
Chapter 126: The eleventh rainy season of Venus


This is the eleventh rainy season for Venus after the first year.

The Eighth Galaxy will probably never be like Votto, lest they get a little mud on their shoes and have to control the weather with precision - they don't have the money, and they don't have the exquisite attitude to life, except for the special climate Outside the required agricultural bases, most of the natural planets are still sunny and rainy, and you can often see silly hats who forgot to pay attention to the weather forecast running around in the heavy rain.

The house uses special moisture-proof materials, which can keep the humidity in a relatively comfortable range, but seeing the gloomy sky outside through the window still makes people feel sleepy.

Lu Bixing was in his own study, and the desktop was covered with documents and windows that flew out of the personal terminal.

Lu Bixing's eyes didn't leave the document, he stretched out his arms, pushed the thermos cup aside, a robotic arm stretched out from the corner of the table, and poured him a cup of freshly brewed milk tea.

"Principal Lu, you've been sitting there for more than three hours," the manipulator said in Zhan Lu's voice, "For the sake of your health, you should get up and move around."

This manipulator is a circle smaller than the original one. It only has a simple deformation function, and it cannot become a humanoid that can be faked.

In theory, by analyzing the data in the Zhanlu database, they can almost technically restore the mecha core Zhanlu, but it has not been moved because of cost considerations - the budget given by the engineering department is too high to restore a Zhanlu. Lu Mecha, it is almost enough to assemble a super-space heavy armor team for Turan.

Besides, the peerless weapon, there is no peerless master, and it is no different from a kitchen knife, so it is put on hold for the time being.

"It's not that I don't want to," Lu Bixing replied without looking up, "I said, can you get this guy off my feet first?"

Beneath his desk was a one-meter-long golden python, which was wrapping around one of his legs affectionately. The large head covered with scales was comfortably resting on his knees, spitting out snake letters every now and then, not at all. I didn't find anyone disliked it.

"Oh, so I came here." The manipulator quickly slipped off the table, grabbed the python firmly, lifted it up in the air, and carried it back into the tank, "It's time to change the size of the 'popcorn'. A little home."

The name "Popcorn" successfully showed Lu Bixing a little indigestion.

In addition to the snake, there was a chameleon lying on the corner of his desk, trying to integrate himself with the desk, with a demented expression on his face that he thought he lived on the ancient earth.

Falling | Xia | Small | Saying | | |

In the living room on the first floor, there is a huge fish tank, nearly three meters high, like a small aquarium. The rippling, the wet rainy season day is more and more filled with water vapor.

"Okay, okay, Zhan Lu, if you were a person, you would definitely have a place in the list of interstellar weird roommates. Can't we raise a mammal without scales?" Lu Bixing moved his legs numb by the python and looked around. , I feel that I am surrounded by lower vertebrates, and yin is emitting from the gaps in the bones.

Zhan Lu replied: "Having a pet is good for your physical and mental health. I very much agree with you for adopting a small animal you like."

The implication - I keep what I like, you keep what you like, we don't interfere with each other, but you bring it to feed yourself.

"I have to reset you someday." Lu Bixing held up the hot tea cup and shook his hand in front of the chameleon, "Press down on my coaster, please keep moving."

The ancient living fossil tilts its head in slow motion and turns a deaf ear.

Lu Bixing failed in cross-species communication, so he had to endure the discomfort, picked up the man on all fours with the tips of his fingers, invited him to the ground, and rescued the oppressed ceramic coaster.

Next to the coaster, there are seven notches on the walnut table, which are not very neatly arranged. Some are so deep that they seem to divide the table in two, and some are not carved with one knife, and are covered with messy "twigs and leaves". The deep and shallow nicks are combined together, like some kind of strange totem with unknown meaning.

Lu Bixing's eyes swept over those notches inadvertently, and paused lightly—

It's been ten years, he thought.

Ten years ago, on the day of the CEO's funeral, it was also a non-stop rainy season.

Lu Bixing presided over the entire ceremony and returned to the home of "General Lin and Engineer 001" alone. He felt that every step was like stepping on a cloud, light and unreal, dizzy, and he was about to fall from this planet into a black universe. in.

He really wanted to get drunk, but at that time, all living materials in the eighth galaxy were rationed, and the new chief did not have such non-essential supplies in his house. Lu Bixing rummaged through the whole family, and finally found only a can of beer from a long time ago. The moment he saw the can of beer, a hallucination suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and he vaguely saw that that evening many years ago, Lin Jingheng opened the refrigerator in his pajamas, took it out and looked at it, then threw it back with disgust, and drank it patiently. Sanshui herbal tea was brewed in his cup.

