Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 993: cause and effect (2)


Lin Xin smiled.

"I don't know why, I broke into the emperor's palace, and after meeting the emperor, he praised me greatly, saying that I was a rare genius, so he planned to pass on the throne to me, so he said I can let go of the burden and go to rest by myself.”

"You lie to ghosts!" Mr. Xuye muttered speechlessly.

She doesn't dare to ridicule this younger brother at will, not to mention that he will soon become the Storm King.

That is, when he broke into the imperial palace before, he killed thousands of palace guards in one go, which made Mr. Xuye feel a little arrogant in front of him and did not dare to breathe.

"You tell the truth to the concubine. What's going on?"

Delia asked seriously.

Lin Xin smiled.

"Actually, there are so many things, why do we have to get to the bottom of it? Wouldn't it be better to be a little confused?"

Delia was helpless.

Yun and the others were also a little disappointed that they couldn't get the answer they wanted.

"I have dealt with all the forces that arrested you.

In addition, after a while, the Hert Empire will also make big moves. I hope you are mentally prepared. "

Lin Xin reminded her in advance.

"Big move?" Delia asked in confusion. "What does the big move of the Hert Empire have to do with us?"

"You will understand then."

Lin Xin didn't explain much.

This world, after all, is a passer-by for him.

The green grass swayed in the wind.

Pieces of lawn have been stretched to the extreme distance.

On the hillside in the distance, the gray-yellow dilapidated windmill was still turning up and down, making creaking noises.

There was a hint of humidity in the air, and there was a fishy smell.

Lin Xin took a look at what he was wearing now.

It still looks like Xuhong, with a circular pattern on its chest, which is the black hole when it is closed.

There are four holes in the back, and white smoke is slowly emitting, representing the existence of the four kamikaze swords.

There are unopened golden eyes all over the chin and neck.

Except for the lack of wings and small size, the rest are in a state of complete body.

"Look what's changed now."

The purpose of Lin Xin's coming here is very simple.

He was trying to find out where the Lake of False Words was

Step forward along the grass.

Lin Xin soon arrived at the gate of the windmill.

"You're here again."

The painter inside turned his back to him and said softly.

"I have passed the original comprehension, and now I am going to the lake of false words. Can you show me the way?"

Lin Xin said directly.

"I can't go." The painter shook his head slightly. "No one can go except the primordial."

He sighed.

"You have an eternal essence. I thought it would take ten million years for you to understand the original, but I didn't expect it to come again so soon."

"Then, can you point out to me where the Lake of False Words is?"

Lin Xin continued.

The painter paused.

"The Lake of False Words... On the day before the great universe is destroyed, at that time the center of the universe will spontaneously generate an energy vortex similar to a lake.

That is the lake of lies. "

"The destruction of the universe?" Lin Xin frowned.

"Yes. I heard that from other primordials." The artist replied.

"Whether the small universe or the big universe has a lifespan, when the lifespan of the big universe reaches the end, it will be the moment when everything is reshuffled and completely destroyed.

At that time, all the high-energy matter in the universe will gather together to form something like a lake, which is the lake of falsehood. "

The painter sighed.

"That's where only the primordial can go. Because it only exists for a fifth of a second.

And it contains terrifying destructive power. That is the power used to rebuild the new big universe from the big bang.

It aggregates the infinite power to build countless small universes, countless dimensional universes, and countless parallel universes.

Only the original can stop the pace of time and freeze that moment forever as a place for you to gather. "

"I see... ."

Lin Xin knows what kind of existence the primordial person is.

A gathering point is chosen at the moment before the big universe is about to be destroyed.

This is no longer capricious, but extremely perverted.

"By the way, where is the woman in the white dress?"

He asked again.


The painter replied.

"She has hope again, and she has been reincarnated."

"Good luck to her."

Lin Xin said something.

"Well, good luck to her. Good luck to you, too."

The painter picked up the brush again and started a new painting.

Lin Xin turned and walked out of the windmill, looked up at the sky.

The dark clouds weighed overhead like a stone. It seems that it has not changed for thousands of years.

"Although I have become the original, I still don't have the ability to manipulate for a long time. Xuyan Lake... It seems that we should solve the Youfu first."

After he comprehended the original, he already understood that in order to obtain the ability to manipulate time, he had to go through a reincarnation of the universe from beginning to end.

Primitives themselves actually have only one ability.

That is eternity.

Because they are eternal and never die, they have lived until the end of the big universe.

Thus in reincarnation, fully comprehended the mystery of time.

