
Chapter 120: The long winter of the eighth galaxy


Lu Bixing felt that he had a big upside-down dream, there was no plot, but in the dream, he seemed to have returned to the years when he was involuntarily everywhere when he was young, and his limbs were tied by invisible ropes.

He feels that he is a person who is not too extreme and not too persistent. In his nature, he has a little briskness that can go with the flow. No matter what happens, he always has a way to make himself think a little bit. Such a beastly dream.

In the dark, but it seems that something is urging him uneasy, wake up quickly, wake up quickly

Lu Bixing struggled, suddenly, something seemed to fall behind him, he was free, Lu Bixing turned back, and saw that what had just bound him was a monument raised by a huge stone, it fell down suddenly, and the ground turned into dust, he was a little horrified, I don't know what this means, but I didn't have time to think about it in my dream, and I could run forward—

The strong light pierced into his pupils, and his feet fell to the ground.

The medical cabin has repaired his split nails, and neutralized the anesthetics that he could not fully metabolize. It stands to reason that his body is in the best condition, but for some reason, Lu Bixing felt that his heart was beating very fast, and his chest That little space was not enough, his heart was pounding to and fro, and his chest was so tight that he wanted to vomit.

"Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu is awake!"

Lu Bixing suddenly raised his head and found himself in the ground command of Galaxy City.

"Mr. Lu." Turan appeared in the communication video in front of him. She seemed to be in a moving mecha, with a look of gunpowder on her face.

When Lu Bixing saw her, the memory of the fragment became clear immediately, the blue veins on his forehead jumped violently, and the clay figurine also had a three-point earthiness. Besides, he was only relatively cultivated, not really without any temper.

But he was still not used to speaking ill of people, so he just stared at Turan coldly.

Turan didn't know where to start, but when she opened her mouth, she subconsciously avoided the main point: "When the refugees were evacuated just now, the mecha where the commander was working had a small malfunction, and he entered the medical cabin due to a concussion. A full scan revealed a tumor in his brain"

Lu Bixing frowned: "Is it serious?"

"Fortunately," Turan's voice was very soft, her brows lowered and her brows were almost restrained, not like a female general, but like a little nurse on her first day at work, "a minor operation can solve it, but the chief has been in bad health. I'm getting old again, I'm afraid I'll be bedridden for a while, I hope you can act as the chief temporarily"

Turan actually used honorifics, and Lu Bixing felt a "squeak" in his heart, interrupting her: "How long have you brought me down? The chief is back, what about Lin?"

Turan was dumbfounded.

Lu Bixing looked at her for a moment, then stood up abruptly. At this moment, in the communication video, Turan's mecha sounded an alarm: "Energy warning, energy warning—"

"Captain of the guard, their back road is blocked, and they are going to jump over the wall in a hurry. They may want to force a breakthrough!"

"Sudden your mother!" Turan, who was still whispering just now, suddenly changed his face, showing blood, "Pirates don't die, you die!"

"Captain of the guard, a quarter of a sailing day away, the Pirate Pioneer is charging towards us."

Turan just didn't know how to face Lu Bixing, but the sudden emergency battle almost saved her life, so she immediately threw herself into the battle: "Received, firepower is ready, Fourth Army - Foucault leads people to guard the transition point" 573'”

Lu Bixing got up, pushed away the guards who were following him, and directly used his authority to call up all the orders recorded in the command center.

He swept through the chaotic battle reports at a glance - a large number of refugees from the seven galaxies entered, Lin Jingheng ordered the detonation of the transition point, the secret channel coordinates that had never been used were leaked, and the anti-Ukraine pirates fell from the sky

The anti-Ukrainian will come too fast. When breaking into the secret waterway, there are only two small patrols of the weasel and the one-eyed eagle. There are only 28 small mechas and two medium mechas in total. These two patrol teams will be brutal. The intruder dragged on for twenty minutes, waiting for reinforcements, and now almost all of them have lost contact

In order to stop the pirates from coming, on Saturday, he took the patrol he was in charge of, a total of 14 mechas, broke into the pirate camp, and detonated the secret channel with his own mecha.

