
Chapter 108: I only have you


"What's the situation?" Turan said inexplicably, "General, is this the reinforcement you brought?"

Without waiting for Lin Jingheng to answer, she denied the conjecture by herself: "Hey, he looks rich, definitely not."

"Tulan," Lin Jingheng said, "you lost your voice halfway through your performance, and you even took an intermission?"

Turan: ""

Lin Jingheng: "Don't care about them!"

They were chasing at the back, and the unknown armed forces who were new to the battle were blocking the front. The anti-Ukrainian meeting was blown up on the way to retreat. Unfortunately, the command ship was smashed to pieces. The remaining rabble lost their organization like flies. The Eight Galaxy Self-Defense Forces caught up from behind and shot them down one by one.

An anti-Ukrainian mech, who was panicking, was out of the group, trying to narrow his target. Before he could escape, Zhan Lu's fine net swept over, the driver dropped the line without a word, and the backup driver hurriedly After swarming up, desperately trying to retake Jingwang, Lin Jingheng directly used Jingwang to open the broadcast on the mecha: "Being a prisoner or want to die?"

Several backup drivers were stunned for a second, and then showed it with practical actions - they chose to die.

Outside the domain, where human civilization cannot reach, every planet there is not a habitable planet. These natural believers can only live in icy man-made bases, banished from the ocean and green land, facing the vast dependent universe.

People who haven't really struggled with faith and the universe will not understand their hysterical madness.

Lin Jingheng simply and neatly fulfilled them. When they counterattacked Jingwang, he directly remotely opened the powerful air pressure device on the mecha, and within a few seconds, all the air in the mecha could be drained. Several would rather die than surrender. The hero suddenly became a corpse with a burst of eyeballs and a tragic death, and the mecha was quickly caught by Chongsan.

After the new armed forces joined the battle, in just a short while, the anti-Ukrainian army was almost wiped out, and the remnants of the defeated army were wiped out. The Eight Galaxy Self-Defense Forces collided head-on with unknown armed forces.

On the opposite side, the super-space-time heavy armor of Yishui is so gorgeous that it can blind people. Compared with the two sides, the eight galaxy looks like a beggar gang traveling.

Neither of the two sides said anything first, so they were deadlocked.

"Sir," Zhan Lu said, "there is no 'gap' in the human-machine interface of some of the other mechas, and the human-machine matching degree is 100%. The driver is either artificial intelligence or a chip-modified human."

Is it the Pirates of the Freedom Corps

The doubts in Lin Jingheng's heart became heavier and heavier. He thought of the man-made space that sold "opium" that had been seized near Gloria Star.

Turan tried to send a communication request to the other party, but the other party did not answer.

Afterwards, the secret armed team was divided into two, the back team became the front team, and the first few mechas slowly withdrew from this passage. Under the eyes of Lin Jingheng and the others, they passed through the nearest transition point at a constant speed. Just left, the rest of the mecha remained motionless in place, staring at the Eight Galaxy Self-Defense Forces.

Turan: "Is this the space version of 'One Two Three Wood Men'? I think why don't you just give them a light hit?"

Lin Jingheng acquiesced to the violent element's suggestion, and Turan then fired a "gentle" high-energy particle cannon at the front mecha.

However, as the high-energy particle cannon disappeared from the shield, something even more strange happened - I saw that these motionless mechas suddenly handed over the fine net authority collectively!

From Jingwang's point of view, it is like a gust of wind blowing, and a candle is gradually extinguished.

A self-defense vanguard stepped forward carefully, took over the fine net of one of the mechas, and peeped into these strange mechas: "Report sir, the mecha is in good performance, and the arsenal is fully loaded."

Turan asked, "Where's the driver?"

Pioneer replied: "There is no sign of life in the mecha."

Zhan Lu interjected: "There is also no artificial intelligence to communicate."

Turan got goosebumps all over: "Who was the one who turned on the armor just now, ghost?"

+ -

It is indeed a ghost who opened the armor - they spent more than ten hours, the Self-Defense Force and the engineering team spared no effort, and even released Lu Bixing, who was locked in a small black room, like unpacking explosives, carefully these fifty The brand-new super-space-time heavy armor dismantling with good performance found a corpse on each heavy armor—when the corpse was pulled out, all of them were in a unified posture against the wall, and the cause of death was unknown.

It's like in the ancient ghost story, the soul was taken away by the collective in an instant.

