Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 983: mutation (2)


Delia pursed her lips and thought for a while.

"Based on your current position, there are only a few who can pose a threat to you. Maybe you can use the method of elimination."

"It won't be that simple."

Wei Song shook his head.

"How is your Xuhong family doing now?"

"It was said that I was going to participate in the Grand Competition on Ren Jiaxing. I didn't pay attention. I have been busy with Qiu Yun's affairs recently. There is a big famine at home, and Qiu Yun is especially serious this year. Someone from my family asked me for help, I"

Delia was quite helpless.

The mother country thought that she was married to the Storm Emperor, and thought that she was powerful, and it was easy to solve some things casually.

But that's not the case at all.

She looks beautiful on the surface, but anyone who knows the inside story understands the suffering of a concubine like them at the back of the ranking.

"Famine, I'm also looking for contacts to see if I can help them." Wei Song shook his head helplessly.

This is the tragedy of a small country with few people. A random natural disaster can put it in jeopardy.


Suddenly the gate of the yard was smashed open.

Teams of royal guards in light golden armor rushed in.

The general in charge is Chen Houde, the commander of the Royal Guards.

The characteristics of this man are very obvious, that is, his beard is completely white, and he has a beard all over his face. Very easy to recognize.

"As expected. Grab it!"

When Chen Houde came to Wei Song and Delia, his expression sank and he waved his hand.

More than a dozen guards around immediately rushed up and quickly suppressed the two of them.

Both Delia and Wei Song were stunned by the sudden turn of events. Still haven't figured out exactly what's going on.

"Commander Chen, what do you mean by this!?!" Wei Song yelled sharply with his hands pinned behind his back, but with no fear on his face.

Chen Houde looked calm.

"On the orders of the emperor and empress, arrest the adulterer Wei Song and the concubine Dilia. The arrest warrant was issued half an hour ago, and there is the empress' handprint on it. You can find someone to verify it."

"How can it be!!?"

Wei Song was shocked suddenly, it was the empress who attacked him!

He and Delia are innocent, there is no problem at all, and Delia has never offended the empress, even the difference in level between the two is too big, she has not even met a few times, no contact, how did they offend

Suddenly, his mind flashed, and he remembered the scene when the emperor summoned him into the palace a few months ago.

At that time, the empress implicitly expressed that she wanted him to be the guest of honor, but he sternly refused.

It now appears that revenge is waiting here.

"Commander Chen, allow me to send a message!"

"You are now a prisoner, and you are not eligible to use communication."

Chen Houde didn't give him any hope.

Wei Song was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at the pale-faced Delia.

His network of contacts is much stronger than that of Delia, and even he can't help it, so there is really no way to do it.

"Come on! Put them into the prison!"

With a big wave of Chen Houde's hand, the surrounding guards immediately escorted the two of them, and quickly left the Palace of Delin.

Delia's heart sank completely.

"Junjun Honger"

When it came to the end, what she thought of was her two sons and daughters. The arrest came so suddenly that she didn't even have the time to secretly remind them.

My heart gradually became a little desperate.

Blade Jia star space station.

Jun Xuye, who was sitting in the last row, was concentrating on the ranking introduction above, when he was suddenly startled by the sound of the communicator on his wrist.

beep beep

This is the most important message tone she set in the communicator.

The general information is just a beep, and only the most important ones will make this kind of harsh noise.

Her complexion changed, she quickly turned on the communicator, and took a closer look.

This is an order from the Royal Forbidden Palace.

"The emperor has a decree that the eighteenth emperor's daughter, Mr. Xu Ye, will be imprisoned because her mother committed a serious crime.

From now on, it will be distributed to the Spirit Nuclear Division of the Imperial Foreign Ministry.

The decree will take effect immediately, and those who disobey will be punished as treason! '

This communication was sent by the official empire of the communicator.

Before Xuye-jun had any reaction, several emperors approached from the side.

A young officer with the rank of lieutenant colonel walked up to Mr. Xuye with a cold face.

"The Eighteenth Emperor, have you received the order? Please."

Mr. Xuye thought it was a virus in his communicator, but he didn't expect someone to arrest him in the blink of an eye.

Sent to the Department of Spiritual Core of the Imperial Foreign Ministry. This department sounds very formal, but in fact it is a special intelligence department that uses beautiful women to recruit strong men and win over important officials of the empire.

Once an imperial daughter like her enters, because of her special royal status, it is impossible to marry outside, so the only possibility is to give it to the important ministers of the empire as a concubine or as a slave girl.

The treatment is slightly better than that of the criminal minister's daughter. Except that she will not become a military prostitute, everything else will fall into the abyss in an instant, and there will never be a day of recovery.

"How can it be!!?"

Her pretty face was pale, and her mind went blank.


All the sects present, on the surface they are all major sects, are actually forces that rely on the Empire of Storms for survival.

Everyone will consciously help maintain such an official will of the empire.

In other words, once she resists, all martial arts masters present will become her enemies!

"How to do how to do!!?"

Xu Yejun's heart was icy cold, and he was sweating wildly, but he just couldn't think of any way to do it.

She quickly looked at the leader of her school.

