
Chapter 124: Prisoner in a cage


Whether it was the medical researcher or the guards of the Freedom Corps, they were all silent in front of Lin Jingshu, not daring to say a word.

Dr. Harden looked at her with a strange look: "Jing Shu, do you know what you are talking about?"

There was blood in Lin Jingshu's eyes, which quickly disappeared, and her tone softened: "Nothing, Grandpa Harden, I'm sorry, just angry. The living dead are better than the dead, right? We don't know."

"No, you know," Dr. Harden said in a hoarse voice, raising his back from the wheelchair, "You know, you're as smart as Laura, you won't be able to tell the difference. Is it called 'alive' and what is 'dead'? Except that a gasping corpse looks better than a white bone, what is the difference between being buried in an ecological cabin and being buried in a grave? You are afraid, you are afraid that he will wake up, you are afraid to face He, you are still afraid to face yourself, you just want to"

With a soft click from his wheelchair, Lin Jingshu opened the anti-skid and fixed Dr. Harden in place.

The wheelchair shook slightly, and Dr. Harden quickly grabbed the armrest.

"Here, I have the final say, doctor." Lin Jingshu raised the corner of her mouth slightly, and the point became a sharp, acute angle. Then, she straightened up and took a deep look at the isolation door of the laboratory. He said suddenly, "I said, maintain, maintain, present, and status - all right, when his condition stabilizes, come and tell me immediately that Dr. Harden is old, you should send him back to rest early, and don't let him sit all the time. At this."

"Jing Shu, that's your wishful thinking," Dr. Harden seemed to have made up his mind to have a hard time with her that day. "What about him? If he doesn't want to maintain the status quo, what are you going to do? Kill him yourself?"

Lin Jingshu paused.

Dr. Harden said: "The world can't revolve around someone's wishes. No one is, and no one can control everything. Jing Shu, don't you understand that you are at this point?"

Lin Jingshu ignored him, her slender high-heeled shoes hit the ground one after another, and walked away.

She thought that Lin Jingheng was trapped in the eighth galaxy just because she was short of money for a while. It was only because the tree was so big that she was targeted by those maggots, so as long as the whole pool was mixed with water, he would naturally be able to take the opportunity to get out of trouble.

She thought she had picked a perfect time to directly smash the fragile umbilical cord between the alliance and the central army in various places, causing the entire alliance to fall apart. The people who had nothing to rely on knew that the Garden of Eden was hopeless and could only throw themselves into the arms of opium.

But everything backfired.

Lin Jingheng, a dignified general of the Alliance, holds the unique silver card of Ten Guards in his hand. As long as he thinks about it, there is no position he can't conquer, no one he can't kill, and Lin Jingshu can't understand him. In the end, what was the head down, to be able to play a good card into this virtue.

And two years ago, when the Free Legion could expand rapidly and without any scruples, her biggest obstacle was not the Alliance and the Central Army, nor the other pirates, but the damn Silver Ten Guards!

Through her base, re-summon the ten silver guards!


Did Lin Jingheng guess that the person behind the Freedom Legion was her? Lin Jingshu didn't want to think about this issue at all—

If he hadn't guessed that all this was just a coincidence, wouldn't it mean that fate was against her? The shadow of fate has haunted her for more than 50 years, forcing her to go all the way she can. If she can't break free from the so-called "destiny", then what's the point of her life in the world

If Lin Jingheng guessed

Lin Jingshu walked faster and faster, as if she was chasing a monster that only appeared in a nightmare, and opened her mouth to swallow her at any time.

But many things are like a wobbly scale, always tipping in the direction people don't want. "Murphy's Law" applies not only to those who are weak and hypocritical and have undue expectations for life, but also applies to Powerful murderer and conspirator.

Just like at the beginning they couldn't make Lin Jingheng jump up and down immediately, at this time, they couldn't "maintain the status quo" either.

