
Chapter 122: Long live the Declaration of Freedom


A starship arrived at the junction of the seven and eight galaxies.

Many years ago, it was still very lively here. Those smugglers from across the galaxy came and went. Sometimes they stopped in the small supply, and they could open a small trading market. Sometimes they were chased by the law enforcement officers of the seven galaxies. They have to run around, and even disrupt the normal order of the waterway, so that many caravans have to hire some not-so-legal private armed forces when they pass through here.

Of course, this is no longer necessary now.

The transition point connecting the two galaxies has disappeared, and the eighth galaxy has completely left people's field of vision. In a few years, no mecha or starship will be able to pass through.

The starry sky of the seven galaxies is silent, and the wreckage that has turned into cosmic garbage can be seen everywhere on both sides of the channel. No one has cleaned it up. Not to mention mechas and starships, even the supplies floating on both sides of the channel are empty. desolation.

Hope-Harris, in less than two years, more than half of his beard has turned white, but it adds a bit of fairy air to him.

He was looking through the interstellar telescope, looking at this dead zone-like place.

Luoluoxiaxiaxiaxiao said shuo

"It is said that the seventh galaxy lost 60% of its population in that battle, some died, and some escaped to the eighth galaxy, leaving only a few small marginal planets with people, Anke. After Lu's death, the collapsed seven-star government has no backbone, and now it's as depressed as outside the territory." The young man in a robe brought Hope a cup of hot tea, "Great Prophet, let's go back and go further. It doesn't make sense anymore, Eight Galaxy has cleaned up the transition point, and now there is nothing left except the wreckage, which is also a safety hazard."

Harris turned his head without saying a word. He was wearing a robe of unknown material. The fabric was extremely soft, the texture was almost liquid, and it shone with a special light. The row of broken diamonds is unbelievably gorgeous, but the man wrapped in it has a cold and tired face. The stick "Hope" who tossed the farm with the grass-roots technicians and chatted with Lu Bixing all over the world. It's like two people.

But his subordinates liked this very much. The young man who brought the tea and poured water did not dare to look directly at Harris, and his back was always arched. He might be able to do it even if he was asked to kneel and worship.

When Harris took a few people and decided to leave the Eighth Galaxy, what he was thinking about was that he still owed his young friend a few bottles of home-brewed wine. When he left, he chose to believe Woolf despite his reservations. Because he feels that he has nothing but beliefs, that no one can profit from him, and that he is a pauper who can "close his house at night".

To be on guard, Woolf should guard against him.

When the dawn of the Anti-Ukrainian Society was annihilated in the White Tower, when they lost everything and struggled outside the realm, it was this Marshal Woolf who fell from the sky and helped them survive like a savior. Over the years, Woolf first devoted himself to the Alliance, and then left the Alliance, but no matter what, he never pursued fame and fortune, and never coveted anything. He is a rare bachelor in the center of the alliance, he has no descendants, and lives like a loner who is always ready to be martyred.

Harris felt that if anyone could understand the death of the White Tower, it was only Marshal Woolf.

But now he knows that a person like this who covets nothing is not necessarily a saint, but also a lunatic.

The battle more than 400 days ago caused a sensation in the entire alliance. The eighth galaxy was isolated, and the seventh galaxy was almost destroyed. In order to resist the pirates, the combined forces of the two star systems were wiped out. The bloody nature of other galaxies—especially the first galaxies, the civil resistance is getting more and more fierce, the collapse period brought about by the war has passed, and people who have not committed suicide find that they finally have to live, so they gradually learn to say goodbye to the cradle, and the pain. coexist.

The civilized people of the First Galaxy are very characteristic of the Galaxy. They did not choose to resort to violence at first, but took to the streets in an orderly manner, or sat in or marched, politely asking the "illegal government" of the Glorious Legion to get out of the first In the galaxy, it is said that the widest streets were filled with protesters, but there was no noise or stampede. The demonstrators occupied the streets for more than ten hours, and when they were forcibly dispersed by the military and police of the Glorious Legion, there was no rubbish on the ground.

They made the Glorious Legion look trashy when they first occupied Votto and urinated on the Forest of Stone Tablets.

