
Chapter 137: I picked you up from the trash can


Lu Bixing lightly clasped his personal terminal, was silent for a moment, and came back from his brief daze, his eyes fixed on a point, and his lips were slightly pursed.

This is a contemplative color.

Lin Jingheng was clearly the aggressive character, but looking at the other party's expression, for a moment, he felt nervous.

Lin Jingheng is cold and cunning by nature. When necessary, he can play a lot of roles, and he is also very good at treating the situation. He can deceive old Harden so that he can't come back for 14 years. He has put on a thousand layers of disguise, but over the years, he has not taken off a single one. Because since Lu Xin died, he can no longer draw a sense of security from anyone—

The comrades-in-arms can't do it, they all rely on him and take him as the backbone, and the backbone has to be stuck there forever; the elders can't, if they can, Lu Xin won't die inexplicably; the only relative is separated from him by 100,000 light-years So far, so far, they are almost facing each other; not even Lu Bixing, Lu Bixing was too young and too beautiful in his eyes, it is the treasure he holds in his hand.

Treasures that are too valuable cannot bring a sense of security, but only increase anxiety.

Therefore, out of self-protection, for many years, he has always doubted everything, and has always been complacent. He never revealed his feelings, and never discussed his thoughts with others.

Lin Jingheng has been born and died for decades, but this moment is the time when he is the most aggressive.

He gave all he could.

"Don't do this," Lu Bixing was silent for a while, opened his personal terminal, and closed the process. He said in a light and gentle voice, "What do I take you for if I don't use this?"

The words are good words, and the gentle ironing makes people soft-hearted, but the heart that Lin Jingheng mentioned suddenly fell halfway.

"Okay, I have something I want to ask - I remember when Zhanlu was just repaired, he told me that due to the leak of the secret waterway, the ambush blew up the jump point, the command ship was blown up, and the main body of Zhanlu also blew up. It was burned in the explosion. I guess, when the command ship exploded, he should have transformed into an emergency ecological cabin." When Lu Bixing said this, his tone was calm and his words were calm, without the unconscious stumbling and ambiguity of ordinary people when they spoke. When he came out, he must be very proficient in impromptu speeches, but he still looked tense because he was constantly rubbing his hands, as if he was always dissatisfied with the temperature of his hands. In the energy shock wave, the deformation material will soon be deactivated, and the host will be burned due to overheating, right? At that time, were you injured? Is it serious?"

Lin Jingheng looked at him deeply.

Lu Bixing continued to ask: "Have you been checked by a reliable doctor, will there be any health risks?"

Lin Jingheng thought to himself: It is not as big a hidden danger as you slap chips on yourself.

The anger on his face flashed, and then he forcibly suppressed it: "I don't think this is what you want to ask."

"I just want to know this, and I only care about this," Lu Bixing leaned back slightly, deliberately relaxed his tight back, and smiled at him, "Of course, the alliance situation is also important, but this is not a personal matter, We can stay in the conference room and talk."

The other half of Lin Jingheng's heart also began to sink.

He thought: You don't want to question me, since you know that the Heart of the Rose has a natural wormhole area, why haven't you tried to come back in 16 years, even if you send a message to the Eighth Galaxy? You don't want to know where I went with the Ten Silver Guards, who was my enemy and who was my friend, do I still have the alliance in my heart, and will I leave the Eighth Galaxy again in the future? Don't you want to know if I have changed my mind in the past sixteen years? You don't even want to know why I delete Zhan Luli's data and hide your true background? Don't you even want to tell me about the grievances you've suffered over the years

Suddenly, Lin Jingheng felt a sense of familiarity, because he found that he has always had the same attitude towards Lu Bixing - I don't ask you for anything, I just try my best to love you in my way, don't repay, don't promise, even Do not future.

Although the expressions on the surface are different, the inside is the same. Lin Jingheng looked at him at this time, feeling like he was looking in a mirror.

Few people will be hurt because of "giving", and the wounds often come from the loss of desire.

Lu Bixing used to be like a skin monkey jumping up and down, he didn't care, he was also injured, but those wounds always healed quickly, and finally he didn't hurt his muscles or bones, and he exercised him very solid, bold, what Dare to try. But in the past sixteen years, he was almost split in half, and he struggled with a sigh of relief until now.

These fates are like a cycle.

Lin Jingheng suddenly got up, almost unable to maintain his expression.

Lu Bixing hurriedly grabbed him: "Lin, wait! Wait a minute, let me say it again"

Over the years, Lu Bixing has seen people talk to people, talk to ghosts, and use both favor and power to forcibly flatten the eighth galaxy of the civil war. Those politicians with mysterious minds swept their eyes, and he had to immediately judge what the other party wanted. As for being at a disadvantage, he was clearly more slick and more skillful than the young man who only jumped on a high platform to make chicken soup.

But he didn't know what was going on with him, and he actually played out of order again and again in front of Lin Jingheng.

He tried very hard to pretend that nothing had happened, and get along with each other in the old way, but something was wrong. He could feel that he was like a poor imitation. He learned to walk in Handan and learned to be a A wobbly lame man.