The unexpected signal disturbance interfered with the fine net, like the sound of stunned rain, which revives everything that was sleeping, and it is overwhelming.

Although Lin Jingheng's body has not woken up yet, the activity of brain waves is becoming more and more frequent.

At the beginning, it took ten days and a half to capture his slightest reaction, then it became a little movement every two or three days, and later, his brain waves began to continue like a tide.

"Look, doctor," the doctor said to Dr. Harden, "this morning, his brain waves were especially active, and we scanned his brain and the fine net, and found that he had a weak human-computer interaction with the fine net at that time - like he 'Looking' through the fine net."

"His conscious activity is returning," Dr. Harden said quietly.

"It should have recovered," the doctor said. "Today we successfully communicated with him once, and we connected a simple typewriter to the machine port on the fine net."

Dr. Harden looked up suddenly.

"It's just some simple words or phrases, and he can't keep up with sentences that are too long. We asked him how he was feeling, if he had any discomfort, and after about 40 minutes, he answered 'no'."

"No? No discomfort?"

"That's not true. With his current condition, it should be that his body has not yet felt it." The doctor lowered his voice immediately, "Doctor, you believe me, without the master's instructions, we dare not give him additional stimulation, and we will never dare to give him additional stimulation. Give him extra drugs and biochips, and the entire configuration of the ecological capsule is exactly the same as before."

Dr. Harden: "Why?"

"I don't want to say that," the doctor said, "but if the owner insists on achieving a 'status quo' effect, from my professional point of view, he can only use some suppressive drugs to suppress his menstrual activity. ."

As the first owner of the White Tower, Dr. Harden is an expert in the Garden of Eden and human-computer interaction. As soon as he heard it, he understood that the "drug that inhibits menstrual activity" as the doctor said was obviously not an ordinary sleeping pill.

If it was said that Lin Jingheng's situation was considered "not knowing whether to live or die", then the additional drugs would completely kill this soul.


"Doctor, what should we do?"

Harden was silent for a while: "You go and ask Lin Jingshu if she decides to make her own brother a standard."

Lin Jingshu was very busy. With the dormancy of the Anti-Ukraine Society and the alliance and the Central Army working together, most of the activities of the Free Legion went underground, keeping a low profile and waiting for the next opportunity to pierce the alliance - this is not difficult, Lin Jingshu believes, because of the current unity Harmony and justice are built on lies. The alliance has used a lie to deceive the world for nearly three hundred years. Repeating the same trick is just the last struggle of the grasshopper after the autumn. What's more, the data speaks for itself, despite the fact that the Free Legion went underground, the number of opium users continued to rise at a very steady rate.

And no matter how busy she is, she still insists on going to the asteroid every three days.

The doctor euphemistically explained Lin Jingheng's current situation and Dr. Harden's questioning to her, but Lin Jingshu did not say anything for a long time.

The doctor then said: "If you decide to use suppressive drugs, the regimen and dispensing are done, and they are stored in the adjacent medical cabin, ready to be used at any time."

Lin Jingshu walked to the door of the laboratory, paused and interrupted him: "You all go out, don't disturb me."

The doctor trained to shut up, called everyone in the laboratory away, and together with the guard at the door, cleared the field to fifty meters away.

The environment of the ecological cabin is completely isolated from the outside world, and the people inside are well taken care of. Through the transparent cover, you can even see that his face is a little bloody and peaceful. It seems that he is just taking a nap and is a little strange, Lin Jingshu thought. In her impression, Lin Jingheng was always cold, her brows were not stretched, and her eyes were sharp.

It turns out that this face also has a calm and almost gentle expression

"They told me that you are trying to use the fine net, so can you hear me now?"

The people in the eco-pod didn't respond, and neither did the scanner or the small screen connected to Jingwang. Lin Jingshu observed for a while with her hands behind her back, thinking that she might have caught up with his "rest" time.

