Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 994: Cause and effect (3)


The carriage kept moving forward, and Lin Xin was sitting in the carriage. Not long after, he felt a slight shock in the carriage and stopped.

The car door slid open slowly, revealing the pure scenery of green mountains and green waters outside.

Lin Xin stepped out of the carriage and looked around.

A few strange people with heads on the crotch were working in one of the terraced fields. When they saw him stepping out of the carriage, they were all shocked.

After a series of ghostly screams, the three weirdos dropped the hoes in their hands, turned around and ran away.

Lin Xin didn't know what country he was in, but judging by the appearance of those strange people, it looked like a headless country.

He doesn't care what country it is, what he needs to do is to find the red leaves as soon as possible.

Standing in the forest, Lin Xin looked up to the sky.

A red light flashed in his pupils.

Suddenly the situation changed, and the black clouds in the sky spread rapidly, spreading in all directions, like ink dripping into clear water.

"This time, I want to see how many floors there are in the Youfu."

Lin Xin stretched out his hand and gently swiped upwards.

Chi! ! !

In an instant, the sky hissed, as if a huge wound had been cut by a sharp blade.

The inside of the wound was bright red, and the bloody flesh on both sides kept rolling and wriggling.

Lin Xin stepped on his foot, and his body rose into the air, rushing into the huge wound.

As he sprinted, the wound continued to spread and split deeper.

I don't know how long and how deep I rushed in.


Lin Xin's eyes suddenly opened up, and he rushed directly into another huge space.

It was a scorching bloody land full of magma and black stones.

"Hongye, here I come!"

Lin Xin said directly.

His voice formed a circle of shock waves, echoing continuously in the world.

The huge sound was like thunder. If Hongye could really see it, she would definitely come out to meet her as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, there was no response.

Lin Xin didn't stop, and rushed towards the sky above this world.

A new black cloud covered and emerged again, and a new bloody wound opened again in the center.

There was a faint violent roar in the void. It seemed that there was something extremely terrifying, and Lin Xin was directly annoyed.


Countless black flames suddenly burned on the edge of the wound in the cloud, and densely packed white eyes danced in the flames.

Countless white eyes looked towards Lin Xin together.


It was as if children were yelling strangely together, but everyone's eyes actually made sharp and piercing sounds.

Countless invisible sound waves gathered together to form an invisible gigantic horse-headed humanoid giant in the air.

The giant held a chain in his hand, with a white horse's head on his head, and the strong muscles on his body were like cast iron.

He was 10,000 meters high, and the invisible chain in his hand was gently tossed under the cover of his voice, winding towards Lin Xin.

"court death!"

Lin Xin made a backhand grab. Immediately, countless red lights exploded, as if a mass of crimson sun exploded in his palm.

The wound in the cloud layer was blown up even bigger. Numerous white eyes were injured and exploded.

The huge horse-headed man made up of that voice was instantly blasted to pieces by the red light, including the man and the chains.

Roar! ! !

There were faint howls of pain like a wounded beast from deep in the clouds.

Lin Xin accelerated and flew upwards.

Nothing can stop him.

Everything automatically split apart in front of him, revealing a blood-red channel.

Blackfire and Whiteeye screamed from both sides of the passage, trying to gather around him.

But to no avail, the majestic and powerful red light dissolved everything that dared to approach it into blood, swallowing it and becoming a part of Lin Xin.


Another layer of the world was broken.

Lin Xin simply speeded up.

Chi Chi Chi Chi! !

In an instant, hundreds of worlds passed by his side.

The blood-red channel in front is also getting smaller and narrower.

He shook slightly, and his body speed accelerated again.

Worlds continued to pass by him. After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly seemed to feel an extremely thick elastic barrier in front of him.

The first time it hit it, it couldn't be completely smashed.

In the center of the bloody channel, an invisible wall blocked the front, and a huge black mouth emerged on the wall.

A jet-black crow flew from nowhere near the big mouth.

The crow was a thousand meters long, and its eyes were hollow holes emitting black smoke.

"Pull the ancient tomb! Pull the ancient tomb!" The crow yelled, making a strange cry.

"Step aside!"

Lin Xin stared at the big black mouth and crow in front of him.

"Pull the ancient tomb! Pull the ancient tomb!!" The crow yelled.

It's a pity that Youfu still doesn't have the slightest consciousness, it just instinctively prevents Lin Xin from entering its core.

"Seeking death." Lin Xin pulled out the first long sword, the Sword of Joy, from behind his backhand.

The blade moved forward at will.


A terrifying wave of red light flew out, with countless pale smiling faces sandwiched between them, they jumped at Dazui and the crow with sharp smiles.