Lu Bixing tried to reach out to grab the phantom, but the man suddenly disappeared at his fingertips, which became the last straw that broke the camel's back and collapsed like a meteorite group outside the sky.

He yelled at the family medical cabin to give him hallucinogens, banned drugs, and anything, as long as he could knock him down and give him a sleepless dream, he was warned three times by the electronic housekeeper Zhan Lu, so he unilaterally There was a big quarrel with the artificial intelligence. After three warnings, Zhan Lu could no longer disobey his orders. Even if the master wanted to commit suicide on the spot, he could only hand over the prepared laser gun.

Yet this great artifact, while being forced to obey orders, made a claim of its own—

He dug out a video from his database and hit the pale wall.

Fourteen-year-old Lin Jingheng was attending the opening ceremony of the Ulan Military Academy. In the auditorium, the glorious heroic history of the alliance since its establishment was broadcast. It was magnificent and bloody. The teenager sat in the corner, his attention was sometimes attracted, and he pretended to be cool. Every time he came back, he hurriedly pretended to be bored and looked around, and inadvertently found the thief flying next to him taking pictures, and suddenly showed an angry expression, slapped it down, and pressed the screen to black.

Lu Bixing stared blankly at the boy's childish face, forgetting the hysterical hallucinogen, where he was, and the dark years behind him.

That night, he watched the video of less than five minutes over and over hundreds of times, and then when dawn broke the next morning, he carved the first knife on his desk and restored Zhan Lu's disabled condition. Autonomous function—

Chief Edward said that when he was gone, no one could hold him back. Lu Bixing actually listened.

In the early morning when he was awake all night, he suddenly thought, Lin Jingheng is such an arrogant, arrogant and unequivocal person, why did he let Zhan Lu nagging in his ear for so many years, and never thought of disabling his autonomous function? Zhan Lu even teamed up with others to cheat the master.

At this moment, he finally understood that a person who walks alone at night with a sharp sword must wear a shackle, even if he can only lock his little finger, it can make him feel careless and get carried away when he is alone. , gently pull on a hand.

He had promised Chief Edward that he would be reduced to ashes seven times and reborn seven times.

From that time on, Lu Bixing would carve a knife on the corner of the table whenever he couldn't bear it, like a contract with the deceased, and like a countdown to himself.

Maybe it's something like "countdown" that will give people the illusion of "all these have an end". The traces he carved on the corner of the table really seem to be able to appease his soul.

Of course, Zhan Lu's autonomy is too high, and there are also some inconveniences, such as weird aesthetics and cold-blooded animals in the room.

In the third year of the Independence Era, at the end of the year, the deep underground culture of the Eighth Galaxy will inevitably re-emerge due to the long depression. The people who took the lead were those who had a certain local power in the "Freedom Alliance Army" in the early years. The earliest, these people The eighth galaxy was tightly condensed, so Lu Bixing turned a blind eye to them at first because of his affection, but soon, the contradiction between the spreading black market and the official became deeper and deeper. The open and secret struggle between the two also intensified, and those who used to drink and sing under the statue of Lu Xin detonated a civil war.

The civil war lasted for three and a half years. During this period, Lu Bixing dug up all the bits and pieces of Lin Jingheng recorded by Zhan Luli, as if he had lived with him since he was a boy. And the nicks on the desk also changed from one to five.

These five deep or shallow nicks are like "dead ghosts", and the hand holding the carving knife has not leveled the declaration of freedom under the stone statue of Lu Xin.

Then came the middle of Year 7 of the Independence Era—

After Mint became an adult, adhering to the essence of Xinghai Academy, he decided to expand his limited life to an infinite world, and voluntarily joined the "Interstellar Expedition Team" to explore the unknown and non-transitional areas with a group of crazy paranoid patients. Mint grew up and gradually understood the wrong teachings of the elders. Back then, Lu Bixing refused to approve the "Interstellar Expedition" project. The sea of stars in his heart solidified into icy missiles and mechas, which Mint secretly sent to his mailbox. The opening speech under the dome of Xinghai College was sent here, and this unpopular government project was successfully implemented.

The result of the expedition team was that they found several unknown asteroids rich in mineral resources, stumblingly opened up a waterway, and discovered a natural wormhole active area in an unknown area.