Each corpse has a biochip on the back of the neck. The chip is very similar to "opium", but there are subtle differences. When it was taken out, the chip was completely inactivated and could not be detected.

And the mecha's arsenal is also as the pioneers who first landed said, except for the bombing of the anti-Ukraine will use up a little, almost all of them are fully loaded.

What is the concept of heavy armor

At that time, Lin Jingheng robbed the two spare material warehouses of Sister Smelly. For the sake of safety, he put all the important military supplies on a heavyweight, and it was almost not full.

Turan felt like she was dreaming. A day ago, she thought she was unlucky this time. She would lose more than a dozen small mechas that were being repaired and could not be launched. , an elite super-space heavy armored regiment fell from the sky and sent it!

These fifty heavy armors are very new, and their technical content is far from that of Lin Jingheng's old heavy three. It can be said that compared with the alliance Zhanlu of the year, it is only a smart mecha core - heavy armor is indeed Generally, they have their own artificial intelligence, but this batch of mechas has a strange origin. If there is artificial intelligence, Lin Jingheng and the others may not dare to use it with confidence.

Since the Eighth Galaxy currently does not have the ability to produce heavy armor, their existing heavy armor is seized through various channels, and the shabby pile of rubbish at home is gathered again and again, and there is no such a luxurious lineup.

Pirates of the Freedom Legion, they were like a bunch of clowns at first. I don’t know where to get a bunch of small broken mechas. The quality and appearance are uneven. Organizational cooperation seems to be particularly low-level. Compared with the other two major pirate forces, it is almost a grass-roots team of patchwork.

But every time they meet, the equipment of the Free Legion will climb a level. What is behind this leap-forward development, when you think about it, it is really creepy.

From the start of the war to the present, in just over a year, how far has opium raged within the alliance, so that this behind-the-scenes drug lord can make money like a nuclear explosion

"The previous space was shot down anyway, but now it's all for nothing." Lu Bixing moved up meanly, cheekily, pretending to have forgotten about Lin Jingheng's cold war with him, and asked without any words, "This secret The characters are very interesting, isn't it who has a crush on you? Who is it, do you know who it is?"

Lin Jingheng shook his head slowly, he thought of Laura Geddon.

The drug lord behind the opium must have a very close relationship with Laura and others, and there are not many such people.

Lin Jingheng was in the Alliance, and most of his daily contacts were with senior officials of the Military Commission. If it was one of them, he would definitely be able to find a way to get some equipment from the Alliance Military Factory, so that the Freedom Legion would not be so shabby at the beginning.

As for Laura, as the head of the White Tower, she nominally belongs to the Management Committee.

And between Lin Jingheng and the management committee, there has always been a lot of nonsense, and the only contact is

Lu Bixing found that his face was wrong. He was afraid that he would be thinking nonsense, so he wanted to make a joke and bring the topic over. He put his hand on Lin Jingheng's shoulder, tugged at his hair and chin with his fingertips, and said in his ear: "General, you look serious, it's not trivial to mess around with flowers, should you give me one?"

Lin Jingheng grabbed his wrist.

Lu Bixing was stunned, Lin Jingheng's fingers seemed to be embedded in his bones, there was no expression on his face, but his lowered eyes made people feel inexplicably uneasy, as if someone had taken a heavy whip on his soul through the flesh. .

Lu Bixing: "Lin, what's wrong?"

When Cyclops and Yu William went to contact their old comrades in the eight galaxy, they were betrayed by an old friend, and they were chased and killed by the Freedom Legion, who held a grudge because of the opium robbery.

One-eyed Eagle once said that he and the traitor had a life-and-death friendship. He once floated in the same space mech for more than fifty days. At that time, he mocked the one-eyed eagle and said wildly, saying that even if they lived together in a womb, it means that nothing.

He said it so coldly, so decisively, like he didn't regret it.

"I only have you." Lin Jingheng squeezed Lu Bixing's articular wrist, like a life-saving straw.

Eden test base, the Yang brothers and Lin Jingshu bid farewell.

"We didn't expect that the news would fall into the hands of the Glorious Legion first, and they used such a rude method." Poisson Yang said, "Since the matter of General Lin in the eighth galaxy is well known, our backup The center is meaningless, and we plan to join up with Baiyinsan as soon as possible and rush over."

Unexpectedly, Lin Jingshu didn't force them to keep them, and didn't mean to embarrass them, and even prepared supplies for them along the way.