She sat down slowly, put her fingers on the medical cabin next to her, and traced a button carefully - as long as you press it, the medical cabin can extend the syringe, automatically inject inhibitory drugs into the ecological cabin, and he will return slumber.

"Life is very tiring, don't you think?" Lin Jingshu put her elbows on her knees, holding her face as if she was overwhelmed, and said softly, of course Lin Jingheng couldn't answer, she tilted her head and lowered her eyes to look He said, "They said that you entered the Ulan Military Academy at the age of fourteen. When you entered the Ulan Military Academy, you were an outstanding graduate of that class. After graduation, you have been the eye of the storm in the alliance. You must have been overwhelmed these years, right?"

"You haven't seen it, I've seen a lot of them, they don't like me working too hard, I have to immerse myself in as much boring pastime as they want - you know, horror stories and adventure stories are very set Like, the protagonists of both stories will meet terrible villains, and each other will try to kill them in any way, but do you know the difference between them?"

Lin Jingshu paused and said to herself: "For example, a person, he has relatives and friends, a job, a life, and a lot of big and small wishes in his heart. Then one day, when he came home from get off work, he found the door of his house. It is open. Behind the door is a murderer who is waiting to bite his neck. When you see this, you will be frightened and think a lot, wondering if his family is dead, and how he can escape. Even if he can escape, will he be hunted down in the future? What will happen to his job? Will his current life be ruined, and will he be like this for the rest of his life? This is a horror story. But the same scene, the same A murderer, what if the protagonist is replaced by another perverted murderer? When you see this, not only will you not feel scared, but you will be very excited. You just want to see how the protagonist can kill the opponent brilliantly. This is an adventure story, Jingheng, you Which do you like?"

Lin Jingheng was silent.

Lin Jingshu smiled at him: "Do you know what kind of conclusion I can draw from comparing these two stories? The more things you care about, the more fearful you will be, the easier it will be to be pushed to a desperate situation, to be pushed step by step. People in desperation will collapse, go crazy, and even scare themselves to death - unless you become like them, give up those desires that hold you back, let go, and you will have nothing to fear."

"Do you know why the management committee chose me back then?"

"Because Laura sneaked into the incubator on the day she left, and forcibly took me and you out of the incubator ten days in advance. So you have always regarded yourself as a big brother. Maybe it doesn't make sense. Maybe you were just born. She was heavier than me at the time, but she looked bigger, but the management committee received a report and forced her father to send troops to hunt her down. She and her partner took the two of us separately, and the partner was secretly arrested and brought you to them. In her hand, I was kept in the mecha by her until she blew herself up and threw me into the eco-pod."

"Because of this, they've always suspected something about me."

"They took us away on the grounds of a 'health check for premature babies' and found that my sperm threshold was more than seven standard deviations above the mean. Do you believe I'm a genius? Coincidentally, the management committee didn't believe it either. So my father, Lin After Vi's death, they went to great lengths to take me away too. But guess what? My 'genius' was actually made by Laura with a shot of semi-permanent soothing pills, and the effects wore off until I became an adult, and they Only then did she realize that she had been deceived. She had already given Lu Xin the forbidden fruit. In order to attract the attention of the management committee, she did not hesitate to use her own children as bait. The fact that the forbidden fruit is with him may never be revealed."

"Semi-permanent soothing agents were banned as early as the beginning of the alliance, because there is a high probability of causing irreversible damage to the system. I haven't realized it yet. Maybe I'm not old enough, maybe I will get dementia when I get old?"

"This should be the fate we both bear together. You escaped from the battle. Sometimes I think of it, and I feel very jealous and hate you. We are all the same, why? But sometimes I am very lucky because of you. It's another me but Jingheng, are you really another me now?"

"For decades, my every move has been monitored, and they are committed to training me to be an obedient dog. I have probably used more illegal drugs than you, someone who has been dealing with pirates, has ever seen."

