
Chapter 107: Very upset with the league


"The temperature is so high, don't you say a word, aren't you afraid of frying yourself?" Lu Bixing was connected to Jingwang and reported a repair fault to the small robot next to him, "The cooling plate is loose."

After wiping his face on Saturday, he has gone through countless battles and ups and downs. He is no longer the baby-faced boy who relied on fists to settle his younger brother. It may be that the harsh military posture has changed his posture, or it may be that he is gifted. , In his thirties, he jumped a little higher, and he seemed to be a lot taller.

He has not rested for more than 30 hours, and his face is still exhausted from being abused by the soothing agent, and he still pursues Lu Bixing relentlessly, not letting go of any opportunity to learn: "Mr. Lu, this is Is it caused by leakage of high-energy particle streams?"

"Yes, but the leakage is not the root problem, check your shield," Lu Bixing said, "see no, the leakage is because the high energy consumption mode of the shield is disabled - your fine net has been invaded. ? During the Jingwang battle, the human-machine docking port oscillates, and the mecha may have some functional disorders and disable phenomena. If you feel wrong, remember to reset it in time - no way, this model is still too old."

Saturday nodded again and again, and recorded it on his wrist.

"You don't need to remember such trivial things, just focus on what you should focus on." Lu Bixing jumped off the fine net. This is already the 46th mecha he overhauled. Repeatedly connecting and disconnecting the fine net is very exhausting. He rubbed his eyes and felt that he probably needed a shot of soothing agent, "I wrote a common troubleshooting procedure for mecha last night, and it has been handed over to the engineering team for trial and error. After three rounds, it can be installed without any problem—your How are the supplies?"

"I'm sure enough to eat," said Saturday. "What about nutrition injections? You don't need to take another injection for two months. Now it seems that the consumption is not fast, mainly weapons. Captain Turan is crazy now. Every battle After the end, they all asked us to upload military recorders, and put two computers there to test, once we found out who had a high error rate.”

On Saturday, he shuddered, and his face was pale: "Don't mention it, I'm crazy - can you mention to the chief, when will we build a human rights protection agency, there is no place to complain about her now."

"Let's protect human life first, and then protect human rights." Electron turned around at Lu Bixing's fingertips, dissipated into a light spot, and returned to the personal terminal on his wrist, "Well, I know about the missile issue, what else is missing? "

"Mecha," said Saturday, "our mech destruction rate is much lower than the opponent's, but let's put it this way, if they have a thousand mechs, even if the destruction rate is 90%, there are still a hundred, what about us? If one may be shot down, the destruction rate will increase by one percentage point. There are also pilots, even if there are enough mechs, there are not enough pilots.”

As the captain of the former Silver Ninth Guard, Turan was a wartime vanguard. At this time, she was far from the enemy's troops, and she would definitely win with extremely high mobility.

"To tell you the truth, Mr. Lu, even I have trouble keeping up with her," said Saturday, "Mint and I talked to me about the primary mecha. At first I thought this kind of thing was too dangerous, but now it seems , when will it be put into production?"

Lu Bixing was thinking about something, and said without looking up, "Any time."

"Ah?" Saturday was stunned, "Didn't they all change their research direction?"

"I drew the design of the primary mecha when I was a child, and I gave them research to coax them to learn more." Lu Bixing said, "I couldn't go out of the house when I was a child, and I stayed at home to do nothing, and I drew a whole big picture. Weapons of mass destruction, though mostly fantasies. But then there's a little bit of theoretical achievability - junior mechs are just one of them."

Watched him horribly on Saturday.

"What are you looking at? You don't have a middle school year? I think you don't have a middle school now." Lu Bixing took a look at the smooth outer surface of the mecha, and found that his coat was wrinkled, so he took it off and carried it in his hand. "I"

At this moment, the air defense siren of their armed base suddenly sounded.

On Saturday, he reacted very quickly, grabbed Lu Bixing, and got into a mecha that looked relatively neat. In the entire mecha, except for a few confused engineers, everyone avoided, got on the mecha, and covered each other. Orderly, fast and silent.

An engineer who had never seen the world wanted to scream, his mouth was open, but he was too embarrassed to speak.

The next moment, the huge protective cover was propped up, the anti-missile system of the base screeched, and there was an enemy sneak attack!

With a wave of his hand, Lu Bixing personally took over the fine network of the mecha. Of course, all the mechas in the maintenance need to be repaired. While overhauling, he verbally explained the maintenance plan to the maintenance robot. At the same time, he connected to the communication channel of the Self-Defense Force. Hearing that the Self-Defense Forces on duty on patrol responded quickly within three seconds.

Too soon, he thought.

