
Chapter 143: Morning star, half year of independence


Morning star, half a year of independence.

More than two hundred days, enough to do

Zhan Lu's chameleon hasn't been able to climb around the house, and the diameter of the popcorn's snake gallbladder hasn't grown by one millimeter. The new "roommate" at home is still shivering.

And Venus has only reincarnated once in two seasons.

Lin Jingheng was appointed as the supreme commander of the eighth galaxy. Hearing this, it seemed like he was going to be promoted and rich, and he would reach the pinnacle of his life. However, based on the area of the site, General Lin used to command all the garrisoned forces in the eight galaxy of the alliance in the Silver Fortress, whatever you want to say. A sentence can be interpreted in a thousand kinds of "implications", which will turn the "eighth galaxy" into the "eighth galaxy", he is almost downgraded from the commander-in-chief of the central government to the security captain in the old, young, border and poor areas, and sits at the Galaxy City base after get off work. The public shuttle bus going home will not attract crowds.

After all, half a year is limited, so hurry up, move personnel, and the handover of work has not been fully sorted out, and it is just on the right track.

The reorganized Silver Fourth Guard still failed to pass General Lin's strict standards. During the mid-year exercise "martial arts", he was bullied by his former colleagues to the point of failure. Anakin asked Lin Jingheng to take it away and clean it up by himself. He was greeted by the gloating onlookers of his colleagues, and once became the focus of the crowd, which made the captain of the Sixth Guard look very longing. When the commander routinely trains people every Monday, he often misses Baiyin Liu, General Liu of the Sixth Guard because he can't remember it. I always feel unloved.

Half a year ago, the Eighth Galaxy reignited the "Lu Xin fever". Three TV dramas based on the fiction of General Lu Xin were released in half a year, and so far there is no intention to let it go. And Lu Bixing's problem of waking up in the middle of the night was not very good. After looking around in a panic in the middle of the night, he came back, and then pretended to wrap a quilt around Lin Jingheng as if nothing had happened, and then wrapped his limbs on the ground. The low-lying General Lin woke up alive, and even flipped the quilt aside, but at first, he woke up two or three times a night, but now it only happens once every two or three days. After a thousand times, the stone can still be worn. Maybe in half a year, the chief will have to rely on General Lin's wake-up service to ensure that he will not be late.

The rhythm of human change is soothing and peaceful, but technological development is like moss and weeds that thrive in the wind.

For the first time, the eighth galaxy discovered a natural wormhole area by accident. Half of the interstellar expedition team went in and never came back. They could pass in a dangerous direction. It took several years and a lot of theoretical accumulation to lay a solid foundation. This The field began to grow by leaps and bounds.

When Lu Bixing personally picked up the Silver Ten Guardians, Turan, who was waiting here, was scratching his head because he couldn't receive the whole information. When they imitated the principle of the transition point, they built a stable space field and communication channel in the natural wormhole area, but only It took less than two hundred days-

The mechanical experiment has been completed. At the end of the twelfth year of independence, with Mint as the head and three interstellar expedition members as volunteers, Jingwang colluded with each other and prepared to drive a standard starship fleet through the natural wormhole.

There are twenty-four standard starships in the entire fleet, and each starship is filled with animal and plant experiments and is fully loaded.

The weight limit of the interstellar transition point generally has the standard values of "16", "18" and "24", which represent how many standard starships with full load can pass through at the same time - of course, there is a real war, emergency transitions and missiles Usually they don't care when they fly around together.

However, the "road" is not designed for war. Twenty-four full-load standard starships are already the highest load of man-made transition points so far. Once the manned experiment is successful, it means that the restricted area of the Heart of the Rose will be completely conquered by humans. .

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"Mint, come on!"

Mint, who was making the final preparations, turned his head and saw the people at the door "hula la", and immediately knew who was coming. She rolled her eyes, made an unbearable expression, and walked through the crowd with a blank face: "Mr. Lu."

Since the expedition team successfully crossed the natural wormhole for the first time, it has changed from a fringe unpopular project that no one cares about to a fashionable hot spot, attracting a lot of interns who do not know what they are called, and often do some projects that have never been seen in the market. No matter, this will be like watching rare animals come to watch the chief.

Lu Bixing dealt with a group of people who came to shake hands, turned his head and asked Mint: "There are still two hours before you set off, give me ten minutes?"

Mint gestured to the expedition captain, motioning him to tie up the onlookers and lead them away, and brought Lu Bixing to the rest room.

Mint complained: "Mr. Lu, if you keep running here like this, others will think that I am a related household. Next time there is an experiment, they should not let me go."

