
Chapter 144: The fleet is under attack!


"The starship is about to leave the wormhole area, and the energy response is within the normal range."

"Check the communication signal."

"The communication signal is normal, decoding the message—"

In the eighth galaxy, the laboratory of the interstellar expedition received a steady volume of noise. At this time, sixteen days have passed since the departure of the experimental ship. According to the plan, they will arrive at the Heart of the Rose, the natural wormhole area on this day. the other end of the .

The entire eighth galaxy synchronously broadcasts the manned experiment process. At the same time, the number of people online has reached 400 million, and the number is still rising. The 400 million people pricked their ears together and listened to the noise from the distorted time and space.

"It's unbelievable," Thomas Yang said with emotion. "The compatriots in the eighth galaxy are too dedicated to learning. There are so many people watching boring popular science live broadcasts online, and the future is limitless!"

Poisson Yang Liangliang said: "Are you stupid?"

"Brother," Thomas Young bit his chin and forced a smile, suppressing his voice, "although your birth was a tragic buy-one-get-one-free, I also understand that you were born with stunted growth and language dysfunction—but you don't think that Are you using words too often?"

Poisson Yang glanced at him with the corner of his eye: "When the Seventh Galaxy was attacked by the Anti-Ukrainian Society, General Lin let in 800 million refugees, and then the transition point was blown up, opening a Tianhe between the Eighth Galaxy and the Alliance. , Many people think that they will never go back in their lifetime, understand? There are only 400 million people online, and that is because today is a working day, and many people are inconvenient to watch the live broadcast.”

Thomas Yang was taken aback.

At this time, the ground technical support of the expedition team decoded the information sent back by the starship. The noise just now was slowed down by 1,500 times, and the content could be heard clearly. It turned out that the information sent back by the starship was the Freedom Alliance of the Eighth Galaxy. The song of the army, the strong chorus has been played to the end, and finally stopped on a high-pitched note. Through the distorted time and space, it has been folded and decoded many times, and it sounds a little distorted, like it came back from another world, and the next At the end, after a pause for a few seconds, the next song was played again. It was a lyrical ditty from the alliance, telling the story of first love. I can't remember which galaxy became popular first. The Song of the Free Alliance Army is seamless.

For a time, as heartless as Thomas Yang, he also felt the inseparable connection between the Eighth Galaxy and the Alliance.

"Beyond the Heart of the Rose is the first galaxy. They haven't penetrated into the Heart of the Rose before, so it's fine if they don't know, but last time the Chief and you went directly to the Heart of the Rose to gather together, which surprised the Alliance. It's been so long. It's impossible for them to be unprepared at all," Turan and Lin Jingheng were late, and walked into the laboratory of the interstellar expedition team together, Turan whispered to him as they walked, "I still feel that the experimental starship Should have brought some mechs"

"A scientific research team, sneaking in a few armed mechas, what are you doing? I used to say that I didn't know what was in the wormhole, but now I know who my neighbor is, so I still do it," Lin Jingheng said, "I'm worried. Does anyone else have a handle?"

Turan asked, "But what if they turn around?"

"Keep the communication open," Lin Jingheng glanced at her and waved for the two-way communication tool for the expedition team's experimental starship. "The expedition team, can you hear me?"

There was a little time difference in the communication between the two sides, and it took a while for the other side to answer: "General Lin."

"When you arrive at the Heart of the Rose, if you encounter the Alliance Army or the Central Army, first say hello to their Marshal Woolf on my behalf, and say that I will wish him good health from the wormhole." Lin Jingheng said, reaching out and waving the suspension in the air. The small microphone in the air, fixed, turned his head and said to Turan, "They have no reason to turn their faces, even if there is, they would not dare, don't worry."

Turan: ""

The commander-in-chief is really a man who needs to work every day when he has the conditions, and he needs to work every day when he has no conditions to create the conditions.

Lu Bixing was waiting in the expedition team's laboratory early, and was explaining something to the person in charge on the second floor. He suddenly heard this sentence, and when he lowered his head, he saw this idly wandering in and talking. Lin Jingheng raised his eyelids and glanced at him. He didn't say anything in public, but gave him a light nod.

The person in charge of the expedition listened obediently for half, and found that the commander had nothing to say, so he had to ask strangely, "commander?"

Lu Bixing loosened his neckline and forgot what he said just now, so he could only smile at him inexplicably.

"According to the current revolution cycle, a maximum of four military fortresses can be arranged from the Heart of the Rose to Votto. Except for Duke, the frontier defender of the first galaxy, there are no particularly noteworthy people. The transition channel with a weight limit of '24' can pass through one A super-space heavy armor team, if I want to go, from the Heart of the Rose to Votto, six hours is enough. Unless they also blow up the first galaxy in the center of the alliance into an island, or transfer all troops to the Rose Heart." Lin Jingheng said to Turan with a bit of indifference, "Is it because of a scientific expedition team of only three people? Woolf is the commander, not a lunatic, and not so full of grass and trees. Besides, the Central Army in various places is now autonomous. The power is quite high, and he may not necessarily listen to him."

