
Chapter 13: up to the sky


Lu Bixing: ""

Little brats, the principal already knows!

Immediately afterwards, the security encryption lock in the mecha storage room was attacked. Lu Bixing looked through his newly grown sky eyes and found that the attack method of the encryption lock was very familiar - it was the extracurricular expansion material he just sent last week. !

White raised his tail and showed off: "It took me three nights to understand. The principal should give me a scholarship."

However, the principal just wanted to give him a big ear shave.

On the one hand, Principal Lu was a little old-fashioned and relieved, because although he had rubbed off two layers of skin on his lips, he finally stuffed some useful things into some of the dead wood's brains. On the other hand, he was very angry because the bear child We are finally willing to learn something, and when we learn it, we will use it to deal with the principal!

Contemporary means of transportation can be roughly divided into two types: interstellar and non-interstellar.

Non-interstellar vehicles run in the atmosphere, and there are many varieties, including ordinary civilian vehicles, military mecha vehicles, low-altitude high-speed locomotives, high-speed rail vehicles, high-altitude aircraft, special aircraft, etc. that run on the ground.

The interstellar vehicles are generally only divided into two types - starships and mechas.

Starship can be used for military or civilian use. It is a general term with a relatively large scope.

But the mecha is different.

According to the regulations of the alliance, mechas are only used as military equipment. They are as small as a single-person simple mecha that can be stored in a laboratory building, or as large as a super-space-time heavy mecha that can cover the sky. There are two systems, a standing flight power system, and a military system, including the interface and defense system for docking various weapons of mass destruction. The mecha is absolutely prohibited from private possession—except in the eighth galaxy in the three-no-go zone.

No matter how simple the mecha is, it is also a weapon, and it is definitely not a toy for minors who have little knowledge.

Although Lu Bixing is not reliable, he is also a teacher in size. He did not dare to let the students play tricks. He stopped the experiment urgently, and the chip on his body was too late to remove. When I got down, I pulled three wires and one sensor. The alarm of the device protested into a ball, and the faint smell of burnt smelt rose.

Lu Bixing was so distressed that he wished he could take his place, but White's little bastard obviously worked hard. Not only did he thoroughly understand the expansion materials, but he also made his own improvements. Seeing that the combination lock in the storage room was crumbling, Lu Bixing couldn't care less. The laboratory was in a clump, hurriedly put on clothes and was about to rush out.

The access control of the laboratory is an old fingerprint and iris system. In order to save money, Principal Lu did not install a genetic lock. He was not used to the sudden and strange force of his body, so anxious, Dali directly poked the fingerprint collector with his finger. hole.

The access control suffered this disaster, thinking it was an invasion by foreign enemies, the iris was not swept, the lock was not opened, it screamed on the spot, and at the same time, all the networks and signals in the laboratory were automatically cut off, and the emergency security door was closed. There are three emergency security doors. The rice is thick, and it uses special materials, which can hold three medium-sized particle cannons.

There must be some kind of secret power in the universe that governs "unlucky" and poured an invisible bubble of shit on Lu Bixing's head.

Principal Lu was locked in his laboratory, looked at the emergency security door, and became a chimney.

In the mecha storage room, there are two boys and two girls. At this time, eight eyes are watching the encrypted lock that has been broken for thousands of miles—

The leader was White. He felt that his attainments in mechas were limited, so he hired two more helpers, Mint and her roommate Huang Jingshu. The two girls didn't want to be with him. They were hired by White for money.

There was also a boy with him. He was the one who occupied other people's seats and a group fight at the opening ceremony. His name was Vitas. He, on average, has eight fights a day with both familiar and unfamiliar classmates, so he has a nickname called "cockfighting". Brother Fighting Cock's house may not be a serious business. He claims to have encountered a real mecha once, and he came here for the "mecha operation" profession.

The four people have a clear division of labor. White is responsible for sliding the door and picking locks. Mint and Huang Jingshu are the equipment maintainers. They are respectively responsible for the flight system and the armed defense system. Cockfight is responsible for the armor.

