
Chapter 112: Don't worry, I have to


"We have calculated that Venus and several surrounding satellites alone are enough to accommodate a population of 600 million. This immigration is nothing. 3D construction printers have been working around the clock these days, and 16 units have been blown up due to overheating. , All of them have been sent back to the repair shop. The immigrants are still resting on the satellite transit. Their personal terminals will be included in the Qixing social security system. If everything goes well, it will be completed in a week. Qualifications, Mr. Lu, it's worse than your engineering team, the engineering department."

"The engineering department needs a lot of people. Anyone who wants to come can come. It can be arranged. Certificates and academic qualifications are not required. However, professional qualifications are still required. Just relax the principle of entering and exiting strictly, and remind them for me that there is no high salary during the training period, only low security, it is better to be the secretary of the chief and make more money, let everyone think about it."

Chief Edward's secretary said on the video call, "Bah!"

The anti-Ukraine meeting, which was pressing step by step, finally died because of Anklu's temporary change, and the Eight Galaxy was able to breathe for a moment.

The transition points on the periphery have been equipped with blasting devices, like the torches that the ancients were ready to burn the hemp rope of the suspension bridge at any time, just in case.

Lin Jingheng personally escorted Mr. Lu, who loves to join the front line, back to Qixing.

The mecha slowly entered the atmosphere, and after passing through the clouds, the ground could be seen with the naked eye.

The construction printers filled the planned residential areas in swarms with high efficiency, and the rows of small buildings rose quickly. Lin Jingheng remembered that when he left, many places were still wasteland and ruins. At this time, the ground had been leveled, and groups of robots were building roads in full swing. The color of these small buildings is very maddening, it is an incomprehensible macaron color, which is fresh and lively matched with the chilling Galaxy City military base not far away, like a bunch of lively and ugly little mushrooms, very comedy color.

Lu Bixing: "Who did this? It's too disturbing to the city's appearance. From the sky, it looks like a layer of leather moss has been spread."

The secretary-general replied: "Ling Zun."

Lin Jingheng raised one eyebrow habitually: "Is the old Persian cat's girl's heart still alive? It's been hundreds of years since he wore different eyes to the present."

Lu Bixing: ""

Lin Jingheng glanced at him out of the corner of his eyes, and said, "You father and son are unreliable, it's hereditary, and you lack a dog leash at critical moments."

Lu Bixing was also happy when he was running, and listened with a smile. Lin Jingheng raised his hand and was about to say something. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Chief Edward's winless secretary who was listening with relish, so he swallowed it back and poked Lu Bixing on the shoulder with a frown. , turned his head and told Zhan Lu: "Docking the track, test the key, and prepare to land!"

The heavy armor made a light "hum" sound, as if it were also very happy.

"We're back!" Lu Bixing cheered, shouting to the base's communication in the loud noise, "Does the chief miss me?"

There was something in Lin Jingheng's heart, and he moved slightly with his "back" sound.

He found himself able to trace the landmarks of the Galactic City base, the arc of the docking track and the little bumps in the docking, as soon as he closed his eyes.

From the mecha to the command post, out of the hall, it is a path paved with stones, and when Zhan Lu reported "successful docking", the soles of his shoes seemed to feel the touch of those small stones.

Gun smoke and artillery fire suddenly distanced themselves from him.

This is a strange feeling to Lin Jingheng. He was not familiar with the so-called "mansion" of Votto, and he couldn't understand without a navigation robot, and the Silver Fortress he was stationed in back then was the throat of the Alliance, with a sense of tension, and he never brought it to him. Come to a relaxed sense of belonging.

The next moment, Chief Edward's roar came from the communication: "Why did you go to the front line again?! Don't you mean to stay in the immigration satellite!"

Lu Bixing fooled him casually: "I was receiving immigrants in the satellite transit. It was General Lin and the others who came back and took me back by the way, right Lin?"

The chief did not dare to be too rude to Lin Jingheng, coughed dryly, and was about to die.

Just listen to General Lin demolished on the spot: "Bullshit."

Lu Bixing: ""

Chief: "Lu Bixing!"

President Edward is getting old, and he can't talk anymore. He asked the mecha to send and receive all broadcasts. One by one, the loudspeakers chased and ran after Lu Bixing. He sprayed wherever he went. Regardless of the severity, it's just how irresponsible he, the "Chairman of the Special Committee", is.

The commander-in-chief sank into his dantian, and his voice was like a bell: "When you represent the eighth galaxy, your life is not only your own, it also belongs to all citizens! Look at your virtues, you are like an unreliable young man. what!"

