Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 998: obliterate


Time is like light, passing by Lin Xin's side.

He sat on the Sheqing Mountain, and the surrounding time changed.

Nino star from the initial khaki, gradually turned light green, and then light blue.

Finally, it slowly began to transform towards a slightly black color.

And the nearby star, the gigantic star named Angelina, also gradually began to cool down.

It's been so long, so long that Lin Xin can't remember how many years he has been here.

As the heat of the star decreases day by day, the frequency of the solar wind begins to gradually weaken.

Gradually, the star began to collapse, began to shrink and cool.

The entire solar system gradually began to fall into ice-cold and dead silence.

Without the warmth of the sun, Nino has gradually lost its former vitality.

Lin Xin waited on Sheqing Mountain, waiting for the seeds he planted to inherit and rise. Unfortunately, after the three seeds were sown, they were like gravel thrown into the sea, without any movement.

Until a huge transport spaceship slowly left here towards outer space.

He also couldn't feel the slightest breath related to him from it.

Not even the breath of Fang Prison.

"That's how life is, round after round."

Yong Xingshen spoke again.

"This kind of life is meaningless. If you see it too much, that's it."

Lin Xin felt a little pity.

What he looks forward to the most in passing down the Kamikaze Sword Art is actually to see if anyone can comprehend the Sword of Mercy.

Kamikaze Sword Art is a very wonderful set of sword arts, it has no order, whichever kind of sword can be comprehended first, that one should be comprehended first.

So even if someone could comprehend the sword of mercy from the very beginning, Lin Xin would not be surprised.

It's a pity that until the end, he didn't see anyone comprehend the sword of mercy.

The three great tomes can be passed on secretly, and he has set this up long ago.

But still no trace was left.

"Forget it, let's go."

Lin Xin was also tired of it.

He somewhat understood why the primordials were unwilling to show up.

For them, the universe is an endless cycle of movies.

The theme of everything is just repeating itself, meaningless. If you watch too much, even the best stories will get boring.

"Have you figured it out?" Yong Xingshen smiled.

"It's really meaningless." Lin Xin said lightly.

With his perverted nature, he can crazily strengthen himself by devouring it directly, and even the big universe may be devoured in the end.

But what's the point of that.

"Let's go to Xuyan Lake."

He slowly closed his eyes, and his huge and terrifying thoughts moved quickly.

The entire Sheqing Mountain roared and rushed directly to the highest level of the thirty-three days.

Thirty-third layer of heaven Hengshatian.

When Lin Xin opened his eyes again, what Lin Xin saw were countless picture scrolls shining and dancing around him.

It was as if the movie had been accelerated countless times, and even his thinking speed couldn't keep up with the flickering flickering of the screen.

The speed is too fast, and the time of 100 million years even flashes by in an instant. And it is still shown in a second-by-second screen.

The display area is a place he was familiar with and stayed in.

As a last resort, Lin Xin began to mobilize the power of the original world, and the huge and terrifying attribute power rushed into his body frantically.

He gradually became able to keep up with the flickering of light and shadow.

Song Xingshen did not appear again.

He is the only one in this color space.

Nothing else can stay here either. There is no existence of eternal essence, and countless years of time will pass away in an instant here, and there will be nothing left in the ashes.

The most powerful force in the world, perhaps nothing can match time.

The golden eyes on Lin Xin's neck kept opening and closing, comprehending the law of the passage of time.

Gradually, he became more and more familiar with the flow of time and became clearer and clearer.

A hundred years is fleeting.

When he came back to his senses again, it was Xing Xingshen who came to remind him again.

Because he has a part of the power blood of the Xingshen in his body, the connection between the two is extremely close and simple.

"The time is up, your universe is about to collapse. It's almost time for the Lake of False Words."

At the moment of destruction and initiation, the nine universes will be connected for a moment. That's where the lake of lies lies.

Lin Xin came back to his senses, thinking for a moment.

He broke through the thirty-third heaven again in an instant, and the whole person, together with Sheqingshan, broke through the boundary membrane and rushed into the big universe.

boom! ! !

When he just came out, a black hole beside him directly collapsed and exploded.

Countless substances that have been absorbed in it for countless years, like a huge trash can, slammed apart.

