
Chapter 128: The heartbeat came from behind me!


"Natural wormholes are not artificial transition points, they are very unstable. At present, people's research on them is not thorough. I have read your report. The logic of the theoretical framework is generally fine, but experiments are not equal to theory. Any one of you in mathematics Any variable that is ignored in the formula can be fatal in the experiment.”

"According to the assumption, you may be able to fix this passage, or it may cause the opposite effect, causing the space to collapse, maybe die, or fall into an unknown state of life, it is better to die, are you mentally prepared? "

The expedition team was about to enter the wormhole area, and Lu Bixing's words were still in his ears when he left.

The interstellar expedition team and the guards that escorted them appear in any place, it can be said to be huge, but in this unknown place, it is like a group of small ants, rolling up the shivering leaves as a boat, plunged into the vortex. in the sea.

"The device energy reaction temperature is too high—"

"Understood," Mint responded, "Activate the pre-cooling device."

"The progress of the cooling pipe is 6% 45% 99% ready."

"Everyone, the psychological feeling is not the same as last time." The expedition captain's voice sounded in the communication channel, "Last time there was no preparation, we just plunged in and didn't feel anything, but this time, don't After doing theoretical research for several years and upgrading the equipment, it seems that I am fully prepared, but my liver is still a little trembling."

Another team member said: "It's normal, the ignorant are fearless."

"A 120-second warning for entering the wormhole area, start the countdown," the captain paused, "Is the suicide note ready?"

"It's okay to say goodbye, there is no inheritance, what is the posthumous writing? Is it an original elegiac couplet?"

"I eat alone and the whole family is not hungry, so I don't even need to say goodbye."

Mint is a girl who doesn't talk much. She didn't join the discussion. She checked the channel opening device for the last time. Her suicide note is backed up in the laboratory of the expedition team. If there is an accident, after ten months, the computer will automatically transmit it to Lu Bixing. With her three classmates, this is her only remaining relative.

The content of the suicide note is very simple, just one sentence: "I can't go back, I'm sorry."

The phrase "I'm sorry" has been stored in her heart for many years, accompanying her day and night, following her through adolescence until she grows up.

The four of them have gone through a lot of things. Huang Jingshu has devoted himself to anti-missile research that seems to see no light in 10,000 years. Cockfight joined the army, and White joined the engineering department. Only Mint chose "Interstellar Expedition." Team" is such an unpopular and dangerous profession. She wanted to go further and deeper into the universe, hoping that the grand starlight could dispel the humble struggle of mortals.

On the day of the accident, she actually contacted the engineering department on Saturday. For so many years, she always thought that if she could be patient with him and observe more carefully, she might be able to see that something was wrong with him.

Maybe if that person wasn't Saturday, she might have actually asked one more question at that time. However, the girl being pursued is escorted by her elders, and she is always habitually arrogant toward the cheap-looking suitor who follows her, likes to throw him an impatient look, and likes to watch him scratch his ears and cheeks.

If she could be a little more mature, learn not to bring her personal feelings into her business affairs, find out what was wrong in time, and warn Saturday in time, wouldn't everything have happened

Before leaving, Mr. Lu even deliberately called her aside, telling her that it was too late to regret it, and seeing that she was obsessed, he asked her a lot of safety precautions.

No one criticized her, but she always couldn't face herself.

At this moment, the colleague let out an exclamation, Mint came back, looked up, and saw that the space they were in began to distort, as if passing through a deformed magnifying glass, and soon, everything around began to turn into slow motion. There should have been an alarm for violent changes in energy, but I could vaguely see that the alarm light was on, but no sound could be heard, the communication channel was disconnected, and the imitation gravity field failed. tight, fixed her in a certain area, she opened her eyes wide, and heard her heartbeat beating very slowly—

The last time they entered the wormhole, due to lack of preparation, they almost fainted as soon as they entered. When they woke up, they were faced with a mecha that almost turned into broken metal. Fortunately, they all wore space suits at that time, otherwise Cosmic rays and air pressure can keep them there.

