Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 991: Behind the scenes (2)


The ruins of the Imperial Palace. [..]

"Empress, I didn't expect you to be forced to expose even the shadow demon guards."

A big man in purple with short purple hair and a strong figure flew from a distance and landed lightly on the side of the palace ruins.

"Master Wang Yong, I didn't expect you to arrive first." The empress said calmly, suspended in mid-air.

"Then who else does His Highness think?" The purple-haired man laughed. "Is it white?"

"The intruder is dead, Master Bai Zhuo's life is still alive, and he should be temporarily trapped now.

But the perpetrators have all been dealt with, why hasn't the master escaped from the siege yet?"

The Empress was puzzled.

"Clean up, maybe we can find some clues from this intruder." Purple-haired Wang Yong whispered.

The empress was about to speak, but suddenly heard a faint sound coming from the deep pit.

She frowned, and turned to stare at the bottom of the huge pit.

The purple-haired man Wang Yong also squinted his eyes and looked at the bottom of the pit.

"what sound?"

"It seems that it came from the pit." The empress said with a cold face, and she raised her hand.

Behind him, the ghost suddenly released a black light, which fell hard into the huge pit.


There was another small explosion, black air filled the air, and a large amount of smoke and ash faintly scattered from the depths of the huge pit.

Nothing can be seen clearly in the gray.

Streams of smoke and dust turned into long snakes, flying and scattering in all directions. A figure in the middle gradually appeared.

The moment they saw this figure, both the empress and Wang Yong changed their colors at the same time, and retreated sharply.

call! !

A strong airflow centered on the giant crater and blew away towards the surroundings.

Lin Xin appeared covered in blood, and stood up straight in front of the emperor and empress.

One of his arms was broken, and his left thigh was also torn, leaving only a little muscle connected.

Blood continued to flow down the broken part of the wound.

He didn't feel it at all, as if the wound wasn't on him.

"What was that one just now?"

Half of Lin Xin's face was scorched by the flames, and the remaining half of his face was looking in the direction of the Empress.

"The power has surpassed the master level, but there is no human breath."

"Are you still alive!?"

The empress stared at Lin Xin in astonishment.

There were bruises and wounds all over his body, and there was even a bowl-sized wound on his left chest and heart.

The wound that runs through the entire heart can clearly see the back from the front chest.

The blood was almost gone, but there was no sign that Lin Xin was on the verge of death.

"Part of the hallucination is actually hypnosis. As long as I think I am immortal, then I am immortal." Lin Xin said flatly.

"Of course, just relying on hypnotizing one's own cells cannot achieve a perfect immortal body.

It's a pity... ..I thought I didn't need to use other...."

The empress and Wang Yong didn't speak. Looking at Lin Xin at this time, it was like looking at a monster.

Although there is a shadow demon monster behind the empress, even if it is a shadow demon body, it will die if it encounters such an injury.

"kill him!!"

Wang Yong suddenly made the first move. He and the empress were one. Facing an inexplicable monster like Lin Xin who didn't know the details, if something happened to the empress, he could hardly escape the blame.

Six petal-shaped fuchsia darts flew out of his hand, turned into six streamers in mid-air, and flew towards Lin Xin.

The phantom behind the empress also waved and sprinkled large black thorns, rushing towards Lin Xin's location continuously from the ground.

But all the attacks were like phantoms, passing through Lin Xin's body.

The two could only watch helplessly as Lin Xin's injuries healed quickly, as if turning back time.

Severed arms and legs grew back.

The heart in his chest was also slowly woven out with muscle fibers, and the hollow in his left chest healed quickly, blocking the air pouring in from outside.

Lin Xin raised his hand, and a long sword made of blood-red flowers appeared in his hand.

"It turns out that this is the ninth sense."

He already understood the ultimate answer of the universe in the dark.

It's still not very clear, but it's not as blurry as before.

The formation of the original world was not accidental, in fact, it was an inevitable result after he reached this critical point.

The original world is basically his own seed.

"The original world is stripped, the ninth sense, the virtual world!!"

The bright red flower sword suddenly shattered and turned into countless red light spots.

Chi! ! !

A bloody beam of light shot straight into the sky, piercing into the planet's circulating magnetic field in the blink of an eye.

The entire imperial capital trembled violently, and a large amount of red light matter was quickly incorporated into the magnetic field of the planet.

With the circulation of the planet's magnetic field, these huge amounts of red light matter will flow throughout the entire Imperial City within a very short period of time.

The Empress and Wang Yong quickly fled from the spot. An unkillable monster has already exceeded the limit of their cognition.

Even the shadow demon can't touch the opponent's body.

"It's useless, this imperial capital star is now in my astronomical field."

Lin Xin soared into the sky, and he could see the figures of the emperor and empress fleeing quickly without sensory.

They fled in no other direction, but the core center of the imperial palace area, the Fengmo Palace.