How easy-going Turan is in his usual jokes, how ruthless he is in running the army, streaking is a playful nature, and sometimes corporal punishment has reached the point of seriously insulting human dignity. As a gentleman, Lu Bixing has always been unaccustomed to it. But I have to admit that this is effective. All those who survived in her hands have been reborn once.

Saturday: "Mr. Lu, the protective cover of this mecha is damaged and cannot protect it. Let's replace it as soon as possible!"

Lu Bixing didn't lift his head: "It doesn't matter - is this kind of sneak attack common?"

The mechanical voice of the flat board sounded in the mecha: "Restart the shield - restart failed - try a second restart -"

"As usual," said Saturday, "Captain Turan led us to fight guerrillas, and the other side followed suit and sent scouts. Usually three or five small mechas acted together, and it was not easy to detect when they approached. Compared with them, we have a bigger target. Once a reconnaissance team finds us and reports it, they will immediately launch a suicide attack—you understand? Dead people are not afraid of losing mechas, there are too many lunatics in the Anti-Ukraine Society, and I have been weakened these days."

Mecha report: "Second restart failed—third restart—"

Lu Bixing adjusted the mecha to maintenance mode, connected the personal terminal, and his fingers were as fast as lightning.

On Saturday, he couldn't help but speak again: "Mr. Lu, we should go first"

His voice fell, a high-pitched energy alarm sounded, and a missile penetrated the anti-missile system and blew directly into the middle of the base. The temporary 3D-printed building instantly disappeared, and at the same time, deadly rays and particle streams spread.

Saturday's voice changed abruptly: "Mr. Lu!"

The shield has not been repaired yet!

The shock wave smashed the door of the mecha maintenance, and the invisible demon broke into the door. Saturday's mind was blank. At this moment, Lu Bixing gently pressed on his wrist, and the virtual screen of the personal terminal shrank back. At the same time, the mecha made a humming sound, and the indicator light of the protective cover suddenly turned on. It was in short contact with the shock wave, and the fuselage shook violently.

"The shield has restarted successfully and is running fine."

"Lu Bixing!" Saturday was in a cold sweat and almost collapsed.

"Overhaul is over," Lu Bixing said, "Engineer number 001 is working."

Turan's voice came from the communication channel: "There are a lot of mice coming back. The second team is ready to support, and the others are ready to evacuate at any time."

Lu Bixing asked directly in the communication channel: "If it is a search in the entire galaxy, I don't believe they are so fast. The tracking efficiency of the other party is also too high, and the anti-Ukraine Institute's research on the transition has always been ahead of the alliance. I doubt that the other party can locate it. Based on the transition points you pass through, you can judge your activity range based on this, and then send death squads to search in a carpet-like manner.”

Turan almost choked to death on his saliva: "Mr. Lu, why did you come to the front line? Did the general agree? Did the chief allow it? The old man still expects you to take his class. Who asked you to come to the front line to come to mine!"

"Nonsense, I won't come to see, how do I know how to allocate those poor resources next? Should I hold a meeting behind closed doors? I can't let an old chief come in person." Lu Bixing said, "Captain, don't fight it all. , leave one for me to dissect."

Turan: "No, you"

Before she could say the whole thing, the communication channel was interrupted—a tactic used by the Anti-Ukrainian Society.

Lu Bixing reached out and touched the bulkhead of the mecha: "Baby, just overhauled, can you do it?"

There is no artificial intelligence in the small mecha, and of course it cannot answer.

On Saturday, watching his words and feelings, he suddenly said, "Mr. Lu, I don't think you're in the right mood."

Lu Bixing looked back at him: "Is it obvious?"

Saturday shook his head: "Not obvious, intuitive."

"Precisely, in the future, I will find you as a staff officer." Because of its small size, the anti-missile system of the small military base is much more sensitive than the one on the planet. Your shock wave and particle flow, Lu Bixing suddenly accelerated the mecha, "I am very unhappy with the alliance now, but except for the old man and the old lady who worry about the country and the people on the Venus, even the subordinates and juniors, can't lose their temper, and can't be in their Fucking rhetoric in front of me."


What did the civilization benchmark Teacher Lu just say? He rubbed his ears, suspecting that his ears should be overhauled.

The high-altitude enemy immediately caught his outlier little mecha. When Lu Bixing was about to get out of the mecha track, a cannonball came over. Lu Bixing suddenly turned around and turned a huge declination angle, then accelerated sharply and crashed into the enemy's position. middle.

The enemy was used to the wolves of Turan during this period of time, and he didn't expect that there was another person who didn't listen. In a hurry, at the same time, three or four mechas fired missiles at him, and Lu Bi walked in a very coquettish position. Passed through the two missiles, then turned off the power, and fired a high-energy particle cannon, which stunned the opponent's eyes. If the tracking missiles were not released, the missiles in both directions exploded into a ball and perished together.

