lin Xin a little longer to reach the sixth floor, and it took him half an hour to reach Dacheng on this floor.

But it is not so fast to really reach the advanced condition.

Because the sixth layer of the heart of thunder is the watershed for officially starting to strengthen the body's strength in an all-round way.

If the previous layers can only be used for performances, then starting from the sixth layer, the electromagnetic power has a power that is not much different from other skills.

The transformation of the body on the sixth floor is continuous and slow.

Lin Xin couldn't speed up either, he could only wait for it to be completely completed.

Only after Lei Zhixin completes the whole body transformation can he continue to attack the seventh floor.

Two hours later, when Lin Xin walked out of the practice room, he immediately went to the monitoring room to call up the video of his practice.

"Where is the mother concubine?" He directly asked Jack, the smart housekeeper here.

"Princess Dilia knew about your choice of exercises, so she immediately went to the Royal Logistics Department to apply for your cultivation resources."

Lin Xin paused, thought for a while, and then remembered what the Royal Logistics Department was.

That is the centralized department that manages the resources and treatment of all the children of the royal family.

"Connect me to the private communicator of the concubine mother."

Lin Xin said flatly.

"Please wait."

Jack mechanically replied that intelligent butlers, especially royal ones, are not allowed to have artificial intelligence according to the rules, so he is just a cold program without real intelligence.

Soon the big screen in front of Lin Xin flickered a few times, and it directly changed into the soft and white face of the concubine Dilia.

She seemed to be sitting in the suspension car, holding a small cosmetic box in her hand, applying smudges on her face, and changing into an elegant and intellectual one-piece skirt, showing most of her slender legs, trying to make her look more attractive. Make yourself more beautiful and radiant.

This time I went to the logistics department, for the sake of her son, even if the logistics director Seqi wanted to take advantage of it, she would not care much about it.

It's about her son's future, if she doesn't contribute at this time, when will she do it

"What's wrong? Hong'er, aren't you practicing for the first time? Is there something wrong with the guidance program or something?"

In this era of practice, the basics are assisted by a boot program, and there is no need for a master at all, and the details of each step are fully recorded.

Lin Xin glanced at Delia, he was thinking about how to word it. (.)