"They shouldn't let you go when they come. In the past, all major research institutes in the alliance stipulated that human experimenters with certain risks must be people over forty years old with certain work experience." Lu Bixing sighed, "I In the past, I always thought that Jing Shu was more impulsive and thought too much. As for White, if you are not too curious, it is easy to cause trouble, but your ideals have always been normal, so you plan to make a fortune. He is a very reassuring child. You did the most dangerous thing."

"Who is more senior than me? I'm a junior, and I'm one of the founders of the interstellar expedition. I personally passed through the wormhole twice." Mint raised her eyebrows high, "Young man, Dad With such a strong temperament, aren't you afraid that General Lin will dislike you?"

Lu Bixing listened to her mentioning the "father" in his own family, and subconsciously touched his pocket, which was empty - because the talkative Zhan Lu framed him two days ago, saying that he had twisted the cigarette butt on himself before. Lu Bixing, who didn't remember this matter, firmly denied it, but Lin Jingheng obviously believed in artificial intelligence's slander, and was so angry that he didn't speak to him for a day and confiscated his cigarettes.

Lu Bixing: "I think at least in this respect, he really has no reason to dislike me."

He paused, then suddenly said, "The last time I said that was on Saturday."

Mint was suddenly silent.

In the Eighth Galaxy, Saturday is a name rarely mentioned. As the son of a smuggler, he was the first person to open his eyes and try to escape the so-called "Fate of the Eighth Galaxy". He was the first to be accepted into the Silver Star Jiuwei, the person who proved that "garbage" can also be valuable. He has been a hero countless times and ended his life in a heroic way. He should go down in history, but it is also because of his single thought that killed countless people. , almost pushed the Eighth Galaxy into a place of no doom.

Mint once dared to confront Lin Jingheng because of him, and because of him, he did not get out of that hastily cut off call for 16 years.

"Boss Lu"


"Do you hate him? Do you hate Saturday?"

"I don't want to pretend to be tolerant." Lu Bixing said, Mint's eyes dimmed, but Lu Bixing paused, and then said, "But sometimes you can't criticize things that are short of your thoughts, because they weren't planned by him, and neither do you. Knowing that if you move from place to place, you are in his position, can you think about it rationally, at least I may not be able to."

He heard Saturday say that when he was a child in the eco-pod, watching the girl beside him flow into space, his hearing was terrible at the time, but it would be okay to sympathize for a while, and there is no worse story than this. No.

Until he himself lost it once.

"By the way, Mr. Lu," Mint said, "the first time we passed through the wormhole, the military recorder of the wreckage of the mecha that we found contained the actual situation of the attack on the coalition forces of the seven and eight galaxies at that time. You didn't let me go last time. Can you help you find out and estimate the parameters of the site?"

Lu Bixing: "Huh?"

"It's very strange," Mint said, "Zhan Lu recorded that at the time when his mainframe was destroyed, the anti-Ukrainian group hadn't withdrawn. The military recorder recorded that there were no signs of other armed activities nearby. I think the Free Legion's It's impossible for people to appear in front of the anti-Ukraine meeting so blatantly, right? From Zhanlu's destruction to the anti-Ukrainian meeting's retreat, it took at least half an hour - but when the explosion, some of the anti-Ukrainian meeting's mechas were also affected, no If you look closely, you almost can't find it, you said that General Lin survived safely, will it have something to do with this?"

After the Anti-Ukrainian Society ambush the transition point, what exactly happened, Lin Jingheng simply told him that his eco-pod was caught by the Freedom Corps, but how and how long it took to get it, he didn't describe it, he just said "I am in In the eco-pod, how do I know?"

In this regard, Dr. Harden is also tight-lipped.

From the beginning, Lu Bixing didn't dare to think or ask, and then he became more and more curious. In the end, he was just scratching his head and holding a grudge. He used the deciphering mode of a scientist and began to try to assume various theories and modeled to restore the time. In the scene, if you fail, you will entangle Lin Jingheng. Anyway, if your curiosity is not satisfied, your body can always be satisfied.

At first, Lin Jingheng just spoke very general, too lazy to describe the details, did not deliberately hide it, but found that he would ponder on his own, and through repeated pondering and calculation, gradually he was able to face the pain squarely, so he simply kept it secret.

"Well, this is a new discovery," Lu Bixing rubbed his chin, blinked and came up with a new set of words, ready to go to Dr. Harden, "safe journey."

When the experimental starship set off and began to penetrate the Heart of the Rose - Votto also caught the abnormal energy in the restricted area for the first time.

Marshal Woolf signed Order 306 against the Eighth System.

"Your Excellency Secretary-"

"Mr. Secretary-General."

Wearing a long black trench coat that was too slim, Wang Ailun quickly walked through the corridor of the Union Parliament Building. He didn't speak, but his eyes swept over those who greeted him, and everyone felt that they had been greeted.