"I" Lu Bixing was speechless for a while, but in a hurry, he said with difficulty, "After all these years, do you miss me?"

Lin Jingheng looked down at him, Lu Bixing let go of his hand as if he had been scalded - he saw that Lin Jingheng's eyes were red.

"When I have nothing to do at night, I occasionally climb to the top of a building to watch the stars." Lin Jingheng is not an orator, his style is short and indifferent, so he said it with great difficulty and incoherence. , "Although the transition point was blown up, the light could still pass through. I was on an unnamed asteroid in the sixth galaxy, and the asteroid's orbital period was not a standard Votto year. I stayed there for 14 years, on average. Down, about ten months in a year, you can see the eighth sun on the roof of the building, although the naked eye can only see the eighth galaxy a long time ago."

"I wonder what you are doing, imagine if the starlight of the eighth sun fell into my eyes, did it pass through you, and if there was such a light, when it passed through you, I would still I don't know you." Once he started, the following words seemed easier than expected, Lin Jingheng's words were smoother, "I think you may be sad at first, and may not accept it, but the one-eyed eagle and the chief will always take care of you, one-eyed. Eagle can't do anything else, this thing has always been done carefully. I think it may be three or five years, and I will almost forget about me as a passerby. When I think about it, sometimes I regret that I was not good enough for you, and sometimes I feel that I am not good enough for you. That's right, I'm afraid you take it too seriously."

Lu Bixing murmured, "Why are you on the unnamed planet in the sixth galaxy?"

Lin Jingheng was silent for a while: "I won't tell you today. I will answer you two questions every day, because you said a few boring nonsense today, and I will punish you for a chance."

Lu Bixing: ""

"Ask me tomorrow after thinking about it." Lin Jingheng said, but he really hardened his heart and got up and left, "I'm going out to meet someone, talk to Tulan and the others, you know how to find me."


Be patient, Lin Jingheng said to herself, take it slow, it will always be fine.

Lu Bixing followed him a few steps subconsciously, came back, and stayed hesitantly.

"By the way," just when the manipulator Zhan Lu had poked at the door and was about to pull the door handle for him, Lin Jingheng turned his head, "Give me the authority of Zhan Lu, the level is higher, and can be used under any circumstances. Shut him up."

Zhan Lu was poked on the "back of his hand" by the chameleon who came over, and said dryly: "It's a pity that you say that, sir, I love you so much, like honey."

After hearing this confession, Lin Jingheng said to "Honey" ruthlessly, "Get out."

Lu Bixing coughed awkwardly: "I immediately forbid him to capture unidentified readings at will."

General Lin - because he was poor when he came back, he only had a shirt on his body, which was scratched by President Lu, so he had no choice but to take Lu Bixing's formal clothes hanging outside the dry cleaning machine, and the serious black formal clothes made him look like a killer. Desperately, he went out.

Lu Bixing's fingers trembled. When Lin Jingheng left his field of vision, he had a strong desire to immediately pull out the one-way location in the personal terminal and stare at Lin Jingheng.

But not so.

Lu Bixing pressed the tip of his tongue against his upper teeth, calmed down in place for five seconds, deliberately diverted his attention, and asked Zhan Lu, "Where did you see what?"

Zhan Lu replied, "Principal Lu, I quoted the books in your personal terminal."

Lu Bixing: ""

Can someone with high autonomy slander their master casually

Zhan Lu, who was in the form of a robotic hand, pointed his index finger, and Lu Bixing's personal terminal automatically popped open. After a while, a collection of works that the owner himself had forgotten jumped out, called the story you know.

It's a collection of small yellow texts.

Lu Bixing remembered that the students still had the habit of borrowing books from him. He was in a cold sweat and hurriedly planned to delete the evidence: "You can find this out, right? What are you doing? Did you get a virus?"

"I didn't read it," Zhan Lu replied, "This is what you read to your husband when you were fishing for the ecological capsule outside the β-star in Beijing. I was asleep at the time, and the ecological capsule system automatically recorded your reading. "

Lu Bixing was stunned.

Fuzzy and distant memories emerged, and Lu Bixing remembered the book.

There is a story in which a fiction that has never existed in the history of religion fell into the hands of the devil. The devil has many clones. Cool color.

Lu Bixing suddenly followed Zhan Lu's words and remembered one of them--

"He knelt down in front of that flawless body, humbly buried his head, kissed his ankle, and said madly in his mouth 'I love you so much, like honey, I am a believer who died on my knees, like you Stretch out countless pairs of dirty hands in the hope of redemption'" The latter is less described.

This episode of Lu Bixing was particularly impressive. Zhan Lu gave him a hint, and he remembered it, because Lin Jingheng in the ecological cabin at that time inexplicably overlapped with the image described in the story. The kinky object opened his eyes and caught it.

It is not easy to forget such a humiliating moment.

This flash, more than twenty years.

The light of the Eighth Sun may have just reached a distant alien galaxy, and the world has been turned upside down several times in turmoil.