In the area, vortex-like wormholes kept appearing and disappearing. The expedition team adhered to the pioneers' spirit that they were not afraid of death, left their last words, and got into a wormhole. They did not show up for ten months. Everyone thought they were curious. Sacrificed, ten months later, the tattered expedition miraculously returned with the appearance of a new "vortex", bringing news that shocked the eighth galaxy - this natural wormhole active zone folds distant time and space , getting into the "vortex", you will reach another star field, which is very dangerous, and the geographical environment is more complicated than the "death desert" in the eight galaxies. Mecha wreckage, where there was once human activity!

Regardless of the opposition of his entire cabinet, Lu Bixing insisted on entering the dangerous wormhole area in person, leaving the Eighth Galaxy, and following the road signs left by the expedition, he found that this was the restricted area of the First Galaxy. place. This is the first time that Lu Bixing has left the eighth galaxy in his life. He never imagined that in this way, this lunatic was fascinated by his mind. The heart arrived at the first galaxy, hoping to find a few words about that person.

His hard work paid off. Although he failed to find a channel in the crisis-ridden Heart of Roses, he caught the wreckage of an Alliance mecha—after repairing the data, it was found that the mecha was damaged when the Alliance besieged the Glorious Corps. Yes, the database contains all the major events over the years, and the amount of information is enough for the blinded eight galaxies to deduce the battle situation.

Of course, there is also the beginning of all this, the beginning and end of the annihilation of the seven-eighth galaxy coalition army.

Lu Bixing finally saw it with his own eyes, the footage streamed from the military recorder at that time.

He stumbled back to the eighth galaxy, and the first thing he did was let the Turan garrison watch the natural wormhole area, and then plunged into the laboratory, and frantically took the hair sealed in the bead. He came out and extracted DNA from the hair follicles - he thought, that person is gone, and a copy can be used as comfort.

Zhan Lu tried unsuccessfully to dissuade him many times, activated the autonomous function, and directly blew up the incubator. Lu Bixing locked himself in the dark laboratory for three days, left a sixth notch on his walnut table, and then destroyed and sealed the DNA file with his own hands.

Later, it is the ninth year of independence, the beginning of the year.

Lu Bixing regarded himself as an experiment, and repeatedly implanted, took out, modified, and re-implanted the chip. The interactive function of the chip is abandoned, so that it no longer has the function of interfering with electronic equipment, and at the same time, the security of the chip is guaranteed, so that it will not be controlled by outsiders. After nine years of exploration alone, the stability and safety of the chip seem to meet the application requirements. The animal experiments have responded well. The body functions of the mice injected with the biochip have been significantly enhanced, and there is no abnormal behavior tendency.

Just when he thought he had succeeded and let Zhan Lu prepare to release a briefing on the results in the small circle of experts in the engineering department, the experimental mice suddenly began to die in batches of Pop crashes, as if the chip had overdrawn their lives.

Only one group of mice in the control group lived longer than the others, by more than a month—mice in this control group had been infected with a variant of rainbow virus, a replica of the virus strain he had secretly cultivated using his authority.

It took Lu Bixing nine years to finally prove that the Anti-Ukraine Society is not for pleasure in perverts, but that this "artificial superman" cannot bypass the rainbow virus.

If you want to break the shackles of human beings, you must first completely destroy their natural attributes.

As a special case, Lu Bixing can still integrate into the crowd as a "freak", but if this special case can be "produced" in batches, will a new species be formed? Where will this man-made species go in the future? Will they be like the "vampires" in ancient legends, born out of human beings, and then opposed to humans? Thousands of years later, if one party destroys the other, is it human evolution or extinction

On one side is what he has been striving for for nine years, and on the other is a seductive and terrifying Pandora's Box.

This time, Director Lu did not disturb the trembling cabinet, nor the engineering department, nor let Tulan personally pick the door. He went to work as usual during the day, and went home on time to rest at night. He did not reveal to the outside world that he was at an inflection point of fate. up, holding the devil's hand.

A month later, the silent storm turned into the seventh notch on his desk, and the copied rainbow virus strain and the complete set of data and materials for more than nine years were destroyed.

Lu Bixing, who had been sitting for more than three hours, got up with a teacup and walked in the study while listening to Zhan Lu help him sort out his work schedule: "The Ministry of Finance has reported a new quarterly report, and the deficit has been reduced for two consecutive quarters. I personally I feel very optimistic.”

Lu Bixing nodded: "Well, this is good news."

"The engineering department has requested an increase in funding, and a breakthrough has been made in the experimental base of the new anti-missile system on the Beijing β star."

Lu Bixing sighed: "I thought I was going to relax a little, and I came to ask for money again"

Zhan Lu: "Miss Mint sent an email to apply for the second wormhole exploration plan for the expedition team. They have already made all the preparations."

Lu Bixing raised his head—

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