This time the situation is much more relaxed, at least Mint's consciousness is clear.

She couldn't feel her body, and felt that the mecha also seemed to have fallen apart. When she raised her head, she saw an ecological capsule quickly passing her, heading towards the direction they came from. The model number and number on the eco-cabin are down.

Immediately afterwards, the space stretched infinitely, shrinking to a very small point in the distance. Her vision could penetrate through and look in the direction of infinity. There seemed to be countless convex lenses floating there, and there were some on each "mirror". Familiar images flashed—the indiscriminately bombarded Beijing Beta, the Freedom Corps' first terrifying base in the Eight Galaxy, and her own teenage face.

After more than ten years, the girl looked at the young explorer today, swept it lightly, then turned her head and said something nonchalantly to Saturday Ai on the communication screen.

"Stop him!" Mint shouted desperately to the girl, "Tell him that General Turan is about to blow up the jump point, don't touch anything, don't take any communication, he will regret it! It will kill a lot of people!"

However, the time-space turbulence in the wormhole cannot shake the causality theory. She sees her past self through the distorted time, but the two passing time-spaces cannot intersect.

"Don't hang up! Please!"

The interlaced time and space finally moved away from her mercilessly, and the "convex mirror" went further and further away, and finally turned into a small point the size of a needle.

Facts are facts, time and space will bend, but human life is a one-way line after all.

Nothing can change what has happened.

"Boom", a dazzling light burst out, Mint's feet suddenly fell on the mecha, and she was dragged back to her original position by the seat belt.

Mint was stunned for a while, and realized that they had passed through the wormhole area alive. She felt that the vision was not right, and she realized that she had burst into tears without knowing when.

She was not the only one crying, everyone who was lucky enough to remain conscious was dumbfounded.

For a moment, Mint suddenly discovered that everyone who is alive is suffering and burdened, and will cry bitterly when passing by the old time - even if they carry the curiosity of all mankind, walk along a bloody path. A life full of great sailors, everyone seems so energetic.

But in the active wormhole area, they didn't have a long time to clean up their emotions. There was a noise in the communication channel, and then the captain was hoarse to organize emergency repairs. Looking through Jingwang, their expedition team was still shrinking. a lot.

"What's the matter?" Mint took off the helmet of the spacesuit and quickly wiped his face, "Why are we the only ones left?"

"Time and space turbulence," the colleague replied, "should have been involved in other places, I hope it is not far away - can the internal communication be repaired, and can you find a way to get in touch with them again?"

"Enough, there is no transition point here, and it is impossible to build a long-distance communication. The beep signal has been interfered"

"Captain," Mint said, "the wormhole channel we just passed through did not disappear immediately, and the fluctuation of the field is still stable. Did our experiment succeed? Can we try to send a signal to the Venus base now?"

The captain didn't have time to answer.

"Wait a minute, my mecha seems to be giving an early warning," the driver of a mecha next to him suddenly interrupted everyone's chatter, "Look, what is that?"

The expedition team braked carefully, and found that there was a huge starship wreck floating not far away from them, surrounded by countless small mecha fragments, spinning quietly, like a space cemetery.

Mint quickly locked the wreckage with a military recorder and searched for useful information. After a while, an image was enlarged several times, and a line of words on the wreckage jumped into her eyes: "Jingyuan?"

The command center of Venus was also very nervous, because after the signal of the expedition team disappeared for a week, they suddenly received intermittent messages, but they couldn’t hear them clearly. Some of the voices were male, some were female, and there was a simple paragraph. cannot be decoded.

The engineering department exploded.

"Let Zhan Lu come," Lu Bixing arrived in a hurry after receiving the news in the middle of the night, scanning the garbled code at a glance, "several pieces of information should be mixed together, it may be caused by the distortion of time and space, or it may be that the expedition team is passing through the wormhole were separated."

