Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 986: Drive straight in (1)


Imperial Ministry.

Just like in the military hall of a church, all the generals and ministers present looked at each other, frowning and not knowing how to react.


The Minister of Military Affairs, Anlong Salman, the Minister of Imperial Affairs, sat on the main seat with an ugly face, looking at the major generals in charge of the direction of Ren Jiaxing.

"There was civil strife in Yanjiaxing, and five sect masters died. The master of the Xuanming Merciful Buddha sect went crazy and killed anyone he saw. He has subdued himself.

No matter how you look at it, this thing seems weird. "

An Long said in a deep voice.

"The point is, according to reliable information, Princess Dilia's second son, Xuhong, has disappeared, and even Mr. Xuye and the Vanity Army are also missing."

A major general of the Imperial Army said sternly.

"Did Hert intervene in this matter?"

"Relying on Xuhong alone, how could it be possible to hide it from so many eyes and ears. When leaving the space station, there must be spies behind it to help."

Another lieutenant general interjected.

"Can you confirm the spaceship that Xu Hong is on?"

Anlong continued to ask.

"It's simple. The space station of Renjiaxing can only use a few spaceships to attack from a long distance. After knowing the sign, just look for it."

Another whispered.


Suddenly a military sergeant rushed in.

"A spaceship from the Renjia space station is forcibly landing on the Imperial Capital Circle Square!!"


An Long stood up abruptly, his heart sank.

"The Ring Square is only a few hundred meters away from the restricted area of the palace, what does he want!!!"

"Where's the Imperial Guard!?"

"Already dispatched!"

"The Imperial Capital Defense Force has also set off!"

An Long's face was gloomy, and he quickly made a decision.

"Notify the emperor immediately, and transmit the matter from beginning to end."


"The minister, how should the twenty prince Xu Hong deal with it?"

The major general got up and asked.

"Concubine Fifteenth has already been taken into prison, so there is no need to be polite to him." An Long said quickly. "Go and invite the people from Daochan Palace, in case there is any unexpected situation...."

He still doesn't know how Xuhong flew close to the imperial capital by himself in a spaceship as conspicuous as Ren Jiaxing.

You must know the outer defensive circle of the imperial capital, but even the masters of the Helt Empire have intercepted it.

Even if he is a genius, he will not enter the imperial capital so easily.

"There must be an internal response!"


Delia was lying on her back in the cell, which was different from other cells.

She was locked up with her friend Wei Song.

The most critical and vicious thing is that wearing clothes is not allowed in the prison.

As an imperial concubine, she also has a little privilege, allowing her to wear unlined clothing, which is to take care of the emperor's face.

But Wei Song can't do it, he has to be naked.

In order to prevent Delia from having any chance of overturning the case, the Empress put their cells together so that they could see each other doing anything.

Because excretion and bathing are all in the cell.

In this way, after a long time, even if Dijun wanted to reverse the case for Delia, it would be impossible.

It is impossible for him to want another imperial concubine whose reputation has been tarnished.

At this time, whether Delia was wronged or not is no longer important.

Both she and Wei Song have been completely framed.

Just figured this out. Delia was lying on her back in the prison cell, her heart was empty.

Some panic, some uneasiness, but more, there is actually a trace of relief.

"As long as Hong'er and Junjun are not arrested, it doesn't really matter what happens to me. It's just a pity that Brother Wei Song is involved..."

She sighed in her heart, she was too tired, not everyone can be an imperial concubine, and not everyone wants to be one.

"I'm the one who hurt you."

At this time, Wei Song on the opposite side also let out a long sigh.

"The empress is targeting me."

"Brother Wei Song..." Delia looked intently at the opposite cell.

"You said, do we still have a way out?"

Wei Song fell silent and didn't speak for a long time.

Delia already knew the answer.

She smiled sadly.

"It's a pity that I can't see my son at the end of my life...."

"Liya... Maybe Dijun finds out that the situation is wrong and will help us..." Wei Song couldn't continue.

He has been a minister for many years, so he naturally knows what kind of person the Storm Emperor is.

"I just hope that Hong'er and Junjun don't get caught."

Delia smiled bitterly.

"Ten Huanliu and Feiyan School masters are good to them, maybe there will be a way to help them avoid the emperor's people."

She said things she didn't believe.

boom! ! !

The spaceship landed hard on the Millennium Square.

In the ring square with a history of thousands of years, the blue-gray floor tiles exploded and cracked under the impact of huge metal.

A huge pothole with a depth of more than ten meters appeared.

Like a dagger, the spaceship slammed into the ground and stood on its side, immobile.

The spaceship hatch opened slowly.

Lin Xin jumped down from the top and glanced around.

"Ring Square? The location is good."

He walked out of the cabin door, roughly recognized the direction, and walked towards the imperial palace area.

For others, he has already let them go elsewhere in advance.

After that, he dispelled the illusion, and directly manipulated the spaceship to fly towards the ring square.