"I have a camouflaged mecha. Now the eight galaxies are in chaos. Be careful on the road. I heard that you are the logistics and technical department. You shouldn't have to rush to the front line in a war, right? So walk slowly, you encounter a military blockade. Just take a detour, and be safe." Lin Jingshu instructed, paused for a moment, and then said, "My brother didn't do those things, I know, it will be fine."

These two sentences almost dispelled the twins' doubts about her.

"Yes," Thomas Yang reluctantly smiled at her, "it is an insult to associate General Lin's name with the pirate president, but some people deliberately frame it, and some people listen to the wind and rain. Miss Lin, the alliance is very important now. Dangerous, you really don't go with us? There are ghosts in the fortress of Angel City, you will be in danger."

Lin Jingshu shook her head and repeated lightly and word by word, "Didn't I say it, it will be fine."

The Yang brothers persuaded her repeatedly, but Lin Jingshu refused. In desperation, she could only leave by herself.

Just as they had just left, the Silver First Guardian, who was closest to the First Galaxy, received a remote reply.

"What did you say?" Lin Jingshu asked.

"I don't have any important information," a man in a white coat told her. "I just reported my coordinates, saying that I was rushing to the Eighth Galaxy. The original words were 'I was ordered to avoid the Little Hummingbird Fortress by the general, and we stopped at'. "

"Little Hummingbird Fortress," Lin Jingshu interrupted him, "what is that called?"

"General Yerif, Lu Xin's former department, some people say that he has always held a grudge against the Alliance."

"Oh, very good, then let him." Lin Jingshu lowered her head, as if ordering a random dish, "Lu Xin's old department was in a low position during the war, even my brother suspected it, Mei. Whether it was him or not, just Let him be the 'fuse' to light."

The white coat looked at her carefully: "Madam, in case he is innocent"

Lin Jingshu looked at him inexplicably and asked, "What does that have to do with me?"

The white coat choked for a moment, then lowered his head and raised his objection.

Lin Jingshu: "It's very hypocritical to get to the point where the soldiers are facing each other, but I'm still reluctant to tear my face. I'll be the bad guy who messes up the water."

"Ma'am, what about the city of Angels? They found the body of your guard and the traces of the fight on the scene. You are missing again, and now it has made urgent headlines."

Lin Jingshu narrowed her eyes: "Then I'll continue to 'disappear'."

At this time, the "Little Hummingbird" fortress had already moved to the aphelion position. Yerif returned to his mansion from the military base with a lot of thought, still thinking about the uproar these days.

For some reason, the voices of those people criticizing Lin Jingheng reminded him of what they said about Lu Xin back then.

Those people swear and say it with certainty. One of the most classic proofs is that Lu Xin got angry when he fought for the rights of the Eighth Galaxy and was frustrated. Go ahead!"

Lu Xin became famous too early, and he was in a high position at a young age. He was a little crazy, but he was not a fool who couldn't keep his mouth shut in public.

This is what he said when he was on a private starship while chatting with the adjutant in a supply in the civilian waterway. Because it was a private occasion, he drank some wine and kept his mouth open, and was caught by a passing service robot. The maintenance man heard.

The maintenance guy is a die-hard defender of the Declaration of Freedom, has participated in every righteous demonstration, and hated interstellar pirates as much as he hated his father-killer—though he never saw what a pirate looked like.

After hearing this, the maintenance man thought he had identified the wrong person at first, so he sneaked back and checked Lu Xin's customer identity information through the convenience of his work, only then did he dare to believe that he was the "Lu Xin". Shocked at the fact that the "backbone of the alliance" with a heavy hand was so politically incorrect, the defender was indignant and worried. After returning home, he cried bitterly all night. The next day, he gritted his teeth. Reported on the recording.

They said that Lu Xin betrayed the alliance and betrayed the faith.

They said that he was complacent, that his personal moral character could not keep up with his position, that his ambition was inflated, that he controlled the Military Commission, and that he also tried to control the Union Parliament and turn the Union into his own home.

They also said that he put on a show and showed his affection to the public every day. In fact, his marriage with his wife had already existed in name only. After so many years, everyone played their own way. The marriage rate in the new star calendar era has dropped to 15%. For the two hundred and fifty people who played marriage and family under the impulse, they all ended up going their separate ways. What is a "hundred-year-old companion" who advertises himself as a family-focused person all day long, do you believe it when you say this shit

What could be a greater victory than exposing the man on the altar, pulling him down and stepping on ten thousand feet

What better expression of the majesty and fearlessness of truth

"Pour me a glass of vodka," Yerif said vaguely to his guard. "By the way, ask if the thermostat in the fortress is broken? It's fucking cold."