Turan was silent for a while: "You still believe that Woolf is not crazy?"

Lin Jingheng didn't answer.

When Lin Wei was still alive, he remembered that the old marshal would often come to see them, when he was still "Grandpa Woolf".


In Lin Jingheng's impression, this grandfather Woolf has never been the kind of kind-hearted appearance, especially when he is old, his bones are clear, his skin is very thin, and the wrinkles carved by a knife are proof that he is unsmiling all his life. Children don’t talk much in front of them, and sometimes they really don’t know what to communicate with them. They just take some very mentally retarded gifts and ask them whether they like it or not.

But his palms are thick and strong, and when he strokes the soft top of the child's head, his tight brows will always open a little, revealing a silent and gentle breath.

How Lin Wei died, Lin Jingheng is not very clear, the official statement is that he died of illness, he was too young at that time, and was unable to trace the truth, so he had to believe it for the time being.

He remembered a gloomy day, because General Lin Wei's funeral was very grand, and all the prominent people in the Alliance Center came. They deliberately adjusted the weather of Votto to make it look more appropriate. The house was very noisy, with inexplicable groups of people and interview machines buzzing around. He took his sister to avoid them, got together for company, and overheard a group of people he didn't know whispering.

"Actually, I have some inside information here. You haven't heard of it. General Lin Wei probably committed suicide."

"I guessed a little bit," another said. "Wotto has an average life expectancy of more than three hundred years, and there has never been a precedent for Pop's collapse before the age of two hundred. With his identity and medical conditions, how is that possible?"

Children born in the Garden of Eden have never heard of "suicide" and have no concept. The little boy under the age of ten could not understand it, but he subconsciously felt the cruelty in those words, so he tightly covered it. my sister's ears.

"Laura Geddon is from the White Tower, and the White Tower penetrates into the core of the Garden of Eden. If you want me to say, once these people betray, wouldn't it be like a haunted house? Maybe there was something she did between General Lin Wei and the Garden of Eden. , it will make people collapse and go to a dead end.”

"But I heard that the two of them are in a good relationship."

"What kind of feelings can a political marriage have? The marriage you want will last no more than three years - these big people, don't they all say that to the outside world?"

"The story of Laura Geddon is unclear, but I heard that there is a relationship between the two of them, but that relationship is not necessarily true. It is said that Laura Geddon used the result of illegal operations in the Garden of Eden. You know, dopamine Whatever, as long as you measure enough, you can fall in love with a dog."

"You just fell in love with a dog!"

They exclaimed in high and low voices, like a group of crows surrounded by carrion, they heard killing intent boiling, Lin Jingheng's hands were too strong, and Jingshu struggled uncomfortably.

Suddenly, the group went mute together, their voices dropped, and they lined up awkwardly—Marshal Woolf strode in, his hair seemed to be more than half white overnight, and his cheeks were sunken, but still tall, like a tree. The falcon-like eyes faltered fiercely, and he didn't say a word, the secretary behind him beckoned to the two children hiding in the corner.

The two children quickly followed, and Secretary Wang's words fell into Lin Jingheng's ears. He bit his ear to the old marshal and said, "I'm afraid we can't refuse the management committee's request, so we can only keep one."

Woolf didn't look back at the two children, as if watching too much would hurt his eyes: "Then leave it to Lu Xin, I said hello to him."

Lin Jingheng raised his head cautiously.

Secretary Wang said, "I thought you would want to take care of it yourself."

Woolf's footsteps stopped, and for a moment, Lin Jingheng felt his neck move, as if he wanted to look back at them, but in the end he didn't.

After a while, the old marshal said in a hoarse voice: "I can't take care of it anymore, I'm old, I can't stand this kind of taking away, it's sad to see."

It was sad to see it, so I didn't watch it, so after a few years, we can do it without hesitation, right

At that time, Jing Shu keenly felt something, and wriggled in his hand uneasily. She didn't know whose sweat was in her palms, and they rubbed against each other. At that time, there was still the warmth of being dependent on each other.

Lin Jingheng pulled her tightly, thinking, "And me, I will protect you."


He didn't do it.

He hadn't even attended her wedding, he hadn't been back to Votto for more than 20 years, and he hadn't seen her in person for more than 20 years. The closest distance was to an ecological cabin on the asteroid, but he couldn't help himself, and he treated her as the most dangerous enemy in his life. He didn't dare to reveal any sincerity in his tense heartstrings, and he couldn't contain any more sincerity.

The manipulator that Lu Bixing imitated for Zhan Lu looked wrong, because he had never seen the girl in the school uniform back then.

Lin Jingheng said to Turan unchanged: "Compared to the Alliance, the Pirates Free Legion will be a little more troublesome. They had just made trouble near the Heart of the Rose a while ago. It stands to reason that the Alliance should be on alert, but opium is everywhere, or Be careful, ask the expedition to confirm in advance that the jammer is functioning properly."