With a "click", the combination lock was completely disabled, and the door of the storage room slowly opened to both sides. White jumped up with joy and raised one hand above his head. Unfortunately, his three partners were not very friendly, all of them were expressionless. Looking at him, White had to take a photo with himself, and by the way, did half a session of radio gymnastics on the spot.

Huang Jingshu let out a sigh: "I really want to open this, are you tired of living?"

Although it is only a single-player mecha produced by a remote cult organization, it is also about ten meters high. Since it is used for teaching, the surrounding weapon slots are empty. If it is so, it looks completely terrifying.

Fighting Cock claimed that he had touched the real mecha, but he was bragging. He only played with the simulated model once when he was a child. Compared with the real guy, it was all a bumper car. I am bragging.

Principal Lu, who was trapped in the laboratory, had a pair of see-through clairvoyance and watched helplessly as they entered the mecha storage room. , one is "camouflage" and the other is "invisible", all of which are dedicated to child abduction and no other customization options!

Lu Bixing couldn't make a phone call, couldn't connect to the Internet, and no one could hear when he slammed on the door, so cold sweat broke out.

At this time, he looked up and saw a sound wave amplifier in the laboratory.


The four ignorant teenagers were all afraid under the huge mecha, but compared to the mecha, the poor and mad Mint was obviously more afraid of White's unfinished money, so she took the lead in summoning up her courage: "You guys should go."

The cockfighting glanced at her, the young man with vigor and vitality would not admit his counsel in front of the opposite sex.

So far, in addition to teaching the basics of mecha, Lu Bixing has only brought students to see it once and demonstrated how to open the cabin door. The cockfight settled, and walked forward with a pretense of calmness, recalling the steps he had read from the book, and opening the mecha door.

As they walked into the mecha, the fine network in the mecha was activated with a "hum", and the network lit up like a boiling, green and green, very scary, the cockfight suspected that it was no longer his own below the knee, I can't remember the link command for a while.

Just as he was staring at Jingwang, Principal Lu enhanced his voice with a strong amplifier, and passed it along the upper and lower pipes of the laboratory building to the mecha storage room, and roared in a different tone: "Who? Let you touch the mecha, come down!"

Cockfighting was frightened by Principal Lu's voice so much that he remembered the link command and entered it subconsciously. The other three had no time to respond, but the mecha door was already closed with a bang, and thousands of fine networks rushed to the cockfight, making noise in the mecha cabin. A tone suddenly rose.

White put his head in his hands: "Are you going to blow up?!"

Huang Jingshu: "Hurry up and disconnect, you motherfuckers are in trouble!"

Cockfighting is speechless - untrained people can't rashly get on the mecha, the impact of the first fine link is enough to knock people out of a concussion, and the cockfighting cock has rolled its eyes.

Mint pushed his companion away: "If there is any manual operation, avoid it. I will interrupt the program."

She had the demeanor of a general, and she was calm, she smashed the emergency safety valve with a punch, and then she was dumbfounded at the operation buttons in the safety valve that she didn't know what to do.

But the two-knife girl Mint was daring and foolish for only a second, she decided to use the dead horse as a living horse doctor, and moved her hands with guesswork.

Lu Bixing almost had high blood pressure on the spot: "Don't move!"

But it was too late.

The "humming" noise in the mecha subsided, and the mecha moved before the teenagers could breathe a sigh of relief.

Hearing a loud bang, the floor of the storage room was divided into two, revealing a deep track. The mecha's wings slowly contracted, sliding down the track and sliding towards the launch pad without hesitation.

Several students looked at each other for a few seconds, and then, the young and mature, noble and glamorous, who were afraid that the world would not be chaotic, were collectively beaten back to the prototype of the bear children, and they all screamed with their mouths wide open.

The scream couldn't stop the mecha, it fell relentlessly into the center of the launch pad, and a huge wave of energy exploded.

on the sky.

Lu Bixing couldn't believe it, these four arrogant children actually let themselves go as a dwarf monkey in front of him, out of anger: "You bastards, I have to expel you!"

He kicked on the emergency security door and left a concave footprint. Lu Bixing observed the depth of the footprint and felt that he kept kicking according to this place. After three days, he would probably be able to escape from the prison. It is better to wait for Zhan Lu to come over. let him out.

