
Chapter 100: want me?


Early in the morning is the most difficult time for people to wake up. Lu Bixing was exhausted all day, and he didn't know what time he would wait. He fell asleep more than the last time he came to deliver the crystal ball. The whole person was photographed by the suddenly opened door for a full ten centimeters. just woke up.

Lin Jingheng noticed the large object at the door, and quickly took the door back a little bit, Lu Bixing slid down the door staggeringly, struggling to crawl on his four feet as he slid, his eyelids seemed to be covered with a layer of glue, and he rubbed it no matter what. Not open, he swayed in place for a long time, a long pleat on his shirt was pulled from the shoulder to the other side of the waist, the handsome Principal Lu seemed to be in trouble with the "closet" of Lin Jingheng, every time he came in, the elegant scholar image disappeared.

Lin Jingheng asked, "Why do you sit on the ground every time you come?"

Lu Bixing - the part of the brain that masters language has not woken up yet.

Lin Jingheng was worried about Hope's accidental escape and Turan's rage. He walked from sending and receiving to the command post. He was a little worried. At this time, seeing the virtue of Lu, he felt that he fell 20,000 feet in a worried style.

"Don't you feel cold? Don't your neck hurt?" Lin Jingheng sighed, picked up Lu Bixing's arm with a few fingers, and led him to the bedside, "Sleep here."

Lu Bixing didn't say a word, fell straight like a wooden stake, and he smashed a human-shaped pit out of the snow-white flat sheet.

Lin Jingheng looked at him for a while, and the eyes that had been stained by the cool mist before dawn warmed a little, feeling a little helpless.

He was about to go to the closet and took off the guns and some small protective armor and other odds and ends. Just as he turned around, Lu Bixing crawled up like a corpse again, without opening his eyes, he groped behind him blindly.

Lin Jingheng went back to the door to change his shoes, he followed to the door with sleepwalking steps, opened the closet to look for something, he followed to the closet and entered the bathroom, he was also locked out this time.

Lu Bixing stared blankly at the locked bathroom door for a few seconds, yawned, and woke up, he "hiss", twisted his sore neck, and then ran the entire distance with a slow reflex arc. With a nasal voice, he answered Lin Jingheng's question when he entered the door: "Why don't I sit on the ground? You only have a bed in this shabby house, and you don't even have a chair."

Lin Jingheng's voice was mixed with the sound of water, and came through a door: "The bed didn't let you sit, why, are you afraid that I will take advantage of you?"

He didn't return to Lu Bixing's long-distance message all day. They would pass through countless transition points on their way back. Every time they reached a transition point, the mecha would scan the matching communication key and give him a prompt, but this person If he doesn't look at it, he just ignores it. To others, to the world, and even to Lu Bixing, he seems to be as tough as iron. If there is any crack, he must close the door and hide himself.

He can take off his clothes, but he refuses to show anyone his wounds. In this regard, Lu Bixing is also treated equally.

Lu Bixing waited for him for more than 20 hours without saying a single word. He was terrified and exhausted from waiting, and in the middle he had a nightmare about him leaving without saying goodbye.

Although he knew that the surname Lin was such a person, he couldn't blame him, Lu Bixing couldn't help but feel a little angry, and the way he expressed his anger was that he stretched out his hand and pulled his collar, slapped the bathroom door, and shouted, "Take advantage of me. Come on, open the door, take it!"

The door of the bathroom was "swiped" open, and Lu Bixing was caught off guard. The hand that slapped the door directly hit Lin Jingheng. The warm water dripped from his hair, ran down his broad and flat shoulders, and flowed through his chest. , and merged into the distinct abdominal muscles, Lu Bixing seemed to touch the switch, "Ow", withdrew his claws, took a step back, and slammed his back against the wardrobe door.

Lin Jingheng came to tease him on purpose, the corners of his mouth trembled quickly, he stopped smiling, and said expressionlessly, "Go away, don't make trouble."

Lu Bixing first adhered to the good habit of being a gentleman, and subconsciously hid for a moment, then came back and thought, "Do you dare to show me, don't you dare to look at it?"

So he shrugged his shoulders a little paralyzed, deliberately relaxed his legs, leaned against the wardrobe door, blew his hooligan whistle boldly, and looked back very defiantly, but recently, Galaxy City has entered a dry season. It was dry, and the temperature difference between day and night became very large. He slept on the cold floor for half the night. I don't know if it was a little cold or something, and his nose suddenly itchy.

Five seconds later, I saw Lu Bixing, a "fat man" with a swollen face. In a posture of not admitting defeat, from neck to face, he slowly turned red all the way to the naked eye, and then he stretched out his legs. He shrank back, pulled his clothes forward, looked down at something intriguingly, and shrunk from crab to shrimp leaning on the posture of the big wardrobe.

Lin Jingheng's eyes showed a slight smile, and he turned back and closed the door again.

Lu Bixing seemed to be a little worried about himself, and rubbed his fingers under his nose to make sure that there was no disgraceful liquid flowing out: "You are in good shape, General, just an extra bath towel."

Lin Jingheng ignored his provocation.