The crow and Dazui frantically rushed towards the red light. There are countless white eyes on their bodies, looking from a distance, they look like two huge creatures made of white eyeballs.

"Everything about you is just an illusion in my eyes." Lin Xin said casually.

As soon as the words fell, the entities of the crow and the big mouth immediately began to become illusory and transparent.

The red light penetrated their bodies and hit the wall behind them directly.

boom! ! !

For a moment, the space seemed to tremble violently.

For Lin Xin now, as long as the essence is not primitive, all power and attacks can be illusions in his eyes.

All the factors that are unfavorable to him can become hallucinations.

And all the factors that are beneficial to him can become reality.

With the increase and improvement of his own attributes, his original world at this time is increasing in size at an extremely terrifying speed.

Especially after Lin Xin succeeded to the throne, he directly declared the original world as the newly discovered new dimensional space of the two empires.

In this way, with the help of the recognition of hundreds of millions of people in the galaxy, the rate of growth and expansion of the original world is getting faster and faster day by day.

This world, which originally existed only in the illusion of life, has now become a world close to reality constructed by countless people's thinking and spirit.

While the original world was developing, Lin Xin gradually began to think about a problem.

"For thinking, time and space can be manipulated at will. In one's own fantasy, everything can be controlled to increase or decrease at will.

Then the original world constructed by thinking is essentially a world determined by people's inner will.

People firmly believe in one thing, if he can pass this belief to other more builder thinking, then it will form a storm that affects the whole world. achieve the reality you want. "

Lin Xin stared at the ocean halo formed by the red sword light, broke through the invisible wall, and destroyed the crow and Dazui.

In his heart, he began to think about the mysteries of the soul and the world.

"In the material world, in the real world, if people can always insist on the same belief, then they will pay more attention to collecting and grasping various factors that can make this idea come true.

In this way, cumulatively, the gradual belief will also have a large degree, which may become a reality.

Of course, this is a belief that must not be divorced from reality. "

Lin Xin stepped out slowly, his speed was so fast that even light could not catch up, he crossed countless distances in the blink of an eye, crossed the barrier of the invisible wall, and entered the narrow world behind.

"So, what's the difference between the real world and the illusory world? At the highest level, aren't people's control over their own behavior and their influence on the rules of the world the same?"

"The mystery of space and time in the universe, is it mind or matter?"

Lin Xin quickly broke through the large black fog in front of him, and finally came to a place he was once extremely familiar with.

lion original.

At this time, the original lion has become a continuous black mountain range.

On one of the tallest mountains, there are white ruins, in which you can faintly see weird people kneeling and prostrating to the sky.

These eccentrics have no hair on their bodies, their eyes are dull, and their faces are numb with despair and pain.

Lin Xin looked down, and there were small white ruins everywhere, and there were clusters of bonfires inside the ruins.

Beside the fire were groups of weird people holding hands. Both men and women had no clothes, and they were naked but didn't care at all. They danced weirdly around the campfire.

Without saying a word, Lin Xin flew directly towards the highest mountain.

There, a giant human-shaped black figure with a height of more than ten meters was restrained in the ruins on the top of the mountain. It seemed to have discovered Lin Xin's arrival, and was quietly staring at Lin Xin who was approaching quickly.

"Welcome, dear icebreaker."

The body of Somakage Gundam bent slightly, and saluted Lin Xin.

"Where is Hongye? Where are the other sword masters?"

Lin Xin is too lazy to talk nonsense, he knows this shadow.

The nature of the other party, in his eyes now, has no secrets.

The body of this black shadow was swallowed by something a long time ago, and only his shadow survived until now.

But because of being imprisoned for too long, he has already become a lunatic with mental problems.

"This is a land of despair. I have never seen anyone other than the desperate." Soi Ying said respectfully.

"So, this is the core of Youfu?"

Lin Xin continued to ask.

"Yes, this is the heart of Youfu, it is the most important, and it is also a Jedi that can enter and exit." The black shadow seems to be normal now.


Lin Xin stared at the black shadow in front of him.

"Yes, my lord." Sombra replied respectfully.

"Since this is already the core, where does the door in your body lead to?"

Lin Xin asked suddenly.


The black shadow trembled all over, and wanted to disperse immediately and disappear to hide.

"Open it." Lin Xin pointed.

Suddenly the black shadow stagnated and dissipated, and a brass-colored dilapidated door slowly emerged in the center of the body.

Black smoke billowed from the gap in the door.

These black smokes continue to merge into the black shadow's body, which seems to be the fundamental reason why it has been able to survive for so long.