Lu Bixing's speed has always been like a superman, but at this time, he clearly knows all those words, but he can't understand the meaning.

He had to keep the words, word by word, to analyze the subject, predicate and object of the sentence—

One-eyed eagle lost contact.

Secret waterway detonated on Saturday



So, what about Lin Jingheng

"Mr. Lu!" The guard hugged him.

Lu Bixing was like a dead artificial intelligence. After struggling twice, he couldn't get rid of the guard's hand, so he subconsciously smiled politely at the other party.

The guard was so frightened by his smile: "Do you need a tranquilizer?"

Lu Bixing thought blankly: what can I do? I have to do something.

"Don't take tranquilizers," he said in a low voice, as if he didn't know what he was talking about. He just answered incoherently following other people's voices. "Don't you want to ask me to do something temporarily?"

Turan on the other side of the communication video didn't dare to look at him, so he ordered: "Fire!"

The anger of the entire eighth galaxy seemed to be pouring out with her order. The pirates who were trying to break through hit the head, and immediately they were able to dodge in the opposite direction. They were blocked by Foucault who was waiting there. The sandwich biscuits in the cannon fire.

Isn't it said that the elites of the eighth galaxy have been almost folded

Doesn't it mean that there are only recruits recruited from the people in a hurry

The anti-Ukrainian pirates who accidentally fell into the eight galaxies will probably not be able to figure out until their death, why these ruffians who were born in the land, wish they could not even read the words before enlisting in the army, can be banned like the regular army.

He was able to fight for his life like a desperado, as if there was no way out.

"Mr. Lu, you"

"Pick up the engineering department for me." Lu Bixing finally found a clue with difficulty. He was like a child who was afraid of ghosts while walking at night. With a flashlight, he just followed the road under his feet, left and right. , didn't even dare to glance at it, "Please pay attention to the engineering department, it's me, please help me to confirm whether all the refugee starships have landed, if not, contact the bases and let them land at the nearest place immediately, centralized management, twenty Within an hour, the entire galaxy will be banned from air. The engineering department should use the communication channel key of our army's internal personnel as a benchmark. All UFOs that cannot pass the key will be marked down. Since the eighth galaxy is a closed environment, a Pirate mechs can't let go either."

"Accept the social security management department." Lu Bixing gestured to the guard, and the social security management department quickly connected.

Lu Bixing: "How many refugees are from the seventh galaxy, give me an approximate number."

"Mr. Lu, it is roughly estimated that there are more than 800 million people."

"Okay," Lu Bixing nodded, "Give me a personal information collection and entry plan as soon as possible, and start this work immediately after the air ban is lifted. At the same time, I need you to provide more than three alternative resettlement plans for subsequent discussions. ."

The guard said frightenedly, "Mr. Lu, you really don't need to take a break."

"The chief asked me to act for him, I can't lose the chain," Lu Bixing said lightly, he held this sentence as if he was holding his golden rule and life guidelines like a life-saving straw, "Financial Are you and the person in charge of the planning department injured? If not, please come and see me immediately. The emergency closure of the eighth galaxy means that in the future we can only be self-sufficient, and our own economic ecology is vulnerable to a single blow. 800 million people"

He said this, as if he had finally opened his mind. He felt that the entire eighth galaxy was heavy on him. There were so many things to consider and solve that he couldn't sit still. Lu Bixing took a deep breath and suddenly Get up: "Don't follow me, please give me something to mention, strong tea, coffee, soothing agent, anything."

The emergency in the eighth galaxy brought a series of chain reactions. Lu Bixing didn't even have the time to sit down and take a sip of water. He spun around between the departments that were frightening and foolish, mobilizing everyone in a daze, following him, Focus on the problem at hand as if nothing had happened.

until twenty hours later.