Amid the noise of the mecha's high-energy alarm, on Saturday, Lu Bixing was heard gritting his teeth slightly and whispering, "How could they treat him like this."

At this time, the disturbed communication channel was restored, and Turan went crazy: "Lu Bixing! Come back to me!"

"Received," Lu Bixing turned around in front of the enemy's line. After turning around, he did not continue to show his strength. After quickly returning to the Self-Defense Forces, he connected his personal terminal to the military recorder and quickly read the various data collected just now. Data, "The performance of the anti-Ukrainian mecha is obviously better than ours, but the quality of the driver is average, and it lacks the ability to adapt to the battle - it is recommended to appropriately reduce the accuracy and weight of the missile, and sacrifice a little weapon quality to ensure the supply, Captain Turan Guard , is it acceptable?"

Turan said boldly: "Even if you give me a brick, I can just shoot them into their jets."

Lu Bixing went on to say: "I have already revised the drawings and manufacturing procedures of the primary mecha. From the original mecha production line, it is enough to allocate a little resource. How much I will produce will be based on the damage rate of the mecha, the number of new recruits and the productivity of the production line. Overall arrangement, but maybe even so, the ten silver guards will not be able to arrive, then I suggest to burn a 'firebreak' to come out."

Turan: "What do you mean?"

"It is to block the passage. In ancient times, in order to prevent forest and grassland fires, forest rangers usually burned the plants in a certain area in advance, and artificially created a fire belt without inflammables, so that if there was a fire in one direction, the fire reached the fire belt, It will stop spreading because of the lack of combustibles."

Turan and Saturday in the communication channel said in unison: "You mean the transition point?"

If starships and mechs are means of transportation, then the jump point is the road.

There is no transition point that can fold space, and the interstellar distance calculated in light-years is impossible to go to death. is a miracle created by all generations of people in the era of great navigation. It is on this basis that human beings can continue to explore the extension of space.

"Yes, the great transition point, since the last old ephemeris era, we have driven backwards for nearly a thousand years as if the level of collective cognition has stagnated, and all technology except entertainment and personal enjoyment. The level is going backwards, and it is still eating the old age of the great seafaring era." Lu Bixing whispered, "If it really can't last, we will withdraw a few planetary residents close to the front line in batches, and then detonate the transition point, put the eighth The galaxy becomes an island that you can't get in or get out of, so you don't get sick from it."

Everyone in the communication channel is collectively silent - blowing up a few transition points during a war is nothing, and it doesn't even affect the normal operation of the transition network. It can be repaired later, but Lu Bixing said that the bombing method is different. This is to be changed directly. "Landscape" of space.

It is clearly stipulated in the Alliance Space Act that this kind of behavior is considered to be a traitor to the Alliance and is a felony against humanity and society.

"No, no," the ex-smuggler stammered on Saturday. "Is this about starting a business and making the Eighth System extraterritorial?"

Lu Bixing asked politely, "Is there anything I can't do?"

"Should have done this a long time ago," Turan laughed heartlessly, "Mr. Lu, I like a talent like you who usually doesn't look for trouble, but makes a big deal when you do it. If you go back today, if the general asks you for trouble, I'll cover you!"

Lu Bixing smiled politely, without piercing the swollen cowhide of the captain of the guard.

"Captain of the guard, a large group of people was detected by remote scan."

"Today's astrology is unlucky," Turan scolded in a low voice, "Pay attention to covering the ground personnel and prepare to evacuate!"

The ground personnel of the temporary base were ready to evacuate as early as the air raid. Turan gave an order, and all the mechas that could take off took off in an orderly manner. The mecha that had not been repaired could only reluctantly be left behind, and Turan was so distressed that he was about to cry.

Her heart was dripping with blood, and her attack was especially ruthless. The few mecha scout teams that had been entangled just now were instantly smashed by her. However, after that, the heavy nets were pressed down, and a super-space-time heavy armor group of the anti-Ukrainian society suddenly appeared, and the small mecha of the forward was hit by the fine nets.

Turan: "Fuck, Mr. Lu, let's go first"

Communication disruption strikes again.

Lu Bixing frowned and felt the Jingwang tremble violently - the radiation range of the other party's heavy armor's fine net is too large, and this mecha is really a broken car, the man-machine interface is really unstable, at the moment of being invaded , the power system has failed again, and this mecha that was just overhauled has no backup power!

Immediately afterwards, the particle cannon swept the tail of his aircraft, and the mecha flew out along the particle cannon. The enemy immediately discovered the problem with his mecha and shot him.