"There are also Dr. Harden who escaped from the surveillance of the Garden of Eden, the remnants of the White Tower, a saint who was betrayed by his own men and fled incognito for many years. Even old friends and most beloved students refused to believe it. Maybe only There is a little girl who has nothing to make him feel at ease?" Lin Jingshu glanced meaningfully at the laboratory monitor, a bit of a sharp smile appeared on her dark red lips, "He is worried that this little girl will be unscrupulous in the management committee. After being brainwashed, he turned into a fool, so he spared no effort in secretly guarding Chen Cang, constantly in contact with her, and constantly pulling her soul in the opposite direction, in the name of saving her and preserving her 'free nature'."

"Freedom by nature - what a luxury she can't even think of, she thinks a little 'cheap' liberty would be fine, but why not, dear Dr. Harden? Because you need a serpent of your own to bite into In the root system of the management committee, isn't it? Then don't complain, isn't it normal for someone who raises a large poisonous snake to be bitten by a poisonous snake?"

Maybe it was an illusion, but the surveillance camera was slowly deflected at an angle, as if he couldn't bear to look at her.

At this time, the scanner mounted on the ecological cabin suddenly moved a little, and the people in the ecological cabin produced weak brain activity.

Lin Jingshu raised her head suddenly, stared at the curve on the instrument for a moment, and through the transparent cover, she reached out and stroked Lin Jingheng's face, with a cold smile on her face: "Stay with me, I only have you. "

Turning to the medical bay, she said: "Initiate the suppressive drug injection process."

The medical cabin issued an emotionless alarm: "Suppressive drugs will cause unpredictable damage to the patient's system, are you sure?"

Lin Jingshu: ""

The medical cabin asked the empty laboratory again, "Are you sure?"

At this time, a word suddenly appeared on the screen connected to Jingwang: "Who?"

The person who controls Jingwang is very difficult, and there is a spelling error in a simple word.

Lin Jingshu was shocked.

The scanner showed that he was constantly trying to expand the fine net, and he "looked" through the fine net. The scanner showed that the invisible fine net permeated and gradually enveloped her position. Lin Jingshu trembled finely. The urge to run away.

There was silence on the screen for a moment, and then another line appeared: "Who are you?"

This time, he automatically corrected the spelling mistake just now, but Lin Jingshu didn't notice it, the eyes were blurred, and he couldn't wipe it clean: "Don't you know me?"

The medical cabin asked for the third time, "Are you sure?"

On the small screen connected to Jingwang, a word appeared slowly: "You?"

Lin Jingshu suddenly grabbed the robotic arm raised in the medical cabin behind her: "Do you still remember who you are?"

"Do not."

The word "no" dissipated, and another line of misspelled handwriting appeared: "Don't cry."

These three words defeated her. Lin Jingshu suddenly turned around and escaped from the laboratory. She seemed to be unbearable and could not stay on this asteroid for a second. , ordered the destruction of the mecha on the asteroid to send and receive all space vehicles, and shielded all its external signals with the electromagnetic shielding net dedicated to the space prison, turning the asteroid into a cage isolated from the world.

There is only one prisoner in the cage, trapped here with the "jailer" of a planet.

One hundred days later, the "prisoner" successfully exited the fine net for the first time and opened his own eyes.

He had been lying down for too long, and he was no longer used to his body. Only his eyes could move, and his gray eyes were very clear.

Dr. Harden, who was left behind, walked in alone in a wheelchair, waved his hand, and let everyone out, blocking the monitoring in the laboratory.

Lin Jingheng looked at him, his eyes did not waver at all, as if he did not recognize this famous alliance rebel, and was a little curious.

The two of them sat down and stared at each other in silence for a long time.

"When the brain is damaged, it is impossible to fully control the fine net, and it is difficult to maintain normal conscious activities. This is when a person is most honest." Dr. Harden said.

Lin Jingheng blinked slightly, but there was nothing in his eyes.

"So when he was determined to lie, there were uncontrolled errors like spelling," Dr Harden said.

The clear and innocent gray eyes froze.

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