Countless substances and energies were blown away by the light and heat and the huge impact force, pushing towards the rest of the area to cover.

The area where Lin Xin is located is less than a light-year away from the black hole.

But when the huge explosion power was about to touch him, he automatically avoided it, as if there was a huge reef here that could not be destroyed.

"Is this the end of the universe?"

Lin Xin looked around, his mind scanned the range of billions of light-years in an instant.

Countless stellar black holes are exploding, and all planetary materials are stuck in annihilation.

The energy emanating from the annihilation of matter is devastating.

Every second, there is a terrifying force capable of destroying tens of millions of Dao ancestors, constantly crushing and erupting in the area around Lin Xin.

Under the chain reaction of rule collapse in the whole universe, all the laws of physics collapsed.

Only the free explosion of energy between different levels remains.

The rules are like a huge grid, which divides different levels and energy levels, and divides the energy in it.

And now, the grid is broken.

The energies of different levels merged together, forming unprecedented huge destruction.

Lin Xin let out a long sigh.

In this place where countless destructive energies gather, he found the location of Xuyan Lake in just a moment.

That is the only place that all energy storms do not reach.

There seems to be a strange power there, protecting it from outside influences.

Lin Xin flew forward lightly, his body burst out immediately, and slammed into an inexplicable extremely fine and small substance.

"Isn't this the abyss below the sixty-sixth floor?"

He suddenly reacted.

He has become infinitely small at this time, countless times smaller than the smallest particle in the universe.

The Xuyan Lake is not so much a lake, but an infinitely small piece of space inside a cosmic particle.

This particle exists for an extremely short time, and its volume is also extremely small.

Ordinary existence cannot even be detected at all.

Lin Xinyi entered this space.

The first thing I saw was a blue oval lake.

The blue water of the lake is as pure as gemstones, and small electric arcs can be seen jumping and flowing in it from time to time.

"Welcome, our countrymen."

A distorted and sharp voice came from the lake.

Lin Xin took a quick look and saw a blurry mosaic.

The mosaic seems to be in the shape of a human, but its whole body is constantly twisting, releasing huge amounts of colored smoke all the time. So that people can't see what his body is at all.

"I am fear." Although the voice of this one was sharp, the tone was very gentle.

"My essence is existence, eternal existence.

Then you can call me Eternal Sword Master. "

Lin Xin replied.

"Alright, Eternal Sword Master, hey, I've lived for so long, and this is the first time I've seen a saint whose essence is eternal existence."

Fear smiled.

"Are you here?" The storm emerged from the side of the lake. At this time, he was dressed in a pitch-black robe, with densely packed black horns like countless tentacles on his head. All the horns were bent backwards. Behind him was a burning blackness. flame.

"What is the purpose of the gathering of primitive people?" Lin Xin nodded and asked.

"Purpose? There is no purpose. Our only wish is to break through the shackles and achieve the beginning.

As for parties, it's like you and a few friends get together at home from time to time. It doesn't make any sense, it's just to relieve loneliness and boredom. "Storm said calmly.

"The nine original universes are finally here."

Another figure slowly emerged from the side of Xu Yan Lake.

It was a swirl of darkness. There was nothing in it but darkness. Lin Xin sensed the past, and couldn't even sense any existence of life breath.

"Hello, newcomer, I am darkness. All existences related to darkness in the nine universes belong to me. They are part of me."

The darkness spoke in a low voice.

"What about the rest?"

Storm asked.

"Didn't the Xingxing God arrive long ago?"

"Where's Aloga?"

"Its big universe is rebelling, and it is busy suppressing it."

"What about the order?"

"In rebuilding the law, he believes that the current law of the universe is too fragile and needs to be revised. In his big universe, there are too many beings who have become gods, and some need to be reduced."

A few people were chatting, and soon another one came.

This time it was a young woman with the head of a deer.

She wore a starry black cloak and carried a rough paulownia walking stick in her hand.

"I am Bramamariogos Daylighter. Welcome, our new compatriot."

The woman greeted Lin Xin with a soft expression.

"You can call me Eternal Sword Master, my name is Lin Xin."

Lin Xin smiled back.