The Fengmo Palace is also the seat of the highest power in the Storm Empire and the residence of the Storm Emperor.

The phantoms of the Empress and Wang Yong appeared in Lin Xin's eyes. The two had obviously traveled a long distance, but they seemed to be still in front of him.

This is a very strange feeling, as if the people in the distance are really in front of your eyes, and you can grasp them in shrinkage with your hand.

Looking at the backs of the emperor and empress, Lin Xin also stretched out his hand and slowly grabbed them.

"Give me a face and let them go?"

Suddenly, a mellow and calm male voice rang in Lin Xin's ear.

Lin Xin paused slightly.

His expression became serious for the first time.

Because from this voice, he heard hundreds of different languages at the same time, and said this sentence together.

There are hundreds of languages in one sentence, and the subtle tremolo structure in the voice hides a large number of languages from different worlds.

There are even Earth languages among them.

This is also the key reason why Lin Xin paused for a moment.

"Who are you?"

There was a gloomy look in Lin Xin's eyes.

"I am the storm," the man replied.

"Storm? Are you the Storm Emperor?"

Lin Xin directly guessed the other party's identity.

"This is just one of my identities." The man chuckled. "For beings like you and me, life is just a game, and our essence is far beyond what life can contain."

"Do you know who I am?" Lin Xin asked back.

"Of course." The Storm Monarch replied.

Lin Xin reached out his hand decisively, grabbed the emperor and empress and squeezed them hard.


The two of them were like soap bubbles, and like two plump and juicy fruits, they exploded when they were pinched, and were directly blasted into countless blood clots in the midair far away.

The Storm Monarch was silent.

Lin Xin was so shameless that he didn't know how to react for a while.

"They offended me. Ants are not even considered things. They dare to threaten me. For your sake, I won't eat their souls." Lin Xin said calmly.

"Sure enough, as Fear said, your essence is inaccessible at all. You are totally incompatible with us."

Storm whispered.

Lin Xin withdrew his hand, distorted his figure, escaped into the original world, and then quickly returned to reality.

In the original world, he was a god, and the injuries on his body were quickly healed there. This is also the root of his immortality.

Originally, he thought that he would use attribute points, but he didn't expect that the comprehension of the ninth sense made him almost invincible.

If he thinks it is an illusion, it does not exist. If he thinks it exists, then the illusion will become reality.

This is the ninth sense!

Free conversion between fantasy and reality.

Unless someone can make him think that he is dead, otherwise, as long as the original world is in one day, then he will not die.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Xin came out of the original world again, and was already in a silver-white garden.

It was snowing heavily in the garden, and it was a sunny day outside, but here it was covered with snowflakes, and the ground was completely white.

Lin Xin stood in the middle of the garden, above his head was a large purple-gold translucent formation like a magic formation, which was constantly shining with faint fluorescence.

In front of him stood a man, a young and strong man.

His face is as handsome and flawless as the sun god, with a crown of silver beads symbolizing the storm on his head.

His body was wrapped in a thick silver-white robe, which tightly wrapped his whole body from the neck down.

"Storm Monarch?"

"Kamikaze Sword Master?"

The two spoke almost simultaneously.

Lin Xin squinted his eyes, and the other party really knew him, and even knew the Jue he majored in.

"Don't be surprised." The Storm Monarch didn't seem malicious. "There are only so many people on the eternal painting wall, and we haven't had any new companions for too long. So after you left traces on the eternal painting wall, we all investigated your situation."

"So who are you? What is your identity and what is your purpose?"

Lin Xin asked directly.

"What are we, don't you already have the answer?" The Storm Monarch said calmly.

"I killed the empress, you don't plan to do anything to me?"

"If you kill it, just kill it. It's just a game. Although I'm a little angry, have you ever seen someone kill the character in the game you played, and you went to him for an example?"

The Storm Monarch smiled and said.

"..." Lin Xin didn't speak.

"Have comprehended the essence of the world, broken through the edge of reality and illusion, you have reached the same level as us. Can't you see these things clearly?"

"How many times have you been reincarnated?" Lin Xin suddenly asked an inexplicable question.

"Countless times, I can't remember clearly. It's a pity that this was originally an unclaimed land, and now it has gradually become your territory. We can no longer enter and exit the game at will." The Storm Emperor said with some regret.

"Each primordial, his history is unique and cannot be interfered with.

From the moment you become the original, that is, realize the ninth sense, everything about you will become an independent one.

In this big universe, only you can manipulate time and space. Others may be able to watch, but not interfere. "

The storm said regretfully.

"Prime... how many are there?"

Lin Xin was sure at this time that the Storm Emperor was indeed not hostile to him.

In other words, as he himself said, the empress is just a character in the game, and even the entire Storm Empire is just a game he plays casually.

"All the big universes, parallel universes, and black universes are included, and there are only two of each big universe.

In the entire space-time, there are nine great universes. They contain countless small universes, which is what you call the black universe. "The Storm Monarch replied.