The Legion of Glory could not sit still. One day, the President couldn't bear it any longer. When he was yelling, he couldn't help being misunderstood by his subordinates. That night, the military police opened fire on the parade.

The tidy long street was covered with blood, and the blood stains pierced the quality of the Glorious Legion. No one believed their "Glorious Empire" bullshit anymore.

All parts of the country have shown solidarity, and the alliance will naturally carry the "righteousness" and call on the central army in various places, "together with the alliance, save the people from water and fire."

And in the battle of the seventh galaxy, not only two galaxies were destroyed, because Lin Jingheng's bone was unusually hard to crack, despite the help of Marshal Woolf's remote control and as expected, the Anti-Ukrainian Society still suffered heavy losses. The internal contradictions within the organization have been seriously intensified. With the assassination of several important figures in the "manic faction", the anti-Ukraine will be clearly divided into two factions, and Harris, who has started to contact the upper layers of the organization in advance, has been divided into lobbyists, but he has been attacked by Wool. The husband pushed to the front desk with one hand.

Harris is a resolute anti-war element, and he will never use swords unless necessary. Anti-Ukrainian will be pressed down by the "Peace faction" who has come back to power after his vitality is severely damaged, and he will withdraw from various positions and keep a low profile.

The realigned Alliance and Central Army freed their hands and concentrated on cleaning up the scumbags, the Free Legion and the Glorious Legion.

Everything is going in the right direction, the dawn of peace seems to be just around the corner, and the Alliance is preparing to be reborn from the ashes.

The Anti-Ukrainian Society is under the control of Woolf, and the opium-selling Freedom Legion is forced to take shelter from the wind and die. The funny "Glorious Empire" is retreating step by step. Now it is preparing to jump over the wall and take the entire first galaxy as a hostage. Still stuck.

But Harris knew that the stalemate would not last long.

Who can beat Woolf

No one knew that the great and tragic battle that turned the entire alliance war situation, from the very beginning, was just a tailor-made assassination for Lin Jingheng.

Anti-Urban will be afraid of him, because the Ten Silver Guards are their nightmare. They come one after another to give Lin Jingheng their heads, and they are harvested one after another. Woolf didn't express his position at first, and even didn't want to move. Lin Jingheng's meaning.

Until the secret of the forbidden fruit was accidentally revealed, Lin Jingheng became the one who had to die.

At first, even the pirates of the Anti-Ukrainian Society thought that Woolf was confused. Can Lin Jingheng be trapped by attacking the seventh galaxy? This doesn't sound like it's relevant. Lin Jingheng defended Ankru like a thief. He refused to step into the seventh galaxy at all. What was the use of fighting Ankru besides letting him eat melon seeds and watch the fun

However, the Anti-Ukrainian Society has always been a defeated general under Lin Jingheng's hands, and he was almost bankrupt and could not kill a single Lin Jingheng.

They never imagined that this would actually work.

Harris also learned later that the Silver Ten Guards did not arrive at the Eighth Galaxy in time because they were caught in the fire of war on the road.

Woolf watched Lin Jingheng be born, watched him grow up, and put him in the position of chief in charge of Silver Fortress with one hand. After watching him for fifty years, he saw every inch of his soul through. The generals in the league don't know themselves that well.

What is this

The starship slowly rotated, Harris took a sip of hot tea, his lips and tongue were numb from the heat, and his heart was still cold.

Lin Jingheng had to die because he still remembered his identity. From the moment he was in the melee, he didn't immediately gather up his chips, and when he allowed the ten silver guards to take the ravaged alliance as the first, his ending was doomed.

And the end of his Harris is also doomed. He must be at the mercy of Woolf, and he must be the puppet for him, because the White Tower is on top, no matter which direction human beings will develop in the future, he can't watch the new star era end in blood even if he knows Woolf's true face , and also know that peace is built on lies and sin.

Harris asked people to put a few barrels of home-brewed wine into the small ecological cabin, pushed them out of the starship cabin door, and let them float into the vast universe, and then took a final look at the direction of the eighth galaxy, wondering how Lu Bixing was doing .

Probably not too good, he thought, that's what happens to those who believe in something and always want to do something.