Losing his temper is not the solution, Lu Bixing quickly calmed down and started to circle in the sealed laboratory. Suddenly, the unrestrained Principal Lu had a flash of inspiration - he activated the "camouflage" function of the biochip.

In the next moment, in the awareness of all the safety equipment in the laboratory, the man who had been violently turned into a little boy with open teeth.

The little boy sat alone in the laboratory, brewing for half a minute, and began to cry with an "Ow".

According to the Union Minor Protection Law, if a child under the age of 10 is left alone and has obvious symptoms of discomfort for more than five minutes, the monitoring or security system closest to him should arrange for an alarm.

The security system of the laboratory is owned by Zhan Luan, and Lu Bixing hopes that this artificial intelligence from the alliance will abide by the law.

Zhan Lu did not let him down. The rejuvenated Principal Lu screamed for five minutes regardless of his image. The police station with the same decoration received a call from the police. The policemen within a radius of 20 miles were inexplicably called out collectively for half an hour. After that, a disheveled Principal Lu was dug out of Xinghai College.

At this time, the mecha carrying the four troublemakers has quietly left the Beijing β star like a small boat, and flew to the vast universe along the channel set by this mecha before.

At the same time, Lin Jingheng left Beijing Star with Zhan Lu, who did not report to the laboratory on time, and was politely invited to a small base on the edge of the eighth galaxy.

The mecha settled down, the hatch let out a heavy sigh, and slowly opened, Lin Jingheng walked out with his hands behind his back, and saw the person facing him at the door.

This group of people, men and women, all wore long robes, and their bodies were covered with ornaments. If you look closely, the ornaments are all living things. The ones hanging on the ears as earrings are live spiders, the bracelets are live scorpions, and the necklaces around their necks It may be a small snake connected end to end.

This is the famous cult poison nest in the Eighth Galaxy.

The leader was a middle-aged man in his 200s. The left half of his face was tattooed with poisonous insects. He could hardly see where his facial features were. He took a half step forward and extended his hand to Lin Jingheng first: "I heard about Beijing Star. The name of the fourth brother Shanglin, I have never had the opportunity to visit, let me introduce myself, I am Alai, the servant of the voodoo master, welcome you my friend, and may the light of the voodoo master always shine on you."

After hearing this wonderful blessing, Lin Jingheng raised the corner of his mouth at him without smiling, feeling that his body was already itching, he didn't take off his gloves, and shook hands with the other party very perfunctorily: "Sorry for hurting your people by mistake. "

Alai smiled very heartily; "My people stumbled into your territory, we made a mistake first, it's nothing, we don't know each other if we don't fight."

Said, he no longer mentioned the "spider" thing, and only reached out to Lin Jingheng: "Please."

This base was transformed from an abandoned space, about the size of a small city, drifting on the edge of the eighth galaxy, occupied by the poison nest.

Because the poisonous nest worships big bugs, the aesthetics are different from ordinary people. There are all kinds of strange human beings. It is normal to raise poisonous insects and venomous insects on the body. What's more, some of the organs of the insects are cultivated and mutated and transplanted into On himself, looking around, the group of demons danced wildly.

Lin Jingheng didn't squint, turned a blind eye to the many monsters, and followed Alai, who was the leader, for about ten minutes, and came to a huge starship. The artificial light source shone on the starship's icy and smooth outer shell, shimmering slightly, out of place for this asteroid with outdated facilities and strange inhabitants, like a foreign visitor.

Lin Jingheng glanced at it, and visually estimated that the technology level of this starship was at least 150 years ahead of the poison nest base, and knew that this should be the secret sponsor of the poison nest, the group of people who produced chips and asked for children.

The door of the starship opened, and a few people in protective suits came out. The leader took off his hood, revealing an unremarkable man's face: "Fourth Brother Lin on the Beijing Star, right? It's a pleasure to meet you. , you can call me 'Zero Zero One', I invited you as a guest, according to what you said, I should be an interstellar pirate."

"Good to meet you," Lin Jingheng raised her eyebrows, "according to what you said, I should be a big bastard."

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