Although they knew that Yunhe and the others would definitely contribute quietly, using their personal connections to try to save the matter.

But he didn't feel much hope.

He prefers a more drastic and direct approach to other gentle methods.

A large number of tourists and residents around have seen Feichuang fall before, and they have avoided it.

At this time, there was no one in the square.

Lin Xin stepped forward, and he flew tens of meters away in the blink of an eye.

Soon he returned to the area where the Delin Palace was located.


He slammed open the door vigorously.

It was empty and there was no one there.

There are messy things and items scattered in the courtyard, as if they have experienced a looting.

"Even the guards and maids ran away?"

Lin Xin walked into the yard, looked around, his mental power was scattered, and he scanned the surroundings directly.


Suddenly behind him came the sound of a gun being undone.

The sound of insurance is uniform, and it is obvious that only the most elite special forces can be so well-trained.

"Twenty princes?"

A silver-armored Imperial Guard commander walked in and looked at Xuhong in the courtyard.

"I've been waiting for a long time."

"Tight arms?"

Lin Xin faintly felt a tyrannical force field silently covering the entire Delin Palace.

Affected by it, the energy in his body became somewhat sluggish.

"His Royal Highness, the matter of your stay at Ren Jiaxing has been reported to the Intelligence Bureau of the Imperial Capital.

Do you know that the entire country is now officially looking for you! "

The commander said calmly.

"There are red eyes?"

Lin Xin noticed that all the guards present were wearing an electronic eye, which happened to only cover one left eye.

This is a mechanical technology creation used to prevent hallucinatory martial arts.

By directly connecting the brain nerve signals, the image information is transmitted into the brain by means of a mechanical camera.

Avoiding the deception of the vision by the illusion martial arts.

"Although I don't know what method you used to avoid the defense circle of the imperial capital, but now you have no chance.


The commander of the Imperial Guard straightened his gun.

"If you are caught without a fight, you will be given a leniency."

"Which sky prison is my mother and concubine in?" Lin Xin asked suddenly.

"I don't know, each of the eighteen prisons in the imperial capital is different, and various measures and equipment are used to isolate any detection methods. I am just a small guard commander."

The leader shook his head.

"Okay, time is running out, let's go, Your Highness."

"Where is the person who knows the location of my mother and concubine?"

Lin Xin asked suddenly.

"This is an edict issued by His Highness the Empress himself."

The leader replied subconsciously.


Lin Xin walked slowly towards the door.


The commander has already obtained information about Xu Hong's illusion system martial arts from the Intelligence Bureau.

Seeing this at this time, I immediately knew that I couldn't be good.

Lin Xin turned a deaf ear and continued walking towards the gate.

"Your Highness! Please stop immediately, or don't blame me for being rude!"

The commander gripped the gun tightly in his hand.

If it wasn't necessary, he didn't want to get involved in the internal disputes of the royal family. These princes and concubines at the end are actually just poor people.

Suddenly his eyes blurred. At some point in front of him, Xu Hong had disappeared.

Emperor's Palace.


The empress slapped the armrest of the seat beside her. Get up angrily.

"A mere Martial Daoist has yet to be caught. What are you all doing!?"

In front of her was a large group of officers of all ranks kneeling on the ground.

"Your Highness, forgive me! That Xuhong caught me off guard. However, the Imperial Palace has three critical barriers. Even if the imperial guards didn't catch anyone, it's impossible for Xuhong..."

"There's no need to arrest people." The empress waved her hand wearily, "Shoot on the spot, even such a small matter can't be done well, what use are you for!"

Everyone lowered their heads.

The Empress let out a breath.

"Emperor Shadow."

In the void on the left side of the palace, a black shadow suddenly appeared.

"The minister is here."

"This matter ends here, you go and get rid of people." The empress said helplessly, rubbing her own sun.


"Mother, why don't you let the child go and see for himself." The prince walked in from the side hall, with the heat from the bath still on his body.

Wearing a purple gold-rimmed close-fitting martial arts robe, he looks heroic and imposing.

"It's just a small bug that accidentally jumped out of the cage. Your Neumann power station has been supervised? This matter must not be taken lightly. This is a pilot project of a new energy power station that the emperor attaches great importance to."

The empress said helplessly.

"The construction has been completed, so I came back early. I've been in the palace all day and my bones are itching. Queen Mother, let me go and play." The prince smiled.

"No, you have a noble status, so don't take risks lightly! I have other important things for you to handle. As for martial arts, I'll get you some dead fighters to play death fights later on, but not now."

The Empress frowned.

In the imperial palace area, Jinyu Avenue.

Lin Xin looked calm, and slowly walked towards the Emperor's Palace with his sword hilt in his hand.

He didn't mean to hide his figure.

Or that there is no use in covering up.

This is the highest governing body of the Storm Empire, and all kinds of secret weapons and technologies emerge in endlessly. There are not too many things that can detect his location beyond the hallucinations.

Nor did he intend to cover his tracks.