It was too late for Turan to save him.

In the nick of time, Lu Bixing switched the traveling mecha to maintenance mode again when the man-machine interface was unstable, and he almost knelt down on Saturday.

The powerless mecha slammed into the missile in a straight line at a constant speed. A harsh alarm sounded in the mecha, and it reported calmly like a split: "The power system is trying to restart—"

With a "hum", on Saturday, thinking that they had hit the missile head on, he closed his eyes subconsciously.

At this moment, the power of the mecha was successfully restarted, and it turned sharply almost at the moment of recovery, passing by the missile.

The hanging heart on Saturday fell from the air: 'Too dangerous'

Before it fell to the chest, this thrilling operation directly caused the mecha heat sink to burn through, and the power was completely scrapped.


He felt he needed heart medicine.

"Alas," Lu Bixing sighed, "I can't say it earlier, I'm going to jump into the ecological cabin this time."

However, the enemy did not give him a chance to jump into the eco-pod, and he kept on chasing after him. The next moment, the mecha issued an energy alarm again—there was a violent energy reaction at the transition point in front of him, and there was a large-scale mecha in front, and they were blocked in the middle!

Afterwards, at high speed, it was impossible to see how many enemy troops were coming in front of them. The huge fishing net was stuck with a large amount of protective gas and hit him head on. The mecha-like gravity system failed, and both of them floated up.

On Saturday, I hurriedly connected to Jingwang as a backup driver, preparing to resist a wave of Jingwang attacks.

Lu Bixing thought in surprise: "Fan Wu will learn to capture alive?"

The powerless mecha, like a worm flying into a spider web, quickly fell into it and was forcibly braked. The next moment, the communication channel was restored, and Lu Bixing heard Turan scream: "General!"


Lin Jingheng, who suddenly fell from the sky, was beyond the expectations of both parties. The anti-Ukrainian party's fear of him was deep in his bones.

The battle turned upside down suddenly.

At the same time, the out-of-control small mecha was dragged into the heavy armored mecha platform by the fishing net, and Lu Bixing, who was floating, fell down together with Saturday. He heard Zhan Lu's familiar voice saying: "General Dai conveyed his greetings, Lu Bixing Principal, he said that you are a master of art and daring, you don't need to open armor in the future, you can paste a chariot with a can, and you can go to the sky with a 'two kicks'."

Lu Bixing got up, reluctantly flicked the ashes, disconnected the fine net, and jumped off the small mecha. The two medical cabins were already waiting at the door.

Lu Bixing: "I don't have to wait"

The medical cabin ignored his refusal, first obediently walked around him, and then unexpectedly stretched out a few medical restraint manipulators to sneak attack, forcibly tied him, and forcibly stuffed him into the medical cabin - just like when he was on an asteroid back then. The same thing he did to Lin Jingheng.

His legs trembled on Saturday, and he was so frightened that he hurriedly climbed into the medical cabin by himself: "I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself."

Lu Bixing: "Zhan Lu, I want to talk to him!"

Zhan Lu: "He refused."

Lu Bixing let out a breath: "Okay, then tell him I love him."

Zhan Lu was silent for a second, then relayed: "He said 'go away'."

Lu Bixing: "Then contact Captain Turan for me and let her explain to the general."

Zhan Lu was silent for a while, and then replied, "Captain Turan said he was hoarse and lost his voice."

Lu Bixing: ""

Which bastard just said to cover him!

Lu Bixing struggled to get a grip on the mechanical hand—medical restraint, a great mechanical force, even Lin Jingheng could hold him still, let alone him.

Lu Bixing thought for a while: "Zhan Lu, ask him for me, do you want to do whatever you want with me by tying me up like this?"

This time, Zhan Lu didn't answer, maybe he was silenced again. Then, the medical hatch came down, completely shutting Lu Bixing inside, and a mask fell down, covering his mouth.

"General," Turan said to Lin Jingheng on the communication channel, "the other party is starting to retreat."

"Chase," Lin Jingheng said, "until they are all shot down."

Turan: "But Mr. Lu just said to give him one more"

Her voice fell, and Zhan Lu suddenly interrupted: "Sir, a group of unknown armed forces is approaching from a remote scan."

Lin Jingheng frowned.

Turan immediately ordered: "The striker retreats temporarily!"

As soon as she finished speaking, a mecha team suddenly appeared behind the Anti-Ukrainian Society. At first glance, it looked like a powerful reinforcement force. Before Turan's forward could turn around, the newly unknown armed forces suddenly opened fire, and everyone Unexpectedly, they copied the back path of the Anti-Ukraine Society!

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