Lu Bixing spread his hands: "But I'm just an unreliable young man, Commander, how did you realize this problem?"

Chief Edward was choked up by him, and decided to chat with the young man's father, the one-eyed eagle. The old man angrily opened the window of the contact, just in time to catch a glimpse of the cheerfully colored buildings in the distance.

If it weren't for the fact that the chief himself was so poor, he would have wanted to allocate money to Cyclops so that he could treat his eyes with special funds.

The corners of Lin Jingheng's eyes were slightly bent, and he turned and walked towards the command post, but was caught by Lu Bixing, who caught up with him and grabbed his elbow.

Lin Jingheng: "What?"

Lu Bixing said seriously: "You promised me."

"Promise you what, leash?"

Lu Bixing involuntarily dragged him to the other direction, bypassing the mecha, but at some point in time, a mecha car passage was built.

As the "king of the ground", the mecha car runs on the ground and can run at supersonic speed. In the past, there was a large uninhabited field between the Galaxy City and the base. They drove the mecha car out for a walk. After a little bit of rest, the city is quite decent. Of course, it is no longer possible to drive such a big killer through the city. In a non-emergency war situation, the mecha car needs a dedicated closed track.

Lin Jingheng: "What is this?"

"Special train." Lu Bixing said, "The unarmed people working in the base have to go home after get off work, and the new government members of Galaxy City often have to run between the base and the government, so we have planned a special shuttle train, come, come up."

He said, took Lin Jingheng's hand and pressed it on the fingerprint reader, and entered Lin Jingheng's identity information on the small platform of the mecha car. A mecha car immediately rose from the ground and automatically opened the door.

"This track goes directly to the main urban area of Galaxy City. Running on the track is a little faster than running in the wild. It only takes 12 minutes and 6 seconds to reach the end point," Lu Bixing said, "but we will not go to the main urban area today."

When his voice fell, the mecha car slowly started, increased to the highest speed after a minute, and then slowly decreased to a stop, just following the track and stopped on another stage.

Lu Bixing: "Come with me."

Outside the mecha car platform is a residential area. The short one is a bungalow, and the taller one has two or three floors. The streets between the small buildings are regular and pedestrian roads. Motor vehicles are prohibited from entering. The flower beds on both sides are already covered with decorative flowers. Plants, scorchingly preparing for a bloom.

There is a stone-carved door number at the entrance of this residential area, which reads: Galaxy City Military Base Accommodation Area.

"My dad didn't design this piece." Lu Bixing said, "This is the first military base accommodation area. If the garrison of the Galaxy City headquarters increases in the future, we need to build more. From here to the base mecha station, the aircraft A car only takes one minute and fifty-six seconds, which is about the time it takes you to walk from the command post."

Lin Jingheng: "One minute and fifty-six seconds? I'm not lame."

Lu Bixing stopped helplessly, looked back at Lin Jingheng's cold face, waved at him, motioned for him to put his ear, then leaned to his ear, bit his ear and said, "If you keep your nose like this, it's not your nose or your eyes, I'll just do it. I'm going to insult you on the street."

Lin Jingheng gave him a cool look—you dare.

Lu Bixing: "I don't dare, then why don't you insult me."

Lin Jingheng pushed his face away, and Lu Bixing slowed his tone and reasoned with him: "The best engineers need to have first-hand information at close range, and every time they pass on it, the amount of information and its true accuracy will change. There will be a discount, doesn't your silver third guard have to go to the front line in person before?"

Lin Jingheng was unmoved: "When did the third silver guard recruit you?"

Lu Bixing felt that this person was unreasonable, always shifting the focus and secretly changing concepts, so he was speechless, so he had to pinch his chin and kiss him on the side of the face.

"Go away, don't do this." Lin Jingheng leaned back, "Why don't you say hello to me and go to the front privately?"

Lu Bixing pretended to be stupid: "What? At that time, Captain Turan called the maintenance engineering team urgently, didn't he say hello to you? Hey, don't, why are you frowning like this? I'm also worried about you, if I can't personally experience the lack of frontline What, how to solve the problem, how to give you timely support in the event of a fight, how to protect you?"

Lin Jingheng seemed to have been stabbed in the heart by him, and was speechless for a while.

"Let's talk about something in the future. When I'm angry, am I as cold as you are? Don't you think you're unreasonable?"

Lin Jingheng nodded expressionlessly: "Think, so what, the first day you met me?"

Said, he grabbed Lu Bixing's collar, like moving a big pillar in the way, picked him up and put him aside, and continued to walk along the path.