"Received." Zhan Lu, who is only in the form of a manipulator, directly occupied a circle of supercomputers in the command center, and quickly came to a conclusion, "According to the information decoding rules, there should be three pieces of information with similar basic contents, all of which report that he passed through safely. Wormhole, but separated from some companions, the third message in the garbled code seems to have some content, it is being decoded, wait a moment"

The unstable signal shrieked and then disconnected. Zhan Lu was silent for a moment: "Decoding completed - Miss Mint reported that the wreckage of the starship Jingyuan was found near the landing point."

The "Jingyuan" was the starship that Lin Jingheng took when he returned to Votto from the Silver Fortress. It was blown up when it passed near the Heart of the Rose.

On the other hand, even if the non-armed starship is forced to circumnavigate the restricted area, it will not be very deep.

Zhan Lu's calm voice sounded in the command center: "If the unknown gravitational influence can be ruled out, it may mean that Miss Mint and the others are very close to the first galaxy."

In the sixth galaxy, the space prison is getting closer and closer to the destination point, and the automatic man-made energy tower surrounding the asteroid has already entered a dormant state.

"You know, it's probably not just us who pay attention to the revolution, but also Jing Shu, right?" Dr. Harden said.

Lin Jingheng held the blueprint of the space prison, marked it while looking at it, and said without looking up, "I'm afraid she won't come."

For fourteen years, Lin Jingshu did not dare to approach him for half a step. On the one hand, he probably did not know how to face him. On the other hand, as a person who could survive a transition point explosion, what Lin Jingheng did was unexpected. It is not uncommon for him to "restore his memory", give him a little leverage, and he can climb up along the way. The place where he is locked must be completely isolated and must be impeccable.

"If she doesn't come, who will I send the signal to? I hope it will be randomly transmitted to the antenna of some loving passerby, and let someone help me call the police?" Lin Jingheng sneered, "I have never had any luck."

Dr. Harden hesitated.

Lin Jingheng reduced the design drawing back to the personal terminal on his wrist: "As long as your old timer program works well."

The core ecosystem of the space prison is located in a mountainous area more than 500 kilometers away from the experimental base. Maintenance personnel use special rail cars to go back and forth between the two places for daily maintenance every ten days.

The railcar parked quietly in the platform, and an access door beside the platform was gently opened a crack. Lin Jingheng glanced out and gently pinched the shield—Dr. Harden's five-year work, disguise It hangs around his neck as a necklace, the aesthetics is a mystery, but fortunately it is powerful. It can interfere with surveillance and opium chips for five seconds within a range of 20 meters in diameter. Opium chips can improve people's five senses and physical ability many times. "Three generations" and above can even perceive infrared rays. Lin Jingheng needs a tool that can hide himself. , five seconds is enough for him.

The surveillance was blinded for a short time, and Lin Jingheng immediately got out of the inspection door, pried open the rear door and went in. As soon as he entered, a group of maintenance workers also got on the rail car, talking and laughing, and it seemed that the years were quiet. , passed the toilet at the rear of the car, and walked into the rail car.

At this time, one of them waved at his companion, turned around and walked back to the bathroom.

Behind the bathroom door, Lin Jingheng stood with bated breath, the five-second countdown on the personal terminal on his wrist reset to zero, and the shielding failed—

The moment the maintenance worker opened the door, he heard a heartbeat that didn't belong to him. He was stunned and looked around strangely. Then he heard it clearly. The heartbeat came from behind him!

Before the maintenance worker turned his head back, something cold was stuck on the back of his neck. He opened his mouth to scream, but he couldn't make a sound. His body was out of control. A special wave passed through his skin and reached the chip, which was linked to the biochip. A resonance occurred, disturbing the micro-current, and he was like a skinned frog, his limbs twitched slightly, and he was dragged silently to the corner of the wall.

Lin Jingheng pulled out the laser gun from his waist, put it on the back of his neck, pulled the trigger three times in a row, and avoided the chip skillfully, burning through the hard neck after being blessed by the chip, and then turned over a piece on the maintenance worker. The nano-knife was punched against the neck of the corpse, and a square scorched mark quickly appeared on the skin, and the bloody biochip fell out. The hard body suddenly softened, and Lin Jingheng carried it into the bathroom stall with one hand and closed the door.