The chameleon and the manipulator tilted their heads together, watching the corner of the commander's tensed mouth move slightly, revealing a faint and nostalgic smile, very shallow and fleeting.

But that's true.

He traced the light that had traveled beyond the galaxy, and finally looked back.

Lu Bixing dragged back the nearly shredded file, encrypted it and stored it. He stretched out another finger, tapped Zhanlu, and warned it, "Delete your record, do you want to be banned for life?"

The world is not fair to artificial intelligence.

Lin Jingheng went to the Galaxy City base, glanced at his old subordinate, and asked Turan to take him to the cemetery.

Turan kept her hair short, but regained her two "tentacles", which seemed to be a little firmer and more stable than sixteen years ago.

"General, is President Lu really the son of General Lu Xin?"

"Yeah." Lin Jingheng nodded.

"You already knew?"

"I knew it for a long time," Lin Jingheng said, "I asked Zhan Lu to delete the relevant information, but he still pulled it out."

Turan thought about it for a while, and said in a somewhat inexhaustible tone: "What about Gao Lengman, General? Why do you even eat grass on the edge of the nest, and even delete other people's genetic comparison data to secretly eat it?"

Lin Jingheng: ""

Turan tried very hard to give him a very wretched expression, but halfway through the wretchedness, he collapsed. He suddenly turned his head and wiped away tears.

"Captain of the Ninth Guard, you're getting more and more promising," Lin Jingheng said helplessly.

Turan was speechless for a while, so Lin Jingheng had to wait for her in silence.

When Lin Jingheng left, not long after the cemetery was circled, there were only a few solitary tombstones.

Now, the tombs can't be seen at a glance, and they are neatly displayed in front, mostly traces of civil war.

"At that time, the economic ecology of the eighth galaxy was on the verge of collapse, and the boss, in desperation, accepted the loan terms from the neighbors," Lin Jingheng asked softly, "What happened after that?"

"Then it really collapsed," Turan said. "The transition point exploded, the eighth galaxy was in turmoil, and a large number of refugees from the seven star systems poured in, which made things worse. It started with the conflict between the refugees and the local people, and then the nutrition needle was in a hurry. Currency The system failed, a large number of electronic coins were worthless, and the smugglers were revived. When the boss was alive, he demolished the east wall to make up for the west wall. When he died, Mr. Lu was young, except for the engineering department he brought out by himself, he couldn't hold back anything. People, planets and spaces declared their independence one by one. At the worst time, we only had the Galaxy City base, the base became a bare commander, and even Qixing was in danger. We were overwhelmed by the fact that the anti-Urban would stay in the base. Half a year - the isolation belt of each heavy armor is full of edible crops, which is said to be a glorious tradition you left behind."

Lin Jingheng lit a cigarette and walked slowly along the path between the path and the cemetery.

"For half a year, we actually had armed forces in our hands, but Mr. Lu was holding down and did not fight outside. The armed forces were mainly used for defense." Turan said, "He said that he was unable to rebuild the order of the entire galaxy in a short period of time, so We first explored in a small area, and then expanded outwards. Zhan Lu analyzed in detail the information about the expansion of the Anti-Ukraine Society in the past - the natural planets outside the domain were not suitable for human survival, and they developed a self-sufficient system in the mecha. We learned from it and improved it a little, and later we almost peacefully won the Venus and a few satellites, and then we built the first military factory on Emma III.”

Turan said, the grievance became a beast: "I'm just a vanguard commando, but I also let me manage the logistics, and let me manage the overall planning. Let me manage everything, and I'm about to be set on fire. Burned, I don't want to be a general for a long time, even if you let me be a pirate who robs, it's better than now."

The Ninth Guard of Silver, the Pioneer Army of Pleasure and Vengeance, became one of the defenders.

At that time, there was a man who claimed to be cowardly by nature, always wanted to avoid fights and conflicts, and pretended that everything was fine, and was involved in the civil war of the eighth galaxy. No one is like Lin Jingheng, who easily makes concessions to him and helps him get the best of both worlds. He has to make countless choices, aiming his sword at countless people, among the graves that cannot be walked, and tempered an independent galaxy that dares to stand against the alliance. total length.

Suddenly, Lin Jingheng stopped, and he saw a familiar person.

The one-eyed eagle has a hooked nose, thin lips, a pointed chin, close eyebrows and a pair of non-mainstream mandarin duck eyes. Although the profile is very handsome, when viewed from the front, it is always a bit "I don't like seeing you. " provocative. The old Persian cat looked out defiantly from the stone tablet, as if he was still eager to scratch his paw.

His surname is written on the tombstone: One-eyed Eagle, surnamed Lu (any surname, I don't call Lu One-eyed Eagle).

It is said that such a long list is written on the civil registration information of his personal terminal.

Below the epitaph, someone engraved two words at the bottom of his stone tablet - it looks crooked from a distance, the lines are frizzy, and it was carved by a person with poor craftsmanship - answering his epitaph. .

"I picked you up from the trash can."


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