The bombing of the transition point on Saturday was very timely, and most of the main pirates were blocked. The Engineering Department and the angry Self-Defense Force joined forces to clean up the people who broke into the eighth galaxy. task within.

"Mr. Lu." The communications soldier called him.

Lu Bixing sighed on one ear, and on the other ear there was a headset for contacting the conference room next door: "What?"

"Captain Turan Guards replied, the pirates have been cleared"

Lu Bixing didn't wait for the signal soldier to speak, and ordered like an inertia: "I see, clean up the battlefield, don't let the wreckage leave a safety hazard to the waterway in the galaxy, escort the prisoners to the first prison, and report our casualty list as soon as possible."

When he said this, it seemed that a small stone suddenly fell from his heart, and there was a "crack" sound.

Lu Bixing vaguely realized something, raised his head blankly, and glanced at the complicated communication soldier.

When submitting the list of our casualties, I always feel that there is a monster hidden in this sentence.

He thought: Did I forget something

"Mr. Lu, Captain Turan wants to talk to you."

Lu Bixing nodded, and Turan reappeared in the communication video of the command post.

She took off the hat. Turan's hair was naturally soft, and the short hair was a little slumped by the military cap. This was the reason why she hated short hair. In the past, General Lin disliked her wasting time on such boring things. He always criticized her personal image and forced her to cut it short, which probably won't happen in the future.

In the future, even if she keeps her hair on her heels, no one will say she looks like a monster.

Turan's eyes were bloodshot and his lips were chapped. After 20 hours, he faced Lu Bixing again.

Then Tulan pressed the military cap on his forearm and placed it flat on his side: "Mr. Lu, we have received accurate information that the first two patrols that were attacked and dragged down the pirates, and those who broke into the pirate camp, The team that blew up the transition point has been wiped out, and we have collected the wreckage."

Lu Bixing's eyes moved slightly.

Turan: "Mr. Lu, I'm sorry, I"

"Oh," Lu Bixing nodded slowly, like a robot with a rusted neck, "I see, you mean Saturday, weasel, and more."

Who else is coming? He had seen it just now, but he couldn't remember anything.

"And the one-eyed eagle."

Lu Bixing was shocked and suddenly widened his eyes blankly.

Turan said the name, and simply broke the jar and smashed: "There is one more thing, I didn't have time to tell you, General Lin accidentally lost contact with us on the way to retreat, and when the pirates from outside the territory suddenly invaded the eighth galaxy, We have received news that Zhan Lu in your family is dead."

In the command post, everyone held their breaths and nervously waited for Lu Jixing's response. They were afraid that he would collapse, so they were ready to pounce on him and put him in the medical cabin as soon as possible.

But after waiting for five minutes, Lu Bixing didn't respond, he still kept his original posture, and even said very calmly to another conference room in the headset: "Sorry, you wait for me a moment."

Everything that happened in these forty-eight hours was devastating enough to pierce a person's essence into a thousand holes, but they all happened together, so a bed of nails was woven, The person lay flat on it, but because the force was evenly applied, he was temporarily unharmed.

As long as he doesn't move around, don't think deeply, and doesn't break this micro-balance.

Tulan suspected that he didn't understand her words at all in this state, so she said "long pain is worse than short pain", she simply pointed out: "Mr. Lu, the coordinates of the secret channel are exposed, we infer that General Lin and the others are likely to be on their way to retreat. , was accidentally ambushed by the Anti-Ukraine Society”

Lu Bixing interrupted her suddenly: "Wait, what did you just say? Zhan Lu is dead?"

Turan opened his mouth.

Lu Bixing seemed to be sleepwalking: "How can he crash at this time? There are many things that need to be handled by him. I have to go and see."

Said, turned around and left.

Turan hurriedly winked at the signal soldiers next to him: "Still stunned, where is the medical cabin!"

The communications soldier scrambled to adjust the medical cabin. The others didn't know whether to knock out the acting chief directly when they saw Lu Bixing who was striding out before reaching the door. Holding the door frame, still unable to maintain balance, he knelt down like this, his knees hit the floor heavily, and there was a muffled sound.