This secretary-general from the Military Commission has retained the tradition of the Allied Army of "being dignified at all times". Although he is 218 years old this year, he is in very good condition. He is tall and straight and walks briskly, without any middle-aged person. Depressed, every strand of hair interprets what it means to be "human-like and dog-like".

Wang Ailun is a low-key and humble person, and he doesn't talk much, but he is surprisingly well-rounded. Compared with the secretary-general of the aristocratic young masters during the management committee's control of the alliance's power, he seems more and more valuable.

As soon as I arrived at the press conference organization site, before I could enter the conference hall, a large group of interview machines the size of sparrows flew up: "Secretary-General Wang!"

"Your Excellency Secretary-General, is it true that Marshal Woolf was admitted to the hospital for emergency treatment last night?"

"Mr. Wang, there is news that the old coach has become 'Pop', is that true?"

"The marshal issued the Union Military Commission's Order No. 306 yesterday. Was he clearly conscious when he signed this order?"

"Secretary-General, some people said that the old marshal had lost his mind as early as half a year ago. Some people have always used him as a puppet and issued orders instead of him. What do you think?"


Several guards stepped forward to block Wang Ailun from the interview robots that were too close, in case they were too excited and bumped into the face of His Excellency the Secretary-General. Wang Ailun passed through the interview robots without changing his face, politely. To the reporters blocking the road, said "borrowed".

He walked straight to the central podium and smiled at everyone.

His eyebrows are clean and slender, and his eyebrows are a bit indescribable. They are the finishing touches on his face. Usually they don't look amazing, but when they smile, they will give people a special kind of intimacy, as if this person Gentle in nature and does not lie.

The press conference hall, like a vegetable market, gradually became quiet.

"The old marshal has been arrogant all his life, and he has made many enemies. There are many people hiding in the dark. He has always hoped to see the protection of our alliance fall, but—" Wang Ailun paused, his eyes swept around, "It's a pity, not yet."

"You mean the old Marshal is in good health? Why don't the people of Marshal Woolf speak out to the public?"

"Hello, friends from Votto Daily, I don't know what your 'very healthy' standard is, the old man is sober, and his genes don't collapse, but he is three hundred and twenty years old after all. Maybe jump up and play aerial football," Wang Ailun said calmly, "this is just a boring rumor, but because the people are very concerned, the league center decided to hold a press conference, you can't ask an old man because This kind of thing, do not follow the doctor's advice, go to such an environment that is too noisy and not conducive to his health?"

"The old marshal signed Order No. 306, which involves the deployment of the central army of the seven galaxies. According to the alliance constitution, when this decree is signed, representatives from the alliance central, parliament, legislature and the central army of each galaxy must be present to witness the witness list. It is on the official website of the Alliance Government, and you can check it at will. Some conspiracy theorists may think that these people can be controlled by some kind of secret force at the same time," Wang Ailun shrugged, showing just the right helplessness, "If this is the case, then It shows that the military and political backbone of our entire alliance has fallen, so someone should have come out to announce the change of the dynasty, what are we going to discuss together?"

The interview machine that was flying up and down gradually quieted down, and the people sitting in the conference hall also burst into cheering laughter. The whole press conference ended with a live communication video of Marshal Woolf. The old marshal still had a familiar attitude and tone, with clear thinking and concise and powerful speech. It seemed that he could break through the limits of human beings and live another 100 years.

The representative of the Votto Daily was a middle-aged woman. After the meeting, she took away her interview machine. Following the crowd, she declined an invitation from a colleague, got into a private car, and drove the car to a remote place. , skillfully connected to the underground network to prevent being tracked, and contacted a person.

"The list of witnesses when Order No. 306 was signed is out. It is impossible for Wang Ailun to control everyone here, and it is impossible for the representatives of the Central Army to admit that the supreme military commander was wrong. Woolf also appeared in the question-and-answer session. We asked I have asked a lot of questions about Order 306, but there is nothing wrong with his answer."

Hope's figure appeared in the personal terminal: "Order 306 changed the entire alliance garrison structure, adjusted the routes of 16 military fortresses, and set up heavy troops near the Heart of the Rose, but weakened several adjacent areas outside the territory. Frontier, what do you mean? Thinking that the Eighth System is more dangerous than the rebels that might hide outside the domain? This decision is really not like Woolf made."

"I don't know," the female reporter said, "but it is said that the eighth galaxy has made a major breakthrough in the study of natural wormholes, and can already transmit stable signals through wormholes. Is it also related to this?"

Hope interrupted her: "Wolf has been the commander of the alliance for more than two hundred years. Since the establishment of the alliance, he has trained the greatest military experts. Even if he really thinks so, he can't be so obvious. The army is already dissatisfied. And I haven't been able to contact him for half a year, can you find a way to see him?"

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