In the experimental star fleet, human experimenters only control a small part. In order to observe the impact of wormholes on the human fine net, most of the driving tasks are performed by the artificial intelligence on the starship, which can prevent the fine net from being invaded, in case it is attacked , the unmanned starship can block the perimeter, and will automatically release jamming - the jammer is assisted by Dr. Harden, which can cause a certain degree of fine interference to the first generation of opium chip wearers - leaving enough escape for the people in the starship time.

"Be careful not to leave the Heart of the Rose area," Lin Jingheng said. "Set up a communication device there and come back immediately."

"The experimental starship is about to leave the wormhole—"

The entire expedition laboratory was suddenly silent. Because of the time difference, when the news came back to Qixing, the starship had already arrived at the Heart of the Rose. Everyone was waiting for the news from there, holding their breaths.

The next moment, a noise came from the communication information, and the artificial intelligence immediately began to automatically decode it. Then, a piece of violin music came out, and the laboratory where the needles could be heard suddenly boiled.

It worked!

A smooth passage to the edge of the first galaxy!

The Eighth Galaxy has been isolated from the world like an island for nearly seventeen years, and finally a bridge has been built again. All those who are still concerned about the outside have hope to go back and have a look. And the same technology can also visit farther outside the territory, expand the territory, and continue to expand the territory of human civilization. They may be able to create a faster and faster "new era of navigation"!

Lin Jingheng raised his head and found that Lu Bixing on the second floor had been looking at him, and finally caught his eye, so he looked left and right like a thief. Seeing that no one noticed him, he rushed forward very unsteadily and not "commander". With a thumb-up gesture, he tapped his chest, every finger seemed to be smugly showing "I'm good or not."

Then the person in charge of the expedition next to him turned his head towards him with a blushing neck and a thick neck. Lu Bixing's expression and gestures changed immediately.

Lin Jingheng: ""

At this moment, the signal that was stable just now suddenly became sharp, the soothing violin sound stopped, and Turan jumped up—

Mint was checking the data of all the experimental starships, and before the report was completed, she heard a loud noise in the fleet's communication channel, and her hands trembled.

A companion shouted: "The fleet has been attacked!"

Mint quickly calmed down, quickly checked out the attacked starship, and quickly saw the direction of the enemy's attack in the lens—the low-power telescope could see clearly, it was a ghostly small mecha team, there was no mecha on the mecha The sign seems to have been in ambush for a long time, and the missile is directly released as soon as it is seen!

However, the heart of the rose was filled with a strange gravitational force. The missile was deflected and only swept to the stern of a peripheral starship. The starship then released interference according to the preset program, and the effect was immediate. Several of the ships suddenly deflected their course and slid out along the acceleration of the gravitational field.

"It doesn't matter." Mint immediately fell off the damaged part of the damaged starship, and the autopilot experimental starship gathered into an iron-like armor, protecting them in the middle, "It's a pirate, just a few mechs, we will return immediately. ."

"Wait, Mint, the direction of the third ship's '017' seat!"

The voice fell, the energy alarm had sounded in the starship, an armed mecha team quickly approached them, Mint's pupils shrank, and then, the other party opened fire.

At the same time, the experimental star fleet adjusted the power of the shields of all the starships to the maximum. The next moment, a row of high-energy particle cannons passed them by and crashed into the sneak attacking pirate ships. Afterwards, the mecha team brushed against them. Passing over his shoulders, he chased after the pirate mecha.

The little pirate mecha is very mobile, but it was disturbed by the jammer when it attacked the starship. It was difficult to stabilize, and it was reconnected to the fine net to return to the channel. Before it had time to accelerate, it was blocked by others and blinked. Kung fu, the pirate mecha was shot down seven to eighty-eight, and the remaining few tried to flee in a hurry, but the large-scale high-energy particle cannon melted the protective cover, laid down the arsenal, and directly forcibly captured the prisoners.

Until then, Mint breathed a sigh of relief, and took the initiative to mark the unarmed sign on the starship, representing that he was only a scientific research team.

The communication request from the armed mecha came in, and a young man dressed as an alliance officer appeared on the screen. Judging from the poor common sense of Mint, his epaulette seemed to be a colonel, and the colonel saluted her politely.

"I am the representative of the Alliance Politburo's border guard in the First Galaxy. My surname is Lord. A few weeks ago, the First Galaxy captured the abnormal energy fluctuations of the Heart of the Rose, and I knew that there might be friends from that side, worried about the pirates. , specially strengthened the patrols, but there are still fish that slipped through the net, I hope you are not alarmed." The colonel who called himself Lord said, "General Duke sent me to come and ask if there are any friends who have come from afar from the eighth galaxy. Need help, we've been looking forward to the voice over there for a long time."

Mint has been engaged in scientific research expeditions in the interstellar expedition team, and is not very good at dealing with diplomatic scenes. For a while, I don't know if I should convey Lin Jingheng's half-threatening "greetings".

I just heard the colonel say again: "I also hope that General Lin is well. I don't know if I am lucky enough to impress him - I used to be his personal guard when I was in the Silver Fortress."

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