"Mr. Lu!"

"It's nothing, suddenly my feet are soft." Lu Bixing whispered to himself, "It's strange."

He grabbed the door frame and tried to get up, but then he fell back again, and he became a strange muscle weakness, his hands and feet were as stiff as puppets, and he couldn't handle those joints.

"I'm sorry," Lu Bixing said almost inaudibly to the person who came to help him, "I don't know what's going on either."

Turan cut off the communication out of tolerance.

From this day, the long winter of the eighth galaxy began.

The hope of relying on external material support has been cut off, the refugees need to be resettled, and the people are more and more panic.

As the economy in the galaxy became more difficult, all social conflicts also erupted, and the resistance of the aborigines to refugees reached a peak, and even a small-scale armed conflict with each other.

The Self-Defense Forces were scrambling to put out fires everywhere, and in the process, the stockpiles of nutrient needles approached the cordon.

The sensitive descendants of the smugglers in the Eighth Galaxy immediately noticed that something was wrong, the currency that had just been circulated by the people was resisted again, and the market degenerated back to the stage of bartering.

Then, a large number of fake and shoddy nutritional needles were created by some "smart people" and entered the market. The market order was once again dealt a devastating blow, and then the grain storage was in a hurry.

The eighth galaxy has experienced the era of Prince Gloria, and it is the only place that has experienced the pain of hunger for nearly ten thousand years. Nutritional needles and nutritional creams are government credit. On this isolated island, turmoil and unrest have emerged one after another.

In the following days, Lu Bixing was exhausted every day. He had to report to the command center on time. He had to keep his mind quick, emotionally stable, and organized. He had to shoulder the burden left by Chief Edward. Contrary to the muddy style of life he had always used before, he began to act both softly and hard, and even on a few occasions, he allowed armed suppression.

After get off work, he goes home alone, closes the door, and ignores anyone except for urgent official summons and cut off all communications.

At the door of "General Lin and Engineer 001's home", the two dancing robots were rusted and no one took care of them. They have become two pieces of scrap metal. One day the lawn robot was wet with rain, and the program went wrong, and it would only be in one place every day. Going around in circles, one side of the small courtyard is barren, and the other is tall, like a haunted house. Lu Bixing neither cares nor repairs, he goes in and out every day as if turning a blind eye, and when weeds grow on the gravel road, he steps on it by himself.

Turan was always afraid that he would die alone in the room without saying a word, and tremblingly sent guards to patrol around every day, using infrared rays to peep at any time to see if he was still alive.

A month later, President Edward, who was bedridden, was finally discharged from the hospital. That day, Lu Bixing happened to be on a business trip on an alien trip, and Turan came to pick up the boss and be discharged from the hospital.

As soon as she entered the door, she felt a chill in her heart-because she met several doctors walking out of the ward of the boss.

In the era of medical automation, there is only one situation where human doctors are needed, that is, machines and fixed procedures cannot handle it.

"Captain of the guard," Chief Edward had put on his casual clothes and tidied himself up, looking like he was about to be discharged from the hospital, "It's been a tough time, you've lost weight."

"I haven't lost weight, but my body fat has dropped a bit," Turan said. "I've been training myself a bit more recently."

The boss looked at her unexpectedly.

Turan: "I am actually quite lazy. I used to take routine training as my job, and I didn't understand the general. I thought, if I were the boss, no one would care about me, and no one would set my training volume. Just in the command center with Erlang's legs crossed and giving orders, watching others sweat like rain, how cool it is."

"now what?"

"The biggest enjoyment every day now is to go to the training ground, because when you are training physical fitness, your mind is naturally blank." Turan smiled wryly, and then asked, "Chief, I just saw a few doctors leaving here, you still okay?"

"Sit down." Chief Edward nodded at her without answering, but instead asked, "How about it must be done?"