The master of the Feiyan faction had already noticed the situation here, and was about to get up to walk over, but was stopped by an officer immediately, the two whispered a few words, the face of the master of the Feiyan faction turned gloomy, but he did not speak again after all , just looked at her coldly, then turned around and sat back to the original position.

Seeing this scene, Mr. Xuye's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Obviously, Fei Yanliu had given up on her.

That's right, she is just an inconspicuous young disciple in the sect, even if she has some talent, it doesn't matter at all to the Storm Empire's will.

To disobey the will of the upper echelon for such an unimportant disciple, no matter how much the master of the Feiyan school tried to protect him, it would be useless.

Xu Yejun stood where she was, and the soldiers on both sides stepped forward, took out a special handcuff, and cuffed her wrist.

"what happened!?"

The Vanity Army saw Mr. Xuye being handcuffed from a distance, and his heart skipped a beat.

Impulsively, he immediately wanted to rush over.

But when he saw that the masters of the Feiyan school were actually stopped, he was startled and quickly calmed down.

"No, the level involved is wrong!"

He lowered his head, quickly turned on the communicator, and clicked on the concubine's name.


In a few seconds, the communication was connected there.

"Xiaojun, aren't you participating in the big competition? Why are you suddenly free to call me now?"

The fourth imperial concubine's lazy and dignified voice came from the communication side.

"Mother, I want to ask you something."

The Vanity Army whispered.

"What's the matter? Tell me."

The Vanity Army is the most beloved youngest son of the fourth imperial concubine. When she was in the palace, she obeyed all his requests.

The Vanity Army can also be regarded as competitive, ranking second in talent among the royal family. Second only to the prince. It really saved face for the fourth imperial concubine.

"I just saw the eighteenth emperor's daughter, Mr. Xu Ye, was taken away by the people of the imperial department. Did something happen, can the concubine tell me?"

The Vanity Army whispered.

"It's nothing serious, Princess Dilia is suspected of being involved with the Minister of the Empire, and the evidence is solid, and she has been imprisoned in the prison now.

Xu Yejun, as her daughter, will be assigned to the Department of Spirit Core of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately. "

In the imperial palace, the empress is number one, and the other four concubines also have powerful backgrounds and means. The status is not much different. The information is naturally extremely well-informed.

Behind the fourth imperial concubine is the Kailu Alliance, which is second only to the Storm Empire and the Hert Empire.

She is the daughter of the Alliance Speaker.

The Kairu Alliance is powerful, and it is a behemoth that supports the various minerals of the Storm Empire.

Therefore, in the imperial palace, the status of the four imperial concubines is very high, ranking second only to the empress.

This is also an important reason why she was able to arbitrarily manipulate the qualification test of the imperial family. Otherwise, if someone else did such a black hand, he would have been captured and executed by the empress long ago.

Hearing the concubine's answer, the Vanity Army's brain exploded with a bang. Spirit Core Division, he knew that place, and had even been there.

He didn't tell anyone that a good friend took him to the Spirit Core Department to pick up together, but since that time, he knew that the women in that place are all goods that can be enjoyed casually.

Simply put, it is a more expensive brothel.

"What's going on! What the hell is this!!?"

When the Vanity Army thought that Jun Jun would be sent to such a place, he was completely dumbfounded.

"What's wrong with you, Xiaojun?" The fourth imperial concubine was on the communicator, and she was obviously frightened when she saw her son like this.

"Xiaojun, what's wrong with you? Talk!!"

"I. I..." Countless thoughts and methods flashed through the mind of the Vanity Army, but in the end it only turned into one.

"Mother and concubine, please save Mr. Xuye!!"

There was a trace of panic and determination in his eyes.

"Save her?" What kind of person is the fourth concubine, and with just one glance, she can tell from the communicator that there is something wrong with the performance of the Vanity Army.

This kind of performance, this kind of reaction, is exactly the same as that kind of worried about lovers.

"Xiaojun, are you with that Mr. Xuye?"

The fourth imperial concubine calmed down, her charming face was slightly gloomy.

The Vanity Army didn't answer, just remained silent, but silence itself was the greatest certainty at this time.

"You." The fourth imperial concubine sighed, the empire did not prohibit the marriage of close relatives, but she knew about it too late.

"It's okay to save her. When she enters the Spirit Core Division, I'll send someone over to buy it for you."

"Concubine Mother, can you save her mother, Princess Dilia?"

The Vanity Army asked in a low voice.

"This is impossible." The fourth imperial concubine shook her head and rejected her son's request.

"No one can violate the will of the emperor, not even me."

The Vanity Army's face turned completely pale.

"This matter is a foregone conclusion, and it is impossible to overturn the case." The fourth imperial concubine said decisively. "A minister of the empire is also involved in this. If the emperor agrees to this decision, the empress must pay a very high price."

"Really, there's nothing we can do?"

The Vanity Army held a trace of luck in the end.

"I can only help you keep Mr. Xuye."

The four imperial concubines shook their heads.

This time on the other side.

A group of masters from the imperial department were quickly rushing towards Shi Huanliu, who was sitting in the second row.

There, Lin Xin and Shi Huanyunhe were discussing the extension and improvement of the Formless Reincarnation through sound transmission in a low voice.