One day, they will understand that principles and beliefs, like fragile flowers, are beautiful, but can only survive in a gentle and comfortable environment.

And when they enter the jungle, they will find that these things that they once thought were extremely noble and precious are all shackles and ropes. If they can't be put down in time, then no matter it is a giant with infinite power or a wise man with seven orifices, they will all be shackled. He was bound there, to be slaughtered.

Lu Bixing's joke is right, human beings are destroyed by faith.

Having said that, aren't all the rules, morals and systems in human society fabricated by people themselves? Note

Then the same is true of belief, which comes from nothingness, and will eventually turn to ashes with the passage of time.

Outside the galaxy far away, Lu Bixing just got the chief's medical report.

He glanced at the chief through the small transparent glass on the medical cabin. The chief was asleep, thinner and undressed, and was being killed by his own body.

Lu Bixing asked, "How long?"

The doctor replied: "According to experience, it will be between three and five months, but patients will be very painful in the later stage, so generally speaking, they will not really survive until the day of natural death, and most people will choose euthanasia."

Lu Bixing asked again, "How about resting?"

The doctor shook his head with a wry smile: "You know, Pop's reaction, strictly speaking, has nothing to do with lifestyle habits."

When he saw the young acting chief listen, he was silent for a while, then nodded at him, stored the case in the personal terminal, and left.

In addition to the case, the chief gave him an official appointment letter.

Chief Edward announced his retirement and entrusted this isolated island in the sea of stars to him.

Lu Bixing walked along the sidewalk alone to the central square.

Many people in Galaxy City know him. Lu Bixing has always been popular. Many people on the road greeted him. Several cars stopped and asked him if he needed to be sent. He declined one by one and walked all the way to the central square.

It was twilight, and the people for the evening activities had already ended. Only a small robot selling herbal tea was still peddling back and forth, and the shop owner fell asleep on the side. There are two clocks on the square, one is Votto time and the other is Venus time - due to the difference in planetary rotation, Venus day and Watto day are not the same length, people living on natural planets are often accustomed to two sets of timekeeping System - Fortunately, it is no longer needed, Votto time has been taken down, and they no longer have to keep up with the distant center of the alliance.

Lu Bixing stopped and looked up at the tall stone statue of Lu Xin. The people here love him. The stone statue is so exquisitely carved that even the texture of the hair is visible. Hanging a balloon is very childish.

The bear boy who lost the balloon looked at it eagerly, pouted, and his tears began to sway. Lu Xin, as the idol of the eighth galaxy, is guarded by guards in front of the stone statue, which is very holy, no one dares to disrespect it, my lord He had to force the child away, and the child who lost the balloon couldn't help but howl.

"Hey, wait, don't cry." Lu Bixing raised his hand and patted the guard's shoulder. In the stunned guard's mouth, he rolled up his sleeves and climbed up to the stone statue, looked at the stone, and took off the balloon on the statue's head. Down to the child.

The guard was terrified: "Lu Lu"

Lu Bixing spread his hands: "Do you think General Lu Xin would mind?"

The guards were speechless. In the afternoon, Chief Edward's government publicly announced the appointment. From tomorrow, Lu Bixing will be the new chief. Since the chief said he doesn't mind, then he doesn't mind.

Lu Bixing walked down the stone steps of the stone statue, went to the last floor, found a corner and sat down, and lit a cigarette in the evening wind. The shopkeeper who sold the drinks woke up and was surprised to see him. , hurriedly bowed to him from a distance, Lu Bixing nodded to the other party, his expression was light, and he couldn't see what he was thinking.

Lu Bixing was not a person who was neither happy nor angry before. He felt that everyone had joys and sorrows without being ashamed, and there was nothing that could not be shown to others. are all hidden.

No one knew that when he received the sudden appointment of the chief, he had just deciphered the encryption of the "Forbidden Fruit" system in Zhanlu's database. Of course, the forbidden fruit had already stopped running, and there was only a little data record left. The list browsed the forbidden fruit and felt that if he was the person in charge of the White Tower, he might have to defect.