He used his personal terminal to scan the biochip - Level 2, it should be the small leader of this group of maintenance workers.

Lin Jingheng glanced at the corpse, put the biochip into a special sterilizer, and then took off the clothes on the corpse and put on it. The maintenance worker happened to have a hat, and he lowered his head and pulled down the brim to cover his face.

After the chip was processed, it was pushed into a syringe. There was a transparent liquid in the syringe, like glue, and it was quickly wrapped around the chip. Lin Jingheng took the syringe and weighed it in the palm of his hand. The next moment, he injected without hesitation. into his body.

"Opium chips are highly addictive, especially for those who have a high degree of human-machine matching. Unless you are empty-brained, you should never try it lightly." Dr. Harden once warned him, "If you encounter an emergency Situation, I will give you a tube of blocking agent - this is an experimental product, which can interfere with the effect of the chip on you, which is equivalent to artificially turning you into a 'empty brain' in a short period of time, but with your metabolic level, The blocker will be completely absorbed and metabolized after a maximum of 90 minutes, so be sure to take it out before that.”

The rail car journey is about forty minutes, and there is less than an hour left, which is enough.

Lin Jingheng turned around and locked the bathroom door, walked back to the carriage, found a corner and sat down, pulling down his hat to cover his face.

Even with the blocker, he could feel an almost uncontrollable force, his five senses were greatly enhanced, and the heartbeats of the people around him were almost a little noisy. A paralyzed patient who was unable to walk suddenly recovered.

Another maintenance worker came to him, Lin Jingheng listened to the sound of the other party approaching, did not look up, thought: "Go away!"

After the second-generation opium chips suppressed the first-generation chips, the other party didn't dare to say a word after he felt his rejection, and walked away timidly. A vacuum was formed around Lin Jingheng.

Lin Jingheng opened the palm of his hand and pinched it vacantly, but the personal terminal showed that the grip strength of this light squeeze had reached more than 400 kilograms.

The unusual sense of power and control is like a dose of refined drugs, which should be exciting and intoxicating, but perhaps the blocker has played a role, and Lin Jingheng suddenly felt a little restless and restless.

He remembered that Lu Bixing had injected himself with a similar chip twice. Is this what he felt

The biochip that Lu Bixing injected was destroyed, but afterward, the Freedom Corps attempted to sneak into the Eighth Galaxy several times and brought some new biochips. He couldn't remember whether those chips were all destroyed.

Lin Jingheng's palms tightened, thinking: I hope that old Persian cat can still work.

The personnel responsible for equipment maintenance have a very low status on this planet, and most of them are a generation of "opium". Lin Jingheng's infiltration was very smooth, and he quickly touched the core ecosystem of this planet—climate, temperature, and gravity.

Lin Jingheng placed several small black packages at different positions of the gravitational control CPU, and took a last look at the personal terminal. The asteroid was still approaching the planet, and the particle storm warning came. He raised the corner of his mouth, the same as when he came Quietly leave.

Thirty minutes later, the intensity of the particle storm on the asteroid reached its peak, and the impregnable shield was disturbed. At the same time, a series of earth-shattering explosions suddenly erupted from the center of the core ecosystem. Gravitational control abruptly failed, and the ground gravity was immediately reduced to the original ten. For one part, the people on the planet couldn't control their footsteps, sliding in mid-air in various postures, and the most deadly thing was that this level of gravity could not maintain the artificial atmosphere!

The asteroid's ecosystem is about to collapse, and the warning sound surrounds, and the ecosystem sends out a hysterical distress signal, just passing through the damaged shield, being blessed by the stellar storm, and carrying it into the extraterrestrial universe.

The special distress signal sent out when the planet or base ecosystem collapses will be captured by the nearest galaxy. If they have an organization similar to the government, they will definitely send someone to check.

At the same time, sixteen sailing days away from the asteroid, a mecha that was always beside the asteroid was also alerted by this earth-shattering distress signal.

"Report to the owner immediately, the planet's 'treasure box' ecosystem is seriously malfunctioning, and the artificial atmosphere is at risk of falling off-"

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