Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 974: Genius (3)


One of the most powerful geniuses ever flowed out of Ten Huan, Xu Hong.

In a very short period of time, this news spread to other schools on the nineteenth planet.

At the same time, the message was quickly sent to Jizhenmen, both sides of Mieling Dao.

As the two major sects competing with the Ten Illusions, there are naturally top genius disciples who can be called leaders of the younger generation.

Most of them don't care about the rumors about the Ten Illusions. A school of electromagnetic force that is about to fail to become a beauty school, even if a genius appears, it is unlikely to be very powerful.

How could a truly powerful genius be willing to stay in such a declining school, some big schools let them choose.

Many schools speculated that it might be that Shi Huanyun and Unreconciled Dabi were falling behind more and more, and they planned to find some gimmicks to increase their exposure in order to attract more disciples to come to apprentice.

But no matter what other people think, after several months, this time the genre competition finally officially started.

As the lead disciple of Shi Huanliu this time, Xu Hong also followed teacher Yun He and led all the participating disciples to Renjiaxing.

The venue for the big competition was chosen at the edge of the Empire of Storms, an undeveloped planet called Blade Jiaxing.

Because it is to be developed, there is no need to worry about destroying the building and causing losses, and you can let the disciples of the major schools toss about it.

There were a total of more than 2,000 sects participating in this big competition, and a total of more than 10,000 people were divided into ten districts, and ten places were selected on the planet for elimination and deathmatch.

Among them, Lin Xin's cheap sister Xuye Jun in this world also participated in this competition under the leadership of a strong man of his own genre.

For each competition area, one hundred people can be selected as the frontrunners.

After that, the overall overall ranking will be fought.

Casualties are inevitable, so Dabi generally adopts a semi-virtual system.

It is to use high-precision technology to put half of the energy of the players on the planet.

In this way, even if he died on the top, it would at most be seriously injured, and he would not fall completely. In this way, it can perfectly show the true level of the participating disciples.

Because the virtual instrument uses a certain space-time refraction principle.

Let a part of the contestant's body directly reach the surface of the planet, so that the strength of the contestant can be perfectly reflected.

It's just that in terms of safety, it can perfectly preserve its life core and prevent people from falling completely.

Under the arrangement of this general environment, a large number of disciples from various major sects, under the leadership of the seniors of the division, went to the competition place, Ren Jiaxing.

Lin Xin was also led by Shi Huan Yunhe by spaceship.

In the aisle of the space station, Yun He led Lin Xin all the way to the genre resting point arranged by the competition.

There were so many factions who came to participate in the competition, and when they saw Yunhe along the way, they all took the initiative to greet and salute.

Yun He also returned the salute gently one by one.

Although she is not good in the first series of genres, but in other genres, she is one of the most difficult to mess with.

Not because of anything else, just look at the ladies and rich ladies in her faction. Just blowing the pillow and going home to complain about their grievances can form a huge force that is beyond the reach of most schools.

So no one dares to disrespect it.

But there are always exceptions to everything.

Yunhe is introducing to Lin Xin the time when the space station was built, the background, and the reason why he chose to develop the planet here.

A gloomy voice came from the aisle directly ahead with a trace of weirdness.

"Shi Huan Yunhe, long time no see."

Walking towards them were two men, one tall and one short.

The short, middle-aged man standing in front had a gloomy complexion and a strong build, but his temples had white hair, so he was obviously not young.

This person is the master of the top 20 Nine True Schools, the Nine Vacuums.

The tall young man standing behind him was muscular, burly, with a cropped cut, his eyes swept over the other people around him, with a look of condescending contempt.

"I don't know who it is. It turns out to be the leader of the Nine Vacuum Sect. I haven't seen you for a long time." Shi Huanyun and a false smile hung on his face.

"It's been decades since I've seen you, but Yun and the ladies are still in such good health. I heard that you have found a real top talent in this period of time. I don't know if you brought it with you this time."

Nine Vacuum smirked.

He looked at Yun and the young man standing behind him at the same time.

The young man's face was indifferent, with a white exquisite long sword hanging from his waist, a thick black fox fur coat, long black hair hanging on his shoulders, coupled with a flawless and exquisite face, it was easy to see at a glance I can't take my eyes off me.

"It looks quite handsome, but I don't know if it will work well"

Jiu Vacuum is a vulgar brat, at this time he sneered with a pun.

"We will definitely not disappoint the Master of the Nine Truths." Yun He confronted each other. "This big competition, don't overturn the boat in the gutter."

"Don't worry about Lao Yun and the faction master. This is my apprentice Shen Rong. This time, I hope to meet the so-called genius of your faction early. It has been a long time since I heard that Shi Huan has a decent character. Don't let us down.


He didn't say any more, and walked slowly past Yunhe with the tall young man behind him.

Yun He also sneered, no nonsense. Take Lin Xin and Jiu Vacuum past each other.