Hence the iconic ability to manipulate time.

In other words, time ability is just their incidental.

is an addition to the Eternal Essence.

Figured this out. Lin Xin lowered his head, and his body gradually disappeared in place.

Half a month later.

Lin Xin ascended the throne of the Empire of Storms.

At the same time, the emperor of the Hert Empire also announced that he would transfer the emperor to Emperor Xuhong.

He himself officially abdicated.

Once this news came out, it caused an uproar in the galaxy.

No one knew that the emperors of the two empires were actually the same person.

It's all storms.

After the storm left, Lin Xin naturally didn't bother to play two roles and merged directly.

In the third year after the unification of the two empires.

Lin Xin reopened Youjie.

Many disciples and subordinates who had been waiting inside were released one after another.

And in a galaxy on the edge of the two empires, some planets were found as settlements. Started to reproduce officially.

Leaving two clones to preside over the overall situation, Lin Xin himself went to the former black universe in person.

To find the Youfu of that year.

It's time to repay the original karma.

black universe.

The newly born black universe is in chaos.

The destruction only lasted for a short time, and then stopped quickly.

Instead, it was barren and dark.

A corner of the dark universe.

A mass of fuzzy red light suddenly exploded, and a huge vague human figure faintly emerged from it.

The human figure is tens of thousands of meters high, and there are countless white wings of light behind it.

There are countless countless arms on the side, densely packed side by side.

A blood-red light wheel appeared behind the human figure, in which countless white bones floated, with exquisite and ancient patterns engraved on them.

The red wheel rotated slowly, emitting red light, isolating everything around the figure.

"Here is the new black universe?"

Lin Xin is also a little uncertain whether this black universe is the one he left at the beginning.

He closed his eyes, and his mental power spread out in an extremely terrifying way.

Although his attribute points have been perfected by the rules of the big universe, they have shrunk a lot.

But the texture is far better than before, and the same power attribute can exert far more power than before.

It should have been that he was limited by the rules of the black universe.

But because the original essence is higher than that of the black universe, it is the black universe that Lin Xin can't limit.

The mental power formed an extremely terrifying storm, sweeping through some nearby spaces.

Time and space are violently distorted, and a terrifying wave that can destroy stars spreads rapidly from near to far. Scanning the entrance of Youfu.

"found it!"

This time, Lin Xin easily found the entrance to the Youfu.

The universe is newly established, there is nothing, not even a little cover, in such an environment, the traces and fluctuations of the Youfu are particularly clear.

With a light flap of his wings behind him, the whole person disappeared in place.

When it reappeared, there was already a black mist in front of it.

In this black mist, Lin Xin reached out and took out a piece of demon talisman.

Gently inject a trace of spiritual power.


Suddenly, a black carriage rushed out of the black mist and quickly stopped in front of Lin Xin.

It was the same carriage that he rode in before, and even the side of the carriage had the dents from when he fled for his life.

The carriage slowly slid open.

Lin Xin shrunk his body and sat in.

The doors close.

The carriage quickly sped away towards the depths of the black mist.

Inside the carriage, Lin Xin glanced at the dead body beside him.

"Let me see who you are."

He had been curious about the identity of this mummy a long time ago.

There was a red light in Lin Xin's eyes.

The mummified corpse in the dark suddenly became fuller.

A thin layer of blood covered his body, quickly restoring him to his former appearance.

This is a young man who is not very old. He has a blood-red mole between his eyebrows and scars like knife cuts on his skin.

Lin Xin closed his eyes, and a trace of bloody light split out, forming a line, and piercing the man's brow quickly.

A large amount of residual memory was quickly extracted.

The man's name is Shi Guan, and he is the son of Youfu who entered Youfu by accident.

However, unlike other children of Youfu, he was born with a special ability.

That is food.

Swallowed objects.

The swallowed objects will be in his body, which is considered by the Youfu to be brought in and out freely.

This also made him an extremely powerful son of Youfu in a very short period of time.

And You Fu naturally focused on this special individual.

As he continued to grow stronger, the sword masters in the Youfu also focused on this special individual.

After a series of scrambles and experiments, Shi Guan was finally played to death by them. In one experiment, his strength was completely pulled from his body by Youfu, and he was seriously injured and died in the carriage of Youfu.

And this carriage was met by Lin Xin by chance.

In this person's residual memory, Lin Xin also knew that the battle between Youfu and the sword masters actually started very early and lasted for a very long time.

He just happened to be there.

The ability to get things out of the Nether House is actually an ability attached to this guy.