Lu Bixing was silent for a while at the door. After a while, he said to himself, "There are automatic noise-cancelling sound insulation on the sheets. If I fall asleep, I may not hear the door."

His voice was not loud, but the door was not closed tightly, and Lin Jingheng heard every word. He raised his eyes slightly and settled there in the dense steam.

"You" Lu Bixing's eyes fell on the crack of the door, only a little light was seen, and there was nothing else.

He thought that Lin Jingheng obviously didn't need comfort, otherwise he wouldn't cut off the communication and hide himself.

In fact, in addition to the perverts with extraordinary talents, every mortal person needs care and love.

For those people who are easy to get along with, they seem to have a healthy stomach. They can digest and absorb everything they eat. Just pat him and say a few words of comfort. Get enough goodwill.

But Lin Jingheng is obviously someone who is prone to "indigestion" in this regard. Even though he cherishes and is sensitive to the feelings given by others, in fact, the way most people express them will make him uncomfortable.

Lu Bixing weighed the words on his lips back and forth for a while, and chose a method carefully. He said, "I had a dream just now, and I dreamed that you left without saying a word."

Lin Jingheng: "Where have I been?"

"I don't know, it's not the first time you've left without saying goodbye anyway." Lu Bixing said, "Back then, in Beijing Beta Star, you were invited to a base of the Freedom Corps. I contacted Bai Yinjiu to stand by outside the territory—in fact, I didn’t plan to come back at that time, right?”

Lin Jingheng didn't say anything, it was the default.

If Lu Bixing hadn't accidentally chased the students there, he might never have seen this person again.

So what happens after that

Lin Jingheng felt that he should plunder the reserves of the refugees in the underground channel. After all, his blood was cold, and maybe he thought that he had punished a bunch of scum who could not be saved, and he felt righteous.

Then he would not care about the lives of these people, so he was able to contact Baiyin Jiu soon, slaughtered Prince Gloria vigorously, killed him back into the Seven Galaxy, and fought to the end in emptiness and anger. Maybe it will fight for the alliance reluctantly, maybe it will stand on its own, maybe it will make the situation that is out of control even more chaotic, push the world to a deeper abyss, and then become a sacrifice to the abyss.

"I dreamed that I would send you a remote message every second. Anyway, you will always pass through the communication point. It's better that the mecha prompts will annoy you to death. But you are silent. I think you may have gone to the Internet. beyond the encryption transition point, or simply have left the eighth galaxy."

I worry about you.

Lu Bixing wanted to play a pitiful routine for him. When he said this, his heart suddenly "squeaked", and he felt sad on his own as if the embankment had burst. He paused for a moment and murmured, "Can I keep you? Anyway, if you want to Go, no one can keep you, right?"

He thought: I have 110,000 points for you, how much do you have for me

Lu Bixing has always been a very sensitive person. It should not be difficult for him to judge this issue, but as he talked, he suddenly became uncertain.

I don't know when the sound of the water stopped, the bathroom door opened, and Lin Jingheng came out this time wearing a bathrobe.

"I just thought, if you're tired of the eighth galaxy, and me"

"I don't have the habit of greeting people before I make a decision." Lin Jingheng said, "unless someone reminds me in time and I feel it is necessary, but in most cases, you know."

Lu Bixing smiled bitterly: "I know, after reading the gossip, General Lin is the famous 'will be outside, love whoever'."

"Two years ago, I wanted to leave, I won't tell you." Lin Jingheng paused, as if he felt that the following words were a little hard to say, but he hesitated for a few seconds, but said, "Now, as long as you are here, I will won't go."

Lu Bixing was taken aback.

Lin Jingheng looked at him and added, "Even if you have to leave for a while, as long as you are still here, I will come back."

Lu Bixing was a little stunned by this unexpected gain. He had forgotten that he first expressed his concern by beating around the bush. He held his breath lightly: "What's the difference between two years ago and now?"

"We were friends two years ago."

Lu Bixing wanted to ask him, "That's how you treat your friends." After thinking about it, since he personally admitted that the one-eyed eagle is also a friend, it seems that "Lin's friend" is treated like this, and he is quite polite to himself.

He insisted reluctantly: "What about now? General, do you usually speak in the army like squeezing toothpaste?"

Lin Jingheng smiled a little, turned his head and said, "I told you to rest just now, let's sleep a little longer."

However, with Lu Bixing's vitality, it would be bright if he could give a little sunshine. At this time, he had already resurrected with full blood on his own, jumped up one step, and hugged Lin Jingheng: "Friends go up, they are 'special' friends, right? "

Lin Jingheng let him play in the middle of the night without saying anything, thinking: "No."

A "special friend" is an uncertain relationship between two ends. If it develops in the direction of positive infinity, it will be insane. "The living can die, and the dead can live." It is possible to rush to the infinity, the light is "one shot and two scattered, do not communicate with each other", the heavy is "sad and anger, but become hatred."

But he won't, Lin Jingheng thought, he is only uncertain about Lu Bixing, with a lower limit and no upper limit.

Even if he wakes up from this spring dream one day, Lu Bixing is fresh enough and bored of his boredom.