Shen Rong took a closer look at Lin Xin. He is also a disciple. He has participated in several competitions, and every competition is boring. It is those few people who have fixed rankings.

This time, Shi Huanyunhe, the master's nemesis, actually claimed that he had an unprecedented genius in his school, which made his fists itch a little.

Take a closer look at this young man named Xuhong, he looks quite handsome. I just don't know how much I can actually fight.

Lin Xin didn't even look at him, and just walked past him.

Temperament is cold.

Although Nine Vacuum is not the strongest sect, the Baquan Shen Rong in the sect can be ranked among the top fifteen disciples of the Dabi.

So he has the right to be arrogant.

As for the Shi Huanliu, although the external influence is strong, the disciples they send out are always suppressed to rank below one hundred.

If it weren't for the comprehensive strength index, raising the ranking of the entire genre, I'm afraid it would not even be able to keep the ranking in the 90s.

After going through the Nine True School, Yun He introduced many familiar schools to Lin Xin.

Her popularity is not bad, and most of the genre masters have a good relationship with her.

Numerous genres also remembered Xuhong, the genius of the Ten Illusions with an icy temperament in the recommendation.

Then there are partitions, and the major genres are divided into several different districts.

The ten magic streams were assigned to the ninth district, and each district had to be divided into the top 100, and then the handover of the districts would start, and the final comprehensive competition would be held.

There are still a series of troublesome processes in the middle, but these are meaningless to Lin Xin.

He has been standing behind Yunhe, closing his eyes from time to time to practice the secret scriptures and profound meanings in his body.

Before the school competition, the masters will be sent to hold a secret meeting. Agree on rough rules.

In fact, the rules are still used before, just to see if there is any room for improvement.

After all, loopholes cannot be completely found in a short time.

After the secret meeting, it is time to prepare the transmission equipment.

The space station has a large area, and all genres are divided into fixed small rooms of their own genre.

There is a corresponding rest cabin with a fixed number of people in the room.

"As long as you lie down, you can directly transmit to the planet." Yun He pointed to a long beige resting cabin.

"Hong'er, the ten magic streams are up to you this time. Together with Xu Qin and Duan Huxing, there are a total of eight disciples. You are in charge of the overall situation. In terms of details and experience, once you find other people, listen to Xu Qin more." .understand"

Yunhe instructed carefully.


Lin Xin replied lightly.

To him, this kind of thing is like playing house, that is, to understand the different martial arts concepts of other schools, which is still somewhat interesting to him.

"Okay, let's go and meet up now. The other people have already gone down in their own rooms ahead of time. Try to find other disciples first and join up." Yun He instructed.

Lin Xin nodded, turned over and entered the rest cabin.

The hatch slowly closed.

bang bang bang

The sound of beating continued to come from the woods.

Lin Xin opened his eyes, he was standing in a dense forest, the surrounding was dark and damp. From time to time, there was a similar hooting of an owl.

He still had the black fox fur coat on his body, and his saber was still there, but all the electronic equipment was gone.

"This means that the projection technology is not bad, and the strength has no effect."

He paused, and walked directly towards the direction of the sound.

Find someone else first.


Xu Qin was hit on the left shoulder with a palm, and large pieces of ice shards flew out of her body.

Her left shoulder had been frozen by the opponent's icy hand before, and at this time, half of her arm was smashed to pieces.

She let out a scream, and looked at the sisters who were being overwhelmed beside her, her eyes turned red. Taking two steps back, he stared at disciple Han Jueliu in front of him.

"It's really lucky. When I came down, I met Shi Huanliu, the weakest disciple of the hundred sects."

A short-haired man with a blue ribbon on his head smiled and said.

"It's all women supporting the scene. Ten Huanliu is no longer considered a martial arts school. Why waste so much talk with them, move quickly and leave quickly."

On the other side, a beautiful girl in a dark blue dress said coldly.

"Yes, big sister."

Han Jueliu's five people clasped their fists in a salute.

Then look at the ten Huanliu female disciples who have been beaten together, injured and disabled.

Han Jueliu is also one of the hundred sects, ranking 92nd, not too strong, but facing the disciples of the Ten Huanliu, it is almost like a cheat.

In just a few minutes of fighting, three Ten Illusion disciples were almost eliminated, and the remaining few were panting and dying.

"Hurry up, there are people who hit the empty road nearby, if they find out, it will be troublesome."

The girl in the blue dress urged.

Xu Qin looked at the disciple Han Jueliu who was rushing towards the five of them, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

Shi Huanliu participated in many big competitions, but except for two times when he was lucky and didn't meet one of the hundred factions, every other time, he was eliminated by the fastest speed.

There are ten large regions, each of which has more than 30 hundred factions entering, and the original area is only 100,000 square kilometers.

With so many people squeezed in, the chances of encountering them are extremely high.

As one of the weakest hundred factions, Ten Huanliu may not even be able to beat the one hundred fifty or sixty schools, and has long been one of the best targets for everyone to score points. .