The guard replied: "Sir, the real-time temperature shows 24c, and there is no abnormal change. Do you need the medical cabin to check your body?"

"No," Yerif said grumpily, "go away, I want vodka."

The guard brought the wine obediently, poured him a glass, Yerif took a sip, the pungent smell of alcohol rushed to his forehead, but he suddenly noticed that the guard in front of him was an unfamiliar face, Yerif took the small sip. The wine spit out and pushed the glass forward: "Go and add ice cubes to me, you were not a member of the Guards before, right?"

"No," the guard said calmly, "I used to be a security guard at the base. Recently, someone in your Guard Corps called for sick leave. I spent money to clear the relationship before I squeezed in."

When he said this, Yerif was also a little impressed, vaguely remembering the young guards who saluted him at the gate of the base every day, so he relaxed a little: "What time is it, I still want to use these messy methods to climb up. , wouldn't it be good to earn some military exploits in a down-to-earth manner?"

The guard replied, "It's better to be your personal guard because of your military exploits. It's safe, has a high starting point, and can be familiar in front of the officer."

"I annoy you speculators with some stinky money at home the most," Yerif waved his hands with a sullen face, "Don't go the right way."

The guard smiled good-naturedly, added ice to his wine, and did not refute.

Yerif gave him a deep look, and with the help of the wine glass, he quietly opened his personal terminal, scanned the face of the young guard in front of him, and seemed to casually ask: "What is your family doing to bribe the superior with so much spare money? "

The guard answered vaguely: "Business."

Yerif lowered his eyes, quickly scanned the transferred files, extended his voice "Oh", and quietly sent an alarm: "What business?"

The guard raised his head, his eyes just collided with Yerif's. The guard's eyes were cold, and his pupils were not quite right. He looked unnatural, like a cold-blooded animal.

"Chip," he spat out two words, "General, don't you drink your wine?"

On Yerif's personal terminal, the file called "Orphan, date of birth unknown" is marked next to the photo of the young guard's ID card.

Yerif suddenly pulled the gun from his waist and shot the guard's knee: "Fart!"

Although Yerif is not a thing, but he has fought for many years, and he has it. It is impossible to miss such a shot at close range. He wants to make the opponent lose his ability to move and continue to ask questions. Who knows that the guard was shot in the knee, but it was only the original The ground shook for a while, and it didn't move!

He even looked down at the trouser leg with a big hole, picked up his trousers and shook it lightly, walking towards Yerif without restraint.

Yerif was taken aback: "What the hell are you?"

The guard smiled without saying a word, his twisted expression was very strange, and he approached him step by step. Yerif had goosebumps all over his body and fired several shots at the opponent, and at the same time he couldn't help but look at his personal terminal again— It stands to reason that his bodyguard should arrive within two seconds after receiving the alarm, but

"Don't look at it, General, your signal can't be sent out, and the surveillance cameras won't capture anything."

Yerif has been retreating to the corner: "Who are you from? The Anti-Ukraine Society? The City of Angels? Or the president of the Glorious Corps?"

The guard's face was slowly deformed and twisted, and turned into another completely different face. Countless people and countless surveillance cameras at the Little Hummingbird Base didn't even notice: "This question, you can ask hell, goodbye."

Assassination is the last bottom line for the complete collapse of modern civilization.

Three hours later, changing guards found Yerif's body.

Traces and surveillance on the body show that before he died, he had fired frantically at the empty office, shouting something like crazy, and then shot himself in the temple.

It is known from his medical records that Yerif was a heavy drinker and took a lot of emotional drugs during his lifetime. The conflict between alcohol and emotional drugs was the main factor that caused his madness, and there were a lot of call records in his personal terminal. The caller is the Grand President of the Legion of Glory.

The news came out, and almost at the same time, Anklu of the seventh galaxy received it through a special channel.

At this time, Anluo was almost in front of Lin Jingheng—

At the beginning of September, under the situation of internal and external troubles in the Eighth Galaxy, a super-space-time heavy armor group was suddenly obtained from nowhere. Like a salted fish, it suddenly hit the Anti-Ukraine Society all the way to the Eighth Galaxy, and the Anti-Ukraine Society could only Asking the headquarters for help, the matter has come to this point, there is no other way but to increase the troops.

At the same time, the Eight Stars dispatched a large number of military mechas and began to evacuate the residents near the battle front.

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