"Not so good," Turan sighed, "I asked that little White to secretly find out what he was doing when he was free. White said that he was trying to repair the Zhanlu system backed up at his home, and he would do it when he was free. , go to sleep in the medical cabin on time every day, use medicine to precisely control what time he goes to bed and what time he wakes up, so as to maintain the best health condition. He has not asked General Lin's whereabouts until now, and he has not inquired about his father's last words, secrets The investigation report on the cause of the leak of the channel coordinates has been sent to him for more than ten days. The system shows that he has seen it, but he doesn't mention a word, he doesn't ask for accountability, and he doesn't mention how to deal with the matter on Saturday. It seems that he even forcibly released me that day. I have forgotten everything about him, I don't have anything to let him make up his mind now, so I don't dare to talk to him."

Chief Edward said: "When he comes back, let him have time to come and sit with me. I may not have much time."

Turan: "It's not just a brain tumor, the surgery isn't done"

Chief Edward said calmly: "My gene chain has a 'Bop' reaction, and the brain tumor is just a precursor."

In this era, it seems that there is nothing that the medical cabin can't solve. Even if you break your spine and tuck it in for a while, you can still come out alive. As long as you are not brain-dead on the spot, it seems that you can rescue it no matter what. But humans still age and die.

Death is like light, love, and the universe. It is eternal and immortal. Every time people think that they are about to overcome death, they will soon find out that there is still a long road ahead like a dead horse.

And after one mountain, there is often another mountain.

Like the "Pop reaction".

No one knows when this reaction occurs. It is often a small glitch at the beginning, but soon, the gene chain will begin to collapse completely and irreparably, whether it is organ replacement, stem cell transplantation, or gene scissors therapy. To no avail, the patient's body seemed to be under some sort of curse.

Turan: "But you're not old enough for the gene chain to collapse."

If you don't look at the face, the chief is actually not that old, but he is stuck between the middle and old age. If it is a peaceful and prosperous world, he should not retire, and he has a lot of time to spend.

But his life is a life with direction and no hope, a life of repeated trials and tribulations by beliefs and ideals, tossed and displaced, and almost lost his life to the rainbow virus.

The chief was silent.

Turan said in a low voice, "Are you all negotiating to pick a boy together? You can't do that, Commander, he can't bear it, you guys are too pushy."

The deep-set eyes of the commander suddenly became wet: "Then let's do our best, Captain of the Guard - General Turan, I will try my best to live a little longer and send you an extra ride, but you have to be prepared."

Three days later, President Edward announced that he had recovered from his illness and returned to work. The first thing Lu Bixing did when he came back from a business trip was to take a long vacation with him.

"I have arranged the handover of the work. In case of emergency business, you can call me at any time. I'm at home anyway, and I won't go anywhere. I'll be here in a few minutes." Lu Bixing said in an orderly manner, "Ask for leave. The main reason is that I want a full period of time to repair the Zhanlu system. You know, there is a lot of valuable information in Zhanlu's database, all of which are the most cutting-edge technologies of the pre-war alliance. We desperately need these things, and we have Zhanlu's In the future, after we reopen the transition point, we can contact General Lin and the Ten Silver Guards immediately through his contact with the body, which is also a security guarantee."

The chief opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer this.

Lu Bixing singled out the leave request from the personal terminal, pushed it into the chief's personal terminal, signed it for him, and said with a little self-deprecation: "I used to tell Lin Bagniu not to draft drafts, I said that I can make Zhanlu mecha again, give it to me A laboratory, I can even copy the Garden of Eden is really ignorant. This time I came into contact with the core things, only to find out that we are a backcountry after all, and it is too far from the most cutting-edge technology of the alliance. You are back, I am busy went."

"It must be done," the chief stopped him and said with difficulty, "there are some things that cannot be reversed by manpower. We have no choice but to accept it."

Lu Bixing's ears automatically filtered out the words he didn't want to hear, as if he was deaf, he walked out without hearing his steps.

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