The earliest list of Forbidden Fruits included almost the entire management committee, as well as those members of the management committee who obviously had a good relationship with the management committee. Those who legislate want to do everything possible to override the law, and those who set up surveillance want to escape surveillance by themselves.

The composition of the second half of the list is more complicated. Starting from Dr. Harden, the first person in charge of the White Tower, opposition forces have been added to the list of forbidden fruits. The name of the Union Marshal Woolf is the most prominent. Look at this list. It is self-evident who is behind the collusion with extraterritorial pirates.

But he searched and searched until he found the last name on the forbidden fruit, Lin Jingheng, but he couldn't find Lu Xin - there is no man who has been rumored to have kept the forbidden fruit for more than ten years.

The forbidden fruit is running on Zhan Lu, and Lin Jingheng doesn't know the real function of this "shielder". It can only be encrypted by Lu Xin himself. It is impossible that he has not seen this list.

Lu Bixing turned his head to look at Lu Xin's stone statue. After many years, the stone statue and the man with nothing looked at each other silently. The stone statue's base was engraved with a declaration of freedom, which was very dazzling.

"Do you still believe in this thing when you leave?" Lu Bixing thought indifferently, the stone statue can't answer, the stone statue has no idea, it's just a self-projection in everyone's heart, "I don't believe it anymore, I will level it in the future, No disrespect to the deceased, don't take offense, General Lu."

But not yet, he still needs this piece of garbage to maintain social order, and the fragile and difficult Eighth Galaxy still needs such a piece of opium.

Lu Bixing extinguished the cigarette butt, threw it into the trash can, turned his head and nodded and smiled at the guard: "It's hard work."

The guard stood at attention and saluted: "Long live the Declaration of Freedom."

Lu Bixing got on a mecha car at the mecha car platform in Galaxy City and went home. His home has been renovated once, and it is in good order under the management of Zhan Lu. Even the flowerbeds in the courtyard have been rearranged, which makes his taste more elegant. The basement has been transformed into a whole laboratory, and he has never used the locked one again. attic.

"Principal Lu, good evening." The house said, "I saw the case list on your personal terminal. It's really bad news. I hope you are in a good mood."

The three words "Principal Lu" will probably no longer be called by anyone except Zhan Lu in the future, and no one will remember the whimsical Xinghai Academy.

"Well, it's okay." Lu Bixing said casually, "Are you getting old and dying?"

Zhan Lu said: "The working documents have been organized for you, do you want to check them?"

"Let's talk about it tomorrow," Lu Bixing changed his shoes and walked to the basement, "Did the results of yesterday's experiment come out?"

Zhan Lu: "The analysis report has been completed. With all due respect, Principal Lu, scientists should properly control their dangerous curiosity."

Lu Bixing smiled and walked into the laboratory without arguing with him.

Zhan Lu said long-windedly: "If the life and health of the master is threatened, I will"

"Reject the master's order?" Lu Bixing said gently, "Have you tried it?"

Zhan Lu was silent for a while: "I can't refuse your order. You disabled my self-protection function while I was restoring the system. I strongly recommend that you turn it on."

"Thank you, no," Lu Bixing said, "I need a quiet time to analyze the report now."

Zhan Lu recognized that this was an order and obediently shut up.

Lu Bixing put on his earphones, cut out all environmental noise, and opened the analysis report—there was a biochip in the medium at hand.

In the Forbidden Fruit database, in addition to the list, there are also some biochip experiment reports, which are incomplete, but for Lu Bixing who has Zhan Lu in hand, it is enough.

It was an "opium" chip that was seized from the Liberty Legion. After dismantling it, Lu Bixing made several modifications to it. Now, the analysis report has concluded that the chip is basically safe and has the conditions for clinical experiments. .

Lu Bixing marked the back of the experiment report, put the chip into the syringe, and injected it into his upper arm.

At the same time, on a secret asteroid two galaxies away, an ecological capsule that had been quiet for nearly two years suddenly had a weak response.

The author has something to say: Note: The reason why humans jump to the top of the food chain is because of cooperation, and the reason why they can cooperate is because of human language, which has a "fictional" function. Human trade networks are built on virtual concepts such as countries and currencies - this view comes from a brief history of mankind

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