Lu Bixing caught a glimpse of his red ears, and held back his smile: "Hey, do you know which building it is? How can it seem like you know Lu, you really know it."

Although Lin Jingheng came here for the first time, he did not get lost, because from a distance, he saw the strange shape of the innermost building. To the left and the right of the courtyard entrance, there were two iron-clad dancing robots like stone lions. The robots were unremarkable. I don't know if it was Lu Bixing who made it with the cans or what, with a hip-hop vibe all over his body.

On the top of the robot's head, there is a wooden sign surrounded by eternal flowers, which reads: Home of General Lin and Engineer 001.

General Lin's long-lasting cold war ability suddenly broke at this moment. The two dancing robots twisted a samba in front of him with their heads and tails wagging. He grabbed a small petal from the inside, held it in the palm of the iron sheet, and brought it to Lin Jingheng. The robot on the right politely took off its head and "showed off his head" to him. In his chest, Lu Bixing's recording issued: "Welcome home. ."

Lu Bixing came over from behind him and said with a stern face, "I had someone bring all your things over, and you promised to come and live with me."

Lin Jingheng's tense face finally softened, and he sighed helplessly.

Lu Bixing observed his words and expressions, immediately put his nose on his face, and whistled. The two dancing robots moved when they heard the sound. Unexpectedly, the waves went too far this time. One of them had a stronger hand and pulled off his partner's weak arm. , A cluster of small sparks burst out from the chest of the broken arm dancing robot, which short-circuited on the spot and became a repeater. It started to play "Welcome Home" on a loop. Lu Bixing hurriedly rushed up and dragged his disgraceful "subordinate" Go for repairs.

Lin Jingheng: ""

Is Engineer 001 reliable? Are the mechas repaired by him okay

"I've also prepared the docking port for the home electronic housekeeper. When Zhan Lu comes in, it can be connected automatically. Where's Zhan Lu?"

"On the mecha," Lin Jingheng said, "I'll send you back and leave as soon as you land. It's necessary to get in touch with Ankru, but I always think he's not."

Without saying a word, Lu Bixing threw himself onto the sofa.

Lin Jingheng subconsciously stretched out his hand to protect him, stumbled half a step and fell into the sofa. The sofa is made of a deformable material, and its hardness can be changed at any time with the owner's sitting posture - if the person sitting on it is sitting upright, the sofa will It will become flat and straight, and if someone rolls on it, it will immediately become as soft and deformable as a water bed, which can wrap people tightly and sink deep into it.

Lu Bixing: "What did you say you were going to do soon?"

Lin Jingheng replied with a steely will: "To go to the war zone, I need to arrange a guard post."

Lu Bixing narrowed his eyes slightly, licked his lips, leaned down, gently grabbed a strand of hair in front of his eyes, and turned it to the side, his breath fell slightly, evoking a familiar and unfamiliar feeling, Lu Bixing: "Let's talk about it. Again, what are you going to do now?"

Lin Jingheng: "Don't make trouble, I still have to"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Lu Bixing suddenly came over and licked his lips lightly. Lin Jingheng held his breath subconsciously, feeling that he seemed to be carrying some kind of toxin, which pierced his sensitive lips and spread from the net opened, instantly paralyzing his hands and feet.

Lu Bixing looked at him with a wicked smile: "Okay, sir, can you spare me a night from your busy schedule? The medical cabin medical certificate says that I am severely deficient in vitamin Lin Jingheng. If I don't replenish it in time, there will be Dangerous to life."

General Lin has lived so much, he has never seen such a way, and before he can organize an effective defense, he has already been defeated like a mountain.

He deeply felt that it was necessary for Eighth Star to issue a management regulation against illegal coquetry.

The war on the edge of the eight galaxies was briefly extinguished, and the night in the Galaxy City was gentle and quiet. The people who were active in the square after get off work gradually dispersed, and the small vendors along the street were chatting with each other to close their stalls and go home. The stone statue of Lu Xin watched them quietly. There was a row of flowers under his feet, which was a tribute to the Egret star a few days ago. Left behind by dead compatriots, eyes fixed on the direction the eighth sun rises every day.

Three days later, Lin Jingheng had just signed the finalized management plan for the war zone sentry, and before he had time to explore Anklu's bottom line, Anklu voluntarily threw an olive branch from the seventh galaxy—

"General, they made a long-distance communication request, hoping to connect to the Eight Galaxy Intranet and establish contact with us. The Seventh Galaxy Central Army also officially sent a friendly letter."

Lin Jingheng frowned.

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