"I know you, Essence is eternal saint"

Mariogos seems to have paid attention to Lin Xin a long time ago.

"My essence is light, and all the places where there is light, all the suns, their light and heat come from me."

"His essence is not just existence and eternity."

Another gloomy female voice came.

Lin Xin turned his head to look.

Appearing from the side of Xuyan Lake is a huge monster humanoid with a hundred heads.

She carried her hundred heads on her back, like a huge variegated mushroom umbrella, staggeringly emerged on the edge of the lake of false words.

"Destruction, why are you here now?"

Yong Xingshen was slightly unhappy.

"Some things are delayed. But it's not too late." Destruction replied.

"My essence is existence, eternal existence."

Lin Xin answered seriously.

"May I ask, what is your essential support?"

Destruction asked in a low voice.

Lin Xin lowered his head, thought for a moment, then raised his head and answered seriously.

"My essence rests on cognition.

Just knowing and acknowledging my existence provides me with a source of strength and source. As long as one such being remains in the world, I shall never perish. "

"So, among us, you are the one who is most likely to touch the beginning." Ruin said seriously.

"As long as someone else hears your name, or knows your deeds, you will never perish."

"You mean to let him try the window of the core?"

Mariogos the Extreme Day frowned.

"The birth of every primordial being will be determined under the gaze of the primordial being.

In other words, the rise of the Eternal Sword Master was also recognized by Taichu. Theoretically, Lin Xin can touch the level of the primordial through this cognition. "

Destruction muffled explanation.

"What's the point of pursuing Taichu?" Lin Xin wasn't interested. He had only become Yuanchu for a few days, and he was still not familiar with this brand new identity. It would be boring for him to pursue Taichu.


A few Yuanyuan were silent for a while.

"As for the meaning, we don't know what the meaning is. It's just boring."

Yong Xingshen smiled wryly.

"It's more of a yearning, a curiosity."

Mariogos the Extreme Day replied.

"Curious?" Lin Xin smiled.

"Then when I'm tired of living, I'll go and see what's different in the beginning. But now, I want to master the control of time first.

There are still many things, many regrets, and I want to go back and make up for it. "

"It's because you're still young, and you haven't experienced a big cycle." Storm immediately understood what he wanted to do.

The big cycle is not just about the destruction of one big universe, but the simultaneous destruction of the nine primordial universes, and the moment when they reach coherence can be regarded as a big cycle.

"The method of mastering time is actually very simple." With a wave of his hand, a colorful ball of light flew out, suspended in front of Lin Xin in an instant.

Lin Xin reached out to touch the ball of light.

Immediately, a large number of methods on how to use one's own eternal essence to influence and manipulate time appeared directly in his mind.

"You want to resurrect your most important life?"

Yong Xingshen asked.

"Yeah, there are some things that you will never get tired of until you try them yourself."

Lin Xin not only wanted to revive Xiao Lingling and An Ying, he also wanted to go back to the original earth to see. Go and see how you are awakening to your eternal nature.

Although you can't interfere with your own history, you can still observe and watch.

There were still a few primitives who didn't show up, but the primitives present felt more regretful about Lin Xin's choice.

"It seems that we have to wait one more cycle."

Mariogos the Extreme Day shrugged.

"The last thing we need is time, isn't it?"

The storm doesn't matter.

"Some things, some people, always want to keep it in the best time. I just want to go back and record everything from that time until I get tired of it."

Lin Xin smiled.

"Good things are always rare and short-lived. If you try hard to keep the good things, you can only get bad things."

Yong Xingshen gave a reminder.

"But I'm different."

Lin Xin smiled immediately.

"Because I am eternal. So my beauty will last forever with me, won't it?"

"Eternal beauty?"

Yong Xingshen pondered for a while, and then revealed a smile.

"Then, I wish you success."

"Thank you."

Lin Xin got what he wanted, turned around, and slowly left towards the big universe where he came.

He still has a lot of work to do. Manipulating the time back to hundreds of billions of years ago, or even earlier, such a workload is not easy to do.

As for Tai Chu, there will always be opportunities in the future, and when he gets bored, he may try it.

He has struggled and struggled all his life, and now he finally has the chance to take a break.