It was about an hour before dawn, Lin Jingheng calculated the time, took out a set of clean clothes and brought coffee, and did not plan to sleep: "Hope escaped at this time, I suspect that he is not just an anti-Ukraine meeting. A person who is defeated and persecuted in an internal fight, where else can he escape? He probably still has his own supporters and has always been in contact with the outside world. In this way, the true armed situation of the Eight Galaxy may be exposed. We had better early Take precautions - you can sleep for a while, I will discuss with Turan and the others."

"Hope won't." Lu Bixing struggled to pull back Zhi, who was floating in the air, and rubbed his brows, "I really hate your behavior that you have to divert the topic halfway through your confession. I don't know what to say. You can't. Would you like to read a book and study?"

Lin Jingheng nodded indulgently: "Okay."

Lu Bixing: ""

This "good" is a bit of a foul.

He coughed dryly and sat beside the bed for a while: "Hope Hope has a bit of scheming, but he's not a lunatic, otherwise he wouldn't risk betraying the Anti-Ukrainian Society to help us, the farm base, he He does it very carefully and beautifully. He has objections and ideals to pursue. He is a person who really wants to make the wasteland full of flowers. If it is not for his own conviction, it is not so easy to persuade others to follow him."

Lin Jingheng looked up at him in surprise.

"My intuition is not necessarily right." Lu Bixing said, "If it is true that Hope has always been in contact with his supporters, then he could have run away long ago, why should he stay as a volunteer for so long? What? Deleted the second half of the list, of course he also had a chance to destroy that secret folder - I think he left it on purpose for us to see, he was explaining to us the ins and outs of this mess in his own way, hope we Don't get involved in confusion, you can protect the eight galaxies with a very fragile ecology. It is possible that we will still be enemies in the future, but now, I think he will not only not expose us, but will actively help cover up. According to his age, it should be Dr. Gloria, and even Dr. Harden, joined the Anti-Ukrainian Society as early as when they were active. I believe those who resisted at the earliest had a fire in their hearts."

When he mentioned "Laura", he glanced at Lin Jingheng cautiously: "You know there is a strange phenomenon - those people in history who have really changed the world, they are often unintentional and unintentionally embark on a certain path. , came to the cusp, was chosen by history, and became that important role by chance. And those who were firm in their beliefs and stretched out their hands to challenge the world from the very beginning were often pushed in unexpected directions by the storm of fate. Our species , as if not born with enough sanity, right? Dr. Laura's original vision must not be what it is now."

Lin Jingheng finally heard that Lu Bixing was coquettish and reasonable tonight, just comforting him carefully. He could feel his rejection of the management committee, and he would even pay attention not to mention Laura's surname "Gedon", and every word was on tiptoe. Like feet.

Lin Jingheng's heart seemed to be pricked by a tiny needle: "Hmm."

Lu Bixing reached out to him: "So can you relax a little occasionally? Get a good night's sleep."

Lin Jingheng clasped his hand, gently rubbed his fingers for a moment, raised his eyes, and said with deep eyes, "You are here, how can I sleep well?"

Lu Bixing intuition that Lin Jingheng's words did not mean that he was occupying the bed and wanted to blast him away, and his throat rolled slightly.

Lin Jingheng bent slightly and leaned in front of him: "Can I do it?"

Lu Bixing thought helplessly, what's wrong with this

He felt that at such a time, even if Lin Jingheng asked him to die, he had no choice but to offer it with both hands.

In the blink of an eye, a young theorist who had never experimented went through the theories he had read in the Little Yellow Book in his mind. He felt that although this kind of thing originated from impulse, it still needed a little technique. "He was totally unprepared today, and I'm afraid he won't get a good death.

When the two were entangled together, Lu Bixing felt pain in his heart and thought happily: "What is it that I can get Lin Jingheng? I'll give it up."

However, even if you are mentally prepared, it is not easy to force yourself to relax when the time comes.

Lu Bixing endured the discomfort and didn't say a word, and the veins on his arm that tightened Lin Jingheng's waist burst out. At the same time, he glanced at the head of the bed intentionally or unintentionally—there is an emergency medicine box button on the head of the bed. After clicking on it, there are regular medical equipment and medicines in the bedside table, and you can reach them.

Lin Jingheng suddenly stopped: "Does it hurt you?"

Lu Bixing gritted his teeth and took a breath, and forced a smile at him: "No."

Lin Jingheng pinched his chin, kissed the corner of his mouth gently, reached out and wiped a layer of cold sweat on his forehead, and slowly let go of him.

Lu Bixing: "Well, what?"

Lin Jingheng: "Come on."

Lu Bixing didn't realize what this sentence meant for a while, and looked at him blankly.

Lin Jingheng flicked his finger on the bridge of his nose, reached out and pressed the button of the emergency medicine box, a hidden drawer slowly opened, a full set of anti-inflammatory and pain medicines were not unpacked, and lay in the medicine box brand new: "I said you come. , do you want me?"

Lu Bixing made a "buzz" in his head, and for a moment he was dizzy.

The author has something to say: look at the light rope—baji

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